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Martha Nausbaum believes that equality is sodomy laws; and calls for an end to

necessary and must be obtainable by everyone discrimination against LGBTQ persons

no matter what your sexual orientation is. in employment, credit, housing, public
accommodations, and other areas of life.
Martha Nussbaum (Although the term gay is commonly
used in reference to homosexual males,
- Martha Nussbaum, (born May 6, 1947, it is also used more generally to refer to
New York, New York, U.S.), American homosexual males together with some
philosopher and legal scholar known for or all other orientations within the
her wide-ranging work in ancient Greek LGBTQ community.
and Roman philosophy, the philosophy
of law, moral psychology, ethics,
philosophical feminism. contributions What are the rights?
to contemporary debates on human
rights, social justice, economic The rights to be protected
development, political feminism and
women’s rights, LGBTQ rights. 1. Gay, lesbians, and bisexual are targets of
violence in America. 24% of gay men
- Martha Nussbaum is the Ernst Freund and 10% of lesbians, in a recent survey,
(pabasa na lang sa ppt) reported some form of criminal assault
because of their sexual orientation
- Became well known because of her during the past year.
books such as Fragility of Goodness,
Women and Human Development, and 2. surveys on anti-gay/lesbian violence
many more. show that thirty-three percent of those
surveyed had been chased or followed,
One of her works is the Gay rights. objects thrown at them, beaten, victims
of vandalism or arson, spit on, and
- Nussbaum looks at five rights that are assaulted with a weapon (Comstock,
at issue in the contemporary 1991, pp. 31-55).
discussion of gay rights.
3. As one might expect, such violence is
not unknown in the military. The 1992
Whose rights are these “GAY RIGHTS”? death of navy radioman Allen Schindler
at the hands of three of his shipmates
- Gays, lesbians, and bisexual, the class of who, unprovoked, stalked and then
persons with a homosexual or bisexual fatally beat him—and later blamed their
orientation and those who stably and crime on the presence of gays in the
characteristically desire to engage in military.
sexual conduct with a member or
members of the same sex. 4. five youths beat a forty-year-old gay
man to death (Comstock, 1991, p. 93).
- Gay rights advocates equal rights for
LGBTQ persons; seeks to eliminate
5. The data suggest that gay-beatings, Uniform Code of Military Justice)
including the most lethal, are often in criminalize sodomy for all.
essence "recreational": groups of
adolescent men, bored and intoxicated, 2. It is frequently assumed that sodomy
seek out gays not so much because they defines gay or lesbian sexual life.
have a deep-seated hatred of them as
because the society has agreed to dislike 3. The case against sodomy laws is strong.
and not to protect fully (Comstock, Rarity of enforcement creates a problem
1991, p. 94). of arbitrary and selective police
6. Physical assaults are crimes as defined behavior. Although hindi lahat ng
by the laws of every state in the U.S. In neither homosexuals are sodomites,
that sense, the right to be protected the laws are overwhelmingly used to
against them is a right that gays and target them; and the fact that some of
lesbians have already. But there is ample their acts remain criminal is closely
evidence that the police often fail to connected with the perception that they
uphold these rights. Even more common are acceptable targets of violence and
is the failure of police to come promptly with other social exclusions as well.
to the aid of gays and lesbians who are
being assaulted. 4. As Judge Posner concludes, such laws
"express an irrational fear and loathing
7. As long as no laws protect gays against of a group that has been subjected to
discrimination in other areas of life and discrimination" (1992,p. 346). We have
guarantee their equal citizenship, as long no need for such laws in a country all
as their sex acts can be criminalized, as too full of incitements to violence.
long they are disparaged as second-class
citizens, we may expect the rights they The Right to Be Free from Discrimination in
do have to go on being underenforced, Housing, Employment, and Education
and violence against them to remain a
common fact. 1. Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals face
discrimination in housing and
8. Nussbaum argues that there is also employment, leading to the adoption of
emotional violence done to lesbians and non-discrimination laws in many U.S.
gay people by the perception that they states and local communities.
are hated and despised.
2. The most serious issue with
The Right to Have Consensual Adult Sexual non-discrimination laws is the issue of
Relations Without Criminal Penalty religious freedom. Both institutions and
individuals may believe that being
1. Consensual sexual relations between required to treat lesbians and gays as
adult males were decriminalized in equal candidates for jobs or prospective
Britain in 1967. In the US, five states tenants is to be deprived of the freedom
still criminalize only same-sex sodomy, to exercise their religion. This argument
while eighteen statutes (including the seems more relevant to some
occupations than others.
3. The U.S. Supreme Court recently 4. During wartime, moreover, when the
refused to hear an appeal of an Alaska need for solidarity and high morale is
decision against a landlord who refused greatest, toleration of gay and lesbian
to rent on religious grounds to an soldiers has gone up, not down (see
unmarried heterosexual couple. Shilts, 1992).
5. As Judge Posner writes, rible to tell
4. When it comes to employment naman. people they are unfit to serve their
There is no evidence to suggest that country, unless they really are unfit,
the presence of gay and lesbian which is not the case here" (Posner,
teachers harms children or 1992, p. 321). That’s why you cannot
adolescents, and there is no evidence to tell to gay community that they cannot
show that knowing or respecting a gay serve the country specially when they
person has the power to convert children are physically fit to do so, so their right
to homosexuality. to the military is important as well.

