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Introduction to Finance Markets

Investments and Financial Management

15th Edition Melicher Test Bank
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Chapter 6
International Finance and Trade

1. The United Nations operates a world central bank that provides a world monetary
unit to accommodate commerce across national boundaries.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Institutions

2. If someone needs to make a payment in the currency of another country, they must Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
have actual possession of that currency. Commented [EN1]: Tricky. Especially in the day of electronic
Answer: F funds transfer, credit cards, etc.
Difficulty Level: Medium Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Right: 0", Tab stops: 0.5",
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"

23. Foreign exchange markets are electronic communication systems connecting the
major financial centers of the world.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

34A. The direct quotation method expresses the number of foreign currency units
needed to buy one U.S. dollar.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

4B27. The direct quotation method indicates the amount of a foreign currency necessary Formatted: Strikethrough
to purchase one unit of the home country’s currency.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"

5. A nation with a relatively lower inflation rate than other countries will have a relatively
stronger currency holding other factors constant.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

6. A nation with relatively lower interest rate levels than other countries will have a
relatively stronger currency.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

7. Arbitrage is the simultaneous buying of securities in one market and selling them in
another to make a profit from price differences in the two markets.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

8. The banker’s sight draft provides an exchange rate that is lower than either the
banker’s time draft or cable rate. Commented [EN2]: Not in chapter
Answer: F Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
Difficulty Level: Medium Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

89. The order bill of lading represents the written acceptance of goods for shipment by
a transportation company and the terms under which the goods are to be
transported to their destination.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

910. A sight draft is one that is not accompanied by any special documents and is
generally used when the exporter has confidence in the importer’s ability to meet
the draft when presented.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

101. The bankers’ acceptance is a draft drawn on and accepted by a bank rather than
the importing firm.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

112. A trust receipt is an instrument through which a bank retains title to goods until they
are paid for.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

13. The bankers’ acceptance and the documentary draft involve four principal parties:
the importer, the importer’s bank, the exporter, and the exporter’s bank.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

124. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System authorizes member banks
to accept drafts that arise in the course of certain types of international
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

135. The Export-Import Bank is a corporation owned by the Federal Reserve Banks.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance
146A. The traveler’s letter of credit is issued by a bank to banks in other countries
authorizing foreign banks to cash checks or purchase drafts presented by the
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

156B32. A traveler’s letter of credit is issued by a bank in one country and Formatted: Not Strikethrough
addressed to a list of foreign banks which are usually correspondents of the issuing Formatted: Strikethrough
bank and have agreed to purchase sight drafts presented to them by persons with
appropriate letters of credit.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

167. The balance of payments is a summary of all economic transactions between one
country and the rest of the world.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Balance of Payments

178. Slow economic growth in investments in another country would be an example of

political risk.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Business Risk

18. The capital account balance includes all foreign private and government Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
investment in the United States netted against U.S. investments in foreign Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Not Bold, Not Italic
countries. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Answer: T
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56"
Difficulty: Easy
Subject: Balance of Payments

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"

199. The current account balance shows the flow of income into and out of the United
States during a specified time period.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Balance of Payments

20. Special Drawing Rights are international reserve assets created by the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
International Monetary Fund that can be drawn upon by member nations.
Answer: T Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Finance
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.51", First line: 0", Right: 0.5",
21. Intervention by central banks in the flexible exchange rate system is called a dirty Tab stops: 0.79", Left + Not at 0.5" + 0.56"
float. Commented [EN3]: Not in chapter
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

2022. Interest rate parity states that a country with a relatively higher expected inflation
rate will have its currency depreciate relative to a country with a relatively lower
inflation rate.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Interest Rate Parity

213. The ultimate effect of large-scale arbitrage activities on exchange rates is the
elimination of the variation between the two markets.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

224. An expected decline in a country’s currency may lead to an attempt to accelerate

collection of accounts receivable from that country for transfer with funds
transferred quickly to another country with a more stable currency.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

235. An instrument requiring immediate payment is classified as a time draft.

Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

246. The 1992 1991 Maastricht Treaty formally committed the countries of the European Commented [EN4]: Book says 1991.
Union to economic and monetary union.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Agreements

25. International financial markets strongly influence domestic interest rates. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"
Answer: T Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Difficulty: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

27. The direct quotation method indicates the amount of a foreign currency necessary Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
to purchase one unit of the home country’s currency.
Answer: F Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Right: 0", Tab stops: 0.5",
Difficulty Level: Medium Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

268. A contract for the purchase or sale of a currency where delivery will take place at a
future date is called a forward exchange rate.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
279A. Under a floating exchange rate system, the value of one currency relative to
another is determined by the forces of supply and demand.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

28. In foreign exchange, variations in quotations among countries at any time Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
are quickly brought into alignment through arbitrage activities. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56"
Answer: T
Difficulty: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

