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Contemporary American Foreign Policy

Influences Challenges and

Opportunities 1st Edition Mansbach
Test Bank
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Chapter 8

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is a “collective good”?

*a. Clean air.
b. Foreign aid.
c. A bilateral alliance.
d. All of the above.

2. Which of the following environmental agreements has the United States ratified?
a. The Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
b. The Convention on Biological Diversity.
*c. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
d. The Basel Convention on Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes.
3. Which U.S. president oversaw the establishment of the Environmental Protection
a. Jimmy Carter.
b. George W. Bush.
*c. Richard M. Nixon.
d. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

4. Which U.S. president had close ties to the energy industry?

a. Jimmy Carter.
*b. George W. Bush.
c. Richard M. Nixon.
d. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

5. Which U.S. president introduced foreign species into America that are now viewed as
environmentally harmful?
a. James Madison.
b. John Adams.
*c. Thomas Jefferson.
d. Theodore Roosevelt.

6. Who was America’s “Conservationist President”?

a. James Madison.
b. John Adams.
c. Thomas Jefferson.
*d. Theodore Roosevelt.

7. What did the Lacey Act seek to accomplish?

a. Establish America’s first wilderness area.
*b. Prevent the illegal transport of fish, wildlife, and plants.
c. Set limits on U.S. carbon emissions.
d. Establish limits on corporate waste in rivers.
8. What U.S. president signed the National Environmental Policy Act, establishing a national
policy to protect the environment?
a. Jimmy Carter.
b. George W. Bush.
*c. Richard M. Nixon.
d. Barack Obama.

9. What did America’s “wise use” movement advocate?

*a. Protecting private property rights and opening the country’s natural resources to
b. Paying greater attention to clean water and air in the U.S.
c. Enlarging federal wilderness areas.
d. Fostering support for the Kyoto Protocol.

10. Why might residents of West Virginia oppose limitations on carbon emissions?
a. West Virginians believe they have very clean air.
b. Many West Virginians fear that such limitations would reduce property values.
c. Many West Virginians fear such legislation would entail higher local taxes.
*d. Many West Virginians are involved with coalmining.

11. What type of multilateral treaty are U.S. officials most likely to oppose?
a. Those that deal with issues that the U.S. already regulates domestically.
*b. Treaties that require new domestic legislation.
c. Treaties which are consistent with U.S. law.
d. Treaties that affect international trade.

12. Which of the following are endangered by depletion of the ozone layer?
a. It causes water pollution.
b. It causes air pollution.
*c. It is linked to cancer.
d. It reduces biodiversity.

13. What other environmental issue is linked to depletion of the ozone layer?
*a. Climate change.
b. Biodiversity.
c. Renewable energy.
d. Smog.

14. What was the major objective of domestic U.S. air-quality legislation like the 1955 Air
Pollution Control Act?
*a. Pollution in U.S. cities.
b. Reducing greenhouse gases.
c. Closing the hole in the ozone layer.
d. Regulating the emission of methane.
15. What chemical compound produces depletion of the ozone layer?
a. Carbon tetrachloride.
*b. Chlorofluorocarbon.
c. Hydrogen fluoride.
d. Mercury sulfide

16. What U.S. city experienced an air-pollution disaster in October, 1948?

a. Waco, Texas.
b. Akron, Ohio.
c. Saginaw, Michigan.
*d. Donora, Pennsylvania.

17. What U.S. nongovernmental organization sued the Environmental Protection Agency
for for failing to carry out ozone regulations?
a. Greenpeace.
*b. The Natural Resource Defense Council.
c. The Sierra Club.
d. Environmental Defense Fund.

18. Where was a hole in the ozone layer discovered?

a. Over the Arctic.
b. Over Canada.
c. Over Brazil.
*d. None of the above.

