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Below is assessment for hazards/risks defined for the safe working method for EXCAVATION, FORMATION, PIPE LAYING AND BACKFILLING FOR
HV and MV cable installation Assessment consulted by
Construction Manager.
1. QA / QC Manager/Engineer
2. Site Supervisor
3. Safety Manager / Officer and
4. Operators and Crew.

while it was prepared by the engineer executing the work with safety manager aid, and finally reviewed and approved by project manager.

Sequence of Work:

Excavation, pulling cable and Backfilling for HV and MV installation executed as per following sequence of work:

1. Trial Hole
2. Trench Excavation
3. cable Laying
4. Backfilling

Hence, following risk assessment prepared to evaluate and control related risks and following conditions shall be considered:
1. Once the Risk Assessment/ Method of statement will be approved it shall be circulated and record training to all relevant personnel to the work.
2. In case of any changes to the working procedures, or involving any new equipment, the document shall be revised.
3. In case of any accident/ incident relevant to the task, the risk assessment shall be reviewed.

Related Documents:

SN Document Description Status Target Date Remarks

For Official Use Only (FOUO)
1 Demonstrative Risk Assessment After Approval will communicate to all. After approval
2 Specific trainings & TBTs Handling of Power tools Planned Within a week

Risk Matrix:

Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent/Almost Certain
5 10 15 20 25
Absolutely Unacceptably High
15 - 25 Extreme Risk
Activity or industry should not proceed in current form
Unacceptably High
8 - 12 High Risk Activity or industry should be modified to include remedial planning and action and be subject to detailed HSE
Acceptable but must be managed at “As Low as Reasonably Practicable” (ALARP)
4–6 Moderate Risk
Activity or industry can operate subject to management and / or modification
Acceptable without required further action.
1 -3 Low Risk
No action required unless escalation of risk is possible

Personne Risk Respo
A Hazard Res.
Activity Risk l involve Ratin Control Measure nsabili
R Risk
d g ty
00 General  Comply with the legal, contract, local, authorities, and best practices for severe weather conditions.
 Mandatory PPE (Helmet, Hand Gloves, Reflective vest, Eye protection and Safety shoes) (EN/CE standard) t
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
o be provided for all site personnel, and specific to task to be provided for concerned personnel.
 Training / TBT to be given to all involved personnel regarding (risk assessment, weather forecast, PPE, emer
gency procedure and evacuation plan) and to be recorded through the site superintendence in presence of E
HS rep.
 Maintain adequate work supervision.
 Reduce the human involvement for all the tasks as low as reasonably practical.
 Don’t use any homemade tools, platform, unauthorized connection.
 All tools, equipment, plants should possess valid documentation as per local authority.
 Comply with any instructions from engineer, contractor EHS representative.
 Emergency contact details/ procedure shall be fixed at all working areas.
 Adequate signage should be fixed all areas of works, and to be in adequate languages can be understood by
 During unfavourable weather condition (Humidex exceeding 54 C⁰ (TWL < 115)/ Wind speed exceeding 38 K
ph/ Visibility less than 50 m/ heavy rains) works should be suspended or break should be implemented as per
OSHAD requirements.

1 Mobilizati Workforce 4 3 12  Softeners to be used while securing the load t

on of Mat o avoid damage.
erials  Personal Inj  Competent drivers/operators shall be assigned
 Moving vehicl ury/Fatality, for the task.
es  Incident/Ac  Ensure effective supervision and conduct insp PE/Site
3 3 Engineer
 Plant / perso cident, ection. 1
 Property da  Vehicle to be inspected for safety. Supervis
nnel interface
mage  Do not over speed and sudden breaks. or

