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1.What is the main purpose of computer application? 10points

- The main purpose of computer applications is to perform specific tasks or functions to assist users in their
work, study, or personal activities.

2.What is the most important application of computer? 10points

- The most important application of computers depends on the context and requirements of the user.
However, some commonly regarded important applications include word processing software for writing
documents, spreadsheet software for managing data and calculations, and internet browsers for accessing
online information.

3.What is the importance of applications? 10points

- Applications are important because they enable us to streamline and automate various tasks, increasing
efficiency and productivity. They help us organize data, communicate with others, create content, access
information, and perform complex calculations, among many other things.

4.Why is computer application technology important? 10points

- Computer application technology is essential because it allows us to leverage the full potential of
computers and harness their power effectively. It helps us drive innovation, solve problems, improve
workflows, and achieve desired outcomes in various fields such as business, education, healthcare,
entertainment, and more.

5.What are the applications of computer in our daily life? 10points

- Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, and their applications are all around us. Some
common applications include email for communication, social media platforms for staying connected,
mobile apps for various purposes like banking, shopping, and transportation, multimedia software for
entertainment, and productivity tools for work-related tasks.

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