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Theory of knowledge essay

Theory of knowledge essay

May 2024 session

Word count 1334

Prescribed title: 5. Do we need custodian of

knowledge? Discuss with reference to two areas of

Theory of knowledge essay

In todays modern world of advancements, the question of whether we need tools or
institutions to protect and maintain knowledge has become increasingly relevant. With the
abundance of information available on the internet it has become quite challenging to
separate truth from fiction. The existence of manipulated data and revisions to events in real
life situations highlights the role played by individuals who act as custodians ensuring that
knowledge remains authentic and reliable. The importance of these custodians becomes more
evident when we consider their role in preserving and sharing knowledge within our human
society. The acquisition and transmission of knowledge in areas like arts and history serve
can be considered a tool for reflecting our past while guiding us towards horizons. In this
piece we will delve into the significance of responsibilities in two distinct fields. We will
explore the duties and challenges faced by those entrusted with preserving and passing on our
heritage. With this, in mind I aim to examine whether it is truly essential to have dedicated
tools that focus on collecting and protecting the message and value of knowledge.

Main body
Throughout history, art has been a formidable tool for conveying the diverse nature of
cultures. From ancient relics to modern works of art, it acts as a mirror reflecting the beliefs,
values, and experiences of various societies. Guardians of art, like museum curators, have an
important role to play in safeguarding physical artworks and also in deciphering their
meaning and significance for the general public. The tasks performed by a curator in a
museum are complex and varied. Their crucial duty lies in protecting the tangible essence of
age-old artifacts and artistic masterpieces, guaranteeing their impeccable conservation for
forthcoming generations. This complex task necessitates thorough investigation to grasp the
historical and cultural influences that birthed these magnificent works, while simultaneously
unearthing the enigmatic minds behind their creation. Contrarily, custodians breathe life into
artifacts by bringing their roots and meanings to the open. Meanwhile, a curator is not just
about the protection of the physical. In addition, they act as trustees of cultural establishment
Theory of knowledge essay

in fostering art works understanding and appreciation for the future. Through interpretation
and explanation of pieces of artwork, curators help connect creators’ aim with critics’
understanding. Curators are however determined to retain cultural nuances in creative pieces
thereby saving our heritage from being watered down. Despite the important role they play,
the stewardship of artistic creations is not without its challenges. Critics insist that custodians
can unknowingly pass on their own biases through the information they preserve, shaping
public opinion. They opine that museum narratives could e inclined to some particular
storylines or points of views which must not limit the original values and diversity of artistic
expression . Moreover, the selection and juxtaposition of artworks in exhibitions can pose
some diverse questions about openness and the need for caretakers to actively address
prejudices in their interpretations. Considering all these fears, curators have to make their
policies open and inclusive. In addition, they must strive to present numerous voices and
perspectives so that their understanding is expansive while at the same time encompassing

different views. Such kinds of curatorial decisions will expand upon potential bias in order to
acknowledge an array of artistic forms. This demands a culture of openness as well as
inclusivity that deliberately looks for diverse opinions and presents them for everyone to see.
They thus ensure that their collections are representative of what art has become culturally
over years because this is imperative in relation to future study work. In other words, it is
necessary that curators preserve existing plus new artworks so as to fully understand diverse
cultures across history. The custodians should be committed to openness and inclusivity in
their curatorial practices, even though they are challenged by biases and diversity They will
therefore assure that the cultural heritage which they protect represents the rich diversity of
human expression. When I was a child, I was passionate about history but wondered how we
could have made the ancient artefacts and information survive for such a long time. In its
entirety, the learning of history is a multifaceted task that relies on past knowledge keepers to
wade through the intricacies of the past and present a diversified, well-rounded view of
historical happenings. Historians play an essential role in protecting past narratives, assessing
contradictory accounts and creating a comprehensive understanding of them. Nevertheless,
there are also potential pitfalls in this custodial role such as biases that may be inherited
through generations or twisting historical narratives. Since then, people have always