 All loads shall be properly secured. Store

 Ensure road worthiness and sufficient room for
 OSHAD approved third party certificates requir
ed for equipment and operator.
 Road Safety Procedure to be strictly adhered.
 Appropriate PPE shall be worn by all personne
 Appropriate Fire Extinguisher (DCP) shall be a
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
vailable on all vehicles/equipment and in site i
n an easily accessible location.
 Vehicles should be entering one by one to the
 Vehicle in good mechanical condition.
 Ensure load is properly secured with slings/ch
 Approach ways to be maintained in good cond
itions and traffic warning signs to be posted.
 All vehicles/equipment entering the work area
to be monitored / marshalled by trained banks
 PTW shall be followed.
 PTW shall be obtained only by competent and
authorized person.
 Only approved /certified vehicles and equipme
nt shall be used.
 All the vehicles in the working area shall have
reverse alarm.
2 Manua  Back injury Workforce 3 2 6  Adequate PPE s must be worn by all employe
l Handl  Cuts and ab es.
ing Wo rasions  Heavy objects, equipment and materials are to
rks / Tr  Equipment/ be handled by mechanical means or use budd
anspor  Physical Haz material da y system if not too heavy.
tation maged  Make sure loud calling is used during buddy s
 Improper use ystem to avoid communication gaps.
of tools and E  Task Analysis for the lifting load to be conduct
ed for Close Supervision.
 Tripping hazards shall be eliminated via Good
 Improper liftin Housekeeping.
2 2 Engineer
g of materials  Training provided in HSE inductions and toolb
 Improper liftin ox talks. 1 Supervis
 Workers to bend their knees and not their bac
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
g procedure ks while manual handling. Store
 Poor Posture  Maximum lifting load weight for single person
 Inadequate S should not exceed 25Kgs.
pace  Provide manual handling safety training to wor
 Keep the materials near the location where it i
s being utilized, be mindful of the person next t
o you, keep away your hands and feet from pi
nch points.
 Failure of lifti
ng equipment
 Poor work ar
ea  Serious Inju  Ensure the mechanical equipment engaged is
Unloading ries tested and having valid 3rd party certificate an
 Unauthorize
and shiftin  Cut/hand inj d the operators has valid license and approve
d, Untrained Site
g of mater ury. Equipment d competency certificate. 3 3 Engineer
ials using   Fractures operators  Competent flagman should be in place to contr 1
Poor mainten ol the vehicle movement.
 crush Workforce or
3 mechanic ance of vehicl 3 3 9
 property da  All lifting accessories should be inspected & c
al equipm e mage ertified by 3rd party. Store
ent  Speedy oper  Personal sp  Use tag line for control of swing and alignmen
ation rain and str t.
 Overturn ain  Machines to have safe clearance with other pl
 Overload ant and nearby operatives as much as reason
 Overhead ob ably practicable.

4 Adverse  Heat stress  Fainting. 3 3 9  Dust/sandstorm – work suspended in expose 1 3 3 PE/Site

Weather  Heat stroke  Heat exhau d, external areas, and workforce removed fro
Condition  Heat Exhaust stion m the area. Supervis
Supervisor or
ion  Fatigue  Worksite monitored until the event has passe
 Giddiness d, before allowing workforce to resume duty. HSE
 Heavy Rain s
 Heavy Rain – severity monitored. Workforce r
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
 Fog  Nausea Helpers emoved from work area, esp. excavations, unti
 Dust / Sandst  Headache l the area has been reassessed following the e
 Moist skin nd of the rain.
 Assessment of the excavation area shall conti
nue after rain has ended to monitor for subseq
uent groundwater movement and flooding pote
 Fog – vehicle activity, including truck moveme
nts and site cars/pickups to be suspended dep
ending upon the severity (lack of visibility) of th
e fog across the site.
 Monitoring of thermal work limit (TWL) shall be
carried out.
 Employees to be educated on the risk of heat r
elated illness and precautionary measures.
 Follow the summer Mid-day break rule and giv
ing break at noon time to avoid working under
high temperature. (12:30pm to 3:00pm)
 Provide rest area for all the workers.
 Provide potable drinking water with cooler facil
 Provide onsite rest place for person working u
nder high temperature.
 Electrolytes / ORS to be given to the workforc
 First aid facility and first aider should be availa
 Monitored the temperature during Summertim
e through TWL and take the frequently breaks
as per recommendation of TWL Matrix.
 Safety officer & supervisors shall monitor the c
ondition of the crew regularly.
 Safety and Supervisors shall enforce all workf


For Official Use Only (FOUO)
orce to drink plenty of water prior and during th
e work at site.

