Comm Reviewer

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A. General Principles • Piercing the Veil of Corporate Entity

B. De Facto Corporations vs. Corporations by Estoppel § The veil of corporate fiction, i.e., corporations have personalities
• CORPORATION separate and distinct from the persons composing it, may be
o An artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the pierced if it is used:
powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its • To defeat public convenience; (i.e., to avoid liability)
existence. • To justify a wrong, protect fraud, or defend a crime; or
o Attributes • In alter ego cases (as mentioned above)
• Artificial being • Vicarious Liability of Employers
• Created by operation of law § Employers may be relieved of responsibility for the negligent acts of
• Has right of succession their employees if they can shoe that they observed all the diligence
• Has powers, attributes, properties conferred by law or incident to its of a good father of a family to prevent damage.
existence • Grandfather Rule
o Doctrines § The percentage of Filipino equity in a corporation engaged in
• Separate Juridical Personality nationalized and/or partly nationalized areas of activities is
§ A corporation has a legal personality separate and distinct from that computed by attributing the nationality of the second or even
of the people comprising it. subsequent tier of ownership to determine the nationality of the
• Limited Liability corporate shareholder.
§ The corporate debt is not the debt of the stockholder. § The combined totals in the Investing Corporation and the Investee
• Alter Ego (a.k.a. Instrumentality Theory) Corporation must be traced, i.e., "grandfathered" to determine the
§ The corporate personality may be disregarded, and the individuals total percentage of Filipino ownership.
composing the corporation will be treated as individuals, if the o Liabilities
corporate entity is being used as a cloak or cover for fraud or • Tort
illegality; as a justification for a wrong; as an alter ego, an adjunct, § Yes, when act committed by an officer or agent under express
or a business conduit for the sole benefit of the stockholders. direction or authority from the stockholders or members acting as a
§ Elements: body, or generally, from the directors as the governing body.
• CONTROL. Control amounting to complete domination of • Crime
finances, policy, and business practice with respect to the § No; a corporation is an artificial being incapable of intent, which
transaction attacked, effectively espousing that the cannot be held criminally liable nor receive the penalty of
corporate entity has no separate mind, will, or existence of imprisonment.
its own; • Exception
• FRAUD. Such control had been used to commit fraud or • Anti-Money Laundering Act
wrong, perpetuate the violation of a statutory or other • A corporation may be held criminally liable
positive legal duty, or dishonest and unjust act in for violation(s) thereof; the responsible
contravention of a legal right; and officers therefor shall respond to the
• HARM. The control and breach of duty must have charges.
proximately caused the injury or unjust loss complained of.

§ Corporate officers or employees, through whose act, default, or § Domestic Corporation - one formed, organized, or existing under Philippine
omission the corporation commits a crime, may themselves be law.
individually held answerable for the crime. § Foreign Corporation - one formed, organized, or existing under laws OTHER
• Damages THAN those of the Philippines' and whose laws allow Filipino citizens and
GENERAL RULE EXCEPTION corporations to do business in its own country or State.
• As to how it is created and its function -
Corporations may not be awarded moral damages, Libel, slander, any § Private - generally created under the provisions of the RCC< for profit or
being artificial entities and not natural persons who other form of other private purpose.
suffer physical injury, etc. defamation. § Public - created under special laws and the Local Government Code; usually
created for the government or a portion of the State and for the purpose of
serving the general good and welfare.
• As to existence of stocks -
§ Stock corporation - has a capital stock divided into shares and is authorized • As to the relationship of management and control -
§ Parent - corporations controlling financial interest of one or more
to distribute to the holders of such dividends or allotments of the surplus
profits on the basis of shares held. corporations.
§ Subsidiary - corporation controlled by the parent corporation; so related to
§ Non-stock corporation - no part of income distributable as dividends to its
members, trustees, or officers; not organized for profit, but for public good another that the majority of its directors can be elected either directly or
indirectly by such other corporation.
and welfare.
