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Practical 3B: Importing Spreadsheets or CSV files

Step 1: Create a new project in QGIS. In the menu Click on Layer and Add layer
by selecting Add Delimited Text Layer

Step 2: Choose the Delimited text file which is an Excelsheet named

Step 3: Select the file format as CSV, select the option Tab and Add the file

Step 4:In Layer Settings choose the option Use Spatial Index as shown below
Step 5: In Geometry Definition Give X-field as Longitude and Y-field as Latitude

Practical 3C: Using Plugin

Step 1: From Plugins Menu , go to the Manage and Install plugins

Step 2: Go to Install from ZIP for installing ZIP files

Step 3: Select the ZIP file ‘Nomination-1.2.5’ which is to be installed.

Step 4: Click on Install Plugin for installation

Step 5: Click on YES for continuing the installation

Output: Shows Plugin Installed Successfully

Step 7: Again select the 2nd ZIP file ‘’ and click on
install plugin

Step 8: Click on YES for continuation

Output: Shows Plugin Installed Successfully
Practical 3D: Searching and Downloading OpenStreetMap Data

Step 1: In QGIS, Click on Plugins and go to the Manage and Install Plugins

Step 2: Click on the Installed menu and Search for the plugins installed
Step 3: In Web Menu, Go to OpenLayers Plugin and OpenStreetMap

Step 4: Shows the file OpenStreetMap

Step 5: Search for the place or location on the map in OSM place search on left

Step 6: Select the Location from given options

Output: Shows Gateway Of India.

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