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‘ — Home assignment Qs 3.9.001000 6) * explain Rasicg conce pts of alock chain in terms of architecture and-distriboted’ thd t int Ans, lige * - Blekchain is a derenlratt zed and distribu ag ledger ‘technolo q that records {ransket10Ns across a neheol K ae dompoters. HS archi lee hur, | tonsit hg data, inked logether using & ‘ chatn' using cruptog re phic rashes ‘Bach block Containg data, Untecl foge ther in athaln vong _erupko gra phic -Eacd each bloct contains das ¢ uae and feberence othe prewdous block. ensuring’ @ tanee! esisiank and transp aren record. +, fongehsus algorithms enable -- agreement on ne state obledqels prevenHng Fraced Pencenfratlged enhanle s seceerthy and recitonco be removing, & seceerthy autho rik | sma - ckecesting, (ode jaclomate and enforce conhaferal agreements 07 the blockchatn - | 2 Explain merkla Tree with neal and, clean dias mam. | afd demonstrates its benitit inthe slocke hatn $ IInes + ! | |) @ao01000%} oA merkel tree 's a ‘dala straluf that hash pointers to, stie and NeeriFy latge’ amounts &) daba Sf FFicohag -This a binary treeeiahere, gach leafnoda ‘containg, th e hash of & date blocks and gach non-leat node . oqlaing the, hah tts child nodes. The rook node ok the, tree is'catledsthe no des. the ropt node oF tho tee tscatled mertle r oot sandairb. Tepeesents Ame hash’ oF the entire dala sof. 3. Explain salut bi toatocls and ifs adeant ag es 220010066 * Accuracy. smah contracts SHIN the Errors and amblauitles | that may alive fron manual Filling oF Forms oF interpration fo , teqal lerms, ° Trans arene «! Stark sonbrete Fe are Nisiabl and accesible lo alt tho pratie,s involved en tne tran se@cho * EF RiCenieL smart tont Tatts aulomate tno eas execution of the agremeenk 5 saving tne and resovrces - that woould othe rcs @ bo Spent on th ae hates spaperwor. Security: ~~ ail eintratte ett'ose oF creptag rap and block Chale» technology Jo potect tre dafa.trans cafions From tnathoria ed on @nforce , oy odio bee tt contract Lie Lnake 5 coct — effec yeness* Smal t the need for thita) pasties) suchas lawyer, agents or escrow geroites.| | \\ oles \ \ erkidedatfons — emawh contacts 2h able: Pee pg shies andoppurtunitey For various induati and Sectors 5 | seh a Fiance ~ Beflne dovbl a0 Tega aattheg, Boe SINg and, Gach pre Fa % svika lol e “exatnple- 2200000 Dooble spending) isa problem that occas when a dtgital currence te Spent mote than orca bythe Gamo. user. Sp “tls can bappen ; atgita| cautrency are jast files can bo to ped, ermodiled . for ¢famples ause-catn send the same totwo different merchants and get co dieeerent Serotceg, while only playing forone. viloln + Block propagation vs the proce ss of spreading OF Spreading new blocks across the: bloct chain network, when aminer creates. ane block, it broadcats, it to othernodes who verity and y | telay if Fother « the fastet the! block progahon WO yy the more secure and erficenttne neltuwork 18. NE hg ae Bs Explain crowd) Funding briefly ith a éothable ae ' Od Gu example. ' fi eke ee * Crowd funding ig a Werhad oC raising toad d fori -progechi Veolere ser come by collecting emal amoonts; of 20% Free alavge numbereé peonde typically throa jy ontine plat forma . Ets. "platform: Crowd ponding. 3s otlen faclittate & *hyoogh antine platform s sonch as ict sharky Ind \eqoqo, 01 cro FondmMe 2000 (00 0bb 2. Types: There are ditterent types oF craiod fon ding tne lu ding Yeward based 5 equallly -baved and donaton - based ) | EVE pebblarHme smathoatch on iki kskat ler in IIS) pe bble techroloq y launched etroad fondling! cer palagn,o? nickstar to fond therr New Smart wakch 4 pebblo time! 4. Explain Mining and consensos algorithm and how Consensug protocols xfe Werol fA * Blockchain, tran Scacthonmy 1 ; mining to Bock chain, 9)! 1 ' | ReFinat'on wlininginthe process bywhich new trangactons areadded ba blockcharp | andikelays acructal role Ms Securing v. Transaction verflcatton, wineres collect and verily transactin s into a block. 2. proof = VE swore, raintne case oF enol g = pp wal based on block chaing = minas complete to elve the Ate ‘gels the right to add the bleh to the blocs charp te ee | te ad + consenss 2 : ConseNnSvs algorithms (protocols 29001000 §! Lommon \ypess \ proo& -rFWork : AS mothads this! Tequire | minery to Slovue Complex mathematical problems, tool ding Security 2 prook —oF- stack: Valldators areehosen fo cref anew hock bard gat amopatt Or Creploorrente, Aner hold and, are llttag to Slate’ ay collater a. tis moto. HI» Cone asus protocols to gleckeehain Transactions — —_ eed ee 1 ' Seauri ty. Concensys protocols, ensue tne alt i Hodes “on the net or hy aqtes envatidity OF transachonde. this Tes 9%. Bece atrton: By distr! boling the wnsen ud proces arrose Hodes, block chaintans decentratraation axoding a sing, point oF conto and mating the ndwor? rewank batfadh | haat § +. aicuss ete prov oF eworklreaJ). = “proot or slack (Pos J— proFor 80 cnyeoo) — p00 HOF Llapsedtin o(foer 7 Pixos eonsensuy—. PPer cunce niu) Breeloe ect proof culorb. ; di consenses rotgcits M delay * +) prook of . Joo1bo04 POOF OF catory + ; ovovlooos) “How ifulorks SIN POW, miners com pole to Slove complex matnalical putites 17° Cony, ‘i " ‘power. "easing sigmiicant conpotasione | ro Prook ot Slatke ‘ ' Povotlwoorks, yatidators arg ChoJen $0 ctecule New blocks baged onihe amon oF Créplo Currency “they and ore! Ullting 10 Stabe ‘6 OFbe as collateral “The Section proce ss 1S ’ / based @n factors UketolN ae oF randomization. POOF OR Brent 4 1 Ppraehlotipante , destory or born eureney ty galn the rq volide bloc KS. the ext tng cruph ank bo mine oy ; idea y fo shaw eomiFmenk tothe Netooya byl _ SactiFicing \taltie ; ge a prook o* <¢lospedtine jas f a * How dbutorb,* poet £2 conse nia) algo ithe developed »Y Vnle | sntodea! in) weteoort wort For randomly chosen amovnlar hime elore elighte td 'orecre .. , a New block. Ths fattiated by q rushed MEL jottware lund eel honon,

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