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@’ Republic of the Philippines a Re @&, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT | socone |WAB Ws decent joke Intramuros, Manila ” =s ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. __ 39 Wadry Series of 2023 REVISED RULES DEFINING AND DELEGATING AUTHORITY ON CERTAIN ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS In the interest of the service, and consistent with Administrative Order No. 234, series of 2022, defining the program and functional clusters of the agencies under the Department, these Rules are hereby issued to provide for the delegation of authority to act on the administrative matters specified herein from the Office of the Secretary to the Bureaus, Services, Regional Offices (ROs) including the Provincial or Field Offices, the Employees Compensation Commission (ECC), the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS), the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB), National Wage and Productivity Commission (NWPC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) These Rules shall not apply to procurement of supplies, equipment, lease of buildings, and other related procurement processes, all of which shall be governed by Republic Act No. 9184 (Government Procurement and Reform Act) and its implementing rules and regulations. ‘APPROVING! SUBJECT OF ACTION RECOMMENDING ISSUING ACTHORITY AUTHORITY 1. APPOINTMENT Regular Appointment for Non- Presidential Appointees 1.1.4 Central Office (Bureaus, Services, and other offices) Supervising Labor and Office Human Secretary Employment Officer and _| Resource Merit Division Chief Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB), with endorsement from Head of Office HRDS Director Undersecretary RECOMMENDING APPROVING/ 1.1.2 Regional Offices, including provincial/field offices Director II, Mediator- Atbiter, Division Chief, Supervising Positions (Salary Grade 22 and higher) Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary for General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster Regional Office HRMPSB, with endorsement from the Regional Director, HRDS Director, Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations and Undersecretary for General SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY | AUTHORITY Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Allpositions below Office Human By Authority of Supervising Labor and Resource Merit the Secretary: Employment Officer, except | Promotion and Undersecretary those in the offices of the _| Selection Board of the Undersecretaries and (HRMPSB), with concemed Assistant Secretaries endorsement from —_| cluster Head of Office HRDS Director Assistant Secretary of the concerned cluster Executive assistant HRDS Director Secretary | positions and other co- Assistant Secretary | terminus or confidential and Undersecretary | positions assigned to the for General offices of the Administration and Undersecretaries and Regional Operations Assistant Secretaries Cluster Regular Contractual LEO III | Head of Bureau, By Authority of and LEO II Service, Regional _ the Secretary: Offices HRDS Director Undersecretary in-charge of the Labor Inspection Program Secretary ] | | | | RECOMMENDING | APPROVING/ SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY Administration and Regional Operations Below Supervising Regional Office By Authority of Positions HRMPSB the Secretary: Regional Director 1.1.3. Attached agencies Director Il, Board Secretary, | Attached agency Secretary Division Chief, Supervising | HRMPSB, with Positions (Salary Grade 22 _| endorsement of Head and higher) of Agency HRDS Director Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Below Supervising Positions | Agency HRMPSB _| By Authority of the Secretary: Executive Director 2. DESIGNATION OF OFFICERS-IN-CHARGE 2.1. Presidential Appointees i ae By eee 2.1.1. Undersecretary/Cluster Undersecretary of the | Secretary Head, Assistant Secretary _| concerned cluster Bureau, Service and Undersecretary of the | Secretary Regional Directors, concerned cluster Assistant Regional Directors, Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director of ILS, ECC, NCMB and NWPC. 2.2. Provincial/Field or Branch Director or Head, Division Chief or equivalent for designations not | exceeding thirty (30 days) | 2.2.4. Central Office and Director or Head of |_| By Authority of Regional Offices Office concerned the Secretary: Undersecretary | 3 ‘APPROVING! SUBJECT OF ACTION Sey ISSUING AUTHORITY of the concerned cluster 2.2.2. Attached Agencies Director or Head of |_| By Authority of Agency concerned _| the Secretary: Undersecretary/ Cluster Head concerned 2.2.3. Central and Regional Director or Head of |_| Secretary Offices and Attached Agency concerned, Agencies