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24/7 Royal is an outstanding organization which has adjusted its HRM procedures to business
targets, which is essential for long haul achievement. This connection guarantees that the
workforce’s abilities, competence and inspiration support the business strategy, leading to
supported development of the organization. 24/7 Royal business strategies have related to its
business system to constructively aid their current market.



There is a close association between human resource management and firm procedure, which
thusly alludes to the business organizational and environmental development (Grundy: 1997:
474-475) human resource management practices make procedures that comprise the structure of
building workers 'skills and knowledge all through the organization to advance unique and
valued organizational capabilities that support competitive advantage (Werbel and DeMarie:
2005) the contingency model show that business system is translated by each functional unit into
a local methodology that impacts execution in that functional area, while performance in each
functional area, thusly, influences performance at the firm level, it comprises only one of the few
elements adding to firm performance. With regards to operations, four HRM-related results seem
significant. These four include recruitment and retaining employees, employee development,
performance management and change management.

Recruitment and retaining employee- this is the process that is very important for a successful
running of an organization, recruiting and retaining the right talents has been a top priority in
24/7 Royal, this is done in accordance with the organizations aims and objectives. The HR
department is responsible for sourcing and recruiting employees with the appropriate skills that
are fit for the job and reach its strategic goals. 24/7 Royal utilizes performance appraisal,
discount coupons, and promotion employee development-as an act of motivation and to retain its

Performance management- performance management systems can uphold promotion

decisions, pay decisions, decrease in force and employee development. performance
management in 24/7 Royal is determined by considering organization needs in relation to a
transparent key performance indicator. performance management system has a very much
expressed process for achieving assessment exercises within the organization whereby
employees are evaluated annually, and rewards and appraisal is issued, 24/7 Royal uses timelines
and defined roles for both employees and managers in accordance with the organization use of
performance management as basis for HR decisions.
Change management- 24/7 Royal utilizes change management to improve its organizational
performance capability and ability through its HR receptive and proactive activities to adapt to
external and internally imposed changes that may affect its employee and create a
communication channel. this will aid in changing the organization from current state to desired
state, 24/7 Royal will look for ways of improving its productivity to abstain from falling behind
and be ahead of its competitors, it should likewise plan to be more cost effective in its operations
(Revenio & Jalagat: 2016)

Organizational structure- The organizational structure of 24/7 Royal is the authoritative design
in relations on systems, jobs, operating process, people and groups putting forth attempts to
accomplish the organizational objectives. the structure is a bunch of strategies separating the task
to decide obligations and coordinate them (Monavarian, Asgari, & Ashna 2007) 24/7 Royal run a
sole proprietorship with a single CEO which handles operations, and an outlet manager who is
responsible in managing the activities, coordinate and organize the activities of work and control
the members actions (Rezayian, 2005).



Metrics are used in Applying execution measures, it is a compelling method utilized by 24/7
Royal for expanding the intensity and profitability of organizations as well as to boost and help
efficiency enhancements. Proper HR execution measures can guarantee that supervisors embrace
a drawn-out point of view and dispense the organizations resource to the best improvement
activities. There are various HR execution measures to choose from, which thusly fulfill various
purposes and it is critical that the right ones are picked to check the HR efficiency. Positively,
HR measurement is a crucial task in organizations and to report exact execution, there is a basic
need to pick the right measures. the advantage of performance measures is to uncover that an
organization is performing effectively or ineffectively with few targets in mind as follows:

Time to hire; time to hire is the period when the HR departments seek to employ a new
employee, taking into consideration the process of recruitment, selection and acceptance of the
job offer. This metric shows the time between the second your eventual hire entered your
opening and the moment the acknowledged your proposition for employment, 24/7 Royal uses
and effective evaluation to identify the candidate. considering that the most capable individuals
are off the market in 10 days, which is ideal for the shortest chance to hire possible.

