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aga afer wate \@ National Testing Agency =a All India Sainik Schools Entrance Exam (AISSEE) - 2024 (FOR ADMISSION TO CLASS VI) ‘Admit Card - Provisional Roll Number 1510020650 Application Number 241610245139 Candidate's Name DIVYABHART! Fathers Name VISHNUDEV KUMAR, Gender FEMALE Date of ith 12-06-2012 Category (OBC-NCL (CENTRALLIST) UOMIIUT ITD | esscomse |i 1510020650 Test Details ‘Question Paper Medium Date of Examination Timing of Test HINDI 78-01-2024 02:00 PM 04:30 PM Test Details Entry Gate Closing Tne at Reporing Time at Centre| 12:00PM 0130 Pm Cente ‘State of Test Conte BIHAR iy of Test Contre NALANDA Test Cente Code & Name | 151002 & DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL ‘Address of Test Genre POWER GRID CAMPUS, BIHAR SHARIF, NALANDA, BIHAR #03216 Vokeneaher Senior Director, NTA SELF DECLARATION (UNDERTAKING) resident of ~ , do hereby, declare the following 1. Ihave read the Instructions, Guidelines, Information Bulletin and Notices related to this examination available on the website hitlps-/ and www.nta.2¢ jn 2. Lhave read the detailed “IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS for CANDIDATES" as given on Page 2 and I undertake to abide by the same. (Parents Signature) Candidate's Photo (Same as uploaded on ‘Application Form to be affixed before reaching the Contre) Candidate's left-hand thumb Impression (To be | Candidate's Signature (To be signed on the Day| fixed before reaching the Centre) ‘of Examination in presence ofthe Iviglator ony) ‘The above undertaking has to bef 1d up in advance before reaching the Gentre, except for the candidate's signature which has to be affixed in the presence of the Invigllator Appleaton Number: 241010248129 UP Astros 406 202.177.14 Date and Tie: 2601-2024 18.0840 Page ot angie: wer wah &@ National Testing Agency — ‘Al India Sainik Schools Entranco Exam (AISSEE) - 2024 (FOR ADMISSION TO CLASS VI) IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES 41. This Admit Card consists of tree pagee- Page (1) contains the Centre Details and Sel Declaration (Undertaking) Page (2) and Page (3) contain “Important Insiucion for candidates" in English and Hind! respectively, The candidat haste download, read and understand athe pages. However only the top sheet (Page 1) containing the personal and lest details as well as the Self Dectaration (Undertaking) and signatures of parenl/ candidate, is required to be submitted to the Ievigltor atthe exam conte 2, Allcandidates are required to download and read cartuly the Instuctons given with the Admit Card and sticly acer 4 AS s00n as Adm Cards downloaded bythe candidates, they have to check the deals carefuly and bring discrepancies, any othe notes of NTA mediately to them by way ofa mala aissonftnla.c.n stating thelr Applicaton Number, Rll Number and mebie phone number oF cont the NTA Help Desk at 0*1-40759000,011- 19227700 betwoon 10,00am and 6.00pm, 4, Even fa candidate has aplied multiple times, hal she is permite to appear forthe AISSEE-2024 only against ons admit card as perth personal and exam 4etas given therein and his admit card wil only be vai tthe ime of admission, If elle. 5, The Adm Card is provisional, subject to saying the eligi conditions as given inthe information Bulletin, 6, The Adm Card isnot ransfrable to any other person. Impersonation sa legally purishable offence, 7. Request fr change of examination centre wil not be entertained. Ifa candidate appears at an examination cente other than the one nacated in hse Adm (Car, hither candidature wit be cancebed, 8, tis suggested thatthe candidates may very tho location of examination venue, a day in