designations for _| with endorsement of more than 30 days, HRDS Director and including extension of the _| the Assistant original designation of not _—_| Secretary and more than 30 days Undersecretary of the concemed cluster 3, APPLICATION FOR LEAVE 3:1 Leave of absence (including all types of leave) 3.1.1 Undersecretaries/Cluster__ | Undersecretary of the | Secretary Head, Assistant Secretaries, | concerned cluster, Heads of Attached Agencies | where applicable 3.1.2. Executive Assistants and —_| Head Executive Secretary, or Other staff assigned to the _| Assistant Undersecretary, Office of the Secretary, HRDS Director or Assistant Undersecretaries and Secretary Assistant Secretaries concerned 3.2 Central Office (Bureau and Service Directors, Division Chiefs and positions of equivalent salary grade); Regional Offices (Regional, Assistant and Provincial Directors, Med- Atbiters, Division Chiefs and positions of equivalent salary grade); and Attached Agencies (Executive Director, Deputy Heads, Division Chiefs and positions of equivalent salary grade) 3.2.1 Up to thirty (30) days Director concerned _| Assistant and HRDS Director Secretary of the 4 RECOMMENDING APPROVING | SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING eee (AUTHORITY, AUTHORITY 7 Concemed Cluster 3.2.2 More than 30 days Director concerned _| Undersecretary HRDS Director and _| of the Assistant Secretary of | concerned the concerned cluster | cluster 3.3 Below Division Chiefs in Central and Regional Offices and Attached Agencies 3.3.1. Upto thirty (30) days Division Chief and | Bureau, Service Assistant or Field _| or Regional Director, where Director or applicable Head of Attached Agency 3.3.2 More than 30 days Bureau, Service or _ | Undersecretary Regional Director or | of the Head of Attached —_| concerned Agency and HRDS _| cluster Director | 4, MONETIZATION OF LEAVE CREDITS | 4.1 Central Office (all officials and Head of Office Undersecretary | employees) concerned for General | HRDS Director Administration FMS Directors and Regional Operations Cluster 4.1.4 Employees Regional Director _| Undersecretary detailed/assigned in HRDS Director for General the Regional Offices (e.g. | FMS Director Administration contractual LEO Il and LEO and Regional Ill, Labor Inspection Operations Auditors) 4.2. Regional Offices 4.2. Regional, Assistant and _| IMSD Chief Undersecretary Provincial Director FMS Director for General Administration and Regional Operations RECOMMENDING APPROVING/ SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY. 422 Allother officers and Assistant Regional | Regional employees and Provincial Director Director, as appropriate 4.3 Attached Agencies 4.3.1 Executive Director/Head _| Division in charge of | Undersecretary and Deputy Executive HRD and Finance —_| of the Director concerned cluster 43.2 Allother officers and Deputy Executive | Head of employees Director Attached Agency 5. TERMINAL LEAVE 5.1Central Office 5.1.1 Undersecretaries/Cluster | HRDS Director Secretary Head, Assistant FMS Director Secretaries, Assistant Secretary Bureau/Service Directors | and Undersecretary for General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster, where applicable 5.1.2 Division Chief and Bureau/Service Undersecretary Supervising LEO Director for General HRDS Director Admin and FMS Director Regional Assistant Secretary | Operations for General Cluster Administration and Support to Operations and 5.1.3, Below Supervising LEO Bureau/Service Assistant Director Secretary for HRDS Director General FMS Director Administration and Support to Operations APPROVING/ SUBJECT OF ACTION a ISSUING AUTHORITY 5.1.4 Employees Regional Director Assistant detailed/assigned in the HRDS Director Secretary for regional offices FMS Director General Administration and Support to Operations 5.2 Regional Offices 5.2.1. Regional, Assistant Division in charge of | Secretary Regional Director HRD and Finance HRDS Director FMS Director Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations Undersecretary for General Admin and Regional Operations Cluster 5.2.2 Director Il, Division Chief, _| Provincial Director _| Undersecretary ‘Supervising LEO Assistant Regional _| for General Director Administration Regional Director and Regional HRDS Director Operations FMS Director Cluster Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations 5.2.3 Below Supervising LEO Provincial Director Assistant | Assistant Regional | Secretary for Director Regionai Regional Director _| Operations HRDS Director FMS Director Assistant Secretary for General | 5.3 Attached Agencies 5.3.1 Executive Director/Head and Deputy Executive Director Division in charge of HRD and Finance Administration and Support to Operations Secretary RECOMMENDING APPROVING! SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY 