Human Resource Management

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CONCEPT OF THE PERSONNEL FUNCTION HR professionals are responsible for ensuring that the organization complies

with labor laws and regulations. They also handle legal matters related to
employment, such as disputes, grievances, and disciplinary actions.

Learning Objectives Workforce Planning

Differentiate personnel management to public personnel Anticipating and planning for future workforce needs is a key function of HR.
management This involves analyzing the current workforce, identifying skill gaps, and
To learn what is public personnel management developing strategies to address staffing needs in the future.
To identify the function of public personnel management
To know the importance of public personnel management Employee Engagement

HR plays a role in fostering a positive work culture and improving employee

engagement. This includes initiatives to boost morale, communication
Public Personnel Administration strategies, and creating a supportive work environment.

Public Personnel Administration is that part of administration

which is concerned with people at work and with their
relationships within an organization. Significance of Personnel Administration

Public personnel administration lies in its role in shaping the workforce,

It is the management and oversight of human resources within the
ensuring ethical conduct, facilitating policy implementation, and ultimately
public sector, which includes government agencies, and public
contributing to the overall effectiveness and credibility of government
institutions. A well-functioning public personnel system is vital for the
successful delivery of public services and the achievement of government
Personnel Function

The term "personnel function" typically refers to the activities and

responsibilities associated with managing an organization's workforce. It Four Functions of Personnel Administration
encompasses various tasks related to human resources (HR) management and
The first is Planning, includes preparing staffing plans and budget, deciding
is focused on the people within an organization. The personnel function is
how employees will be used, and setting pay rates.
crucial for ensuring that an organization has the right personnel in place to
achieve its goals and objectives. Acquisition is second and refers to selecting and recruiting employees.

Development, the third function, which involves employee training and

advancement programs as well as performance evaluation.
Key Components of Personnel Function
Sanction, the fourth Function, deal with employer-employee relationships, and
Recruitment and Selection may include workplace safety and handling grievances.
The personnel function involves attracting and hiring suitable candidates for
various positions within the organization. This includes creating job
descriptions, conducting interviews, and selecting individuals who align with MODELS, NATURE & ROLES OF PUBLIC PERSONNEL
the organization's goals and culture. ADMINISTRATION

Training and Development

HR is responsible for identifying the training needs of employees and Learning Contents & Outcomes
implementing programs to enhance their skills and knowledge. This can
include orientation for new hires, ongoing training, and professional Definition of the Public Personnel Management
development initiatives. Importance of Personnel Management
The Nature of Personnel Management
Employee Relations The Roles of Personnel Manager
Managing relationships between employees and employers is a critical aspect
of the personnel function. HR professionals work to resolve conflicts, address
concerns, and foster a positive work environment. Personnel Management

Compensation and Benefits Personnel management is the focus of human resources and how the
department interacts with company employees. It works to ensure that
The personnel function oversees the development and management of employees have the tools they need to work and be productive for a company.
compensation and benefits programs. This includes salary structures, bonuses, Personnel management deals with the managerial function of estimating and
health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee perks. classifying human resources requirements for meeting organizational goals
through people at work and their relationships with each other. It involves
strategies that ensure the right number of staff, the right combination of talent,
training, and performance in jobs.
Performance Management

HR is involved in setting performance expectations, conducting performance

appraisals, and implementing performance improvement plans. This helps Importance & Objectives of Personnel Management in the Organization and
ensure that employees are meeting their goals and contributing to the Workplace
organization's success.
To Strengthen internal processes
Compliance and Legal Matters
To Enhance and build up team work and employee development
To Increase employee job satisfaction

To Improve internal communication and engagement Max Weber (1864-1920)

To Achieve organizational goals German sociologist

Weber first describes the concept of bureaucracy as an ideal form

of organizational structure
Nature of Personnel Management

1. Managing People: He defines bureaucratic administration as the exercise of control

on the basis of knowledge
Personnel management is concerned with managing people at work. Weber states, “Power is principally exemplified within
organizations by the process of control”
2. Concerned with employees:

Personnel management deals with employees both as individuals as well as in

groups. Characteristics of Bureaucracy

3. Helping Employees: Hierarchical Management Structure

Division of Labor
The employees are helped to develop their talent fully by providing them with
Formal Selection Process
appropriate opportunities.
Career Orientation
4. Universal Application: Formal Rules and Regulations
Personnel management may be used everywhere and in every type of
organization. Personnel management is useful in a government, semi-
government, non-profit organizations as is beneficial to industrial and
commercial houses. Max Weber: Characteristics of Bureaucracy

5. Continuous Application: Hierarchical Management Structure

Personnel management is continuously used in every type of situation. Each level controls the levels below and is controlled by the level

Division of Labor
Roles of the Personnel Manager
Tasks are clearly defined, and employees become skilled by
1. Recruiting the employees needed for the organization by collecting specializing in doing one thing.
the information on manpower requirement from different

2. Assisting the top management in framing the policies related to the

Formal Selection Process
3. Acting as a counselor and attending to the grievances of employees
Employee selection and promotion are based on experience,
and trying to solve them in the best possible way.
competence, and technical qualification demonstrated by
examinations, education, or training.
4. Ensuring that employees get paid competitively as per the market
standards and paid on time. Career Orientation

5. Conducting training for the employees whenever necessary and Management is separate from ownership, and managers are career
helping the productivity of the employees increase. employees.

Formal Rules and Regulations

ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT THEORIES AFFECTING Rules and regulations are documented to ensure reliable and
PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION predictable behavior.