The right to military The Right to Marriage and/or the Legal and
Social Benefit of Marriage
1. The real issue that keeps coming up is
that heterosexual males do not want to 1. Gays and lesbians in Denmark, Swedon
be forced to associate intimately with and Norway can form a registered
gay males, especially to be seen naked partnership that given all the tax,
by them. inheritance and other civic benifits of
marringe; similar legislation in soon to
2. "homosexual panic." The psychology of he passed in Finland.
this intense fear of the gaze of the
homosexual is interesting. This fear 2. Why are marriage rights important to
may have something to do with the idea gays?
expressed by Comstock's gay-basher,
wherein a heterosexual male in a 3. Although many lesbian and gay people
military might feel like connected with consider themselves married and have
the thought that this man will look at me frequently solemnized their commitment
in the way I look at a woman—i,e. not in ceremonies not recognized by the
in a respectful or personal way, but a state, they still seck to do so in a
way that says "I want to fuck you"—and recognized manner, because they attach
that this gaze will somehow hurt their importance to the public recognition of
pride, ego, and they feel humiliate me. their union.

3. Moving on, we note that openly gay 4. As the Norwegian Ministry of Children
officers have been included in the police and Family Affairs writes, supporting
forces of New York City, Chicago, San Norway's 1993 law: "It can be
Francisco, Los Angeles and probably detrimental for a person to have to
others by now, without incident. suppress fundamental feelings
concerning attachment and love for
another person. Distancing oneself 1. Gays and lesbians have and raise
from these feelings or attempts to children, with 20 percent of male
suppress them may destroy one's homosexuals and over a third of female
self-respect" homosexuals having been married in a
1970s California survey.
5. The basis of marriage in the U.S. and
Europe is generally taken to be a stated 2. Lesbian couples can have children
desire to live together in intimacy, love through artificial insemination or sex
and partnership, and to support one with a male, while a gay man can obtain
another, materially and emotionally, in a child through surrogacy arrangements.
the conduct of daily life. Of course Children raised in homosexual
many people enter marriage unprepared, households show no differences in
and many marriages fail; but the law sexual orientation, mental health, or
cannot and should not undertake a social adjustment. There is no evidence
stringent inquiry into the character and to justify a court removing a child from
behavior of the parties before admitting their parent's custody on the grounds of
them to the benefits of that status. living in a homosexual union.
6. But nobody has seriously suggested
denying marriage rights to 3. There is no evidence to justify a court in
postmenopausal women, to sterile removing a child from its parent's
individuals of any age or to people who custody on the grounds that he or she is
simply know (and state) that they don't living in a homosexual union.
want children and won't have them. It
therefore seems flatly inconsistent and 4. If one were to argue that such a child
unjust to deny these rights to other will inevitably be the target of social
individuals who wish to form exactly prejudice, no matter how well its parent
this type of committed yet childless is doing, it seems plausible that the
union. Constitution will intervene to block that
7. No doubt the extension of marriage
rights to gays and lesbians will change 5. In 1984, the Supreme Court returned
the way we think about "the family." On custody to the child's mother in Palmore
the other hand, "the family" has never v. Sidoti, which was cited as a precedent
been a single thing in western, far less in in a 1985 Alaska decision granting
world, history, and its nuclear custody to a gay parent. It is important
heterosexual form has been associated that children should not be removed