5.3.2 All other officers and Deputy Executive Head of employees Director Attached Agency | 6. AUTHORITY TO TRAVEL i 6.1 Local Travel (on Official Business) 6.1.1 On Official Business within Immediate Head of area of jurisdiction or official | Supervisor, as Office/Agency station in Central and Regional | appropriate Offices and Attached Agencies 6.1.2 Official Business outside area of jurisdiction or official station: Central Office Undersecretary Secretary Assistant Secretary Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Director and below Assistant Secretary of | Undersecretary the concerned cluster | of the concerned cluster Regional Offices Regional Director Assistant Regional Director Director II and below Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations Assistant Regional Director Undersecretary for General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster Regional Director Regional Director RECOMMENDING APPROVING/ SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORINY: AUTHORITY | Attached Agencies Head of Attached Undersecretary | Agency of the Head of Attached concerned Agency cluster Deputy/Assistant Undersecretary Head of Attached of the Agency concerned cluster Director ll, Branch _| Immediate Supervisor | Deputy/ Head of Regional Assistant Head Conciliation and of Attached Mediation Board and Agency | Regional Tripartite | Wage and Productivity | Board | Division Chief and Deputy/ | below Assistant Head | of Attached Agency | 62. Foreign Travel (personal reasons and no expense to government) 6.2.1 Central Office and Regional Office | Undersecretary of the | Secretary concemed cluster | 6.2.2 Attached Agencies | Deputy/Assistant Head of | Undersecretary of the | Secretary Attached Agency concemed cluster Director Il and below Deputy/Assistant Head of Head of Attached —_| Attached Agency ‘Agency 6.3. Foreign Travel (Official Business _| Undersecretary of the | Secretary with government expense, subject to availability of funds in all cases) concerned cluster RECOMMENDING APPROVING! SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING | AUTHORITY UTHORITY. |7. AUTHORITY TO RENDER OVERTIME SERVICES 7.1 With Pay ee 7.1.1Central Office Division Chief and below | Bureau/Service Undersecretary Director or Head of the Executive Assistant | concerned FMS Director cluster 7.1.2. Regional Offices Division Chief and Below | Assistant Regional _| Regional Director Director 7.1.3 Attached Agencies Division Chief and below | Deputy/Assistant Head of Head of Attached Attached Agency Agency 7.2 Compensatory Time-Off 7.2.1 Central Office Executive Assistant and other staff assigned to the Office of the Secretary, Undersecretaries and | Assistant Secretaries Division Chief and below 7.2.2 Regional Offices Division Chief and Below 7.2.3 Attached Agencies Division Chief and below Head Executive Assistant Assistant Regional Director Deputy Head of Attached Agency Secretary, or Undersecretary, or Assistant Secretary concerned Bureau or Service Director Regional Director Head of Attached Agency SUBJECT OF ACTION RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY APPROVING/ ISSUING AUTHORITY 8. ATTENDANCE TO SEMINAR, TRAINING and SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM | | | 8.1 Local Seminar/Training 8.1.1 Central Office Undersecretary Assistant Secretary, Bureau or Service Director Division Chief and below 8.1. 2 Regional Offices Regional Director Assistant Regional Director Director II and below 8.1.3 Attached Agencies Head of Attached Agency Deputy/Assistant Head of Attached Agency Head Executive Assistant or Bureau/Service Director HRDS Director Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations Regional Director Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations. Assistant Regional Director Assistant Secretary of concemed cluster Head of Attached Agency Assistant Secretary of concerned cluster Secretary Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Undersecretary for General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster Undersecretary for General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster Regional Director Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Undersecretary of concerned cluster 1 RECOMMENDING | APPROVING? i Cluster SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING ACTBORITY AUTHORITY Director Il, Branch Head Head of Attached _| Undersecretary of Regional Conciliation Agency | of concerned and Mediation Board | cluster and Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board Division Chief and below Deputy/Assistant Head of Head of Attached Attached Agency Agency 8.2 Local Scholarship (DESP, DAP and | CSC courses, etc) | 8.2.1 Central Office Bureau/Service Director or | HRDS Director Secretary Head Executive Assistant —_| Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary | of the concerned cluster 8.2.1. 