 Ensure the following items must be available o

f survey vehicles; Reflective cones, first aid bo
x along with fire extinguisher, Rebar caps, Nec
essary warning tapes, Proper hand tools, Ade
quate chilled water, and emergency contact no
s. etc. PE/Site
 No driving/Work during sand storm. Engineer
 Manual handl
 Ensure all excavation nearby survey work mar
ing ked signage provided and barricaded.
 Open excava  All access egress should be good condition.
tion trenches  Personal  Tool box talk should be conducted to surveyor
 Poor access  injury Surveyors
Survey w 2 3 6 helpers too aware them for site risks. 1 3 3
5 egress  Damage to
ork  Provide cold drinking water in working area.
 Unprotected  Surveying  Provide umbrella as a mean of shade for worki
marking steel  Equipment ng in the direct sun light.
s.  Respiratory  Alone working is prohibited in the remote area.
 Heat stress,  Disorders  Provide Mushrooms Rebar Cap to protect
Dehydration  Giddiness marking steel.
 Working alon  Headache  Use vehicle to transport surveying instruments
e for long distance.
 Adequate / proper PPE (Safety Gloves) must
be provided and worn by all personnel involve
d in the task.
6 Excavatio  Personal Inj Workforce 4 3 12  PTW and NOC need to obtain for starting any 1 3 3
n and ury activity.
Back  Property  Pre task Tool box talk shall be conducted rega
damage rding the work procedures and safety measure
Filling s prior to commencement of task by Superviso
 Excavation activities shall start only after gettin