299B33. Under the system of flexible exchange rates, that began in 1943, exchange Commented [EN5]: This was marked as “False” in the test bank
rates are determined by the actual process of supply and demand in the foreign due to an incorrect date. Don’t think that is fair to the student who
knows the concept of flexiable exchange rates
exchange market.
Formatted: Strikethrough
Answer: T F
Difficulty Level: Medium Formatted: Strikethrough
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange Formatted: Strikethrough
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.51", First line: 0", Right: 0.5",
39. A flexible exchange rate system in which currency exchange rates are determined Tab stops: 0.79", Left + Not at 0.5" + 0.56"
by supply and demand has been in place since 1973. Formatted: Strikethrough
Answer: T Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
Difficulty Level: Easy
Commented [EN6]: Too similar to above.
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
Formatted: Strikethrough
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"
3030. Economic Risk is the risk associated with the possibility that a national government Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
might confiscate or expropriate assets held by foreigners.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Business Risk

3131. A clean draft is accompanied by an order bill of lading along with other papers such
as insurance receipts, certificates of sanitation, and consular invoices.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

32. A traveler’s letter of credit is issued by a bank in one country and addressed to a
list of foreign banks which are usually correspondents of the issuing bank and have
agreed to purchase sight drafts presented to them by persons with appropriate
letters of credit.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

33. Under the system of flexible exchange rates that began in 1943, exchange rates Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
are determined by the actual process of supply and demand in the foreign exchange
Answer: F Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
3234. The international monetary system consists of institutions and mechanisms that
foster international trade, manage the flow of financial capital, and determine
currency exchange rates.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

335. The international monetary system consists of institutions and mechanisms that
foster oversees the World Bank, sets international trade policy, and determines the
exchange rate regime for all participating countries.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

36. Up until the start of the Vietnam War, the international monetary system operated Commented [EN7]: Not in the chapter
mostly under a gold standard in which the currencies of major countries were convertible Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
into gold at fixed exchange rates.
Answer: F Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Right: 0", Tab stops: 0.5",
Difficulty Level: Medium Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

374. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created to promote world trade through
monitoring and maintaining fixed exchange rates and by making loans to countries
with payment problems.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Organizations

358. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) was
created to provide banking services for U.S. firms operating overseas.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Organizations

39. A flexible exchange rate system in which currency exchange rates are determined
by supply and demand has been in place since 1973.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

3640. The European Economic Organization (EEO) is an organization of twelve

European countries that agreed to have a common overall monetary policy and the
euro as their common currency.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Organizations

3741. An indirect exchange rate quotation is simply the reciprocal of a direct exchange
rate quotation.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

38. The exchange value of the U.S. dollar relative to other currencies does not Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06", Hanging: 0.5"
impact international trade balances. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Answer: F
Difficulty: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

3942. Holding demand constant, an increase in supply for one currency relative to
another will cause its value to appreciate relative to that currency.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

4043A. Holding demand constant, an increase in supply for one currency relative to
another will cause its value to depreciate relative to that currency.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

4143BNew. An increase in demand for a currency relative to other currencies Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56"
will cause it to appreciate in value.
Answer: T
Difficulty: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

42. 43CNew. Holding demand constant, an decrease in supply for one currency
relative to another will cause its value to depreciate relative to that currency.
Answer: F
Difficulty: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"

43 43DNew. An decrease in demand for a currency relative to other Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.44"
currencies will cause it to depreciate in value.

Answer: T
Difficulty: Medium Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.44", Hanging: 0.44"
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
444. Purchasing power parity (PPP) states that the currency of a country with relatively
higher inflation will depreciate relative to the currency of a country with a relatively
lower inflation rate.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
455. Interest rate parity (IRP) states that the currency of a country with relatively higher
interest rate will appreciate relative to the currency of a country with a relatively
lower interest rate.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

466A. Political risk is the risk associated with possible actions by a sovereign nation to
interrupt or change the value of cash flows accruing to foreign investors.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Business Risk

476B48. Political risk is the risk associated with possible slow or negative economic Formatted: Strikethrough
growth, as well as with the likelihood of variability.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Business Risk

487. Economic risk is the risk associated with possible slow or negative economic
growth, as well as with the likelihood of variability.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Business Risk

48. Political risk is the risk associated with possible slow or negative economic growth,
as well as with the likelihood of variability.
Answer: F
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Business Risk

499. A documentary draft is a draft that is accompanied by an order bill of lading and
other documents.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

5050. An order bill of lading is a document given by a transportation company that lists
goods to be transported and terms of the shipping agreement.
Answer: T
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

1. If the exchange rate in New York for British pounds sterling is quoted at 1 pound =
$1.60, and in London the rate is quoted at 1 pound = $1.62, financial arbitragers
a. buy pounds in New York
b. sell dollars in London
c. simultaneously sell pounds in New York and buy dollars in London
d. simultaneously buy pounds in New York and sell dollars in London

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

2. If the exchange rate in New York for British pounds sterling is quoted at 1 pound = Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
$1.60, and in London the rate is quoted at 1 pound = $1.62, financial arbitragers might: pounds in New York Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
b.sell dollars in London stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.simultaneously sell pounds in New York and buy dollars in London
d.simultaneously sell pounds in New York and sell dollars in London
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