2 Division Chief and below Bureau/Service Undersecretary Director or Head of the Executive Assistant | concerned HRDS Director cluster Assistant Secretary of | the concemed cluster | 8.2.2 Regional Offices | Regional Director and HRDS Director Secretary | Assistant Regional Director | Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations and Undersecretary for General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster Director II or Provincial Regional Director _| Undersecretary Director and below HRDS Director for General Assistant Secretary | Administration for Regional and Regional Operations and Operations 2 if APPROVING/ SUBJECT OF ACTION eee ISSUING AUTHORITY 8.2.3 Attached Agencies Head of Attached Agency _| Undersecretary of the | Secretary Deputy/Assistant Head of |_| concerned cluster Attached Agency | Division Chief and Below Head of Attached _| Undersecretary | Agency of the Assistant Secretary | concerned concerned cluster _| cluster 83 Foreign Seminar, Training and Scholarship Program 8.3.1 Central Office Undersecretary and Secretary Assistant Secretary Bureau/Service Director or | HRDS Director Secretary Head Executive Assistant | Assistant Secretary | and Undersecretary | of the concerned cluster Division Chief Bureau/Service Secretary Director HRDS Director Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Below Division Chief Division Chief, Secretary | Bureau/Service | Director HRDS Director Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary of the concerned cluster 8.3.2 Regional Offices Regional Director HRDS Director Secretary Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations and Undersecretary for 13 SUBJECT OF ACTION RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY APPROVING/ ISSUING AUTHORITY Assistant Regional Director Director II/Provincial Director and Division Chief Below Division Chief 8.3.3 Attached Agencies Head of Attached Agency General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster Regional Director HRDS Director Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations and Undersecretary for General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster Assistant Regional Director Regional Director HRDS Director Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations and Undersecretary for General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster Division Chief Assistant Regional Director Regional Director HRDS Director Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations and | Undersecretary for General | Administration and Regional Operations Cluster HRDS Director Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary rT ‘APPROVING/ SUBJECT OF ACTION ag eet ISSUING AUTHORITY of the concerned cluster Deputy/Assistant Head of | Head of Attached Secretary Agency Agency | Agency HRDS Director Assistant Secretary | and Undersecretary | of the concerned cluster Division Chief and below _| Deputy/Assistant Secretary Head of Attached Agency Head of Attached Agency HRDS Director Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary of the concerned cluster 9. AUTHORITY TO EXERCISE PROFESSION OUTSIDE OFFICE HOURS 9.1 Presidential Appointees HRDS Director Secretary Undersecretary of the concemed cluster 9.2 Non-Presidential Appointees 9.2.1 Central Office Below Division Chief Division Chief; Undersecretary Division Chief Bureau/Service of the Director concerned HRDS Director cluster Assistant Secretary of the concemed cluster 9.2.2 Regional Offices Below Division Chief Assistant Regional _| Undersecretary Division Chief Director for General Regional Director | Administration _| HRDS Director and Regional | Assistant Secretary | Operations | for Regional Cluster Operations 15 RECOMMENDING APPROVING! | SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY 9.2.3 Attached Agencies Division Chief Deputy/Assistant Head of Head of Attached _| Attached Agency Agency Below Division Chief Division Chief Head of Deputy/Assistant _| Attached Head of Attached | Agency Agency 10. REASSIGNMENT, DETAIL, CROSS POSTING, JOB ENRICHMENT AND/OR EQUIVALENT 10.1 Positions involving supervisory, managerial and executive (SG 22 to 28), or those below supervisory level (SG 21 and below) but entailing movements across cluster 10.1.1 Central Office, Regional Offices and Attached Agencies 10.2 Positions below Division Chief and movement is within a cluster 10.2. 