For Official Use Only (FOUO)
g the permit and approvals from the concerne
 Trench collap d dept. / Client/ Consultant
se or falling i  Provision of as-built drawings Trial pits, route
nto excavatio markers, etc.
n.  Use of cable detectors and only manual excav Site
ation near the underground utilities.
 Poor access
 A survey of the area will be carried out to Asse Supervis
egress or
s risks to any adjacent structures and/or utilitie
 Unsafe trenc s that may exist Operators will be briefed on a Store
hes/Excavati ny identified potential hazards. Team
on  Trial Pit in different place by manual digging o
 Equipment nly.
 Manual handl  If required shutdown must be done.
ing  Adequate clearance from existing structures.
 Damage to e  Sport the existing underground utilities if requir
xisting under ed.
ground utilitie  Use of necessary PPE
s  Store Excavated material 1.5 Mtr. away from t
 Flooding he edges of excavation.
 Provision of right equipment for the job.
 Excavation in loose earth / sand to be stepped
out or shored
 Provision of banks man with reflective clothing
/flags etc.
 Warning signboards, barricades the area to av
oid unwanted event. etc.
 Lighting required for Excavations left open ove
rnight in public areas.
 Avoid exposure to dust cloud.
 Adequate access and egress provide.
 Parked equipment’s away from the excavated
 Excavation should be carried out as per OSHA
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
D Code of Practice 29.0
 Plant used to backfill excavations will carry cur
rent certification and will be maintained in a sa
fe condition.
 The plant/machine will be operated by trained
and authorized personnel.
 Banks men will be used to control the back-filli
ng operation in order to prevent plant working t
oo close to the excavation edge.
 Regular dust suppression for dust control.
7  Hit by stone f  Personal Inj Technician 3 3 9  Valid Permit to Work to be obtained along with 1 3 3
ragments. ury. s all relevant NOC if applicable.
Working w  Disability Helpers  Ensure the power tools is visually inspected pr
 Flying drill bit.
ith Power  Cut, Stab and  Fatality ior to start of activity.
tools Puncturing.  Personal inj  Ensure the complete face protection is provide
ury d.
 Electrical Haz
 Property Da  Ensure the worker is provided complete cover
mage all and a safety boot with steel protection.
 Trip by trailin
 White finger  Ensure that there is proper supervision to prev
g cable or ho ent distraction.
 Numbness
se. of the finger  Ensure there is proper cable/hose manageme
 Environment s. nt.
al Hazard/ No  Joints pain  Pre-starrt briefing prior to start of work.
ise  fatigue  Ensure that the equipment has PAT sticker, an
 Health Hazar  Noise induc d it is colour coded as per the current colour c Site
d/ ed hearing l oding system. Engineer
 Vibration and oss.  Ensure that Visual inspection is carried out by
Ergonomics  Acoustic Tr qualified electrician. or
auma  Ensure that it is connected to the correct volta
ge source.
 Ensure that PTW, Approved Method Statemen
t and Risk Assessment are in place.
 Ensure Personal Protective Equipment are ins
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
pected prior to activity.
 Power tools inspection colour code tag to be a
vailable with tools.
 Ensure electrical cable is double insulated.
 Ensure that Residual current Device is in plac
 Close Monitoring and Supervision.
8 Form  Personnel I Supervisor 2 3 6  Seek personal assisitance to lift and carry out 1 3 3
njury s of load
 Slip/Trips & Technician  Winch Machine should operate competent per
Cable Pull  Manual Hand Fall son. Do not touch sling and cable while it is dr
ing ling  Lower back agging by winch machine. Before taking any s
 Inadequate E pain due to etting winch machine must stop.
dge Protectio manual han  Manual handling training /TBT, encourage goo
dling d practice such as lift with legs instead of back
 Property da by kneeling while loading and offloading, don’t PE/Site
 Loose Platfor block vision while carrying load,reduce twistin
mage Engineer
ms g. Supervis
 Fall of person  Ensure physical fitness of worker to suit manu or
& Objects al handling demands.
 Slip & Trip, fa  Sufficient and rotating rest to be provided for
lls manual handling repeated task.
 Humidity/fatig  incase of emergency contact project emergen
ue cy no. 056-8087203 for help.
 Protruding re  All personnel shall wear the mandatory person
bar’s al protective equipment for the project (High vi
sibility vest, Safety Helmet,Safety Boots, Safet
 restricted wor
y Glassess, Gloves)
k access
 Whenever necessary, prevent driving and
operate equipment under adverse weather
conditions (i.e, rain, sandstorm, fog).
 Temporary safe traffic routes and parking area
supported with signage and barricading shall b