§ Affiliate - one related to another by owning or being owned by common
• As to legal status -
management or by a long-term lease of its properties or other controlled
§ De Jure Corporation
• Organized in accordance with the requirements of the law
• Also known as corporations that are "controlled," "controlling," or
"under common control."
§ De Facto Corporation - corporation where there exists a flaw in its
§ Holding - one which controls another as a subsidiary by the power to elect
management; holds stocks in other companies for purposes of control
• Requisites
rather than for mere investment.
• Existence of a valid law under which it may be incorporated;
• As to whether it is for religious purpose or not -
• An attempt in good faith to incorporate or comply with the
§ Lay - organized for a purpose other than religion
formalities of the law; and
§ Ecclesiastical - organized for religious purposes
• Use of corporate powers.
• Eleemosynary corporation - established for charitable purposes
• Corporation sole - one established for the purpose of administering and managing,
• Cannot be attacked collaterally, only directly.
as trustee, the affairs, property, and temporalities of any religious denomination,
• Corporation by estoppel - a group of persons who assume to act as a corporation
knowing it to be without authority to do so; "By estoppel" because such persons are sect, or church.
• One person corporation - a corporation with a single stockholder which may be a
estopped from claiming lack of corporate life to avoid liability.
natural person, trust or estate.
• Corporation by prescription - one not formally organized but has been recognized by
o SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: a form of business organization conducted for profit by a single
immemorial usage as a corporation, with rights and duties under the law.
individual and requires its proprietor or owner to secure licenses and permits, register its
• As to laws of incorporation -

business name, and pay taxes to the national government; the law does not vest a separate o CORPORATE NATIONALITY
legal personality nor empower it to file or defend an action in court. • Place of incorporation test
o Factors to Consider in Determining W/N a Subsidiary is a Mere Conduit of its Parent § Corporations are considered nationals of the country where they are
Corporation: incorporated, regardless of the nationalities of their stockholders
• Ownership of capital stock • Control test (applicable only in certain instances)
• Common directors or officers § War - nationality of corporation is determined by the nationality of its
• Finances controlling stockholders
• Subscription to capital stock § Exploitation of Natural Resources - only Filipino corporations may do so;
• Incorporation requirement is at least 60% of capital stock should be Filipino-owned
• Capital § Public utilities - same rule as in Exploitation of Natural Resources
• Salaries and other expenses or losses of the subsidiary § Investment purposes - same rule as in Exploitation of Natural Resources
• Business(es) and asset(s) ***those corporations who do not meet the 60%
• Articles of Incorporation Filipino ownership threshold shall be considered as
• Properties non-Filipino owned corporations.
• Interests o Term Definitions
• Conformity with Formal Legal Requirements • CAPITAL - shares which are entitled to vote; non-voting shares not included; thus, in
o STEPS IN PIERCING THE VEIL OF CORPORATE FICTION reference to COMMON shares only; preferred shares are generally not included
• Show adequate ground exists unless given the right to participate in the control or management of the
• Disregard the separate personality of the corporation corporation, as is evidenced by one's right to vote in the election of directors.
• Hold corporate officer liable for corporate obligation o SEC-MC No. 8, "Guidelines on Compliance with the Filipino-Foreign Ownership
• Regard corporation as an association of persons or in case of two corporations, treat Requirements Prescribed in the Constitution and/or Existing Laws by Corporations Engaged
them as one and hold them liable as such in Nationalized and Partly Nationalized Activities."
o REVERSE PIERCING (also reverse corporate piercing or piercing the corporate veil "in • All covered corporations shall, at all times, observe the constitutional or statutory
reverse") ownership requirement. For purposes of determining compliance therewith, the
• Where plaintiff seeks to reach the assets of a corporation to satisfy claims against a required percentage of Filipino ownership shall be applied to BOTH (a) the total
corporate insider. number of outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote in the election of directors;
• Corporations shall be liable for the debt of shareholders. AND (b) the total number of outstanding shares of stock, whether or not entitled to
• KINDS OF REVERSE PIERCING vote in the election of directors. (Voting Control Test/Controlling Interest
§ Outsider Requirement)
• When a party with a claim against an individual or corporation C. Corporate Powers
attempts to be repaid with assets of a corporation owned or • Powers of a Corporation, as per the Theory of General Capacity
substantially controlled by the defendant. o Sue and be sued in its corporate name;
§ Insider o Have perpetual existence, unless COI provides otherwise;
• The controlling members will attempt to ignore the corporate o Adopt and use personal seal;
fiction in order to take advantage of a benefit available to the o Amend AOI;
corporation, such as an interest in a lawsuit or protection of o Adopt bylaws;
personal assets.