23. The exchange rate is the rate at which a given unit of foreign currency is quoted in
terms of:
a. commodity prices
b. the domestic currency
c. the foreign currency
d. gold

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

4. The exchange rate is the rate at which a given unit of foreign currency is quoted in Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
terms of:
a.commodity prices Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
b.barrels of oil stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.the foreign currency
d. gold
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

35. Should a business fail after receiving shipping documents from its bank on the
basis of a trust receipt, the bank:
a. becomes a preferred creditor to the extent of the amount due less cash
deposits with the bank
b. repossesses the merchandise on the basis of a specific lien thereon
c. repossesses the merchandise on the basis of its holding of title to the
d. has a prior claim relative to other general creditors

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

6. Should a business fail after receiving shipping documents from its bank on the
basis of a trust receipt, the bank:
a.becomes a preferred creditor to the extent of the amount due less cash deposits with the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
bank Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
b.sells off the assets
c.auctions off the merchandise
d.has a prior claim relative to other general creditors
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

47A. The traveler’s letter of credit is usually used by:

a. purchasing agents making purchases in foreign countries
b. individuals traveling abroad
c. importers’ banks
d. correspondent banks, in order to reduce shipment of gold between

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance
5.7B17. A A purchasing agent for a domestic art gallery touring foreign countries for Formatted: Strikethrough
possible acquisitions might find it convenient to have:
a. travelers’ checks
b. a commercial letter of credit
c. regular checkbook drafts
d. a traveler’s letter of credit

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

8. The traveler’s letter of credit is usually used by: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0" agencies Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
b.individuals traveling abroad stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.importers’ banks
d.correspondent banks, in order to reduce shipment of gold between countries
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

69. The Federal Reserve System:

a. permits member banks to accept drafts, but restricts the time period
involved only for exports. Commented [EN8]: In chapter?
b. actively encourages member banks to assist in financing international
c. discourages its member banks from accepting foreign drafts
d. limits the type of international transactions for which member banks may
accept drafts

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

10. The Federal Reserve System:

a. permits member banks to accept drafts, but restricts the time period
b. actively encourages member banks to assist in financing international
c. discourages its member banks from accepting foreign drafts
d. limits the type of international transactions for which member banks may
accept drafts
e. all of the above

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

711. In recent years, the principal market for bankers’ acceptances has been:
a. domestic banks
b. domestic and foreign business corporations
c. foreign banks
d. none of the above

Answer: bC
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

12. In recent years, the principal market for bankers’ acceptances has been:
a.domestic banks Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.domestic business corporations Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.foreign business corporations
d.all of the above
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

813. In the field of foreign trade, the most common form of credit instrument is the:
a. bankers’ acceptance
b. trust receipt
c. sight draft
d. none of the above

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

14. In the field of foreign trade, the most common form of credit instrument is the:
a. commercial loan
b. trust receipt
c. sight draft
d. time draft
e. none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

915. The Export-Import Bank:

a. makes loans and offers guarantees to foreign exporters to the United
b. may offer emergency credits to assist other countries to maintain their
level of imports from the United States
c. makes loans or offers guarantees when the soundness of the
transaction is in doubt
d. makes loans to domestic exporters to encourage foreign trade

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Organizations
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.51", First line: 0", Right: 0.5",
16. The Export-Import Bank: Tab stops: 0.79", Left + Not at 0.5" + 0.56"
a.makes loans and offers guarantees to foreign exporters to the United States Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.may offer emergency credits to assist other countries to maintain their level of exports to Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
the United States
c.makes loans or offers guarantees when the soundness of the transaction is in doubt
d.makes loans to domestic exporters to encourage foreign trade
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Organizations

17. A purchasing agent for a domestic art gallery touring foreign countries for possible
acquisitions might find it convenient to have:’ checks Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.a commercial letter of credit Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.regular checkbook drafts
d.a traveler’s letter of credit

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

18. A purchasing agent for a domestic art gallery touring foreign countries for possible
acquisitions might find it convenient to have:’ checks Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.a commercial letter of credit Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.regular checkbook drafts
d.a great deal of cash in various currencies
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

19. The lowest quotation on foreign exchange is given for: Commented [EN9]: Not in chapter
a.cable rates Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.banker’s time drafts Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.banker’s sight drafts
d.banker’s acceptance

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

20. The benefits of specialization of effort among nations depend primarily upon: Commented [EN10]: Not in chapter
a.geographical locations Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0", research Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.the existence of adequate financial facilities
d.accommodating laws and regulations
Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade

1021. In purchasing a claim to foreign exchange:

a. it is necessary only to go to a local bank
b. a permit must first be received from a Federal Reserve Bank
c. a bank specializing in foreign exchange must be contacted
d. a cable, telephone call, or letter must be directed to a foreign bank

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

1122. The price that an individual must pay when purchasing claims to foreign exchange:
a. is always higher than the basic quotation rate
b. is readily available in financial publications
c. is relatively constant from day to day
d. varies widely among sources of foreign exchangeall of the above are

