Manzo Engineering Contractor Appointment

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Contractor Appointment



(3) A principal Contractor shall be responsible for the following in order to ensure compliance with the provision
of the Act:

a. To provide any contractor who is making a bid, or appointed to perform construction work for
the principal contractor, with the relevant sections of the documented health and safety
specification contemplated in regulation 5(1)(b) pertaining to the construction work which has to
be performed;
b. To appoint each contractor in writing for the part of the project on a construction site;
c. To take reasonable steps to ensure that each contractor’s health and safety plan contemplated
in sub regulation 2(a) is implemented and maintained on the construction site: Provided that
the steps taken shall include periodic audits at intervals mutually agreed upon between the
principal contractor and contractor’s but at least once every month;
d. To stop any contractor from executing construction work which is not in accordance with the
principal contractor’s and/or contractor’s health and safety plan for the site or which poses a
threat to the health and safety of person’s;
e. To ensure that where changes are brought about, sufficient health and safety information and
appropriate resources are made available to the contractor to execute work safely;
f. To ensure that every contractor is registered and in good standing with the compensation fund
or with a licensed compensation insurer prior to work commencing on site; and
g. To ensure that potential contractors submitting tenders have made provision for the cost of
health and safety measures during the construction process.

GPWG ENGINEERING, being the Principal Contractor at Medupi Power Station Construction Project,
Package P04A, P049, P19C hereby appoints Manzo Engineering as the contractor responsible for providing
certain contractual duties for Site Establishment in terms of Construction Regulations 7(1) (c) (v)

As Contractor, your duties in terms of this designation are:

a. You shall ensure that you meet all the requirements in terms of the Occupational Health and
Safety Act and in particular the provisions set out in the Construction Regulations.
b. Familiarise yourself with the Client’s Health and Safety Specification and where available,
project Environmental Management Plan.
c. You shall ensure that all contractors appointed by yourself and reporting to you comply with the
requirements of health and safety statutory requirements in addition to site specific
d. You shall ensure that construction work is carried out in a safe manner.
e. You shall further ensure that all inspection records, registers and required lists are maintained
and that all persons appointed to carry out work/tasks as stipulated in the Construction
Regulations are competent and have the necessary resources to complete their tasks
effectively in such a manner that health and safety is not in any manner compromised.
f. You shall cooperate with Lesedi Nuclear Services to establish and maintain a safe and healthy
work environment.

This appointment is valid from the 5 JUNE 2022 to the completion of the stipulated construction work.

Form No: Form

GP-ESK-21-HSE-001 Rev. Controlled Disclosure Page 1 of 2
Contractor Appointment


I ……………………………………………………. understand the implications of this appointment as detailed

above and confirm my acceptance.

Sign Designation Date


Bornface Mboma 05/07/2022

Name Sign Date

Form No: Form

GP-ESK-21-HSE-001 Rev. Controlled Disclosure Page 2 of 2

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