o Issue or sell stocks to subscribers (Stock Corporations); o Extension or shortening of corporate term;
o Sell treasury stocks in accordance with the provisions of the RCC (Stock o Increase or decrease of capital stock;
Corporation); o Incur, create, or increase bonded indebtedness;
o Admit members to the corporation (Nonstock Corporations); o Sell, dispose, lease, encumber or dispose all or substantial all corporate assets;
o Purchase, receive, take, or grant, hold, convey, sell, lease, pledge, mortgage, and • How to determine if "all"?
otherwise deal with such real and personal property as the transaction of the lawful § Based on net asset value, as shown in latest financial statements;
business of the corporation may reasonably and necessarily require; § If thereby the corporation would be rendered incapable of
o Enter into a partnership, joint venture, merger, consolidation, or any other continuing the business of accomplishing the purpose for which it
commercial agreement with natural and judicial persons; was incorporated.
o Make reasonable donations, as long as not for the aid of political parties or o Invest in another corporation, business other than the primary purpose;
candidates, or some partisan political activity, if foreign corporation; o Declare stock dividends;
o Establish pension, retirement, and other plans for the benefit of its directors, o Merger/consolidation;
trustees, officers, and employees; and o Amend AOI;
o Exercise such other powers as may be essential to or necessary to carry out its • Majority of Stockholders Holding Capital Stock (+ Approval of Director, but not necessarily
purpose or purposes. a majority vote of the Board of Directors) Necessary for the Following: ***
• Specific Powers of a Corporation o Fixing of compensation of directors;
o Extend or shorten corporate term; o Adoption of bylaws;
o Increase or decrease capital stock; o Election of directors or trustees;
o Incur, create or increase bonded indebtedness; o Fixing the issued price of no-par value shares;
o Deny preemptive right; o Filling of vacancies in the Board; and
o Sell, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of all or substantially o Entering into management contracts.
all of its property, assets, and goodwill; *** only when stock dividends are declared that consent of stockholders
o Purchase or acquire own shares; needed for declaration to be made.
o Invest in another corporation or business or for any purpose other than the primary • Procedure to Secure Abovementioned Approvals:
purpose; o Notice to Board of Directors and Stockholders, informing them that a meeting has
o Declare dividends; been set with the proposed investments as agenda;
o Enter into management contracts; and o Notice to stockholders, mailed, or served personally.
o Amend Articles of Incorporation. • NEIL DOCTRINE
• What is an ultra vires act? It is an act committed outside the purpose for which a o Where one corporation sells or otherwise transfers all of its assets to another
corporation is created, as defined by the law and its organization. To wit, it is an done by a corporation, the latter is not liable for the debts and liabilities of the transferor,
corporation which is beyond the powers conferred upon it. EXCEPT:
o Generally null and void; cannot be given any effect. • Where the purchaser expressly or impliedly agrees to assume such debts;
o However, ultra vires acts may be validly ratified. To effect such, all stockholders • Where the transaction amounts to a consolidation or merger of the
must consent to the ratification; the rights of the State should not be involved; corporation;
creditors should not be prejudiced; the act or contract must be wholly executed. • Where the purchasing corporation is merely a continuation of the selling
• When concurrence (Majority of the Board + 2/3 Vote of Stockholders representing corporation; and
Outstanding Capital) of stockholders necessary for the exercise of corporate powers: ***

• Where the transaction is entered into fraudulently in order to escape o General Rule: Officers cannot be held personally liable with the corporation,
liability from such debts. whether civilly or otherwise, for the consequences of his acts, if he acted for and in
• TRUST FUND DOCTRINE behalf of the corporation, within the scope of his authority and in good faith.