Rules are applied uniformly to everyone.
i. Max Weber: Bureaucracy
ii. Frederick W. Taylor: Scientific Management
iii. Henri Fayol: General Principle of Management Frederick W. Taylor: Scientific Management
iv. Luther Gulick: Notes on the Theory of Organization
Father of Scientific Management.

Classical organizational theory espouses two perspectives: American mechanical engineer.

Scientific management - focusing on the management of work and workers He worked for the improvement of industrial efficiency.

Administrative management - addressing issues concerning how overall Taylor thought that by scientifically, work would be possible to
organization should be structure find ‘one best way to do it.’
power to exact obedience. Responsibility involves being
accountable and is therefore naturally associated with authority.
Principles of Scientific Management
Scientific Management is one of the earlier classical schools of
thought. A successful organization requires the common effort of workers.
Penalties should be applied judiciously to encourage this common
Propounded by F.W. Taylor. effort.

Scientific management refers to the application of science to Unity of Command

Workers should only receive orders from only one manager.

Unity of Direction
Principles of Scientific Management
The entire organization should be moving towards a common
Science not Rule of Thumb: objective in a common direction.

Scientific investigation should be used for taking managerial Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interests
decision rather than basing decision on opinion or rule of thumb.
The interests of one person should not take priority over the
Harmony, Not Discord: interests of the organization as a whole.

Exist a possibility of class conflict between managers and workers. Remuneration

Many variables, such as cost of living, supply of qualified

Taylor emphasized complete harmony between management and
personnel, general business conditions, and success of the
business, should be considered in determining a worker's rate of
Cooperation, Not Individualism: pay.

Complete cooperation between labor and management to achieve

the best possible result.

Equal division of work and responsibility. Centralization

Fayol defined centralization as lowering the importance of the

subordinate role.
Development of each and every person to his/her greatest efficiency and
prosperity: Schalar Chain

Right men should be engaged in the right job. Managers in hierarchies are part of a chain like authority scale.

Worker should be provided with training. Order

Worker should be scientifically selected. A company should maintain a well-defined work order to have a
favorable work culture.

Henri Fayol
All employees should be treated equally and respectfully.
Father of Modern Management

French Mining Engineer

Mining Executive An employee delivers the best if they feel secure in their job. It is
the duty of the management to offer job security to their
Author and Director of Mines employees.

He developed a general theory of business administration that is Initiative

often called FAYOLISM
Management should take steps to encourage worker initiative,
which is defined as new or additional work activity undertaken
through self-direction.
14 Principles of Management
Esprit de Corps
Division of Work
Management should encourage harmony and general good feelings
Work should be divided among individuals and groups to ensure among employees.
that effort and attention are focused on a special portion of task.

Luther Gulick: Notes on the Theory of Organization
The concepts of Authority and responsibility are closely related.
Authority was defined by Fayol as the right to give orders and the POSDCORB is an acronym for what Gulick considered to be the main
organizing responsibilities within a team or an organization. It stands for
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Douglas Murray McGregor: The Human Side of the Enterprise
In his 1960 management book, The Human Side of Enterprise, Douglas
McGregor suggested two very different management views on how
employees behave and how to achieve employee motivation. He referred to
The 7 Elements of POSDCORB these nearly opposite management approaches as Theory X and Theory Y.

Planning – Establish what your objective is and work out what you and your
team need to do to achieve it.
MCGREGOR'S Theory X and Y
Organizing – Organize your team so that it can work at its best. Look at its
structure, and at how its subdivisions are arranged and coordinated. Douglas McGregor wrote the book "The human side of enterprise"
in 1960.
Staffing – Capable members of staff are key to a productive organization.
He examined individuals’ behavior at work.
Directing – This is the ongoing job of making decisions and incorporating
them into the instructions that you give to your team members.
From this he formulated two models of management based on
Coordinating – This is the coordination of your people and of their work. hierarchy into lower-order needs (Theory X) and higher-order
needs (Theory Y).
Reporting – Keep people in the organization up to date with what's going on.
These theories are based on human behavior in management.
Budgeting – Balance your expenses with your income by planning, estimating
and being disciplined with your finances.
It concludes dual aspects of human beings.

Understanding the Theories

Abraham H. Maslow: A Theory of Human Motivation
Our management style is strongly influenced by our beliefs and assumptions
"A Theory of Human Motivation" is a seminal work discussed in the book about what motivates members of your team: If you believe that team
"Classics of Public Administration". This theory, proposed by Abraham members dislike work, you will have an authoritarian style of management;
Maslow in 1943, explores the fundamental needs and motivations that drive On the other hand, if you assume that employees take pride in doing a good
human behavior. job, you will tend to adopt a more participation style.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs MCGREGOR'S Theory X

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology Theory X assumes that employees are naturally unmotivated and
comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical dislike working, and this encourages an authoritarian style of
levels within a pyramid. management.

