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2024, 09:14 EEF | Social Emotional Competence Questionnaire

Social Emotional Competence Questionnaire

About the measure

Subscales Example Link Key Stage

Self awareness; Self-management; Social I understand my moods and feelings… Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Key
awareness; Relationship skills; Stage 5
Responsible decision making

Domains Rating Psychometric Rating Implementation

Social and Emotional Competence


No. of items ⓘ Format ⓘ Respondent ⓘ Scoring ⓘ

Number of items included in the measure Type of response scale Who is asked to complete the measure. Standardised: Can easily be summed or
averaged Complex: Requires judgement or
25 Likert Self assessment on behalf of the scorer


Age ⓘ Cost single purchase ⓘ Cost per child ⓘ

Age (in years) covered by the survey. Using the Cost (if applicable) of purchasing the measure. Details if there are additional costs per
measure outside this age range may result in administration. This can vary, so if a cost is
inaccurate information. Free – Available indicated, further contact with the publisher/​
author is recommended.
9 – 18 year(s)
Free – Available

Psychometric 1/2
05.02.2024, 09:14 EEF | Social Emotional Competence Questionnaire

UK norms ⓘ Chronbach's alpha ⓘ Text retest ⓘ Inter-rater reliability ⓘ

Whether the measure has been calibrated with An estimate of the reliability of the measure. A measure of reliability. This indicates how ​ Where observations (e.g. teacher or peer report
a UK sample (as opposed to generating A higher value indicates a more reliable measure ‘stable’ responses to a measure are over time. rather than self report) are used, this measure of
psychometric details from a Foreign (e.g. USA) (0.7 is normally considered a good benchmark reliability indicates how closely related each
sample). for reliability). Not reported score is. A higher value suggests a more reliable
No .62-.79
Not reported

EFA ⓘ CFA ⓘ Criterion validity ⓘ Construct validity ⓘ

Exploratory Factor Analysis – This is measure of Confirmatory Factor Analysis – Similar to EFA, An assessment of how well the measures relates Further to the use of CFA and EFA, this reports
the validity, showing how well the underlying this measure of validity assesses the extent to to other, well-validated assessments. any details demonstrating how well the measure
structure of the domain is represented by the which items fit pre-specified sub-domains of is seen to represent the conceptual domain it
individual items. Higher values (factor loadings) a measure. Higher values indicate a better fit. Not reported comes from.
indicate a good fit between items and the sub-
domains of the measure. Chi-square(265)= 539.98p < .001Chi- To assess construct validity the scale
square/df = 2.04RMSEA = .05CFI = .9IFI = items were reassessed in a different
Not reported
.9 sample for dimensionality and fit. Results
showed: Chi-square= 712.20 (df = 265, p <
.001), Chi-square/df = 2.69, RMSEA = .069,
CFI = .86, IFI = .86

Predictive validity ⓘ Responsiveness ⓘ Floor/Ceiling ⓘ References

The extent to which the measure can be seen to An indicate of how well a measure if able to Indicates whether there are any issues with
predict other outcomes. detect change during a pre-specified time (if ceiling (maximum scores) or floor (minimum Zhou, M., & Ee, L. (2012). Development and
applicable). scores) effects with large portions of particular validation of social emotional competency
Most SECQ dimensions were significantly groups of respondents. questionnaire. The International Journal of
positively correlated with exam scores (.19 Not reported
Not reported Emotional Education, 4(2), 27 – 42.
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