o Capital stock, property and other assets of the corporation are regarded as equity in o Exception: The director/trustee or officer is personally and solidarily liable if he:
trust for the payment of the corporate creditors; the subscribed capital stock of the • Willfully and knowingly votes for or assent to patently unlawful acts of the
corporation is a trust fund for the payment of the debts of the corporation which corporation;
the creditors have the right to look into to satisfy their credits, and which the • Is guilty of gross negligence or bad faith in directing the affairs of the
corporation may not dissipate. corporation;
• Exceptions • Acquires any personal or pecuniary interest in conflict with his duty as such
§ Distribution of corporate capital ALLOWED in these instances: director or trustee;
• Amendment of the AOI to reduce authorized capital stock; • Acquires a business opportunity which should belong to the corporation,
• Purchase of redeemable shares by the corporation; thereby obtaining profits to the prejudice of such corporation;
• Dissolution and eventual liquidation of the corporation; • Consents to the issuance of watered stocks or who, having knowledge
• Dividends from investments in wasting asset corporation thereof, did not forthwith file with the corporate secretary his written
• What is a wasting asset corporation? One solely or objection thereto;
principally engaged in the exploitation of "wasting • Contractually agrees or stipulates to hold himself personally and solidarily
assets," distributing net proceeds from liable with the Corporation; and/or
exploitation of their holdings, without allowance • Is made, by specific provision of law, personally liable for his corporate
or deduction for depletion. action.
• In case of deadlock (For Close Corporations) • Qualifications of Directors or Trustees
• Purchase own shares of stock o Legal age;
• Payment for the fair value of the shares of dissenting o Ownership of at least one (1) share of the capital stock of the corporation which he
stockholders. is a director, which share shall stand in his name on the books of the corporation;
o Corporations shall have no legal capacity to release original subscriber from the o Must not be:
obligation of paying for his shares without a valuable consideration, or fraudulently, • Convicted by final judgment of an offense punishable by imprisonment for a
to the prejudice of creditors. period exceeding six (6) years;
• Cumulative Participating Preferred Shares - those which entitle the shareholder to: (1) • A violation of the RCC committed within five (5) years prior to the date of his
receive current and back dividends not previously paid; and (2) participate with the common election or appointment;
shares after receiving its dividends at a preferred rate. • For violating R..A. No 8799 (Securities Regulation Code);
D. Board of Directors and Trustees • Found administratively liable for any offense involving fraudulent acts;
• DOCTRINE OF CORPORATE DEMOCRACY • By a foreign court or equivalent foreign regulatory authority for acts,
o A corporation is always presumed to operate upon the democratic principle that the violations or misconduct similar to those enumerated above.
rule of the majority prevails, in the absence of clear and express statutory provisions. o Must possess other such qualifications prescribed in the bylaws.
• BUSINESS JUDGMENT RULE • Process for Voting Directors or Trustees
o Corporate businesses are conducted and properties of the corporation are controlled o Required is the presence, in person or through a representative authorized to act by
and held by the Board of Directors or Trustees. written proxy, the owners of majority of the outstanding capital stock or the
members entitled to vote.

o Available Means of Voting § By a vote of the stockholders holding at least 2/3 of the outstanding
• Straight - stockholder votes such number of shares for as many persons as capital stock, or if in non-stock corporation, by a vote of at least 2/3
there are directors to be elected; of the members entitled to vote;
• Cumulative (for one candidate) - stockholder may cumulate his shares and § In case of meetings held precisely for this purpose, previous notice
give one candidate as many votes as the number of directors to be elected must be given to stockholders on the intention to remove; and
multiplied by the number of his shares; or § With or without cause; except if removal is to deprive minority of its
• Cumulative (by distribution) - stockholders may distribute his shares among representation, it must be for a cause.
as many candidates he shall see fit. o Requisites for Filling up Vacancies
§ NO TO DELINQUENT STOCKS • Vacancies may be filled up:
§ Not allowed in Nonstock Corporations. § By a majority of the board, if there is still a quorum, for causes other
o Quorum in Board Meetings than removal of a director or expiration of his term;
• Majority of the number of directors or trustees as fixed in the articles of § By stockholders/members - if there is no more quorum, and if the
incorporation; vacancy is due to the removal or other causes.