Physiological Needs: These are the most fundamental needs required for Its summaries that workers need to be constantly watched and
survival, such as food, water, air, shelter, and sleep. Meeting physiological instructed what to do.
needs is essential for maintaining overall well-being.
The assumption that employees dislike work, are lazy, dislike
Safety Needs: Once physiological needs are met, individuals seek safety and responsibility, and must be coerced to perform.
security. This includes physical safety, financial security, health, and
protection from harm or danger. Safety needs provide a sense of stability and
Characteristic of Theory X
Belongingness and Love Needs: Humans have a natural desire to belong and
form social connections. This need involves establishing meaningful Intolerant, distant, and detached
relationships, experiencing love, affection, and acceptance from family, aloof and arrogant
friends, and community. Fulfilling these needs provides a sense of belonging short temper
and social support. issues instructions, directions, edicts
issues threats to make people follow instructions
Esteem Needs: Esteem needs encompass both self-esteem and the need for
recognition and respect from others. This includes developing self-confidence, demands, never asks
achieving personal goals, gaining recognition for achievements, and feeling does not participate
valued and appreciated by others. Esteem needs to contribute to a sense of does not team-build
self-worth and confidence. unconcerned about staff welfare, or morale
one-way communicator
Self-Actualization Needs: Self-actualization is the highest level of need in poor listener
Maslow's hierarchy. It refers to the desire for personal growth, self-fulfillment,
and reaching one's full potential. Self-actualization involves pursuing
meaningful goals, exploring one's creativity, and engaging in activities that
align with one's values and interests. Theory X: Assumptions on Human Nature

Overall, "A Theory of Human Motivation" provides valuable insights into the The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if
underlying motivations that drive human behavior, offering a framework to he can.
understand and address the needs of individuals within the field of public
administration. Must be controlled
Must be directed
Hard management
Theory X Views of Workers

If a manager has a Theory X approach to management, he will always set

objectives for workers without consulting them, will give instructions without
feedback and will punish or reward according to strict rules. Theory Y Views of Workers

Applying Theory X Management - The Business Impact In contrast, a manager who has a Theory Y view of workers will involve them
in decision making, encourage feedback during communication and empower
If Theory X managers are in charge, the business is likely to use the principles workers.
of Taylor's scientific management to control and ensure quality. So, we would

Motivation through financial means Applying Theory Y Management - The Business Impact
High levels of supervision
If Theory Y managers are in control the organization is likely to use the
Jobs broken down into simple tasks principles of management more like Hertzberg's motivators to improve
A strict hierarchy employee performance:
An authoritarian management
Decentralization and delegation
Job enlargement/ enrichment/empowerment
MCGREGOR'S Theory Y Workers will be consulted during the decision-making process,
which motivates them and takes advantage of their creativity and
Theory Y shows a participation style of management that is problem-solving skills and provides workers with more control
decentralized. It assumes that employees are happy to work, self- over their work environment.
motivated, creative and enjoy working with greater responsibility. Performance Appraisals can be used to have each employee set
their own objectives and take part in the process of evaluating how
It emphasizes that staff are self-disciplined and would like to do well they were met.
the job themselves.

The assumption that employees like work, are creative, seek APPLICATION
responsibility, and can exercise self- direction.
Theory X management style is widely accepted as inferior to others, it has its
place in large scale production operation and unskilled production-line work.
Characteristic of Theory Y Theory Y-style management is suited to knowledge work and professional
services; even highly structured knowledge work, such as call center
Take responsibility and are motivated to fulfill the goals they are operations, can benefit from. Theory Y principles encourage knowledge
given. sharing and continuous improvement.

Consider work as a natural part of life and solve work problems

Application of Hierarchy of Needs to Management and Workplace
In Y-Type organizations, people at lower levels of the organization
Theory X (ineffective management)
are involved in decision making.
Once a need is met, it no longer motivates behavior; therefore,
only unfulfilled needs are motivational.
Other Characteristic of Theory Y
Theory Y (effective management)
Motivational emphasis shifts to social, ego and self- actualization
since most employees have physical and safety needs met.
always participate
gives rewards and feedback Though these theories are very basic in nature, they provide a platform for
promotion future generations of management theorists and practitioners to understand the
power to implement decisions changing dynamics of human behavior. McGregor's X-Y Theories remain
active guiding principles to the management to evolve processes which help in
good listener organizational development.
concerned about staff welfare
Elton Mayo: Hawthorne and the Western Electric Company

The term “Hawthorne” is a term used within several behavioral management

Theory Y: Assumptions on Human Nature
theories and is originally derived from the western electric company’s large
The average human being needs to work, actively seek responsibility and is factory complex named Hawthorne works. Starting in 1905 and operating
creative and resourceful. until 1983, Hawthorne works had 45,000 employees and it produced a wide
variety of consumer products, including telephone equipment, refrigerators,
Self-directed / motivated and electric fans.
Seeks responsibility
The experiments at Hawthorne Works explored various factors that could
Problem-solvers potentially affect productivity, such as lighting conditions, rest periods, and
Intellectual capabilities underused incentive systems. However, the researchers found that regardless of the
changes made, productivity consistently increased. This unexpected result
became known as the "Hawthorne Effect," which refers to the phenomenon
where individuals modify their behavior in response to being observed. CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM is a model for managing a bureaucracy in which
individuals are selected for employment in the government on the basis of
either competitive examinations or special qualifications, such as professional
Significant Impact on the Development of the Human Relations Movement in
Management Theory

1. Focus on Social and Psychological Factors: The Hawthorne Historical Development

experiments shifted the focus from purely technical and economic
aspects of work to the social and psychological aspects. The civil service system of the Philippines is a product of its colonial history
under Spain and America’s colonization, with its present form and substance
2. Recognition of the Hawthorne Effect: The Hawthorne experiments derived largely from the American experiences.
revealed the Hawthorne Effect, which refers to the phenomenon
where individuals modify their behavior in response to being 1. Spanish Colonial Era
observed. This finding highlighted the importance of the social
King's authority to dispose of offices as personal favors; public
context and the influence of group dynamics on individual
office seen as a grant (merced) from the king.
behavior in the workplace.