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

1223. The effect of arbitrage activities in foreign exchange markets is to:

a. create disparity among the rates of various currencies
b. eliminate or reduce exchange rate quotation differentials
c. hinder the otherwise smooth functioning of the exchange markets
d. create wide swings in quotations from period to period

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

24. The effect of arbitrage activities in foreign exchange markets is to: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
a.create disparity among the rates of various currencies Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
b.maximize exchange rate quotation differentials stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.hinder the otherwise smooth functioning of the exchange markets
d.create wide swings in quotations from period to period
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

1325. Before arbitragers take action with respect to exchange rate differentials:
a. central bank approval must be obtained
b. loans to cover transactions must be obtained
c. a market differential of at least 1¢ must exist between two currencies
d. a differential of as little as 1/16 of 1¢ may trigger action
Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.51", First line: 0", Right: 0.5",
26. Balances in foreign accounts are maintained for purposes of dealing in foreign Tab stops: 0.79", Left + Not at 0.5" + 0.56"
exchange by:
a.central banks Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.correspondents of domestic banks Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.correspondents or foreign branches of domestic banks
d.most multinational corporations

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

27. Balances in foreign accounts are maintained for purposes of dealing in foreign
exchange by:
a.central banks Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.correspondents of domestic banks Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.correspondents or foreign branches of domestic banks
d.most multinational corporations
e. none of the above

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange Commented [EN11]: Isn’t “all of the above” correct for #26,

1429. If balances in a bank’s foreign accounts are substantially reduced due to an excess
of demand relative to supply:
a. loans are usually sought from central banks and other institutions to
replenish balances
b. they will buy currency from foreign exchange dealers price quotations are
adjusted to affect a reduction in demand and an increase in supply
c. currency may be shipped abroad for deposit in such accounts
d. Export-Import Bank loans are sought to bolster balances

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

30. Foreign exporters are usually quite willing to accept U.S. dollars in payment for Formatted: Strikethrough
goods and services because:
a.of the importance of the dollar in international trade Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.the value of the dollar does not fluctuate Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.they have little alternative is customary to receive payment denominated in the currency of the importer’s country

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
31. Foreign exporters are usually quite willing to accept Chinese Yuan in payment for
goods and services because:
a.of the importance of the Chinese Yuan in international trade Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.the value of the dollar does not fluctuate Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.they have little alternative is customary to receive payment denominated in the currency of the importer’s country
e. none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange Commented [EN12]: Not in chapter
Formatted: Strikethrough
1532. A domestic importer ordering foreign merchandise from a specific supplier would Formatted: Strikethrough
probably obtain from a Bank A:
a. a bankers’ brokers’ acceptance Commented [EN13]: Make this clearly incorrect
b. a traveler’s letter of credit
c. a commercial letter of credit
d. travelers’ checks

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

33. A banker’s sight draft differs from an ordinary bank check in that: Commented [EN14]: Not clear in the chapter
a.ordinary bank checks can be used only for domestic transactions Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
b.ordinary bank checks are not guaranteed Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
c.they cost more stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
d.they are drawn by one bank on another bank

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

1634. Foreign exchange hedging by a multinational corporation is:

a. a normal responsibility of foreign exchange specialists
b. not ordinarily considered to be prudent business
c. usually described in speculative terms
d. permitted only for defensive purposes

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

35. Foreign exchange hedging by a multinational corporation is: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
a.a normal responsibility of the company CEO Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
b.not ordinarily considered to be prudent business stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.usually described in speculative terms
d.permitted only for defensive purposes
e.none of the above

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

1736. The manager of the foreign exchange office of a multinational corporation could, in
anticipation of a decline in the value of currency of one of its foreign accounts:
a. borrow in that country and add to its account with that branch
b. accelerate the timing of remitting on the payables of that foreign branch
c. enter into a futures contract for delivery of that currency at today’s rate
d. shift funds from branches in other countries to that foreign branch

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

1837. Large multinational corporations enjoy special opportunities for risk reduction or
speculative gains from currency activities:
a. because of their influence on currency developments in the various
b. since they can move balances from one country to another as monetary
conditions seem to warrant
c. because of their generally stronger credit ratings
d. because they always deal in currencies denominated in U.S. dollars

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.51", First line: 0", Right: 0.5",
38. The firm that enters into a futures contract with respect to foreign exchange does Tab stops: 0.79", Left + Not at 0.5" + 0.56"
so: offset possible loss in its collection process by a gain in the delivery process of the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
futures contract Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79" anticipation of an increase in the value of the currency of the country for which the
contract is established Commented [EN15]: Could be correct, too. Depends if they are decrease the cost of their sales transactions paying or receiving. eliminate a loss in the collection process of their accounts receivable in that country

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

39. The firm that enters into a futures contract with respect to foreign exchange does
so: offset possible loss in its collection process by a gain in the delivery process of the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
futures contract Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79" anticipation of an increase in the value of the currency of the country for which the
contract is established decrease the cost of their sales transactions eliminate a loss in the collection process of their accounts receivable in that country
e.none of the above