For Official Use Only (FOUO)
e planned and assigned in advance.
 Assign temporary pedestrian walk ways where
 All excavations and trenches to be barricadin
g, signage to be provided.
 All materials will be segregated and stored in s
afe are.
 Maintain good housekeeping in the installation
 Ladders to be used as access to the working p
latform and not as work platform.
 To use and consider mechanical aid before m
anual lifting.
 Adequate lighting should be provided for night
operation if done.
 Ensure 100% fall protection.
 Emergency procedures to be made and comm
unicated to all, periodic mock drills to be cond
 MS/RA to be briefed and conduct PTB/TBT be
fore commencement of work.
 Ensure the correct tools are selected for the re
levant task to be carried out.
 Ensure hand tools are stored in the correct ma
nner and kept clean to prevent slipping or loss
of grip.
 Provide a proper supervision.
 Providing safe working platform.
 Provide sufficient Edge protection.
 Area should be clear from all
 obstructions.
 Secure the loose and unwanted materials. Us
e of scaffold platforms.
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
 Good Housekeeping.
 Exclusion zone provided for Control unauthori
zed entry.
9  Manual handl  Lack of exp Supervisor 3 3 9  Ensure the connections are secured. 1 3 3 PE/Site
s Engineer
Inspection ing erience  Ensure safe electrical connections & earthing
 Unaware of Technician are made for all devices associated with electri
and  Mechanical h s
andling site conditio Helpers
city hazards,
 Access egres n  All test must be carried out under the full super
s  Misuse of th vision of the commissioning engineer
e equipmen  HSE induction, TBT.
 Shifting Mate
t  Fire extinguisher to be provided.
rial to work lo
 In appropria  All electrical works shall be completed by elect
cations. te settings o rician. •
 Lifting f multimeter Must observed safe working procedure as per
 Unsafe equip dial for volta the method of statement and product technical
ment’s ge measure specification.
 Unsafe meth ment  Only authorized personnel allowed to enter th
od of work.  Electrocutio e testing room.
 Poor supervis n due to co Restrict/control of the movement of unauthoriz
ion ntacts with f ed person in testing area
aulty electri  Ensure all equipment’s required power must s
cal compon uitably connected.
ent.  Equipment use must be adequately inspected
(.Fire,Shoc & well-maintained.
k,Burn,Expl  Any damaged equipment’s to be immediately
otion, Perso withdrawn from service.
nel Injury)  All involve personnel must aware all the requir
ements of ESSWP including PTW system that
must be obtain from ASJV authorized person
prior to commence testing works.
 Access control must be appropriately observe
d and restricted only to involve personnel
 All personnel engaged in testing works must b
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
e adequately trained.
Incase of emergency contact with project emer
gency number 050-5433481 for help.
 All personnel protective equipment (Safety Hel
met , safety boots, hard hats, high-visibility jac
kets, hand gloves etc.) shall be worn while at
work. Hand gloves not use with the rotaing po
wer tool such as; Hand drill.
 Adequate / proper PPE (Safety Gloves) must
be provided and worn by all personnel involve
d in the task.
 Follow proper manual handling practices at all
times. Operator should have license and third
party certified.
 Operator and rigger should be third-party certif
 All lifting accessories also required third-party
 Work supervisor should be presence all the ti
 Proper unobstructed access to be provided for
worker movement. All personnel must be train
ed and competent to do the task.
15 Finishing W  Damage to 2 3 6  PTW system to be strictly Followed. 1 3 3 PE/Site
orks  Falling load, Equipment,  Conduct tool box talk and Pre
 STARRT briefing prior to start the work as per MSD Supervis
 Failure of  Personal S and COSHH assessment.
equipment, Injury  All the workers adequately
(Major/Mino  trained through induction, awareness
 Adverse
r  and tool box talks training.
 Safe use of hand tools by keeping sufficient distanc
e from other workers while removing shuttering pr
ior to start finishing works. Note: Only inspected h
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
 Struck by load. and tools to be used.
 Use of hand gloves while Removing shuttering and
shifting the material safely as it contains of sharp n
 Safe manual handling technique.
 Use of safety goggles and dust
 work.
 Segregate and proper stacking of removed shutteri
ng material.
 Proper Housekeeping.
 Material not to be scattered after Shuttering remo
val. .
 Do not smoke while carrying out
 Housekeeping to be carried out on a daily basis.
16 Lifting Ope Inadequate  Personal Supervisors 3 3 9  Lifting permit should be taken prior starting activit 1 3 3 PE/Site
Technicians Engineer
rations Emergency Injury y
response (Major/Mino  Check soil condition before placing the crane. Supervis
arrangements r)  Out riggers of the crane to be extended fully and p
.  Property laced on wooden pads.
 Poor Damage  Use tag lines to control load.
communicatio  Identify and maintain close continuous communica
tion between the operator and rigger.
 Operator, Rigger and lifting gears including crane s
hould have valid competency certificate from third
party and present color code
 Lifting operation should be stopped temporarily d
uring adverse weather conditions.
 All operatives to move to safe location in case of a
dverse weather.
 Secure the load correctly before lifting
 Follow correct lifting technique