3. Emphasis on Employee Motivation: The experiments showed that Two conventional ways of disposing of public offices: by
employees' motivation and satisfaction were not solely driven by appointment and by purchase.
financial incentives or working conditions. Factors such as
recognition, social interaction, and a sense of belonging were Office holding for Filipinos was confined to the lowest levels of
found to be significant motivators. government: cabeza de barangay.

4. Importance of Communication and Participation: The Hawthorne

experiments demonstrated the importance of effective
communication and employee participation in decision-making

5. Teamwork and Cooperation: The experiments highlighted the

positive impact of teamwork and cooperation among employees.
Mayo observed that when workers were given the opportunity to
work together and form social bonds, their productivity increased.

6. Shift from Scientific Management to Human Relations: The

Hawthorne experiments challenged the principles of scientific
management, which focused on maximizing efficiency through
strict control and standardization. Instead, the experiments
emphasized the importance of understanding and addressing the 2. American Colonial Period
social and psychological needs of employees, leading to a shift
towards a more human-centered approach to management. Significant experimentation in both policy formulation and
Mayo's Hawthorne experiments had a significant impact on the field of
management and organizational behavior. They highlighted the importance of Shaped by American republican-democratic ideals, featured the
social and psychological factors in the workplace and emphasized the role of Philippine Commission as the highest governmental authority.
employee motivation, communication, and teamwork. These findings
contributed to the development of the human relations movement in Initially all-American until 1901, later joined by three
management theory. appointed Filipinos.

Enacted in 1900, the Philippine civil service system,

influenced by the Pendleton Act, compared it ‘favorably’ to
the US.

“A government of Americans, assisted by Filipinos” to “A

bureaucracy of Filipinos, assisted by Americans.”

3. Commonwealth Government
Learning Objectives 1936 - Upgraded Bureau of Civil Service to first-class and
renamed the Office of the Director of Civil Service to Commission
To understand the concept of a national civil service system in the of Civil Service with Undersecretary rank.
To recognize the historical development of the civil service system. C.A. No. 177 (1936) extended civil service to all government
To understand the role of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) branches and subdivisions.
established under the 1987 Philippine Constitution.
To comprehend the essential of Career Service Eligibility. Initiatives: GSIS and Government Survey Board
To identify five important human resource initiatives implemented
by the civil service system. Issue: Identified issues in recruitment and position-classification
Result: Enactment of advanced position-classification system and Barangay Nutrition Scholar Eligibility (PD 1569)
salary adjustments in 1940.
Electronic Data Processing Specialist Eligibility (CSC Res. 90-
4. The Independent Republic
Scientific and Technological Specialist Eligibility (PD 997)
Government ailment symptoms: delays in recruitment,
examination, and placement; excessive authority centralization; lax Skills Eligibility - Category II (CSC MC 11, s. 1996, as Amended)
discipline; lack of positive personnel management; numerous
temporary employees without support for a robust merit system. Veteran Preference Rating (EO 132/790)

The Civil Service Act of 1959 (RA 2260) aimed to improve the
civil service system through legal changes and new provisions. CSC Level of Eligibility

The Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act of 1960 (RA 3019)

expanded anti-corruption measures, listing eleven corrupt acts by
public officials.

The Forfeiture Law of 1955 (RA 3179) allowed the state to seize
property acquired unlawfully during an employee's tenure.

Civil Service Commission

Body tasked by 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article IX-B to

assume a wide breadth of functions and responsibilities relating to
public personnel administration. CSC’s Five HR Initiatives

Administered by a Chairman and two Commissioners appointed by 1. Recruitment

the President.
Hiring of high-performing, competent, and credible civil servants through the
Competency-Based Recruitment and Qualification Standards (CBRQS).

Powers and Functions of CSC 2. Performance Management

Performance review and appraisal through the Strategic Performance

Management System (SPMS).

3. HR Coaching

Coaching to improve employee performance, as well as develop leadership

skills of supervisors and managers.
Career Service Eligibility (Civil Service Examination) 4. Learning and Development
Qualifications: Direct training and personnel development interventions in the areas of
governance and leadership, human resource and organizational development,
Filipino citizen
public service reforms, and values and culture building through the Civil
At least 18 years old Service Institute.
Good moral character
 No criminal record 5. Agency Accreditation
 No dishonorable discharge from military service or
government civilian position Accreditation of agencies for the establishment of their own HRM systems
Has not taken the same level exam (PPT or COMEX) within three and standards through the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and
months prior to the upcoming examination date. Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM).

The Philippine civil service, with around 1.7 million civil servants,
is economically efficient, constituting 1.6% of the population.
Eligibilities Granted Under Special Law and CSC Issuances
Wages and salaries, accounting for 28.6% of public expenditure in
Bar/Board Eligibility (RA 1080) 2017, offer competitive real wages, surpassing other sectors.
Overall, civil service pay is deemed satisfactory for attracting and
Honor Graduate Eligibility (PD 907) retaining quality employees.

Foreign School Honor Graduate Eligibility (CSC Res. 1302714)

Barangay Official Eligibility (RA 7160)

Sanggunian Member Eligibility (RA 10156)

Barangay Health Worker Eligibility (RA 7883)

Enforced Discipline: It is a common discipline imposed from the top, here the
manager exercises his authority to compel the employees to behave in a
particular way.