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
40. The firm that enters into a futures contract with respect to foreign exchange does
a. to speculate on the movement in the value of the currency
b. in anticipation of an increase in the value of the currency of the country
for which the contract is established
c. to decrease the cost of their sales transactions
d. to eliminate a loss in the collection process of their accounts receivable
in that country
e. none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

1941. The exporter’s bank may offer considerable assistance to the exporter by:
a. accepting a bill of lading as security for a loan
b. arranging credit with the import’s bank
c. allowing the exporter to borrow against the security of a documentary
d. issuing a letter of credit to the exporter

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

2042. Loans by an exporter’s bank based on the security of a documentary draft:

a. are supported entirely by the strength of the importer
b. are subject to the approval of the importer’s bank
c. are available only to exporters with strong credit ratings
d. have not only the financial strength of the exporter to support them, but
also that of the importer

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

2143. An importer will generally try to avoid making payment for a purchase before the
goods are actually shipped by:
a. purchasing a letter of credit
b. having payment sent to a bank in the exporter’s country to be held until
proper shipment is made
c. post-dating a check
d. insisting on payment only upon delivery

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

22.44 The commercial letter of credit is of special usefulness in international transactions

when the:
a. importer’s credit rating is either weak or not well known
b. exporter’s credit rating is weak, but the importer’s credit reputation is
c. bank financing the importer’s transaction has very little confidence in the
customer’s ability to meet payments
d. exporter’s bank has little confidence in its customer’s ability to meet its
financial obligations

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

2345. A trust receipt as used in financing international transactions:

a. is issued by bonded warehouses for merchandise stored therein
b. allows the release of merchandise on a consignment basis by the bank
that issued the letter of credit
c. is evidence of ownership of funds held in escrow by the importer’s bank
d. is a negotiable instrument that trades freely in the money market

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

2446. In effect, the commercial letter of credit enables the importer to:
a. substitute the bank’s financial strength for his or her own
b. shift the burden of financing the transaction to the exporter
c. borrow from his or her bank on the basis of merchandise importer
d. have ample of time to sell the imported merchandise and meet payment

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

47. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System considers bankers’
acceptances used in international trade to be: Commented [EN16]: Not in chapter
a.advantageous, but does not enter in bankers’ acceptance financing Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.outside the Fed’s realm of influence, neither encouraging nor discouraging their use Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.a hindrance to domestic monetary control efforts
d.very desirable and actually purchases and holds them in supporting the
market for such securities

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

2548. The attitude of central banks and commercial banks toward bankers’ acceptances:
a. has been favorable regarding bankers’ acceptances as attractive short-
term commitments
b. has never been constructive and has, in fact, been in opposition to their
use at times
c. is one of approval provided that before investing in such instruments
guarantees can be obtained from the Export-Import Bank
d. is irrelevant, since they are prevented from investing in such instruments
by regulations or laws

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.51", First line: 0", Right: 0.5",
49. The attitude of central banks and commercial banks toward bankers’ acceptances: Tab stops: 0.79", Left + Not at 0.5" + 0.56"
a.has been unfavorable regarding bankers’ acceptances as attractive long-term Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
commitments Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
b.has never been constructive and has, in fact, been in opposition to their use at times one of approval provided that before investing in such instruments guarantees can be
obtained from the Export-Import Bank irrelevant, since they are prevented from investing in such instruments by regulations or
e. none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

50. Which of the following statements is most correct?

a.The benefits of international specialization of effort are so great that a nation should Commented [EN17]: Not in chapter
pursue such a policy irrespective of the policies of other nations. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.Arbitrage in the international exchange market has the unfortunate effect of creating Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
instability in exchange rates.
c.The trust receipt is used by a bank in releasing shipping documents to a customer when
the bank wishes to retain title to the merchandise.
d.The bankers’ acceptance and the commercial letter of credit involve three principal
parties: the importer, the importer’s bank, and the exporter.

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

51. Which of the following statements is most correct?

a.The Export-Import Bank is a United States government-sponsored institution which is Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
owned by member banks that deal in financing foreign trade. Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
b.Foreign exchange markets can be characterized most properly as a communication
network among many financial institutions than as an identifiable geographic
c.When a financial institution with accounts abroad sells claims against those accounts, it
must replenish those accounts by borrowing abroad or shipping currency.
d.The banker’s sight draft is the most expensive way to purchase a claim to foreign
exchange. Commented [EN18]: ????

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

2652. Which of the following statements is most correct?

a. Exporters may use sight or time drafts in billing foreign customers when
they have confidence in the purchaser’s ability and willingness to pay.
b. A time draft becomes a banker’s acceptance when the customer
receives, signs, and returns the draft to the exporter.
c. The currency rate is the rate at which a given unit of a foreign currency
is quoted in terms of gold.
d. All of the above statements are correct.

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

53. Which of the following statements is most correct? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
a.Importers may use sight or time drafts in billing foreign customers when they have no Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
confidence in the purchaser’s ability and willingness to pay. stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
b.A time draft becomes a banker’s acceptance when the customer receives, signs, and
returns the draft to the exporter.
c.The currency rate is the rate at which a given unit of a foreign currency is quoted in terms
of gold.
d.All of the above statements are correct.
e.none of the above statements is correct.

