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Narrative Writing 5 Write a story which includes the words, ‘… nothing seemed to go right …’

How I met your mother

As I entered my comfy home, a place of happiness and fond memories, I was suddenly jumped at by my
two gremlins who ran at me like they haven't seen me in days. As their running soon ended in a jump, I
dropped the things in my hands onto floor to catch them. The two gremlins, my daughter Lia and son
Kai, were now hugging me like koalas while they sat secured in my arms.

From the corner of the hallway, I could see my wife Hannah, giving me a sweet smile. I smiled back at
her with my cheesiest smile. We stayed like this, staring at each other's eyes, smiling at each other, that
is until we heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. It was my teenage daughter Sammantha.
"Hey dad! Welcome back." she said with a grin on her face. "Thank you, Sammy." I said as I kissed her on
the forehead. She blushed a bit as she cleared her throat and asked: "Hey dad, I am curious, how did you
and mom meet? Was it romantic?". 'Well, wasn't that an interesting question' I thought. "How have
your mama and I met? Well, that is actually an interesting story." I said as Sammy, twins and I find a way
to the living area and sit on a couch, while Hannah returns to the kitchen. "You see, it was one of those
days that nothing seemed to go right as you planned. I was such a mess that day, I overslept, lost a train
and was late for work. I got yelled at by my boss in the end. It was terrible. As I was hurrying back home,
I bumped into this gorgeous girl, your mother. She was holding a cup of tea and as we ran into each
other the tea spilled onto both of us. She started apologizing and I tried to reassure her it was okay and
then all of a sudden it started heavily raining. We rushed into the first shop possible and from there
introduced ourselves and decided to grab a cup of tea. After that we started meeting regularly. Soon
after I asked her out on a date, she said yes and 6 years later we are married and your mom is carrying
you in her belly." I said as I looked at the cup of tea in my hands that was given to me by my wife.

A small smile spread on my face as I remembered all the fond memories we created. 'Nothing could
make me change my opinion on that.' I thought as I drank the tea while watching my family. Absolutely

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