Approaches to Discipline

Human Relation Approach - correcting employee deviations.

Human Resources Approach - treating employees as valuable


Group Discipline Approach - group-established discipline


Leadership Approach - supervisor-led discipline.

Judicial Approach - legal basis for disciplinary cases.

Legal Basis for Disciplinary Action

EXECUTIVE ORDER 292 – Administrative Code of 1987

RA 6713 – Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees
RA 3019 – Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act - 2017 RACCS
Learning Objectives RA 7160 – Local Government Code of 1991
RA 6770 – Ombudsman Act of 1989
Understand the meaning and significance of discipline and
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 442 - The Labor Code of the
dismissal in the context of employment.
Identify various forms of disciplinary actions that can be taken in a
Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 1701077 2017 Revised
Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service
Explore different strategies and methodologies employed in
disciplinary processes.
Understand the legal and ethical considerations associated with
employee termination. Why Fire Employees?
Gain insight into the rules and regulations governing the removal
or suspension of civil service officers or employees. The violation of a rule, policy, or procedure.
Familiarize yourself with common workplace offenses and their Unsatisfactory Performance
corresponding disciplinary consequences.
Learn about the administrative procedures involved in handling
disciplinary cases. Can an Officer or Employee in the Civil Service be Removed or Suspended?
Understand the potential reinstatement process, entitlements, and
considerations for individuals exonerated in disciplinary No officer or employee of the civil service shall be removed or
proceedings. suspended except for cause provided by law.

According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution Article 9 - The Civil Service

Commission Section 2 No. 3
No officer or employee in the civil service shall be removed or
We can define discipline as a body of knowledge and knowledge for the body suspended except for cause as provided by law and after due
because the training of the mind has inevitably involved training of the body. process.
Second, it signified a method of training or instruction in a body of
knowledge. (Bryan S. Turner, 2006) Republic Act No. 2260, Article VII, Section 32

Dismissal Grave Offenses (Dismissal)

The act of sending someone away or allowing them to leave (Oxford


Types of Discipline

Self-Controlled Discipline: In this, the employee brings his or her behavior

into the agreement with the organization's official behavior code, i.e. the
employee regulates their activities for the common good of the organization.
Sexual Harassment Offenses

Grave Offenses (Suspension & Dismissal)

Grave offenses shall be punishable by suspension of six (6) months and one
(1) day to one (1) year for the first offense and dismissal from the service for
the second offense.

Less Grave Offenses (Suspension & Dismissal) Sexual Harassment Offense Contexts

Within workplace, office, school, or training institution premises.

Any location resulting from work, education, training
responsibilities, or relations.
At work, education, or training-related social functions.
During official business outside the office or school, work-related
At official conferences, fora, symposia, or training sessions.
Less grave offenses are punishable by suspension of one (1) month and one Via telephone, cellular phone, fax machine, or electronic mail.
(1) day to six (6) months for the first offense; and dismissal from the service
for the second offense.
Person Liable for Sexual Harassment

Any government official or employee, irrespective of gender, is liable for

Light Offenses (Reprimand, Suspension & Dismissal)
sexual harassment if:

Directly participating in the execution of sexual harassment acts.

Inducing or directing others to commit sexual harassment.
Cooperating in the commission of sexual harassment through
essential acts.
Cooperating in sexual harassment through previous or
simultaneous acts.

Administrative Proceedings in Disciplinary Cases

Light offenses are punishable by reprimand for the first offense suspension of
one (1) to thirty (30) days for the second offense; and dismissal from the Stage 1
service for the third offense.


workplace is equally important for productivity, professionalism, career
growth, and positive team dynamics. Both aspects are integral to a successful
and fulfilling career.



Define Performance Evaluation

Learn the SPMS Concept
Understand the Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation
System (CESPES)

Stage 2
Performance Evaluation

A formal and productive procedure to measure an employee’s work and

results based on their job responsibilities. It is used to gauge the amount of
value added by an employee in terms of increased business revenue compared
to industry standards and overall employee return on investment (ROI).

Among the mandatory human resource systems under the Revised

Administrative Code of 1987 is the Performance Evaluation System which
shall be administered in accordance with rules and regulations and standards
promulgated by the Commission. Such a performance evaluation system shall
be administered to continually foster the improvement of individual employee
efficiency and organizational effectiveness.

Strategic Performance Management System

Stage 3 A mechanism that links employee performance with organizational
performance to enhance the performance orientation of the compensation
system. It ensures that the employee achieves the objectives set by the
organization and the organization, on the other hand, achieves the objectives
that it has set as its strategic plan.

SPMS Objectives:

a. to concretize the linkage of organizational performance with the

Philippine Development Plan, Agency Strategic Plan, and
Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF);

b. to ensure organizational and individual effectiveness by cascading

institutional accountabilities to the various levels of the
organization; and

c. to link performance management with other HR systems.

What if the Suspect is Found Not Guilty?

If someone accused in an administrative case is found not guilty:

The SPMS has the Following Basic Elements:

Goals that are aligned to agency mandate and organizational priorities

Fines are refunded.
For demotion, the person is reinstated to the former salary grade System that is outputs/outcomes-oriented
with back pay.
For suspension, immediate reinstatement occurs without loss of A team approach to performance management
For dismissal, immediate reinstatement happens without loss of Forms that are user-friendly and shows alignment of individual and
benefits. organizational goals
The exonerated individual receives leave credits, and settlements Information systems that support monitoring and evaluation
may be considered for back wages and other benefits.
A Communication plans

Understanding your rights as an employee is crucial for empowerment, fair

treatment, negotiation, and legal protections, while disciplining yourself in the The SPMS Process
1. Performance Planning and Commitment Merit Promotion Plan and Policies

During this stage, success indicators are determined.

