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- Presentation (P) – Practice (P) – Use (U)-

« Speaking & Grammar lessons »

A lesson plan is made of the following steps : {warm-up + Presentation +Practice + Use}

1) Warm-up : The lesson usually begins with a warm-up, built around a visual aid, « to expand
students’ vocabulary »
 Students :
 Talk about subjects of interest to them.
 Students use the material they have already learned
 Acquire new vocabulary in a meaningful context
 Use some of the structures they practiced in the previous lesson.
 Students retrieve and reuse material from previous lessons in a real exchange of ideas.
 Elicit their interest in the present lesson.
I. PRESENTATION : The teacher : [decides on the teaching aids to be used]
Conveys the meaning of new material / language to students (inductively or deductively)
Gives them the chance to interact with it and to indicate in some way (not necessarily by
producing the language) that they have understood.
 How :
1. answering simple Yes/No
2. "Wh-questions,
3. pointing or marking correct pictures or replies,
4. ordering pictures ,
5. matching items ,
6. deducing and explaining rules or concepts,
7. creating questions
8. employ dramatization, role-playing, problem-solving, oral or written reports, discussion,
lecturing, grouping, picture-drawing, showing objects, etc,
2. PRACTICE : {engage the students in an interchange of communication using what they have been learning}

 Students work with the material in a controlled context to help them develop accuracy, confidence
and move toward fluency .

Activities begin as more controlled : « Guided practice »

a) repetition
b) coping
c) info gaps
d) picture card games
e) simple fill-ins (word, dialog, gesture, strategy) .

Activities next move to being freer or more complex : « Free practice »

1. question-answer exercises where students are restricted to a particular topic
2. certain vocabulary items.
3.USE :
Students are required to choose and discriminate among choices in language within a less
controlled context.
Activities allow for student learning to be demonstrated as defined by the lesson objective.
Common activities include role plays personal reactions ,discussions, values clarification and

By Samir Bounab « »

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