Theory of knowledge essay

demanded transparency as well as inclusive custodianship regardless of all these problems

faced before. Historians preserve knowledge from the past; they must thus find their way
through prejudice, subjectiveness and contradictory narratives towards presenting a balanced
and diversified view of it. They, therefore, have the critical role of safekeeping past wisdom
through sifting through conflicting narratives and composing on narrative which reflects finer
details of past events. This involves delivering a narrative of chronology on historical facts
coupled with discovering its apparent reasons, motivating factors, and consequences
contributing to history. However, realizing the custodial function in history has not been quite
easy. History is in essence an open to interpretation by the social, cultural and political
environment of whom it has for a custodian and, hence, a subjective. The faultiness in
assumptions and the bias that a fault it will be repeated in the recount therefore critics. This
can lead to distorted interpretations and valuable insights loss that could guide contemporary
decision making. Critics claim that history custodians are taken hostage by certain political or
cultural waves and, either overtly or covertly, shape the stories' outcomes so that they will fit
within a particular framework or viewpoint or will be conducive in serving some purpose.
Despite the above challenges, there is an increasing demand for transparent as well as
inclusive custodianship of history. Historians should be committed to openness and
ambivalence whereby they know too well that they will have to deal with diverse challenges
in trying to grapple history. A multiplicity of voices and perspectives is essential if historical
narratives are really to respond to the great diversity of human experience.

Being a guardian of history means constant re-examination and adjusting to the changing
viewpoints, confronting with the prejudices and contributing to deeper appreciation of the
past. In conclusion, tending into the obligation of the custodians of past knowledge is an
important element in forming a well-rounded understanding of the past. Historians preserve
what has transpired in the past, reconciling differences among several stories to create a
logical perception of historical events. They also have to take into account the biases that can
be inherent in such narratives. The need for transparent and inclusive custodianship has been
a call across time, thus emphasizing the multiplicity of voices and perspectives at a different
time shapes the past. A recognition of the limitation that arises from these mindsets should
ensure that openness along with the consideration of multiplicity of voices and opinion is the
way forward in developing an all-inclusive history.

Theory of knowledge essay

All things considered, I reckon that comprehensive guardians may have a crucial role to play,
especially in areas of knowledge like art and history, which help in the maintenance and
transmission of our cultural legacy. Custodians of knowledge that human beings possess are
transparent, inclusive and admit to the subjectivity of both historical and creative spheres.
Their commitment to encouraging various possibly takes on creativity while facing up
intricating historical matters helps us gain more insights together. The tough task of being
supervisors regarding our collective past calls for responsible custodianship that serves as a
link between yesterday, today and tomorrow. They must constantly consider transparency,
inclusiveness and recognizing the subjective nature of interpreting multidimensional aspects
of human knowledge. In the artistic sector, custodians link, what artists want to say, and
diverse audiences while ensuring that diversity is maintained in interpretation process. In this
case, however, they navigate through complexity being part of their study area by confronting
biases that exist within themselves and then presenting a story about humans’ lives from
different perspectives as well as experiences. Despite all difficulties faced people who are
responsible for this heritage afterlooking, it alive thus making it truly rich and profound. As
custodians of knowledge, whether in arts or history, they are stewards of our common
memory, weaving the diversity of civilization with narratives that remain vibrant, inclusive,
and true to human existence's multifaceted nature. Through dedication, resilience, and
commitment, custodians guide society in understanding where we come from and aspire to
go. Entrusting them with this role empowers us to learn, grow, and evolve, guided by the
profound lessons encapsulated in the custodianship of knowledge.

 What does a museum curator do? (2021).

Theory of knowledge essay

 Soulejman Janus, S. (2016) 'Preserving Knowledge: From Identifying to Formatting,'

 McCullagh, C.B. (2000) Bias in Historical Description, Interpretation, and
Explanation. Wiley.

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