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Programme HND in Business

Student Name


Unit Number and Title Unit 10 – Recording Financial Transactions

Academic Year 2023 – FA23

Unit Tutor Yasith Jayasundara

Assignment Title Assignment 1

Issue Date 18/11/2023

Submission Date 30/01/2024

Submitted on

Student Declaration

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism

Student signature: Date:

Final Grade

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Assessor Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
Submission Guidelines

1. Use the cover page provided in the previous page as your cover sheet for the
assignment you will be submitting and ensure that all the details are accurately filled. All
assignments should have the submitted with the above cover page which is properly
2. Attach the assignment brief as the first section of your assignment (Including the
assignment criteria, summative feedback from and grading rubric).
3. Use an appropriate word processing software to develop your assignment.
4. Use A4 size pages for your assignments.
5. Use font size 11 if you are using Arial font and font size 12 if you are using Times New
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6. Use font size 13 (bold) if you are using Arial font and font size 14 (bold) if you are
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7. Use black text on a white background. Avoid coloured backgrounds or text in a colour
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8. Use 1.5 line spacing and 2.53 cm (1”) wide margins on all sides.
9. Justify your work (Ctrl+J).
10. Insert a footer on each page (except the title page) using font size 10 if you are using
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details in the footer; Full Name, Student ID, Unit and the Page Number.
11. Avoid using page borders in your assignment body.


1. All submissions should accompany a Turnitin Report. Any assignment which does not
include a Turnitin Report will not be processed for grading. You are required to attached
the Turnitin report to the end of your assignment. For this you can use file merging
2. Do note that submission of the Turnitin report as an assignment will not be accepted
and will not be graded. In case a student has submitted a Turnitin Report only, without
the assignment, that student will be awarded a ‘Fail’ grade.
3. It is strictly prohibited to use texts in the form of images in your work or use text
boxes to present information other than to label a table or a figure.
4. Check the submission date of your assignment and submission instructions carefully.
Late submissions will not be accepted.
5. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date
and you are responsible for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons, you may
apply (in writing) for extensions stating Extenuating Circumstance to AAO.
7. For all late submissions the final grade will be capped at a ‘Pass’.
8. Failure to achieve the Pass criteria will result in a Referral grade.
9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic Failure and
you will be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
10. If you use ideas or work of other people in your assignment, reference them properly
using Harvard Referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text
citation and a reference list.
11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade
could be reduced to a Fail or at worst you could be administratively withdrawn from the
course after a formal investigation.
Unit 10: Recording Financial Transactions
Assessment Brief

Unit Number and Title Unit 10 – Recording Financial Transactions

Academic Year 2023 – FA23

Unit Tutor Yasith Jayasundara

Assignment Title Assignment 1

Issue Date 18/11/2023

Submission Date 30/01/2024

Submission Format

The submission is in the form of a formal report. This should be written in a concise,
formal business style following the formatting guidelines provided above. You are
required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate.

All work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing
system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 4000 - 5000 words, although you will not be penalised for
exceeding the total word limit.

You are required to make use of Microsoft Excel to record your accounts and copy them to
the report. Additionally, you are required to submit the working files (MS Excel files)
along with your report submission.

Note - Failure to submit the MS Excel working files will lead to a failure grade.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Record business transactions using double-entry bookkeeping, books of prime

entry, journals and ledger accounts
LO2 Prepare a trial balance for a given organisation from data provided
LO3 Perform bank reconciliations to ensure organisation and bank records are correct
LO4 Perform control account reconciliations for accounts receivable and accounts payable
Vocational scenario

You are a junior accountant at Infinity, a small accountancy firm and you have been asked
to record, prepare and produce a range of final accounts for several businesses who are key
clients of Infinity. Once you complete this task you are required to present your work to
your line manager as a formal report.

Assignment activity and guidance

Ceylon Holidays

Ceylon Holidays Ltd commenced trading on 1 March. The following transactions occurred
during the month of March:

Share capital of $50,000 was invested by the owners who also paid $5,000
1 March for the first month’s rent.
Supplies were bought for the bar for $5,000 cheque payment and goods for
2 March the restaurant from Best Supplies Ltd for $1,500, for later payment.
5 March Weekend takings from customers amounted to
$3,750. 8 March Wages paid of $1,600 and general expenses
of $400.
9 March Takings from restaurant and bar sales of $7,100 were banked.
A private party was held for I. Dance and an invoice sent for A5,200.
Wages of $2,300 were
paid. March
Clean Company’s laundry bill for $700 was
received. March
25 Best Supplies Ltd was paid but a further delivery of provisions costing
March $2,500 was received.
Wages paid of
$1,800. March
Takings from customers, $6,100, were
banked. March

You are required to:

a) record the transactions in the accounts;
b) calculate the final balance on each account at the end of the month;
c) analyse the transactions of the hotel with the help of double entry, books of prime
entry, journals and ledgers and describe how these records will help Ceylon
Holidays Ltd. to ensure maintenance of accurate and timely accounting information
of their ventures.
d) prepare a trial balance;
e) identify whether any accounting errors exist in the records. Interpret the identified
accounting errors and present the trial balance after adjustments.
f) draw up a simple income statement and balance sheet as at 31 March.

Tip Top Trading

The cash book of Tip Top Trading for February 2022 is set out below.
Using the information from the bank statement (provided below), complete the cash book
entries for the month. (The transactions to be entered are those which appear on the bank
statement but are not to be found in the cash book as shown above.) You do not need to
reproduce the whole of the cash book given above.

The following additional information is available. The difference between the opening
bank balance at 1 February per the cash book of $922.22 and the opening balance at 1
February per the bank statement of $1,057.62 CR is explained by cheque number 800119
which was recorded in the cash book in January and presented on 7 February.

