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10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO.

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S M Firoz Ashraf
October 13, 2012 | 6 minute read

DMS – Linking Material Document in

DIR and Displaying the attachments
in MIGO.
 12  14  28,841

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Requirement: Users want that using transaction CV01N, they should be able to
link the material document at header level and the same should be displayed in
 RSS Feed transaction MIGO.

Solution: There are two parts involved in the whole process:

A. Doing settings on DMS Side.

B. Enhancing the MIGO Screen to display the list of attachments. 1/15
10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

Let’s go in detail on each part of the solution:

Part A – Doing settings on DMS Side.

(You may also refer to SAP Note 1417841 and Online SAP Help Documentation on
this part)

Step No. 1: Since we want the documents to be attached at header level. Hence
find if your system has the function module

If you do not have this FM then create it using the template of

neccesary changes in the code so that data is read from MKPF
instead of MSEG or Equipment Master table.

This FM is used to retrieve the header text to be displayed in the

object link screen in CV01N.

Step No. 2: Now using SE80, go to Package CV. Under Screens of function
Group CV130,
create a subscreen (Copy screen 1204 to 9002 for example).
the same screen under CV140.

Kindly note that you have to take the access keys from SAP to create
the subscreens under CV130 and CV140.

Step No. 3: After you have created the screen 9002, ABAP development for the
first part on DMS side is done. Now you need to
do the configuration in SPRO.

Go to SPRO–> Cross-Application Components –> Document

Management –> Control
Data –> Maintain Key Fields

Create a new entry. 2/15
10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

Table – MKPF,Transaction Code – MIGO, Field name – MBLNR, PID –

MBN, Field Name – MJAHR, PID- MJA

Step No. 4: Go to SPRO –> Cross-Application Components –> Document

Management –> Control Data –> Maintain Screen for Object Link

Create a new entry.

SAP Object – MKPF,Screen – 9002

Step No. 5: Go to SPRO –> Cross-Application Components –> Document

Management –> Control Data –> Define Document Types

Copy document type PUR and name it ZMG 3/15
10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

Next, click on ‘Define object links’. Create new entry here.

Enter the the document type ZMG that you created above, enter MKPF under
Object. Screen 9002 will automatically get picked. Save your entries.

This completes part A of the solution.

Now DIR can be created and attachments to material header document can be
done in transaction CV01N.

To verify this go to CV01N and enter or select ZMG from the drop down and press
enter. 4/15
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Enter the description and document status in ‘Document Data’ tab and click on
‘Open Original’ icon at the bottom of the screen (marked 1 in the screen shot).
This will open up a pop-up window to select the file that you want to attach. Next
click on ‘Check In Orig.’ icon at the same bottom screen (marked 2). 5/15
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Now click on tab ‘Object Links’ Here you can see your screen 9002 with two fields
material Doc. and year. Enter and valid document, press enter and the doucment
header ‘Description’ will get populated.

Note that you have to append two fields (MBLNR and MJAHR) in standard
structure MCDOKOB for CV01N to retain the data entered in fields MBLNR and

If you don’t maintain these fields in MCDOKOB then after entering the MBLNR
and MJAHR values in the above sscreen when you press enter, the values will
disappear. 6/15
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Part B – Enhancing the MIGO Screen to display the list of


You need to use the BADI MB_MIGO_BADI to add a new header tab containing
your screen with a button to show the list of attachments.

To acheive this follow the below steps:

Step No. 1: Using SE80, create a subscreen under a seperate Z program. For
example, screen 100 under ZMMM120.

Place a pushbutton on the screen and in the PAI, write a module (Say, MODULE
GET_ATTACHMENT.) to fetch the attachments.

The coding of this module could be: 7/15
10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

MODULE get_attachment INPUT.

CHECK sy–ucomm = ‘ATT’.

DATA: v_mblnr TYPE mblnr, v_gjahr TYPE gjahr, v_zeile TYPE mblpo,

v_objkey TYPE drad–objky,i_tabdrad TYPE drad OCCURS 0.

IMPORT p1 = v_mblnr
p2 = v_gjahr
IF sy–subrc = 0.
CONCATENATE v_mblnr v_gjahr INTO v_objkey.


dokob = ‘MKPF’
objky = v_objkey
opcode =3
tabdrad = i_tabdrad.

Note that the Doc.No. (MBLNR) and Doc. Year (MJAHR) will be IMPORTed from
the point in BADI implementation where it has been EXPORTed to Memory ID

Once we get the Doc.No. and Doc. Year we will simply use the FM
DOCUMENT_ASSIGNMENT using document object as MKPF and document key
as MBLNR & MJAHR concatenated togeather.