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

2754. Which of the following statements is false?

a. Foreign banks, in addition to having correspondent relation with United
States banks, are permitted to set up subsidiaries in this country.
b. The trust receipt is used by a bank in releasing shipping documents to a
customer when the bank wishes to retain title to the merchandise.
c. A nation with relatively lower interest rate levels will have a relatively
stronger currency.
d. A nation with a relatively lower inflation rate will have a relatively
stronger currency.

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

2855. Which of the following statements is false?

a. An order bill of lading carries title to the goods being shipped.
b. There are no foreign offices of U.S. banks in foreign countries.
c. In dealing with a foreign bank, an exporter generally works through a
local subsidiary of that bank.
d. All of the above statements are false.

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

56. Which of the following statements is false? Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
a.An order bill of lading carries title to the goods being shipped. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
b.There are foreign offices of U.S. banks in foreign countries. stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.In dealing with a foreign bank, an exporter generally works through a local subsidiary of
that bank.
d.All of the above statements are false.
e.none of the above statements is false.

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

2957. Which of the following statements is false?

a. The prices quoted to the individual buyer of foreign exchange are always
in favor of the seller.
b. Subsidiary banking corporations established by foreign banks in this
country are not subject to any special restrictions because of foreign
ownership. An indirect quote is in terms of units of foreign currency per Commented [EN19]: Not in chapter
unit of the home country’s currency.

c. Economic risk reflects the uncertainty associated with national

government action that might affect asset values.
d. All the above statements are false.

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

3058. Which of the following statements is false?

a. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System authorizes
member banks to accept drafts that arise in the course of certain types
of international transactions.
b. Multinational corporations may engage in foreign exchange management
for speculative purposes, as well as for defensive purposes.
c. Arbitrage in the foreign exchange market is the simultaneous purchasing
of commodities or securities in one market and selling them in another
where the price is higher.
d. All the above statements are correct.

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

3159. A draft that is not accompanied by any special documents and generally used
when the exporter has confidence in the importer’s ability to meet the draft when
presented is known as:
a. an order bill of lading
b. a clean draft
c. a documentary sight draft
d. none of the above

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

3260. Under conditions of purchasing power parity (PPP), a country with a relatively
_______ expected inflation rate will have its currency _______ relative to a country
with a relatively _______ inflation rate.
a. higher, depreciate, lower
b. lower, depreciate, higher
c. higher, appreciate, lower
d. lower, appreciate, higher.

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

3361. Under conditions of interest rate parity (IRP), a country with a relatively _______
higher nominal interest rate will have its currency _______ relative to a country with
a relatively _______ nominal interest rate.
a. higher, depreciate, lower
b. lower, depreciate, higher
c. higher, appreciate, lower
d. lower, appreciate, higher.

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

3462. The _______ includes ALL international transactions.

a. balance of trade
b. balance of payments
c. current account balance
d. capital account balance

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Balance of Payments

3563. A stronger U.S. dollar generally

a. results in more imports of foreign merchandise
b. leads to concern about worsening trade deficits
c. results in lower domestic inflation
d. all of the above

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

3663NEW. A weaker U.S. dollar generally Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
a. helps U.S. exporting firms
b. reduces an existing U.S. trade deficit
c. leads to higher inflation in the U.S.
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
Answer: d
Difficulty: Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

64. A stronger U.S. dollar generally Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
a.results in more imports of foreign merchandise Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
b.leads to concern about worsening trade deficits stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.results in lower domestic inflation
d.all of the above

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
65. A stronger U.S. dollar generally
a.results in more imports of foreign merchandise Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
b.leads to concern about worsening trade deficits stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.results in lower domestic inflation
d.all of the above
e.none of the above

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Tab stops: 0.79", Left

3766. Foreign exchange markets may be described as:

a. specific locations in major industrial cities
b. major financial centers connected by good communications systems
c. money markets outside of the United States
d. facilities of central banks for foreign exchange

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

3867. Quotations of foreign exchange rates in the many cities of the world are identical or
nearly so because of:
a. central bank control
b. price fixing
c. clearinghouse activities
d. arbitrage activities

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

68. The least costly form of claim in foreign exchange is a: Commented [EN20]: Not in chapter
a.banker’s sight draft Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
b.cable order Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
c.time draft stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
d.bill of exchange
Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

369. A documentary draft is accompanied, among other things, by a (n):

a. order bill of lading
b. manifest
c. trust receipt
d. letter of credit

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

70. A bankers’ acceptance differs from a trade draft in that: Commented [EN21]: Not in chapter is drawn on a bank rather than on an importer Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0" is always accompanied by a bank letter of credit Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
c.its acceptance depends entirely on the goodwill of the importer stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
d.there is no difference

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

4071. Commercial letters of credit are:

a. customarily required by importers of their suppliers
b. negotiable in the money markets of major cities
c. customarily provided by banks to their customers to accommodate their
import activities
d. ordinarily provided by issuing bank at no charge to customers

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

4172. Traveler’s letters of credit are:

a. issued by a bank and addressed to a list of banks in other countries
b. especially popular with tourists
c. convertible into cash at most large banks
d. of special value to exporters

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

4273. To protect against loss as a result of adverse currency fluctuations, an export firm
a. demand cash settlement
b. purchase use a futures contract as a hedge
c. require the customer to make payment in the exporter’s currency
d. require a government guarantee against currency loss of valueall of the
above are possible protections.