advance so that they donot face any preblom onthe day of examination, in locating the cone, 19, The candidate must reach Conte as naiated agaist ReportngiEntry tre at Cente inthe Admit Car, 40, No candidate shal be permite to enter the Contre afer the Gate Closing Timo, efter 1.30 PM. 11, No candidate would be alowed o enter he Examination Cente, without Aart Card (nly the top sheet containing the personal and test etal a well asthe Se Declaration (Undertaking) and signatures of paren canddte), and Vali ID Prot 42, Candidates are permite to cary only the folowing tems with them ino the examination centro: 2. Personal transparent water bottle b. Asimple transparent Ball Point Pen . Admil Card downloaded from NTA website (a clear printout on A4 size paper) duly file in 4. Orginal valid 1D proof 43, Boore reaching the Cento, the candidates must ener required details inthe Self Declaration (Undertaking) in legible hanawitng, affix the Photograph affix Lot. Hard Thumb impression and Candidate's Parents signature atthe designated places. They shoul ensure that their LeftHand Thumb Impression is clear and not smudged. The cancdate has to affix hither signature, nthe presence of he Invigltr inthe examination Room Hall onthe admit card, onthe day of 14, Candidates are NOT allowed to cary any personal belongings tothe Examination Cente as there wil be no safe keopng arrangements al the cenze and Examination Officials wil not be responsible for safekeeping of personal belongings. 45, The folowing items are probed a the exam premises ‘a, Mobile phones or any other communication device including Bluetooth ete b, Textual or stationery material such as a book, paper, formulae, log tables, whitener, slide rule (except blue or black ball point pen) «. Personal items such as wale, purse, cap, goggles, jacket, food, drinks, pointed instruments etc. Candidates must check and ensure that they do not have any ofthe barred! prohibited items. If they realize that they are carrying any such item, it must be handed over immediately to the invigllator Any infingement ofthese instructions wll Invite disciplinary action and withdrawal of candidature. If any other candidate(s) is using unfair means, please abject and report immediatly to the inviglator. ‘Applicaton Number 281810246139 IP Addess:108.202.977.14 Date and Time: 26-01-2024 18:08:40 Page 2015 ager fer waist . © National Testing Agency = [A naa Saiik Schools Entrance Exam (AISSEE) - 2028 (FOR ADMISSION To CLASS VI) 18, Candidate willbe required to occupy only he seas alloted to them and are not allowed to change their eatin the examination hall 47, Candidates are advised ston tothe instructions ofthe nvlatrs atthe Examination Centre before commencement ofthe tet. +48, The question booklet wl be supplied 10(Ter) minutes before the commencement ofthe examination. 19, Whle opening the transparent cover a ho sealed test booklet OMR answer sheet, candidates 20, There wil be é sets of question booklet, “E"F, “Gand H. 21, Candidates are required to check carfuly thal the question booklet number is printed on the cover page and the question booklet contains the same numberof 1 required Yo exercise cation not damage the contents pages as mentioned an the cover page. 22, Section ofthe Papers unique to each language ands not translation of he English version. Ithas tobe answered by the candidates in the language opted by ‘hom in tho application form and indicated on their admit card. Hence candidates are required fo check and ensure that the question paper received by them sn the language opted by them in tr application form and indicated on thelr Adit Card 23, incase of any ciscrepancy in the question boaklet, candidates shoud repr the matiar ta the Invglator immediately. 