Grade 8

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Unit Test revision ppt

Ms. Dhuha/Mr. Sonish
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Exercise 1
Reading Comprehension
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Beneath the bony branches of the Whispering Wood, where moonlight dripped through like
ghostly tears, Tom crouched, the damp earth beneath his knees cold and clammy. He
traced the cool metal of his dad's sword, its once-shiny surface marred by soot and dried-up
blood. The wind, heavy with the scent of pine and untold secrets, carried the distant wail of
a banshee, a mournful echo of the kingdom's fading hope. Tom, the last one left in his royal
family, knew his path wouldn't be paved with moonlight and fairy tale wishes. It would be
carved with steel, bravery, and the desperate hope of a dying land.
As dawn bled onto the horizon, casting an eerie orange glow on the gnarled trees, Tom rose,
his eyes hard with determination. The bad guy, the one who stole his throne, now sat on the
fancy chair where his family had sat for ages. He used the kingdom's magic like a mean
weapon, scaring everyone into doing what he wanted. But Tom wouldn't be scared! He had
the fighting spirit of his ancestors pumping through him, and a whisper in his ear telling him to
fight back.
He wouldn't be just another forgotten prince, a dusty memory from a happier time. He would
be a hurricane, a storm that would take down the bad guy and bring back the hope he
stole. Gripping the sword, its weight reminding him of what he had to do, Tom turned his
back on the whispering secrets of the woods. The path ahead was foggy and scary, but he
couldn't let fear win. He was Tom, the last heir, and his adventure was just beginning!
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1.What happened to Tom's father's sword?
2.Why is the wind described as "heavy with unspoken secrets"?
3.The word "gnarled" describes the trees as:
A) Twisted and bent
B) Tall and slender
C) Lush and green
D) Colorful and vibrant
4.Which phrase uses personification?
A) "Moonlight filtered through like spectral tears"
B) "The path ahead was shrouded in mist"
C) "The wind sighed through the trees"
D) "Anya, the last heir"
5.In your opinion, what qualities make Tom a good hero?
6.What is Tom's goal, and what does he plan to do to achieve it?
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Exercise 2
Descriptive Writing (Story Opening)
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Write the opening of a story that is set in an imaginary place.

A bustling marketplace in the floating city of Zephyr haven, where

clouds weave between towering structures of living stone.

Consider the following:

• What secrets does the place holds?
• Who are your characters? Why are they there?
• What happens?
You will receive 7 marks for the contents and 8 for your style of writing
(140-160 words)

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