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September 3, 2023


Submitted by: Casandra W. Cabebe Submitted to: Ms. Nica

Block: MED23B Subject: Understanding the Self

how is myself shaped by culture and society?
From an early age, I am exposed to the culture of my family, community, and the
broader society. This exposure influences my beliefs about what is right and wrong, my
sense of identity, and my understanding of the world. Simultaneously, my community
imparts a sense of belonging and shared experiences, instilling in me a deep connection
to its history and norms. Beyond these immediate circles, the broader society introduces
a wide range of perspectives, ideologies, and lifestyles that broaden my horizons and
sshelp me comprehend the complexities of the world I live in.
Language, for instance, is a significant cultural influence that shapes the way I
think and communicate. Through language, I acquire not only a means of expression but
also a vessel for preserving and transmitting cultural heritage. The words I use carry with
them the nuances of my culture, reflecting the values and beliefs embedded within it. My
choice of language also impacts the way I perceive the world; different languages offer
unique ways of framing thoughts and concepts, influencing my cognitive processes and
worldview. Thus, language serves as a powerful conduit through which culture and
society mold my thoughts, expressions, and interactions with others.
Furthermore, my interactions within society are governed by its norms, institutions,
and collective consciousness. These societal structures guide my behavior, from the
educational system that shapes my knowledge to the legal framework that defines my
rights and responsibilities. Society's expectations and ideals often guide my aspirations
and decisions, propelling me toward certain paths and influencing my self-concept. My
role in society, whether as a student, employee, or citizen, is deeply intertwined with its
cultural fabric, constantly shaping, and reshaping my identity as I navigate its
In summary, culture and society play a profound role in shaping who I am. They
influence my beliefs, language, and interactions, weaving themselves into the very fabric
of my identity. As I continue to engage with these cultural and societal influences, I am
both a product and an agent of their ongoing evolution, contributing to the rich tapestry of
human experience.

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