2. Performance Monitoring and Coaching The Merit System

The performance of the office and every individual shall be The system by which entrance and advancement in the civil service is based
regularly monitored at various levels. on merit and fitness to be determined by competitive examinations and other
objective criteria.
3. Performance Review and Evaluation
Is the guiding principle in the selection, recruitment and promotion of the
This phase aims to assess both offices and individual employees’ officers and employees of the local government bureaucracy or in the
performance level. executive departments.

4. Performance Rewarding and Development Planning

Includes identification and provision of developmental

interventions, and conferment of rewards and incentives.

History and Evolution

Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

SPMS Rating Scale
1. Created open selection process for government employment

2. Utilized competitive exams

3. Often called a merit system

4. Only covered around 10% of federal jobs at the time


Is the advancement of an employee from one position to another with an

increase in duties and responsibilities and usually accompanied by an increase
in salary.

Purposes of Promotion
It permits an organization to utilize more effectively any skills and
The Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation System or
abilities that individuals have been able to develop during the
CESPES is the official performance evaluation system for
course of their training and employment.
members of the Career Executive Service (CES).
It can serve as an incentive for individuals to improve further their
capacities and their performance.
CES Positions:
It can also serve as a reward and as evidence of appreciation for
Undersecretary, Assistant Secretary, Bureau Director, Assistant Bureau past achievements.
Director, Regional Director, Assistant Regional Director, Chief of Department
Service, etc.

The new instrument is designed to achieve full alignment with the Bases for Promotion: The Merit System
Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) of the Civil
Service Commission (CSC). Merit - used as criterion for determining that an individual is qualified to meet
the requirements of a higher-level job.
The Enhanced CESPES instrument requires CES Officials to
Seniority - refers to the length of service that an employee has accumulated.
articulate the Organization’s strategic objectives to which their
performance or accomplishments are aligned and provides
mechanisms to show the cascading of these objectives into
measurable individual objectives and accomplishments. Selection and Promotion Board of the Merit System

An official of the department/agency is directly responsible for

personnel management
A representative of management

Learning Objectives A representative of the organizational unit where the vacancy is

Two representatives of the rank-and-file employees representing
Definition of the merit system the first and second level, who are chosen by the duly
registered/accredited employee association in the department or

The Board has the Following Functions:

Adopts formal screening procedures and formulate criteria for What is Personnel Administration?
evaluation and candidates for promotion.
Personnel Administration is the part of administration which is concerned
Evaluates the qualifications of employees being considered for with people at work and with their relationships within an organization.
promotion according to the set standards.
It refers to the entire spectrum of an organization’s interaction with its human
resources from recruitment activity to retirement process.
Prepares the list of employees recommended for promotion from
which the appointing authority may choose.

Recommends the promotion of employees most qualified to fill the What is Public Personnel Administration?
"Public Personnel administration" involves, the management of all an agency's
human resources in a manner that assures the best output with the least costly
input, while protecting and enhancing the welfare of the workers (Hanlon &
Merit Promotion Plan Pickett, 1984).

The Plan is the document that will show an agency's adherence to the Public personnel administration is the establishment and application of
established rules and regulations governing promotion. The MPP is developed policies and procedures for the procurement, deployment, and maintenance of
by the agency within a year from its organization or reorganization and is a public organization's work force (Siegel & Myrtle, 1985)
submitted for approval to CSC Regional Office having jurisdiction over the
agency. It is updated and any amendments or changes therein take effect six
months from the date of approval by the Commission.
Functions of Public Personnel Administration

1. Planning - includes preparing staffing plans and budgets, deciding

Policies: The Merit System how employees will be used and how their strengths will be
allocated, and setting pay rates and salary standards.
Whenever a position in the second level becomes vacant, the
employees in the entire bureaucracy who occupy the next-in-rank 2. Acquisition - is the second main function, and this usually pertains
position, shall be considered for promotion. to selecting and recruiting employees.

Whenever a position in the first level becomes vacant, the 3. Development - which involves employee training and
employees in the department/agency who occupy positions deemed advancement programs as well as performance evaluations.
to be next-in-rank to the vacancy, shall be considered for
promotion. 4. Sanctions - is the fourth function, typically deals with employer-
employee relationships, and may also include matters of workplace
The most qualified next-in-rank. safety and the proper method for handling grievances.

The appointing authority may appoint an individual who is not

next-in-rank but possesses superior qualifications and competence Some Principles of Effective Governance that Relate to PPA
than the next-in-rank employee.
Competence - To perform their functions effectively, institutions are to have
Next-in-rank position is defined as the one which by the reason of sufficient expertise, resources, and tools to deal adequately with the mandates
the hierarchical arrangement of position in the department or under their authority
agency or in the government, assumes the nearest degree of
relationship to a higher position as they appear in the agency's Integrity - To serve in the public interest, civil servants are to discharge their
System of Ranking. official duties honestly, fairly and in a manner consistent with soundness of
moral principle
When employees are on an equal footing in their qualifications,
Transparency - To ensure accountability and enable public scrutiny,
preference may be given to the employee in the organizational unit
institutions are to be open and candid in the execution of their functions and
where the vacant position is, or for second level positions, in the
promote access to information, subject only to the specific and limited
department or agency where the vacancy is.
exceptions as are provided by law