1 Central Office and Regional Offices 10.2.2 Attached Agencies 10.3 Position below division chief and movement is within an office 10.3.1. Central Office and Regional Offices 10.3.2 Attached Agencies Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Bureau/Service/ Regional Director Deputy/Assistant | Head and Head of | Attached Agency Division Chief or Field Office Head Division Chief or Branch Head, or equivalent; Secretary | Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Bureau/Service/ Regional Director Head of Attached Agency 16 ‘APPROVING! SUBJECT OF ACTION eer ISSUING AUTHORITY Deputy/Assistant Head of Attached Agency 11. ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION AND REQUEST FOR TRANSFER 17.7 Presidential Appointees Undersecretary for | Office of the General President ‘Administration and Regional Operations Cluster Secretary 11.2 Non-Presidential Appointees (SG 22 or higher) 11.2.1 Central Office and Regional | Undersecretary of _| Secretary Offices General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster 11.2.2 Attached Agencies Head of Attached —_| Secretary Agency Undersecretary of the concerned cluster 11.3 Below supervisory positions (SG 1 to ) 11.3.1 Central Office Bureau/Service Undersecretary Director or Head of the Executive Assistant | concerned HRDS Director cluster Assistant Secretary of the concerned cluster 11.3.2 Regional Offices Division Chief or Field | Undersecretary | Office Head for General Assistant Regional | Administration Regional Director —_| and Regional Assistant Secretary | Operations for Regional Cluster Operations 11.3.3 Attached Agencies Deputy/Assistant Head of Head of Attached —_| Attached Agency Agency 7 SUBJECT OF ACTION RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY APPROVING/ ISSUING AUTHORITY 12. AGENCY PROPOSED BUDGET FOR SUBMISSION TO DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT 12.1 From Field Office to RO 12.2 From RO, Bureau or Service for review by Cluster Head and consolidation by the FMS 12.3 Attached Agencies Assistant Regional Director | Undersecretary of the | concerned cluster Deputy/Assistant Head of Attached Agency | Regional | Director Secretary Head of Attached Agency 13. PHYSICAL AND FINANCIAL PLAN; PROJECT PROPOSAL; DISBURSEMENT VOUCHER, CHECK, ADVICE OF DISBURSEMENT LIMIT AND NOTICE OF CASH ALLOCATION From Regional Offices, Bureaus, Services or Attached Agencies for review and processing of FMS: 13.1 Physical and Financial Plan Head of Regional Office, Bureau, Service or Attached Agency 13.2 Project Proposal (Program Related) 13.2.1 P2 Million and below Head of Regional Office, Bureau or Service 13.2.2 Above P2 Million 13.3 Disbursement Voucher/Check/ Advice of Disbursement Limit/Notice of Cash Allocation 13.3.1 Central Office P100,000.00 and below Head of Regional Office, Bureau or Service Undersecretary of the concemed cluster AS Director FMS Director | | Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Undersecretary | of the concerned cluster Secretary AS Director andyor alternate 18 RECOMMENDING APPROVING/ Staff/Head Executive SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY More than P100,000 to Assistant 300,000 Secretary for General Administration and Support to Operations andior alternate More than P300,000 to | AS Director Undersecretary P2 Million FMS Director for General Assistant Secretary | Administration for General and Regional Administration and | Operations | ‘Support to Cluster | Operations | Above P2 Million AS Director Secretary FMS Director Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary for General Administration and Support to Operations 13.3.2 Regional Offices 13.3.2. P100,000.00 and below | IMSD Chief Assistant Regional Director Above P100,000.00 IMSD Chief Regional | Assistant Regional _| Director Director 14. PURCHASE REQUEST, PROJECT PROPOSALITERMS OF REFERENCE/SCOPE OF WORK Z [747 Supplies, materials, equipment and lease of privately-owned real estate and venue as well as books and periodicals, and other items including services for the office 14.1.1 Central Office 200,000.00 and below —_| Designated Chief of | Secretary 19 RECOMMENDING APPROVING/ SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORIHY AUTHORITY Assistant for OSEC proper Division Chief Bureau or Above P200,000 up to P1 Million Above P1 Million 14.1.2 Regional Offices P 100,000.00 and below Above P100,000.00 14.1.3 Attached Agencies (Subject to applicable rules and regulations) Designated Chief of Staff/Head Executive Assistant for OSEC proper Division Chief; Bureau or Service Director; Assistant Secretary of the concemed cluster Designated Chief of StaffiHead Executive Assistant for OSEC proper Division Chief; Bureau or Service Director; Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary of concemed cluster Chief, IMSD or TSSD or Field Office Head Chief, IMSD or TSSD or Field Office Head; Assistant Regional Director Service Director Secretary Undersecretary of the concerned cluster Secretary Secretary Assistant Regional Director Regional Director 15, PURCHASE ORDER/JOB ORDERICONTRACT OF SERVICES 