For Official Use Only (FOUO)
 Crane lifting operation shall be stopped when win
d reaches or gust in excess of 38kph (20.5 knots).
 Daily check of all tools & equipment’s (Check slings
are inspected, color coded and certified) by compe
tent supervisor
 Defective equipment’s/ tools to be replaced and ta
gged off (Red color), that clearly reflect damage or
defective tools and to avoid confusion with inspect
ed one of the same color.
 Swing area radius should be barricaded and provid
ed with signage (Rigging signage)
 Daily equipment operator check list to be filled by
operator prior to start work.
 Wear appropriate PPE
 First aid facility shall be made available and accessi
 Training and TBT to be provided for workforce
 (COP 34.0 – Safe Use of Lifting Equipment and Lifti
ng Accessories)
 First-aid box and trained first aider onsite. Engineer
 Trips and falls  Personal
Emergency injury  In case of emergency, Emergency Contact number Supervis
Arrangeme s and Emergency Response Team numbers display or
18  Serious Workforce 2 4 8 1 3 3
nts  Fire ed in the area.
accident.  Emergency vehicle deployed at the project.
 Health issues  POLICE/Fire/Ambulance-999
19 Housekeep  Personal Supervisor 2 3 6  Site housekeeping maintain daily remove all waste 1 3 3 PE/Site
ing Inadequate injury form the site.
Arrangemen Helpers
maintenance  Serious  Housekeeping should be conducted before work st Supervis
ts or
of welfare incident art and end of the shift.
facilities accident.  Work area should be kept clean without obstructio
Health issues n all the day.
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
 Material shall be stock as per length and shape.
 Overload insecure storage of material should be av
 Train all company employees about the
importance of good housekeeping.
 Fix time for housekeeping in all work shifts.
 Implement adequate waste management
 Waste materials have to be segregated and stored
in designated areas.
 Waste storage skips has to be provided
 Waste containers shall be located at suitable
places on site.
 Waste storage have to be removed frequently
using approved waste disposal methods.
 Handling of waste shall be done using appropriate
PPE and RPE.
 Records of waste generation and disposal to be
 Hazardous wastes to be disposed of through
approved waste carriers.
 Spilled liquids shall be wiped up immediately.
 Waste food should not be mixed with dry refuse.
food bins should have tightly fitting lids and be
emptied not less than once per day.
 Walkways, roadways, gangways or stairways shall
always be kept free from obstructions.
 Excessive materials should not be brought from
the materials yard than is needed it gets in the
ways and leads to waste.
 Package or other timber material should be de-
For Official Use Only (FOUO)
 Arrange cable and hoses properly to avoid trip
Stored material properly at height to avoid accidental fall.
 Drinking water / rest shelter shall be arranged nea PE/Site
 Communicati r to work place.
on Challenge  Minor  Provide toilet hand wash facility to all workers. Supervis
Welfare Site or
 Unaware personal  Welfare facilities shall be maintaining and clean da
20 arrangeme
injury workers 2 2 4 1 3 3
nts about site ily.
condition  Health  Sign boards should be installed for ease of access.
Effects  Site shade, drinking water availability and sealed.
 Not Inducted
 Availability of First Aid Box.
 Personal PE/Site
Land injury
Supervisor  Visitors are not allowed on site without HSE induc
Contamination  Serious Supervis
21 Visitors 3 3 9 tion and mandatory PPE. 1 3 3 or
 Fire Hazard incident Security  Visitor shall be scooted all the time.
 Health issues
 Proper housekeeping standards should be followe PE/Site
d on the site.
 Temporary waste collecting bins should be placed Supervis
Waste  Soil/Water or
Supervisors at the site.
Managemen   Contaminati
22 Technicians 3 3 9  Waste should be properly segregated. 1 3 3
t on Helpers  All hazardous waste should be collected and shoul
 Air Pollution
d be properly disposed.
 A waste management contractor should be allocat

  


For Official Use Only (FOUO)
  

 

  

Assessed By Name Designation Signature

Prepared By

Reviewed By

Approved By


For Official Use Only (FOUO)

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