Independent Oversight - To retain trust in government, oversight agencies are

Important Policies of the Merit System to act according to strictly professional considerations and apart from and
unaffected by others
When an employee has a pending administrative case, he/she is
disqualified for promotion while the case remains unsolved. If Non-discrimination - To respect, protect and promote human rights and
found guilty, he is disqualified for promotion for a period based on fundamental freedoms for all, access to public service is to be provided on
the penalty imposed, as prescribed by the Commission. general terms of equality, without distinction of any kind as to race, color, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth, disability, or other status
An administrative case is considered pending when the disciplining
authority has already filed a formal charge; or when, in a complaint Subsidiarity - To promote government that is responsive to the needs and
filed by a private person. aspirations of all people, central authorities should perform only those tasks
which cannot be performed effectively at a more intermediate or local level
resources development programs for all level and ranks, and institutionalizes a
management climate conducive to public accountability.
Public Personnel Administration in the Philippines

Key Issues in Strategic Public Administration

1. Socioeconomic Issues
2. Managerial and Organizational Issues
3. Human Capital: Knowledge and Skills
4. Legal and Constitutional Issues
5. Merit and Professionalism
6. Politics and Patronage
7. Ethical and Accountability Issues
8. Technological Issues
9. Globalization and Global Issues

The Newest Era in Public Personnel Management

Public personnel administration has a distinguished history in the world of

public service. From the beginning, elected officials and citizens depended on
civil servants to implement public policy at all levels. Personnel
administration and human resources professionals strive under exceptionally
challenging conditions to effectively utilize the human beings that comprise
our agency and department workforces.

Recent developments in Public Administration have underscored the paradigm

of governance, which was introduced by international organizations such as
the United Nations, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank in light
of sustainable human development. The Human Development Report 1994
gives the following definition of sustainable human development, which
"advocates protection of the life opportunities of future as well as present
generations and respecting the natural systems on which all life depends".

Sustainable human development is pro-people, pro-jobs, and pro-nature. It

gives the highest priority to poverty reduction, productive employment, social
integration, and environmental regeneration. It brings human numbers into
balance with the coping capacities of societies and the carrying capacities of
nature. It also recognizes that not much can be achieved without a dramatic
improvement in the status of women and the opening of all opportunities to

Legal and Institutional Framework of Public Personnel Administration in the

The 1987 Constitution

The Constitution (1987) is the fundamental law of the land in the Philippines.
It establishes the structure, policies, roles, and duties of the Philippines' INTRODUCTION
government. It contains the Bill of Rights (article III) and sets out the State's
obligations to promote and uphold social justice and human rights (article Employee training and development is a broad term covering multiple kinds
XIII). of employee learning.

Republic Act No. 6713: Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Employee training is a program that helps employees learn specific
Officials and Employees knowledge or skills to improve performance in their current roles. Employee
development is more expansive and focuses on employee growth and future
Public Officials and Employee - shall be accountable to the people all the performance, rather than an immediate job role.
time. Must do their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence,
and loyalty. Should act with patriotism and justice, lead modest lives, and
uphold public interest over personal interest.
The Civil Service Commission (CSC)
Better performance
The Civil Service Commission (CSC) promotes morale, efficiency, integrity, Economy in training cost
responsiveness, progressiveness, and courtesy in the Civil Service. It adopts Less supervision
measures to strengthen the merit and reward system, integrates all human Less accidents
Team spirit AIM: To develop additional skills
Organization culture It is short term process
Healthy work environment OBJECTIVE: To meet the present need of an employee
Initiative is taken by the management


Training and development are a continuous process as the skills, knowledge,
and quality of work needs constant improvement. Since businesses are Development is meant for executives
changing rapidly, it is critical that companies focus on training their It is pro-active process
employees after constantly monitoring them & developing their overall AIM: To develop the total personality
It is continuous process
OBJECTIVE: To meet the future need of an employee
Initiative is taken by an individual.

1. Determine the need of training and development for individuals or teams:

First of all, the need has to be seen for training and development. it
has to align with the company's goals and objectives. If a company Training and development of employees is a costly activity as it requires a lot
is trying to start a new department or strengthen existing sales team of quality inputs from trainers as well as employees. But it is essential that the
in new products, then an appropriate training is needed. company revises its goals and efficiencies with the changing environment.
Here are a few critical reasons why the company endorses training and
2. Establish specific objectives & goals which need to be achieved: development sessions.

The goals and objectives of the training and development have to 1. Improvement
be established. Whether the goal is awareness about new products
or even installation is required to be learn. When management thinks that there is a need to improve the
performances of employees.
3. Select the methods of training:
2. Benchmarking
Next, methods have to be defined. The training can be done as a:
To set up the benchmark of improvement so far in the performance
1. Classroom training improvement effort.
2. Online self-paced courses
3. Course with certification
4. Instructor led online training
3. Specific Role Requirement
4. Conduct and implement the programs for employees:
To train about the specific job responsibility and skills like
After the plan and methods are finalized, the training and communication management, team management etc.
development programs have to be executed where courses,
instructions are taught to the employees, partners, or vendors. 4. Testing

5. Evaluate the output and performance post the training and development To test the new methodology for increasing the productivity.