15.1 Central Office 15.1.1 _P100,000.00 and below AS Director _ 20 RECOMMENDING ‘APPROVING/ Director SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY _| Chief, Property Division; Head of Office (end-user) | 15.1.2. Above P100,000.00 up to | Chief, Property Assistant | 500,000.00 Division; Head of |_| Secretary for Office (end-user) General AS Director Administration FMS Director Cluster and ‘Support to | Operations | and/or Alternate 15.1.3 Above P500,000.00 up to | Chief, Property Undersecretary P2 Million Division for General Head of Office (end- | Administration user) and Regional AS Director Operations FMS Director Cluster Assistant Secretary for General Administration and Support to Operations 15.1.4 Above P2 Million Chief, Property Secretary Division Head of Office (end- user) AS Director FMS Director Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary for General Administration and Regional Operations Cluster | 45.2. Regional Offices | 15.2.1 P50,000.00 and below Chief, IMSD_ Assistant Regional Director 15.2.2 Above P50,000.00 Chief, IMSD Regional Assistant Regional | Director 21 RECOMMENDING APPROVING! Director SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY 75.3 Attached Agencies (Subject to applicable rules and regulations) 16. BAC Related Documents — Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, BAC [BAC Members and | Undersecretary | Resolution, and others Chairperson for General | Administration and Regional Operations Cluster and/or Alternate 47. PAYROLL 17.4 Central Office 17.1.1 Payroll per office, i.e., HRDS Director Undersecretary Bureau, Service, OSEC FMS Director for General Proper Assistant Secretary | Administration for General Admin _| and Regional and Support to Operations Operations Cluster 417.2. Regional Office Proper and Field | Chief, IMSD Regional Offices | Assistant Regional | Director Director 17.3. Attached Agencies (Subject to applicable rules and ulations) 48. AUTHORITY TO HOLD CASH ADVANCE 18.1 P100,000.00 and below | 18.1.1. Central Office Head of Office, Undersecretary Bureau or Service; _| for General FMS Director Administration and Regional Operations Cluster 18.1.2 Regional Offices. Chief, IMSD Regional Assistant Regional | Director RECOMMENDING APPROVING! SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY 78.1.3 Attached Agencies | (Subject to applicable | rules and regulations) 18.2 Above P100,000.00 Head of Office Secretary | 18.2.1 Central Office Bureau or Service | FMS Director | Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary for General Administration 18.2.2 Regional Offices Chief, IMSD Regional | Assistant Regional _| Director | Director 18.2.3. Attached Agencies (Subject to applicable | rules and regulations) [49. LEASE CONTRACTS OF OFFICE SPACE | 19.1 Central Office FMS Director Secretary | Legal Service Director Undersecretary of the concerned cluster 19.2 Regional Offices Assistant Regional __| Regional Director Director 19.3 Attached Agencies Deputy/Assistant Head of Head of Attached —_| Attached Agency Agency For RTWPB: Head of | Head of RTWPB and Head of | Attached RCMB Agency 19.4 Overseas Office, as may be set-up | FMS Director Secretary Undersecretary of the concerned cluster 23 APPROVING/ SUBJECT OF ACTION Beene ISSUING AUTHORITY 20. DONATIONS OR GRANTS, WHETHER IN CASH OR IN KIND ‘As Donee and as Donor 20.1 Central Office Undersecretary of the | Secretary concerned cluster | 20.2 Regional Offices Assistant Regional __| Regional Director Director 20.3 Attached Agencies Deputy/Assistant Head of Head of Attached —_| Attached Agency Agency 21. RECORDS AND PROPERTY DISPOSAL 21.1 For records disposal, which shall be forwarded to the National Archives of the Philippines for approval 21.1.1 Central Office Division Chief Chairperson of Head of Office Records AS Director Management Improvement Committee (RMIC) 21.1.2 Regional Offices Assistant Regional __| Regional Director Director 21.1.3 Attached Agencies (Subject to applicable rules and regulations) 21.2 For property disposal, to be assessed by the Disposal Committee as to the mode of disposal to be used 21.2.1 Central Office Division Chief Undersecretary Head of Office for Member of the General Disposal Committee: | Administration AS, FMS and LS and Regional Chairperson of Operations Disposal Committee _| Cluster 24 RECOMMENDING | APPROVING/ SUBJECT OF ACTION ISSUING AUTHORITY AUTHORITY 21.2.2 Regional Offices Assistant Regional | Regional Director Director 21.2.3 Attached Agencies (Subject to applicable rules and regulations) This Order takes effect immediately and revokes AO No. 260, series of 2000 and AO No. 328, Series of 2011, and all other orders inconsistent herewith. Secretary For information and compliance 18 February 2023 25

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