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1 - What should be the next term in this sequence: A12B, B15C, C18D, D21E, ?

a) E24F b) E23F
c) F24G d) F31G

2 - If A % of B means A multiplied by B and A+B means A-B, then what is the value of (2%
of 100) + (3% of 50)

a) 50 b) 75
c) 25 d) 15

3 - Which of the following words will not make an English word after dropping the letter
"p" from them?

a) purge b) purse
c) plead d) plow

4 - If pattern continues, what letter is at 19th position from the beginning: X Y Z Z Y X X Y


a) X b) Y
c) Z d) U

5 - Find the next term in the series:

a) b)

c) d)

6 - Surya is looking at a potrait. The person in the potrait is his father’s wife’s daughter.
How is the person in the potrait related to Surya?

a) Mother b) Aunt
c) Sister d) Cousin

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7 - The mothers of Ganesh and Mahesh are sisters. What is the relation between Mahesh
and Ganesh?

a) Siblings b) Cousin
c) Father and Son d) None of these

8 - A circular piece of paper is cut into four identical quarters. Two or more quarters are
joined together. Which of these figures can possibly be made by joining them?

a) Triangle b) Semicircle
c) Trapezium d) Rectangle

9 - How many circles are more than pentagons ?

a) 6 b) 9
c) 7 d) 8

10 - If you do not like metal, then you cannot like ________. What should come in place of
the blank?

a) Water b) Grass
c) Silver d) Smile

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