with grave problems of child abuse and from the custody of parents who love
gender inequality, so there is no reason and care for them successfully without
to sentimentalize it as a morally perfect compelling reason.
6. For adoption and foster-parenting,
The Right to Retain Custody of Children and/or courts should take a case-by-case
to Adopt approach, rejecting a flat ban. The
reason for refusing a homosexual couple for asking kineme
must not be the existence of public
prejudice against homosexuality, as no
feature intrinsic to homosexuality has pag-iwan sa thought ng religious country.
been demonstrated to have a detrimental alam naman natin na once maptupad itong
effect on children. mga laws or rights na arguments ni
nussbaum, parang nawawalan ng bisa or
madidisrespct nga yung religion, yung mga
commandments and such.
2. Intersectionality: Although Nussbaum
one criticism nga is yung parang pag take
highlights the importance of recognizing the
away ng thought na yung religion. knowing
intersectionality of identities, critics may argue
that she could have further explored the unique na maraming religious country. kagaya na
challenges faced by individuals who hold lamang sa bansa natin pilipinas. na ang
multiple marginalized identities, such as being mindset when it comes to that is ang lalaki
both LGBTQ+ and a person of color. ay lalaki vice versa. girl is to boy vice versa.
and yung ganitong mindset hindi natin
3. Religious perspectives: Nussbaum's paper maiiwasan kaya marami pa rin ang blinded
does not delve by this kinds of thoughts dahil nga ito ang
deeply into the perspectives of religious groups turo sa simbahan. kaya kapag may ganiyan
that may hold conservative views on LGBTQ+ instances ang unang nagiging thought is that
rights. Critics may argue that a more robust
salot sila kasi bakit sila ganiyan. bakit
exploration of religious perspectives would
ganiyan ang katauhan nila. pero now na ang
provide a more balanced understanding of the
complexities surrounding the topic. daming prominent gay actors. ppl at this
time, they’re accepting na yung thought nga
4. Legal and political feasibility: Nussbaum ng mga gay. tsaka yung pagkilala rin sa gay
argues for sweeping legal changes to promote community sa television ng ph yung super
LGBTQ+ rights, including the recognition of sireyna, yung drag queens, ms. qna.
same-sex marriages. Critics might question the na-oopen na rin yung mindset nila with gay
practicality or political feasibility of community. pero bago man sila marecognize
implementing such changes, particularly in as a community ang dami nilany
countries with deeply entrenched social and pinagdaanan, like mga hatred ang natanggap
cultural opposition to LGBTQ+ rights.
nila si vice ganda. not until, kinilala na lang
siyang meme because of her efforts to be
It is important to note that these criticisms do not
undermine Nussbaum's entire argument, but recognized. so masasabi ko lang na altho
rather provide different perspectives to consider may countries talaga na super ina-abide
and encourage further discussion on the topic. yung kautasan ng simbahan hindi pa rin
Nussbaum's paper is an influential contribution natin maiiwasan ang pagkakaroob ng
to the ongoing discourse on LGBTQ+ rights. recognition sa gay ppl. but should that be the
case all the time? kaialangan ba may
mapatunayan muna sila para ma recognize
sila? need ba na magkapangalan muna sila
pra mahalin sila ng mga tao at hindi saktan
at tanggalan ng karapatan. diba hindi, paano
pla yung mga normal gay people. so
basically, yung mga arguements ni
nussbaum n need ipatupad ang mga rights
ng lgbtq community is vv important.

kadi diba po ang daming babae (normal) na

nasasakstan, naabuso, nahaharass, ‘yung
mga normal na lalaki na inaapi (sabihin na
natin normal kasi diba noon ang tingin sa
kanila abnormal, wala lang) how much more
yung gay community na tinuturing na salot
sa lipunan, na mga sugo ng demonyo kasi
diba taliwas sa Diyos? Sakit sila,
kinakadirian super noon. how much more
sila? so basically super important na
ma-implement yung rights nila as a person,
as a community.

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