Training and Development is incomplete without proper

monitoring. Monitoring can be done through evaluation of the
instructor as well as attendees. Instructor evaluation can be done Training and development have a cost attached to it. However, since it is
through feedback or ratings, but attendees can be evaluated beneficial for companies in the long run, they ensure employees are trained
through internal or external certifications or scores. regularly. Some advantages are:
6. Keep monitoring and evaluating the performances and again see if more 1. Helps employees develop new skills and increases their
training is required: knowledge.

Based on the evaluation results in the previous step, management 2. Improves efficiency and productivity of the individuals as well as
needs to ascertain that if the training and development program the teams.
was sufficient for now or more training and enablement would be
required. Also, if future trainings are to be planned. 3. Proper training and development can remove bottlenecks in

RELATION AND DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRAINING AND 4. New & improved job positions can be created to make the
DEVELOPMENT organization leaner.

There is a relation between training and development, and there is clear 5. Keeps employees motivated and refreshes their goals, ambitions,
difference between the two based on goals to be achieved. Development is and contribution levels.
made to answer the training problems:

Training is meant for operatives
It is reactive process
Even though there are several advantages, some drawbacks of training and JOB INFORMATION
development are mentioned below:
1. Employees realize that an analysis of their position can have
1. It is an expensive process which includes arranging the correct implications for the pay they are receiving.
trainers and engaging employees for non-revenue activities.
2. Some employees may understate the characteristics of their
2. There is a risk that after the training and development session, the position.
employee can quit the job.
3. Supervisors may, from the perspective of the organization, define
the position differently from an employee either because they are
not satisfied with the scope of work being done by a current
incumbent or because a pending change in mission or technology
POSITION ANALYSIS AND JOB EVALUATION will require a change in the characteristics of the position.


Be capable of generating job descriptions. A position description is a narrative statement that summarizes the nature of a
Know how position classifications are developed and used. specific job.
Understand how to compare and evaluate jobs.

This is a brief description of the job, for example, "Receptionist." "Prison

POSITION ANALYSIS Guard" "Budget Analyst, or Agency Personnel Manager."
is an examination of the tasks and obligations associated with a job and the Work Location
technology that must be used to support the organization's operations.
Indicates the city and perhaps facility where the employee will work.

Social Environment

An effort is made to describe the kind of interpersonal conditions in which the

Position Analysis Questionnaire

E. J. McCormick designed this approach. He identified 194 questions to POSITION DESCRIPTION

solicit information about the kinds of data workers use in their job, the kinds
of mental processes used, and the outputs they produce. Conditions of Employment

Task Inventory Procedure Some jurisdictions require their employees (or sometimes their applicants for
employment) to meet a residency requirement.
This approach employees and their supervisors list the tasks performed in
each job in the agency. Career Opportunities

Critical Incident Technique The position description should outline promotional opportunities and can
include what options there are for lateral movement to related career paths and
This approach emphasizes the link between job behavior and effective what kinds of training programs are available.
Social Environment
Ability Requirements Scales
An effort is made to describe the kind of interpersonal conditions in which the
This approach is particularly relevant for examination and selection processes. employee will work.
It could also be used to classify jobs and, if a jurisdiction so chooses, to
establish compensation.


The most common approach to job analysis focuses on the duties and Classification Series
responsibilities assigned to a position. The assumption here is that all jobs
involve working with data, people, and things, thus providing some ground A feature common to position classification systems is that groups are made
for comparisons. according to occupational categories, Occupational categorization is, however,
just one step. The next task is to be precise about levels of difficulty, types of
expertise, kinds of responsibilities.



Nature of work
1. Skill and knowledge
Examples of work
2. Nature of work
Knowledges, skills, and abilities
3. Responsibility
Licenses and certificates




One way of keeping a classification system current and relevant is for the Quantitative job evaluations like that just described can help eliminate the
central personnel office to delegate authority for classifying individual effects of decisions to fill some jobs, such as nurses, librarians, secretaries,
positions to agency managers. and child care workers, primarily with women and to set the compensation
levels low. Comparable worth, or pay equity, refers to the policy and practice
Surveys of setting compensation in accordance with the value of a job to an employer
absent any consideration for whether the job is typically filled by men or by
Classification surveys invariably raise expectations about increases in pay and women.
anxieties about the consolidation and elimination of positions.


the focus in position classification and reclassification should be on jobs, not


Grade Creep

In part because reclassifications are frequently regarded as a way of getting a

promotion and a salary increase, there can be collusion between employees
and supervisors.


One might also anticipate the possibility of mistakes. In the interest of

fairness, there are usually opportunities for employees to appeal classification
decisions that affect them.


Broad Classification
Collective Bargaining and Classifications


A set of criteria is used for job evaluation, which ranks positions inside an
organization based on how well they support the objectives and operations of
the company.


1. Use complete and accurate job information

2. Use a job evaluation system that is inclusive and clear in its descriptions of
the various factors and factor levels.

3. Train the evaluators so that they understand the job evaluation process and
are alert to potential sources of bias.

4. Remove the job title from the information provided to raters so that they
focus on specific details for each factor rather than make an initial overall

5. Have individuals in the team use a secret ballot to assign factor levels to the
job being evaluated, thereby gaining the benefits of group discussion about the
job but avoiding pressure.

6. Review factor level assignments by individuals within the team and

eliminate the highest and lowest scores to minimize the effects of raters who,
for whatever reason, rate outside the norm

7. Check the reliability of the process by having different teams evaluate a

common sample of jobs. If different evaluators reviewing the same jobs do
not agree at least 55 percent of the time, then an inquiry must be made to deter
mine the source or sources of subjectivity.

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