24, Candidates are requied to mark ther answers onthe OMR answer sheet, contained within the question booklet. They are not alowed to open the seal of the ‘question booklet until they are advised todo 0 by the invgitor, The OMR answer sheet ito be handled carefully wihout elding or asigueng it, Only he celovant fields and circles are to be filled in the OMR answer sheet and no other scribbling oF rough work should be carried out on the front or reverse of the OMR. Candidates may use the question bookie oo the rough Work. 25, Candidates are required il up ther particulars on the OMR Answer Sheet, Thay shoule nate that any omiesionimistakeldicrepancy in filing un det Ison the (OMR Answer Sheet, especially with regard to Rell Number, Question BaoKlt, OMR responses, et. wil render the answer sheet lable for rejection. Hence andldate should not rush tl te details and doit careful, incase the canadate commits an error whl filing the OMR answer sheet, the sheet wll nat be replaced, The onus oiling the correct nfrmaton in relevant elds of the OM Answer Sheets solely on the candates who may consul the Invigalo incase of doubt 26, Candidates should darken bubble! shade the crcle which represents, in How to mark your Response? {her opnon, the comet answer, completely, so thatthe leter numer Somrect Method ‘wrong metnoas Inside the excl isnot visible, Oarkoning of mpl ces againt 2 correct reat | | Inconect weston number wll render he answor invalid ard no marks wil be given [2.2 @ 8@ Kee for such multiple answers. The comect and wrong methods of darkening the Circle on the OMR answer sheet ae given in he picture 27, There would be NO negative mark fora wrong response 28, Candidalure forte exariatin is provisional. Final selection wil be subjct to performance inthe wren examination, qualifcaton in mecical examination and verfcation of xginalcertficats auch as proof of Date of ith, Domicla, Category ets. If clscrepancy is found at any sta ofthe admission process, the candidate wil fore hier seat, 29, No candidate shall be permite to leave te Examination Roomy Hal before the nd of the examination, 430, On completion af the examination, candidate ar required to wal for instuctins from Invglalor and are advised not to got up from their respecive seat un advised. The candidates willbe parmited to move out, one ata time, ony. 41. On completion of the test, candidates must handover the OMR Answer Sheet and he Admit Card to the Invglatr and takeaway only the Test Bootet with them Faure to do $0 wil be treated as adopton of unfair means and wil be deal with accordingly, 432, No Candidate shoulé adopt any unfair means or indulge in any unfar examination practces. 433, Candidates are advised to check updates on NTA website wna 0 n regular. They should alo check thei mailbox atthe registered E-mall address and SMS In ther registered Mobile No, or latest updates an information regarding AISSEE-2028, 234, Candidates may write to NTA at hitos:/ ac in/AISSEE! or eal NTA Helpdosk at 01140758000, O11-68227700 for any assistance giving their Namo, Roll "Number, Examination Centre, Cty Name and year of Examination. ‘Application Number : 241810246138 IP Address: Date and Time: 26-01-2024 18:08:40 Page 30f5 aga afer wate \@ National Testing Agency er orc es ae we UAT (AISSEE).2026 wav ae Fy naff & fang meeept PEt 4, eres 3 A gw ey 8b een wash ot ceo ee ce) he ge (9) ae Hohe FRA Ae ie a Per Bont 28) eh Rath sree we, ep ote ee VT ere, Bre thet 1 Rr ems er Peer aes eee (Py oe Re pte ee et 8, ala eH as a eae REN 2 iastental waited eaten Matar a on taeTae oe wat aoe Mba meat are wate ard ara fra ar 8, a eer rarer tea she eer, ae BNE a, TET alssonta ac in eRe MTA er te, et reg AEN wae era ae he erg we eee Ea Bat Bow a O11-40759000,017-68227700 He 10.00 TH 5.00 ib dew st «4, Tat from fet acre 3 at a a Pr, aA at egy ore ha eee org oa Wate TE TU ANSE. 2024 TART Baa opt stems Cate ad dae we eT oe aT sway wa a, ot ge aOR HA ae wT ot BL 6. saa Rieter re aT Rete Te om oT we A MRT aT eae ote se 7 an cr Bs gt ere Ree aN or ec eee Wear Be teen ah et an ee eRe eh, TA athe gee ae a. 