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You are on page 1of 6 MOVING TO ANEW COUNTRY ‘Scan to review worksheet Expemo code: 1BGS-ASP9-FLVC = = Ey wermup Have you ever thought about moving to another country? Or is this something you have done? What was the experience of mo 2 Reasons for moving to a new country Put the reasons to move to a new country into the correct categories. Work with a partner. a better climate a lower cost of living. being with a partner better education for your children better job opportunities better services discovering a new culture escaping a bad political situation escaping poverty escaping war getting away from natural disasters improving your quality of life learning a foreign language New experiences: Financial Family and relationships: Weather: Safety: Health and well-being: Leam without forgetting! v4 } INTERMEDIATE (03-82) MOVING TO ANEW COUNTRY Things to consider before you go Match the statements with the things you need to consider before you move. 1. Communication will be easier if you learn a few key words and phrases before you go. 2. When you look at your paycheck, you may not get as much as you expect in your own country. 3. Research how safe the region is before you make plans. 4. Give yourself time to get used to the customs of your new country. 5. Every country has different rules about how long you are allowed to stay for. 6. Ifyou can’t handle heat of over 40°c, think about moving somewhere cooler. a. residency and visas b. the climate the culture d._ the currency and how much you can expect to earn, e. the language f. the political situation [Ey] things you will need when moving to a new country Complete the sentences below with the correct words. currency driver's licence injections insurance passport phrasebook possessions visa 1. In-some countries you need to have health_______. You have to pay to see a doctor if you don't. 2. IFyou don't have your. you won't be able to get on the plane. 3, Exchange some of your own before you leave to have some when you arrive, 4, You will need certain to protect you from diseases in some areas of the world, 5, Citizens of some countries need a to enter other countries. 6. You may not be able to use your in some countries. So you will need a different international document to be on the road. 7. Taking only a few with you will make it easier to move places more quickly, as your bags willbe lighter. 8 Some people take a to a new country, but many people now use a translation app. Leam without forgetting! 2/4 i MOVING TO ANEW COUNTRY EE) sriving ina new country Rank the activities below, starting with the one you think is the most difficult. Then compare with a partner. NOW ONE Finding accommodation. Getting legal documents Getting medical and dental treatment. Making new friends. Figuring out the transport system. Calculating and paying taxes Fitting into the local community. Ey) Pecpte in new countries Match the words to their definitions. 1 see an expat (expatriate) ‘a, amember of a country who has rights because they were born ‘there or was given similar rights as a person born there ‘a migrant b. someone forced to leave their country because of war or other political reasons arefugee someone living in a country that is not their own an immigrant dd. someone that travels toa new country to find work acitizen . someone who lives in a particular place aresident f. someone who moves to a country to lve there permanently Now, put the correct words from the exercise into the sentences below. sae Henrik is a French - His parents are Swedish but he was born in France. ‘The aid worker tried to find a bed for the night for the But there were none available. ‘There are many s living in Germany. Turkish people are the biggest group. Spain has a large population of British sThey often socialise together. My sister is a of Australia, She has lived in Sydney for five years. Hugo is an economic - He had a good job but found a better one in Switzerland, Leam without forgetting! 3/4 } INTERMEDIATE (03-82) MOVING TO ANEW COUNTRY Getting legal documents Awoman goes to apply for a temporary residence permit*. Complete the dialogue with the questions below. ‘And the document to show that you are employed? Can I see your documents and passport please? audio Do you also have a photocopy of your passport? Do you need anything else? a Do you speak English? How long do I have to wait for the permit Is that a problem? Willit be sent to me? Helena: Good morning, Assistant: Yes, how can | help you? Helen: I need to get a temporary residence permit. Am |in the right place? Assistant: Yes, you are. 2 Helena: Yes, here they are. Assistant: a Helena: Yes | have that. It should be with the other documents. Assistant: It's not here, unfortunately. Helen: (Oh, hmm. Ab here it is. Sorry about that. Assistant: No problem. But I can see the date written on the form is a few days ago. Helena: “ Assistant: No, it's okay. | will write the new date, you just need to put your initials next to it. Helena: Okay. Here? Assistant: Yes, there. And please write who is giving you the permit here. Helena: Sure. Assistant: 5 Helena: ‘Yes, Ihave two copies if you need them. Assistant: One will be fine. But please take this leaflet, there are some important rules in it. Okay, thanks. Assistant: About 3 to 4 weeks. Helen: Helena: 7 Assistant: No, we will call you and you need to come here and collect it here. Helena: Okay thanks. 8 Assistant: No, that's all Okay, thanks. Goodbye. Assistant: Goodbye. Now listen to check your answers. “Note: This is a general conversation that does not represent the process in every country. Helen: Learn without forgetting! aa — MOVING TO ANEW COUNTRY Transcripts Helena: Assistant: Helena: Assistant: Helena: Assistant: Helena: Assistant: Helena: Assistant: Helen: Assistant: Helen: Assistant: Helen: Assistant: Helena: Assistant: Helena: Assistant: Helena: Assistant: Helena: Assistant: Helena: Assistant: INTERMEDIATE (81-52) Getting legal documents Good morning, do you speak English? Yes, how can | help you? [need to get a temporary residence permit. Am | in the right place? Yes, you are. Can | see your documents and passport please? Yes, here they are. And the document to show that you are employed? Yes I have that. It should be with the other documents. It’s not here, unfortunately. (Oh, hmm. Ah, here itis. Sorry about that. No problem. But I can see the date written on the form is a few days ago. \s that a problem? No, it's okay. I will write the new date, you just need to put your initials next to it Okay. Here? Yes, there. And please write who is giving you the permit here. Sure. Do you also have a photocopy of your passport? Yes, Ihave two copies if you need them. One will be fine, But please take this leaflet, there are some important rules in it. Okay, thanks. How long do Ihave to wait for the permit? About 3 to 4 weeks. Will it be sent to me? No, we will call you and you need to come here and collect it here. Okay thanks. Do you need anything else? No, that’s all Okay, thanks. Goodbye. Goodbye. Expems. Lea without forgetting! Sean the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo. } TEACHER MATERIALS INTERMEDIATE (8-2) MOVING TO ANEW COUNTRY Key Warm-up Encourage a short discussion 2, Reasons for moving to a new country Students can work in pairs and then check with the teacher. New experiences: learning a foreign language; discovering a new culture Financial: a lower cost of living; escaping poverty; better job opportunities Family and relationships: better education for your children; being with a partner Weather: a better climate Safety: escaping war; getting away from natural disasters; escaping a bad political situation Health: improving your quality of life; better services 3. Things to consider before you go Le 2d af Ac Sa bb ings you will need when moving to a new country ‘Students can work alone and check in pais. 1. insurance 2. passport 3. currency 4. injections 5. visa 6. driver's licence 7. possessions 8, phrasebook 5. Arriving in a new country ‘Students work alone and then compare in pairs. 6. People in new countries The word ‘migrant originally meant a person that moved to another country to find work. Through use in the ‘media, the meaning has changed to mean someone that leaves their country to escape war or other dangerous situations, Le 2d ab at 5a be 4. citizen 2 refugee 3. immigrant 4. expat 5. resident 6. migrai Getting legal documents Play the audio file or use your mobile device to scan the QR code. Make sure students complete the dialogue with their answers before they listen, 1. Do you speak English? 2, Can Isee your documents and passport please? 3, And the document to show that you are employed? 4. Is that a problem? Lea without forgetting!

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