Employee turnover: Turnover is an immense issue for organizations in the present intense
global competition. Employee turnover adversely influences the profitability and performance of
the organization, then again, employee turnover increases the chance of losing great employees.
Therefore, maintaining significant employees is vital to 24/7 Royal as they are considered as
important aspect of success and performance of the organization. 24/7 Royal monitors its
employee rate consistently, this aids in maintaining a steady workforce. helping the organization
distinguish problem points and track the advancement of the retention techniques. 24/7 Royal
uses a straightforward technique to calculate its employee retention; this is done quarterly.

Revenue per employee; this is a metric that you can use to calculate your business' overall gain
divided by the complete number of employees. it lets you know how much profit every one of
your employees submit throughout the span of a given period. To calculate an organization's
income for every employee, 24/7 Royal split the organization's total income by its present
number of employees. Preferably, an organization needs the most noteworthy proportion of
income per employee possible on the grounds that a higher proportion shows more noteworthy
efficiency, which frequently means more benefits for the organization.

Employee engagement: employee engagement is a human resource concept that depicts the
degree of devotion and excitement a worker feels towards their job. engaged employees care
about the performance of the organization and their job. and feel that their endeavors make a
difference. these is viewed as one of the compelling elements for the progress of the association
and the critical drivers of sales and profit. individuals ought to be put at the center of the
strategy. the higher the level of employee responsibilities, the better the business result
(Robinson, Perryman & Hayday: 2004) if employee commitment is indeed past responsibility,
the rewards should be significantly more noteworthy (Robinson, perryman & Hayday: 2004,

Training per employee: 24/7 Royal emphasized the overall personality development of all its
employees through its human resource development and training programs that develop a
complete skilled and professional employee. the business unit with profoundly talented and
trained employees have more achievement rates (Ristow: 2009) the development and
advancement programs support business activities and in a range of ways are effective (Strategic
Human Resources Management: 2006)
It is through training and development programs that employees’ efficiency, knowledge,
capabilities and presentation skills are improved. This helps in enhancing business performance,
competitive advantage and achieving business objectives.

For 24/7 Royal to achieve its aims and objectives and compete in their chosen market it is
therefore mandatory that a thorough analysis of the organizational metrics be done in other to
figure out which aspect of the organization needs improvement and restructuring.



Incorporating human resource management in 24/7 Royal planning process empowers the
organization in identifying its goal as well as distinguishing its opportunities and competitive
advantages. 24/7 Royal will recruit, hire and foster the right labor force to accomplish them. A
review of the strategic human resource management will assist 24.7 Royal in creating the right
employee for the organization’s needs.

Development: development is one major component the human resource department uses to
retain employees, enhance the performance of 24/7 Royal personnel and foster growth in their
profession. These will be done in accordance with the organization’s goal. in other for these to be
achieved the HR manager will pinpoint the shortfall in employee’s abilities and skill, and then
construct programs to help meet organization objectives. After the implementation the HR
department monitors the effectiveness and progress of the program.

Communication: the HR department furnishes employees with announcement and support

based on restructuring, changes in policies, workforce, organizational structure and job
description. Human Resource emphasizes the need for employees to acknowledge the
organization’s goal and apply them. Human resources departments also assess changes in
benefits and compensation from restructuring. 24/7 Royal depend on human resources to deliver
effortless transitioning throughout restructuring while maintaining needed employees and
incorporating new employees into the organizational objectives.

Leading by example; remarkable leaders combine great strategic substance and successful
interpersonal cycles to formulate and execute procedures that produce results and reasonable
advantage, 24/7 Royal HR leadership is an initiative style where the organization model the
behavior that is required by the team members, team members are not pushed to excellence
rather it is effectively demonstrated towards the vison and mission of the organization.

The human resource metrics plays a vital role for the success of an organization, proper
implementation will help the organization to achieve its aims and objectives and stay ahead of its
competitors, the metrics also assist the management I decision making process where necessary.

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