Answer: bd
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

100. To protect against loss as a result of adverse currency fluctuations, an export firm Formatted: Strikethrough
a. demand cash settlement
b. sell a millennial contract as a hedge
c. require the customer to make payment in the exporter’s currency
d. require a government guarantee against currency loss of value
e. none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

74. Intervention by central banks in the flexible exchange rate system is called:
a.clean float Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.flexible float Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.dirty float Commented [EN22]: Not in chapter
d.usage of Special Drawing Rights

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

4375. _________________________ was created to promote world trade through

monitoring and maintaining fixed exchange rates and by making loans to countries
with payments problems.
a. The World Bank
b. The International Monetary Fund
c. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
d. none of the above

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Organizations

4476. _________________________ was created to help economic growth in developing

a. The World Bank
b. The International Monetary Fund
c. The Export-Import Bank
d. The Agency for International Development.

Answer: aB
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Organizations
78._________________________ was created to promote world trade through monitoring Formatted: Strikethrough
and maintaining fixed exchange rates and by making loans to countries with
payments problems.
a. The World Bank
b. The International Monetary Fund
c. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
d. none of the above

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Organizations

4577. _________________________ was an international monetary system in which the

U.S. dollar was valued in gold and other exchange rates were pegged to the dollar.
a. The gold standard
b. The flexible exchange rate system
c. The Bretton Woods System
d. none of the above

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

78. _________________________ was created to promote world trade through Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0"
monitoring and maintaining fixed exchange rates and by making loans to countries with
payments problems.
a.The World Bank Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Right: 0", Tab
b.The International Monetary Fund stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
d.none of the above

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Organizations

4679. The currency quotation method that indicates the amount of a home country’s
currency needed to purchase one unit of a foreign currency is called the
a. direct quotation method
b. indirect quotation method
c. floating exchange rate method
d. none of the above

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

4780A. Key factors that influence currency exchange rates include all of the following
a. supply and demand relationships
b. inflation rates
c. interest rates
d. all of the above influence exchange rates

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

4880B81. Key factors that influence currency exchange rates include all of the Formatted: Not Strikethrough
following EXCEPT: Formatted: Strikethrough
a. supply and demand relationships
b. legal constraints
c. interest rates
d. inflation rates

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

82. Key factors that influence currency exchange rates include all of the following
EXCEPT: and demand relationships Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0", constraints Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.interest rates
d.inflation rates

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

4983. If the U.S. inflation rate is expected to be 3 percent next year, the European
inflation rate is expected to be 4% next year, and the spot rate between the euro
and dollar is $1.30, then according to purchasing power parity, we would expect the
dollar to _________ against the euro from $1.30 to __________:
a. appreciate, $1.2875
b. appreciate, $1.3126
c. depreciate, $1.2875
d. depreciate, $1.3126

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

5084. If U.S. interest rates are expected to be 6 percent next year, European interest
rates are expected to be 4 percent next year, and the spot rate between the euro
and dollar is $1.30, then according to interest rate parity, we would expect the
dollar to _________ against the euro from $1.30 to __________:
a. appreciate, $1.275
b. appreciate, $1.325
c. depreciate, $1.275
d. depreciate, $1.325

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

5185. Purchasing commodities, securities, or bills of exchange in one market and

immediately selling them in another to make a profit from price differences in the
two markets is called:
a. profiteering
b. skimming
c. arbitrage
d. all of the above

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

5286. An unconditional order for the payment of money from one person to another is
called a (n)
a. bill of exchange
b. sight draft
c. time draft
d. documentary draft

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

5387. A draft that is accompanied by an order bill of lading and other documents is called
a (n)
a. bill of exchange
b. sight draft
c. time draft
d. documentary draft

Answer: d
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

5488. A draft requiring immediate payment is called a (n)

a. bill of exchange
b. sight draft
c. time draft
d. documentary draft

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

5589. A statement by a bank guaranteeing acceptance and payment of a draft up to a

stated amount is called a (n)
a. bill of exchange
b. commercial letter of credit
c. time draft
d. documentary draft
Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

5690. An instrument through which a bank retains title to goods until they are paid for is
called a (n)
a. bill of exchange
b. commercial letter of credit
c. trust receipt
d. documentary draft

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

5791. A promise of future payment issued by a firm guaranteed by a bank is called a (n)
a. bill of exchange
b. commercial letter of credit
c. banker’s acceptance
d. documentary draft

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: International Trade Finance