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Urey darenge & rare Pra Tar wear os (A SITET Ss serv OR Ue aE flesmse) Fafa wet BoA 6. de on war eae 49, Sew aR, gece a a nae A chon teat A ara Raae a wer a, ae Remeron a EAT AT De ee ecco I etcae aA a 3 Fea ar ae aay a FRA A, ew we uA Be aA HM 4, fe Br aE A a er Pa rg eB HS ye Here A a A he we eo RT Tw RT EA ‘efi tare et gL 45, Wan oR a Pale ata 8 - a, ranger ote age one ar aE oFeT TET SPT b corer tard aa Se fara, era, ea, ci tay, RR, wes Pa a ar are ater ae oe aA Shs 6 aire ge aa ago, we, A, eH, Be, sa, fe, yee Toe af TCE aA ata amet aT oe PRT eT aeT Re Ta TT aE a aes eg a 21 af GR we ee fv a Te AE aS TRG, dd TA ee waar wH aha ea wre URL eH PAST oT AE A Teche orerarrarer eorkarg atte oozed ares BAe ont eM a AE oer ote ora re ar ac wwe we 8, A pu aa ate gta efter wh ate wT 46, shaft ah area od anata att we fan de ae se han ae ore he eet ora 7, ee ah ee fo bien TE AS eS hen BH RT MCT ATT a, Ba Fe ag WAT 10 (ey ere eA wera we TEEN to, fends wha areshamare are wren & eae ee wt had wa, seer wt rar eA hh eT wt HATA TAL ao, Sa PRT 4 Be eM, Ee, hh Se ‘Application Number: 241810246139 IP Address:106.202.17-14 Date and Time: 26-01-2024 18:08:40 Page 4 of 5 aga afer wate \@ National Testing Agency = fer arc re HEMT Uh (ASSEE). 2026 we x3 FR) a, si we ater he a Fr es a ee gs Bh a RT A a ah a sr 8 re re Be RBG BT pe. Se ts Ue fe oa Pe a ea a STE TE TT TR TT wy oT ae oH SS are GA oH he TH wT TA oer or ar em are het we ae eR Te 8 A CATR one wa BA ME aA Se Te we aT mart 23, 59 Reh oh Rh a 8 wae aw ate tee at ae gee ETL a. at Yn ee RTT hg STE TE RTT we a A a a aw GT a a a hw se TE a Te Paw Sz we a mere 1 eon re ra a ra wpe reser atm roe Tee a ae ara es oe a a aR SA er ae a Pe sree oer me ren ara eae eae ar Fr FRI a TT Pe Ta BH a5, seth toe rer ee Fee Fe eR 8 os a eae ser ee RT AT a ee, PAA “erste, a re, sae Nr st ae, a warren A A eH Ae “ara aca are ae esha Oe TO aR TE BPE T, hahe wh aceT TE TET SATU YT we BA TE ar 8 eed eG eC we wae AH ae Bre TA 25, tefl er gw, a ae aH, we ear 8, le: Te TUTTE we aT TR, aS shee wr oer Rear aa ww we eT A hw et ah aren woh Be am he RS es Tt aA aa eo Teese RT eA TT we a a Tea PL ek want How to mark your Response? Correct Method wrong mattoes sore | (warea | [metea] [eee o25@| K22@ |x204| pare ar, Te ae fea eT f= ST zo, Eh 5 russe AB bel ea, re a eer ee et Bae, ae, oh on er wa yond ‘Ber eer Fre a er Rit ak ore 8, cca wre A ea ae fe TO ee he po, Shan sara 3 Baya fret a setae a an meres EA a SMT ATS Te 0, Eh a me, See wt wR PN a we NM MTT T&F ee ee ea Ta a HA a eA TB TT aw ce eA ara cw ree A aA age HM 1, Soar Ta ae, waar a sae Ge Ae wr oa tas wo te se eae dee goke oe aM Th Per BAA fo wt oT “ane srr AT TT TER A ET sa, PE A el ah aN af eer af PP Pet wlan a eT Be ART 33. Gata at were dre 8 a rely wh eee www acin ARG EUR Se TA TTS ANSSEE: 2008 aut rem ae he oTrOTE edi Ee ca ae sre ats ae one cage area Fa TTS TTT sg, Sse ree fe eH, ARE, a Ba, RE TAT PR HL a TEP THN Yas eas aco ASS) we eee A ‘ety BeurSes 011-40759000, 01169227700 ue UR emt ae waRA BL ‘Application Number : 241810246139 IP Address:108,202.177.14 Date and Time: 26-01-2024 18:08:40 Page 5 of 5

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