Prepare a bank reconciliation statement for Tip Top Trading as at 28 February 2022 using
the information given. You are also required to appraise the bank reconciliation process for
Tip Top Trading to identify errors and omissions from a bank statement and cashbook.
Haldance Corp

Haldance Corp is a small-scale construction firm. By going through their financial records,
you have identified that the company is in of performing control account
reconciliations for its accounts receivable and accounts payable. To convince the
management of Haldance Corp. on the need of implementing control account
reconciliation for its account recievables and account payables, you are required to;
a. explain the role and difference between control and suspense accounts and
critically evaluate the importance of these accounts for the effective financial
management at Haldance Corp.
b. evaluate different types of control accounts that can be considered by Haldance
Corp in the context of the double entry and bookkeeping systems.

The balance on the trade accounts payable control account of Haldance Corp as at 31
December 2022 was $110,000. A review of the individual trade accounts payable revealed
the following:
i. The debit balance on Glenn Co's account was caused by a transposition error when
posting a payment as $1,928 instead of $1,298.The purchase day book has been
added incorrectly overstating the total by $600.
ii. Purchases of $3,800 had not been posted to Hewson's personal account in the
payables ledger.
iii. Discounts received of $1,340 had been posted to the personal accounts concerned
but not to the control account.
iv. An irrecoverable debt of $980 written off Jim Birch's account in the receivables
ledger had been incorrectly posted to the payables control account.

You are required to;

a. Make the necessary corrections to the payables control account.
b. Make the necessary corrections to the payables ledger, ensuring that the
revised control account balance agrees with the adjusted list of balances in
the payables ledger.

Haldance Corp. has a memorandum receivables ledger and a receivables control account,
which is part of the double entry. The balance on the receivables control is $15,091.
However, the list of receivables ledger balances totals $15,320. The following errors are
i. A receivable paid $10 in cash. This has been correctly recorded in the receivables
ledger, but no entries have been made in the receivables control account.
ii. One of the receivables had a credit balance of $60. However, this has been
included as a debit
iii. balance in the receivables ledger total.
iv. Returns inwards of $35 have been recorded in the receivables ledger, but not in
the receivables control account.
v. One page of the sales day book has been undercast by $100.
vi. When a sales invoice for $95 was entered in the receivables ledger, the figures
were transposed and shown as $59.
vii. An error has been made in totalling the list of receivables ledger balances, which
has been overcast by $90.

You are required to reconciling the control account balance with the sum of the balances
extracted from the (memorandum) receivables ledger.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Record business transactions using double entry

bookkeeping, books of prime entry, journals and ledger D1 Conduct
accounts systematic
P1 Record double entry summarizing and
bookkeeping transactions in a M1 Analyse a range of recording of business
timely and accurate way business transactions using transactions for
P2 Apply a range of business double entry, books of prime accurate reporting of
transactions using double entry, journals and ledgers in organisational
entry bookkeeping, books of order to provide accurate and efficiency and
prime entry, journals and timely accounting information performance

LO2 Prepare a trial balance for an organisation from D2 Produce a trial

data provided balance that is
P3 Using data provided, M2 Interpret, identify and timely, accurate and
extract ledger balances into a correct accounting errors fully
trial balance for an through the production of a compliant for an
organisation to accurately trial balance to ensure organisation to meet
record transactions accurate accounting records its
LO3 Perform bank reconciliations to ensure organisation
and bank records are correct D3 Producing bank
reconciliations that
M3 Appraise the bank are timely,
P4 Prepare a bank reconciliation process accurate and fully
reconciliation statement from identifying errors and compliant
given data for an omissions from a bank for an organisation to
organisation statement and cashbook meet its objectives
LO4 Perform control account reconciliations for accounts
receivable and accounts payable D4 Critically
evaluate the
P5 Explain the role and
role and purpose of
differences between control
M4 Evaluate the different control and suspense
and suspense accounts
types of control accounts accounts in supporting
P6 Perform control account in the context of the double effective financial
reconciliations for accounts entry bookkeeping system management in the
receivable organisation
and payable from given data
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
Unit Title

Assignment No Assessor

Date Received 1st

Submission Date
Re-submission Date Received 2nd
Date submission

Assessor Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once
internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed
at the assessment board.
Grading Rubric

Grading criteria Comment
t Achieved
P1 Record double entry bookkeeping transactions in
a timely and accurate way
P2 Apply a range of business transactions using
double entry bookkeeping, books of prime
entry, journals and ledgers

M1 Analyse a range of business transactions using

double entry, books of prime entry, journals and
ledgers in order to provide accurate and timely
accounting information

D1 Conduct systematic gathering, summarizing

and recording of business transactions for
accurate reporting of organisational efficiency
and performance

P3 Using data provided, extract ledger balances into

a trial balance for an organisation to accurately
record transactions

M2 Interpret, identify and correct accounting

errors through the production of a trial balance to
ensure accurate accounting records
D2 Produce a trial balance that is timely, accurate
and fully compliant for an organisation to meet
its objectives

P4 Prepare a bank reconciliation statement from

given data for an organisation
M3 Appraise the bank reconciliation process
identifying errors and omissions from a bank
statement and cashbook
D3 Producing bank reconciliations that are
timely, accurate and fully compliant for an
organisation to meet its objectives
P5 Explain the role and differences between
control and suspense accounts
P6 Perform control account reconciliations for
accounts receivable and payable from given data

M4 Evaluate the different types of control

accounts in the context of the double entry
bookkeeping system
D4 Critically evaluate the role and purpose of
control and suspense accounts in supporting
effective financial management in the organisation

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