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If you’ve heard of eBay dropshipping
before, there’s a good chance you’ve
heard of Paul, The Dropshipping Titan.
A beloved leader in the areas of
dropshipping and entrepreneurship,
Paul has used dropshipping as way to
forge his own path in life. Despite his
success, Paul's greatest joy is
educating and empowering others.

When he started, he had no idea how

to list products or scout-out retailers,
let alone get people to actually buy
his products. But with every setback
and failure, he learned important
lessons, improved his strategies, and
ended up with $2.5 million in sales in
just two years!


My simple eBay Dropshipping $2.5 MILLION
system designed for beginners.
Top suppliers you should be Paul's dropshipping sales
using! during his first two years
All the resources and tools you alone!
need to succeed.
I never felt so low.
When I finally got home after my
I was sitting in my car on my daily super-commute that night, I was so
two-hour commute back from work. angry at where my life was that I
Except because of the rain, my usual couldn't sleep. I tip-toed out of the
two-hour commute was now inching bedroom and went on my laptop. I
towards three hours. was giving myself one last shot, one
last shot to make money online
I was miserable. before I resigned myself to the life I
This wasn't the way things were
supposed to be. I had gone to school That's when I discovered something
and got good grades. Then I went on life changing: Dropshipping. I
to law school, where I graduated top immediately saw how powerful it was
of my class. I had done everything I and how simple it was to start
was supposed to. I should have been dropshipping on different
happy. marketplaces. I went all in with it.

Except, I wasn't. I was working for I started dropshipping using this

someone else. I was on their clock. I simple system and started to see
was working so hard for the promise results in hours instead of in weeks.
of a decent retirement in 40 years. What I was doing was finally working!
40years! I wouldn't make it that long. Fast forward a year I wanted to see if
I needed a way out. I was so others wanted to learn how to
desperate that I had spent the better dropship using my system too. Soon,
part of a year trying to start an was born.
ecommerce business so l could quit
my job, but I kept running into
roadblocks. Nothing was working. In
fact, my side business was just
costing me money and time.
I'm a normal person. I wasn't born with
some gift for ecommerce or
dropshipping. I didn't go to school for
it. I'm just a regular person who
wanted a change in his life.

Dropshipping started out as a side

hustle for me. Since then, l've sold
millions of dollars worth of items
online on different marketplaces like
eBay, Amazon, and Facebook

I've also taught over 7,000 students in

my online courses how to dropship
and have over 100,000 subscribers
who have learned dropshipping from
me on YouTube.

Will you be next?

Once you learn the methods in this

workbook, you will be dropshipping in
hours. Ready to get started?
table of contents



What is Dropshipping
Dropshipping is the simplest way to start selling physical products
online. It's also really easy to understand. Take a look here:

A customer on eBay
orders an item
from you for $100
You then order the
item from a supplier
for less money - $60

As you can see, your supplier is the one shipping the items directly to your
customers. You act as a middleman between the supplier and the
customer. That means you don't hold any inventory. You sell high and then
buy low! The best part is, you can do it from anywhere in the world!

To make things even easier, we use other retail websites (like Amazon and
Walmart) as our suppliers. This means you don't need to convince
wholesale distributors to start working with you. You can just start doing
this right away! Pretty cool, right?
Does This Really Work?
Short answer: Yes. Even though customers can buy the same items
for less on other websites, they still buy from us on eBay.

Why? Because it's CONVENIENT. Many customers are used to

shopping on eBay and are comfortable shopping there. They can't
be bothered to shop around or to go to other websites.

But don't take my word for it. Here are some of my students' results:

Moaz Is Doing over $90,000 a Tom is selling over $70,000

month in sales a month

And to show you how quickly this

This student just hit $88,000
can happen, Charles here did over $5,500
a month in sales
his very first month!
That's a great question, right? How are my students getting such incredible
results so quickly. Well being successful at eBay dropshipping doesn't happen
by accident. There is a roadmap that if applied, works. Once you have the map,
you can be successful too!

First you need to pick good

suppliers. Some make it really
easy to dropship, other's make it
impossible. I'll tell you which
ones are which!

Next you need to master the most

02 important dropshipping skill - product
research. This is where you find the BEST
items to sell. I'll show you how!

List up some items! As you'll see, this part

is very easy with the use of software.

Finally, fulfill your orders and make your

Here's a review of just SOME of the suppliers you'll encounter as a dropshipper:


Walmart is my top recommendation for new dropshippers because it

has lots of items, free returns, and great prices. It just can't be beat!
Just don't use Walmart Plus - you're not allowed to as a dropshipper.

Another good supplier, Home Depot has so many items at great
prices. Their website can be tricky to use, but it's worth it.

Amazon used to be the best supplier to use. But now they don't give
us usable tracking numbers. It's a little tricky but there are ways
around that. And since it works so well with software, it's still a good
supplier as long as you don't use Prime.

Target is not dropship friendly. They will cancel your orders if you use
them. Avoid Target!

Sure Aliexpress has a lot of really cheap products, but those items
are shipping from China. With really long shipping times, I'd avoid
using them if you're a new seller.
Like I said, product research is the most important skill you need to
master to be successful at dropshipping. So as you might imagine, there
is a lot that goes into the process. This is an overview of the whole
process but you'll definitely want to watch some videos that show you
how to do this step-by-step.

1. Find other
Find other people who are
already dropshipping on eBay.

3 2. Find their
popular items
steps We have some techniques
that will show us which items
in a dropshipper's store are
the most popular.

3. Sell similar
If an item is doing well on
eBay, we're going to look for
something similar to sell as
well! This is tricky but with
time it gets easier!
Luckily once you find the right products to sell the
rest is pretty easy...

01 Listing
Adding products to your eBay store is
easy because we use a software that
does it for us automatically!

02 Repricing
The software will then automatically
reprice your eBay items if the price
changes on your supplier's website.

03 Fulfillment
After an order comes through you can just
buy the item from your supplier and have
them ship it to your customer

04 Profit!
The difference between how much you're
paid on eBay and how much you pay your
supplier is your profit!
As you might imagine, there is a LOT more that goes into building a successful
Dropshipping store. Recently I put together a free training video that shows you
the three key things you need to build a six figure eBay dropshipping store. If you
want to watch that limited time replay, click or go to the link below:


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