19. What is the “global commons” problem?

a. A problem that can be solved only with the cooperation of the world’s wealthiest
b. A problem for which no solution is apparent owing to insufficient scientific data.
*c. A problem in which the actions of a few countries could have global consequences and
that requires everyone’s participation to resolve.
d. A problem requiring the participation of all the permanent members of the UN Security

20. What U.S. statesman was instrumental in mobilizing political support for the Montreal
a. James Baker.
b. Henry Kissinger.
*c. George Schultz.
d. Warren Christopher.

21. Which of the following does not harm the ozone layer but is a greenhouse gas?
*a. Hydroflurocarbon.
b. Carbon tetrachloride.
c. Chlorofluorocarbon.
d. Mercury sulfide
22. What is anthropogenic climate change?
a. Climate change resulting from the Earth’s proximity to the sun.
b. Climate change resulting from volcanic activity.
*c. Climate change resulting from human activities.
d. None of the above.

23. What international organization hosted the First World Climate Conference in 1979?
a. The World Health Organization.
*b. The World Meteorological Organization.
c. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
d. The United Nations Environmental Program.

24. Which of the following U.S. presidential candidates has been an outspoken advocate of
environmental causes?
a. Bob Dole.
*b. Al Gore.
c. John McCain.
d. Walter Mondale.

25. What U.S. president sponsored a Climate Change Action Plan to limit U.S. carbon
emissions to their 1990 levels?
a. George H. W. Bush.
*b. Bill Clinton.
c. George W. Bush.
d. Barack Obama.

26. What was the Byrd-Hagel Resolution?

a. A Senate resolution endorsing the goal of limiting U.S. carbon emissions to their 1990
b. A Senate resolution endorsing a ban on sales of refrigerants that cause global warming.
c. A Senate resolution objecting to a ban on sales of refrigerants that cause global warming
*d. A Senate resolution objecting to binding carbon emissions reductions that might harm
America’s economy.

27. Why did President George W. Bush oppose the Kyoto Protocol?
a. It placed an unfair burden on less-developed countries.
*b. It did not require developing countries to reduce carbon emissions.
c. It did not call for binding limits on carbon emissions.
d. Russia refused to ratify the protocol.

28. Which of the following presidents described climate change as a threat to U.S. national
a. George H. W. Bush.
b. Bill Clinton.
c. George W. Bush.
*d. Barack Obama.

29. Who was the first U.S. president to participate personally in multilateral climate change
a. George H. W. Bush.
b. Bill Clinton.
c. George W. Bush.
*d. Barack Obama.

30. Which of the following countries agreed to cooperate with U.S. to reduce carbon
a. Russia.
b. Brazil.
*c. China.
d. India.

31. Which of the following companies oppose legislation requiring automakers to improve
fuel efficiency?
*a. FedEx.
b. Walmart.
c. McDonalds.
d. Google.

32. Which of the following produces a decline in biodiversity?

a. Habitat loss.
b. Climate change.
c. Overharvesting.
*d. All of the above.

33. Why is biodiversity difficult to manage globally?

a. Countries are unwilling to share the profits of intellectual property like medical patents?
b. Countries no believe that biodiversity is endangered.
c. Countries are concerned that management of biodiversity will reduce agricultural
*d. Countries do not wish to lose control of their natural resources.

34. Which of the following states do not participate in the Convention on Biological
a. Andorra.
b. The Vatican.
c. The United States.
*d. All of the above.

35. Which of the following U.S. groups have been the most opposed to the Convention on
Biological Diversity?
a. Farmers.
*b. Pharmaceutical firms.
c. Oil companies.
d. Airlines.

36. Which of the following companies was not one of the oil companies called the “Seven
*a. Occidental Petroleum.
b. British Petroleum,
c. Mobil.
d. Gulf.

37. In what country did the CIA assist in overthrowing a government that sought to
nationalize its oil industry?
a. Iraq.
*b. Iran.
c. Venezuela.
d. Saudi Arabia.

38. What were the first oil-producing countries that succeeded in nationalizing foreign oil
a. Iran and Iraq.
b. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
*c. Algeria and Libya.
d. The United Arab Emirates and Morocco.

