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Digital Self

Ian I. Llenares, RPm, PhD

Defining digital self

1. Online identity – This refers to how

individuals represent themselves on
the internet.
2. Digital footprint - This component
consists of the trail of data that
individuals leave behind as they use
the internet.
3. Online presence - is the extent to
which an individual exists online. It's
not just about being active on social
Fast facts:

1. the number of people who are becoming more active

online continues to increase worldwide

2. more than half of the population worldwide now uses

the Internet

3. Philippines is one of the countries with the most

active Internet users

4. almost two-thirds of the world’s population now has

a mobile phone
Activity: Chris's job application
• Chris, a recent university graduate, has been actively seeking employment in the
marketing sector. With a strong academic record and several internships, Chris
was confident about landing a job quickly. However, despite numerous
applications and interviews, Chris faced repeated rejections.
• Eventually, one of the interviewers, who was impressed with Chris's qualifications
but decided against hiring, privately informed Chris that the reason for the
rejection was a concern about Chris's digital footprint. The interviewer had found
Chris's social media profile, which contained several controversial posts from
their high school years. These posts included insensitive jokes and comments that
could be construed as offensive.
• Chris was initially shocked, as they had forgotten about these old posts and had
since matured considerably in their views and behavior. However, the digital
footprint left behind painted a different picture to potential employers.
Guide Questions:
• What steps could Chris have taken earlier to manage their digital
• How can individuals be more mindful of their digital footprint?
• Should employers judge candidates based on their social media
• How should growth and change in a person's views and behavior over
time be factored into assessing their digital self?
Importance of
digital self

1. Personal and professional

2. Privacy and security
3. Digital literacy and citizenship
4. Mental health and wellbeing
5. Legal and ethical implications
Components of digital self
1: Online

• Formation of online
• This includes details like
name, age, interests, and
even the type of content
they post.
2: Digital

• A digital footprint is the

record of an individual's
interactions and activities
online. It includes
everything from social
media posts and comments
to online transactions and
search histories.
3: Social Media Presence

• Social media platforms are

primary venues for expressing
and shaping one's digital self.
They allow for the sharing of
personal experiences, opinions,
and interests, which collectively
contribute to one's online
4: Privacy and Security

• Personal information is a valuable

commodity. Protecting this
information is crucial to prevent
identity theft, fraud, and
unauthorized access to personal
Managing your digital self
1: Creating a Positive
Online Persona

• Authenticity
• Consistency
• Positive content
• Professionalism
• Engagement
2: Digital etiquette

•Think before posting
•Avoid over-sharing
•Handling disagreements
3: Social Media privacy

• Understand privacy setting

• Regularly update privacy setting
• Use strong passwords
• Enable two-factor authentication
• Be wary of phishing attempts
• Secure your device
Impact of digital
self on personal
• Personal
• Mental health
• Self-perception
Impact of digital self on
professional life

•Job prospects

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