5892. For most of the remainder of the decade after the September 11th terrorist attacks:
a. the Fed then maintained a high liquidity, low interest rate environment.
b. the Fed then maintained a low liquidity, low interest rate environment.
c. the Fed then maintained a low liquidity, high interest rate environment.
d. the Fed then maintained a high liquidity, high interest rate environment.
e. none of the above

Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Policy

93. For most of the remainder of the decade after the September 11th terrorist attacks:
a.the Fed then maintained a neutral liquidity, stable interest rate environment. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.the Fed then maintained a low liquidity, low interest rate environment. Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.the Fed then maintained a low liquidity, high interest rate environment.
d.the Fed then maintained a high liquidity, high interest rate environment.
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Policy

94. For most of the remainder of the decade after the September 11th terrorist attacks
the Fed maintained a high liquidity, low interest rate environment, which was
accompanied by:
a.very little borrowing by business firms, financial institutions, and individuals. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
b.large amounts of borrowing by business firms, financial institutions, and individuals.
c.a massive divestment of assets by business firms, financial institutions, and individuals.
d.a massive reduction of inventory levels by business firms.
e.none of the above

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Policy

95. For most of the remainder of the decade after the September 11th terrorist attacks
the Fed maintained a high liquidity, low interest rate environment, which was
accompanied by:
a.very little borrowing by business firms, financial institutions, and individuals. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.a large increase in overseas investments by business firms, financial institutions, and Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.a massive divestment of assets by business firms, financial institutions, and individuals.
d.a massive reduction of inventory levels by business firms.
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: International Trade Policy

96. During the latter part of the decade ending in 2010:

a.housing prices peaked in 2006. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.stock prices peaked in 2007. Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.debt-heavy individuals and business firms default rates skyrocketed.
d.the U.S. dollar declining rapidly against an index of major currencies.
e.all of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

97. During the latter part of the decade ending in 2010:

a.housing prices bottomed out in 2006. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Right: 0",
b.stock prices reached a low in 2007. Tab stops: 0.5", Right + 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
c.individuals and business firms reduced borrowing and default rates declined.
d.the U.S. dollar rose rapidly against an index of major currencies.
e.none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Multiple Topics

5998A. Which of the following statements is most correct?

a. A weaker dollar results in more imports of foreign merchandise since it
requires fewer dollars for purchase.
b. A stronger dollar results in fewer imports of foreign merchandise since it
requires fewer dollars for purchase.
c. A stronger dollar results in more imports of foreign merchandise since it
requires fewer dollars for purchase.
d. A weaker dollar results in more imports of foreign merchandise since it
requires more dollars for purchase.
e. none of the above

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

6098B99. Which of the following statements is most correct? Formatted: Not Strikethrough
a. A weaker dollar results in more imports of foreign merchandise since it Formatted: Strikethrough
requires fewer dollars for purchase.
b. A stronger dollar results in fewer imports of foreign merchandise since it
requires fewer dollars for purchase.
c. A stronger dollar results in more imports of foreign merchandise since it
requires more dollars for purchase.
d. A weaker dollar results in more imports of foreign merchandise since it
requires more dollars for purchase.
e. none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Hard
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange

61. The U.S Balance of Payments involves all of the following except: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"
a. Foreign investment, Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Tab stops: 0.56", Left + Not
b. Private grants at 0.79"
c. Government grants Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
d. U.S. military spending overseas Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
e. Commercial bank deposits in dollars from foreigners
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial

Answer: e Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial

Difficulty Level: Medium Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Subject Heading: Balance of Payments

62. Which factor does not impact international trade balances? Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
a. The exchange value of the U.S. dollar relative to other currencies Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
b. How often the government sells treasury bills
c. Relative inflation rates
d. Economic growth
e. The prices of goods in the U.S.

Answer: b
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Balance of Payments

63. The ___________________ shows the flow of income into and out of the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.56", Tab stops:
United States during a specified period. 0.56", Left + Not at 0.79"
a. Balance of payments Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
b. Capital Account balance
c. Current Account balance
d. Merchandise Trade balance
e. Balance of trade
Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Current Account

64. All of the following affect the balance of the capital account except:
a. Bank deposits Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
b. Purchases of government and corporate securities
c. Purchases of goods and services
d. Loans
e. Direct investment in land and buildings

Answer: c
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Capital Account

65. When the flow of income into the United States exceeds the flow of income Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
out of the United States, it creates a: Formatted: Line spacing: single

a. Current account surplus Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial

b. Curent account deficit Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
c. Capital account surplus
d. Capital account deficit
e. Trade deficit Formatted: Normal, Indent: First line: 0.5", Line spacing:
Answer: a
Difficulty Level: Easy
Subject Heading: Current Account Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Right: 0", Tab stops: Not at
100. To protect against loss as a result of adverse currency fluctuations, an
export firm may:
a. demand cash settlement
b. sell a millennial contract as a hedge
c. require the customer to make payment in the exporter’s currency
d. require a government guarantee against currency loss of value
e. none of the above

Answer: e
Difficulty Level: Medium
Subject Heading: Foreign Exchange


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