Step No. 2: After you have created your subscreen, go to SE19 and create an
implementation of BADI MB_MIGO_BADI.

In the method PBO_HEADER do the following coding to call the

subscreen that you created in the above step.

METHOD if_ex_mb_migo_badi~pbo_header .
e_cprog = ‘ZMMM0120’.
e_dynnr = ‘0100’. “External fields: Input
e_heading = ‘DMS Attachment List’.
* Export data to function group (for display on subscreen)
is_migo_badi_header_fields = gs_exdata_header.
10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

Next, in the method LINE_MODIFY do the following coding to EXPORT the Doc.No.
and year to Memory ID.

METHOD if_ex_mb_migo_badi~line_modify.

EXPORT p1 = cs_goitem–mblnr

p2 = cs_goitem–mjahr



Activate the BADI Implementaion and you are done !!

This completes the whole process of creating the DIR and displaying the
attachment list on MIGO Header Screen.

To verify this go to transaction MIGO, enter any Doc. No. and press enter. You will
find a new tab in the header havign a push button. Clicking this button generates
a pop-up window showing all the attachments done through DIR (transaction
CV01N). 9/15
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1. SAP Notes: 1417841, 1066915

2. SAP Online Help Documentation:



PS: Transaction CV04N might give Short Dump.To overcome this please do the

Using SE80, go to Package CV. Under Screens of function Group CV100, create a
subscreen (Copy screen 1247 to 9002). Rename MCDOKOB-BANFN with

Save and activate the screen 9002.

Issue No. 1: The attachment push button is working only once. When the pop-up
window is closed (being in the MIGO screen) and when trying to click the
attachment button again, the pop-u[p window that shows the list of attachment
is not opening.


Implementation MB_MIGO_BADI should be activated and shold have the have
the code:

e_force_change = ‘X’.

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PLM Document Management System (DMS)

MM Inventory Management




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10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

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Atul Tulaskar
October 16, 2012 at 10:12 am

excellent Firoz...

we have requirement of object link to the PO header level. Could u please help us?

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10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

S M Firoz Ashraf | Blog Post Author

October 17, 2012 at 11:54 am

Hi Atul,

You may already have the FM your system

You simply need to do the first part as explained in my blog. Create your screen for PO header
under function group CV130. You may copy screen 148 (which is for PO Item) and remove the item
(EBELP). Just keep EBELN.

Once you have done the first part find out the enhancement at PO Header level and call up the
attachment list as explained in part B.



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Atul Tulaskar
October 17, 2012 at 12:01 pm

Thanks Firoz. I will try as suggested above

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Former Member
May 27, 2013 at 11:41 am

Dear Firoz,

Nice Blog

when i do the same i got duplicate TAB for DMS attachment in MIGO(GRN) Transaction.

and with this , I have tried out for HR the object is PLOGI with screen no 500 but not getting success, with
same i am not able to get in to MIRO also

which bapi i have to use for HR, MIRO ???

Kindly Do the needful


Tushar Dave

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10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

S M Firoz Ashraf | Blog Post Author

September 10, 2013 at 5:28 am

Hi Tushar,

Can u please share the screen shot where you are getting the duplicate tab in MIRO?



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Former Member
September 10, 2013 at 5:59 am

Hi Firoz,

Thanks to focus on my query,

but i am sorry to say that i was facing that problem in May 27 2013 in one of my project

after update of EHP it was automatically sort-out.

For HR object i was recommended to use ARchiveLink

But now in my new project with development client i want to do same for HR object
(PLOGI) and MIGO(GRN) , and in Invoice generation (VF03)

can you suggest for the same.


Tushar Dave

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Bruno Esperança
March 3, 2014 at 9:49 am

Amazing work. Thanks for sharing.



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10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

Bharath Padmanabhan
May 16, 2017 at 2:22 am

Hi Firoz,

The level of detail captured in this blog is amazing. Your narration style to capture every single possible
issues along the way is extremely good!

Thanks a million for taking your valuable time to condense several weeks of your hardwork for us.



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Mangesh Nirmale
October 5, 2017 at 11:00 am

Very nice information. Thank you sharing


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karteek k
October 9, 2017 at 3:16 pm

Perfect explanation!

Thank you,


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10/30/23, 4:55 PM DMS – Linking Material Document in DIR and Displaying the attachments in MIGO. | SAP Blogs

S Abinath
June 23, 2020 at 4:21 pm


Neat and detailed explanation --- Thanks for Sharing

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Fatima Mustafayeva
January 6, 2022 at 9:52 am

Thanks for sharing Firoz,

Also could you tell me please if it is possible to save an attachment file for hold migo document?

As per my knoledge, attachment file itself is saved only if the document is posted.

If it is not possible, could the DMS help out us for held migo document case?

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