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Paper / Subject code: 46002 / Qorporate Communication & Public Relatl-o

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( 2% Ilours ) [Total Marks: 75]

Note - Attempt all questions

Figures to the right indicate full marks

Q.I A) Chobse the correct alternative (Any 8)

l. The word... ... short form for "web blog'' (blog' skype' email )

2. Communicating with ...public is known as financial

communiQation (consumer, financial, government)

internal, public)
4. ......................i, the first step for effective media relations (research,
press materials, third party experts)
5. The identity of defendants are unknown at the time of filing of petitions as per
:.. ... ... .....(RTI, Defamation, John Doe

7 . ... ... ... ....theory uses the economic metaphor of cost and benefit to predict
behavior (social exehange theory, systems theory, diffusion theory )
g. ,.,is the most important part of public reiations (press relations,
employee relations, investor relations)
g. .allor,vs to connect a variety of different electronic devices wirelessly '
(Satellites, LAN, Bluetooth )
10, Public relatiohs have emerged as a .contmunication network ( national,, multinational)

B) Match'The Following:(AnY 7) (07)

A culture
2, : W. ritten defafi a,tr'ox
B slander
C talkins in iargon
4 Powerful segment of societY D libei
E Web Conferencing
I-6'. adit-i:Ona1,,rnethdd, F publically avaiiable
7lnterict over'interngt G Stakeholders
8:'Extema,l,p-loA H press conferences
'9 E-ziries I stockholders
Td'Eqanoi :cs iuiiieation J online magazines

Explain cotporate identity. Mention its features (08)

B) Explain Copyright Act in brief (07)

,c) Enumerate on role of ethics in corporate communication (08)
',' D) Discuss relevance of corporate communication (07)

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paper / Subject Cotle: 46002/ Corporate Communication & Public Relations

Explain systems theory used in public relation rvith diagram

Defrne public relation. Discuss its essentials
C) Discuss the influence of social and cultural trends on business of the company (08)
Discuss the growth of PR in lndia
Q.IVA) What is financial advertising? State its advantages !991
Bi What are the sources of employee communication? (07)

C) Elaborate on the guidelines for handling crisis (9q)

Di Discuss principlel of good media relations (07)

A) Enumerate on the functions of compunication corporate (08)

Q.V .,. .

B) Explain different types of corporate blogs (07)

C) Write Short Notes (Any 3) (15)

i. Really SimPle SYndication :

ii. Press Release

iii. E-Media reiations
iv. Crisis management

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