39. What largely accounted for increasing global oil prices between 2000 and 2011?
a. Instability in the Middle East.
b. A rapid reduction in Saudi Arabian oil production.
c. A Russian refusal to export oil.
*d. China’s growing economy.

40. What development has most reduced U.S. dependence on imported oil in recent years.
a. Requirements for higher gas mileage for vehicles in the U.S.
*b. Hydraulic fracturing.
c. The introduction of hybrid electric and fully electric automobiles.
d. The use of solar and wind power in generating electricity.

Essay Questions

41. What is a “collective good”?

*a. Answers vary; A good that is available to anyone and that individuals have no incentive
to pay for.

42. What are “transboundary externalities”?

*a. Answers vary; They are activities in one country that can harm other countries.
43. What is the “greenhouse effect”?
*a. Answers vary; It is a protective layer that admits some solar radiation that can be
absorbed by the earth, thereby making the planet habitable.

44. What is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)?

*a. Answers vary; It is a multinational scientific group that assesses climate change in order
to provide information for the political process dealing with the issue.

45. What is a “cap and trade” system?

*a. Answers vary; It is a market-based approach to controlling pollution that allows
corporations or national governments to trade emissions allowances under an overall cap,
or limit, on those emissions.

46. What U.S. agency has led the effort to reduce American carbon emissions?
*a. Answers vary; It is the Environmental Protection Agency.

47. Why are diverse ecosystems valuable?

*a. Answers vary; They provide food and clean water, are sources of medicines and
biotechnologies, and protect human and natural habitats from natural disasters.

48. What is OPEC?

*a. Answers vary; The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is a group of oil-
producing states that try to coordinate oil prices and production.

49. What is the Keystone XL?

*a. Answers vary; A proposed pipeline that would carry heavy oil from Canada’s tar sands
in Alberta through the American Midwest to oil refineries in Texas on the Gulf of Mexico.

50. What is a carbon tax?

*a. Answers vary; It is a tax on carbon emissions or on the fuel that produces them.

Fill in the Blank Questions

51. In September 2008, TransCanada filed an application for a cross-border permit to begin
work on ____________ to carry heavy crude oil, known as bitumen, from Alberta’s tar sands to
refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas.
*a. the Keystone XL pipeline

52. ____________ offer benefits that must be shared and made available to everyone if it is
enjoyed by anyone.
*a. Collective goods

53. Al Gore's 2006 film ______________ shifted public sentiment back in favor of government
efforts to protect the environment.
*a. An Inconvenient Truth

54. ______________ is recalled as the America’s “Conservationist President.”

*a. Theodore Roosevelt

55. In the 1980s and 1990s, a _________________ that advocated protecting private property
rights and opening the country’s remaining natural resources to development emerged.
*a. “wise-use” movement

56. President Reagan signed the 1987 ___________.

*a. Montreal Protocol

57. Transboundary externalities are _________________.

*a. activities in one country that can harm others

58. By the 1980s, evidence had accumulated that industrial chemicals were harming
_____________, and a conference on the issue was convened in 1985 in Vienna, Austria.
*a. the ozone layer

59. __________ is the most controversial contemporary global environmental issue.

*a. Climate change

60. ____________ refers to the observed increase in the earth’s average temperature.
*a. Global Warming

61. By the time Clinton left office, the ___________ had not entered into force, having failed to
meet the threshold of ratification by 55 countries responsible for at least 55 percent of total
1990 emissions.
*a. Kyoto Protocol

62. At the 2009 ______________ President Obama became the first U.S. president to participate
personally in climate talks.
*a. Copenhagen Climate Conference

63. President Obama’s 2010 National Security Strategy was the first ________________.
*a. to define climate change as a national-security issue

64. In 2014 ___________________ announced new standards that required existing power
stations to reduce CO2 emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.
*a. the Environmental Protection Agency

65. The increase in U.S. shale-oil and shale-gas production is the result of ___________.
*a. hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”
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