§ Applicable unless the AOI or bylaws provide for a greater majority. o Prescribed Periods Therefor
o Corporate Officers to be Elected • Vacancies due to term expiration - no later than 60 days from day of such
• President - must be a director expiration, at a meeting called for that purpose.
• Treasurer - must be a resident • Vacancies due to removal by the stockholders or members - election may be
• Secretary - must be a citizen and resident of the Philippines held on the same day of the meeting authorizing the removal.
• Such other officers as may be provided in the bylaws • All other cases - not later than 45 days from time vacancy arose.
• Compliance officer - only if so elected by a corporation vested with public o Special Terms to Take Note Of
interest; • Replacement Director/Trustee - director/trustee elected to fill a vacancy,
*** same person may hold two or more positions concurrently; HOWEVER, no one may act as who shall only serve for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office.
president and secretary or president and treasurer AT THE SAME TIME, unless otherwise allowed by • Emergency Board - created when vacancy prevents the remaining directors
the RCC from constituting a quorum and emergency action is required to prevent
o Within 30 days from election, the names, nationalities, shareholdings, and residence grave, substantial, and irreparable loss or damage to the corporation;
addresses of the directors, trustees, and officers elected must be submitted to the SEC. creation thereof must be reported to the SEC within 3 days, stating the
o Consequence of non-holding of elections reason for such.
• Such must be reported to the SEC within 30 days from the date scheduled. Contents • Interlocking Director - a director in two or more corporations.
of the report must include a new date, not later than 60 days from the originally § Contracts entered into by such a director generally valid UNLESS his
scheduled date. interest is substantial in one corporation (at least 20% of the OCS)
• If no new date is scheduled, or if the new schedule is not followed as well, the SEC, and nominal in the other (less than 20%);
upon application of a stockholder/member/director/trustee, and after verification • Contracts entered into by the latter kind of interlocking
of the non-holding, may summarily order that an election be held. directors MAY still be valid, provided:
• REMOVAL AND FILLING UP OF VACANCIES IN THE BOARD • Presence of board/trustee in the board meeting in
o Requisites for Removal which the contract was approved was not necessary
• A director may be removed: to constitute a quorum for such meeting;

• The vote of such director or trustee was not o Approve action requiring concurrence of stockholders;
necessary for the approval of the contract; o Fill up vacancies in the board;
• The contract is FAIR AND REASONABLE under the o Adopt new bylaws;
circumstances. o Amend or repeal bylaws;
• DOCTRINE OF CORPORATE OPPORTUNITY o Amend or repeal board resolutions (which, by its express terms, cannot be amended
o GENERAL RULE: Disqualifies a director/trustee/officer from appropriating for his or repealed); and
personal benefit a transaction or opportunity that pertains to a corporation, and o Distribute cash dividends to the shareholders.
which under the duty of loyalty he should first bring to the corporation for its use or • DOCTRINE OF APPARENT AUTHORITY
exploitation. o Though an officer or agent acts without, or in excess of, his actual authority, if he
o EXCEPTION: Directors need not refund the profits if his act is ratified by a vote of acts within the scope of an APPARENT authority with which the corporation has
the stockholders owning or representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital clothed him by holding him out or permitting him to appear as having such
stock. authority, the corporation is bound thereby in favor of a person who deals with him
• On Contracts Entered into by Corporations with their Director(s)/Trustee(s)/Officer(s) in good faith in reliance on such apparent authority.
o EXCEPTION: When the following conditions are present--- • General manner in which the corporation holds out an officer or agent as
• The presence of such director or trustee in the board meeting in which the having the power to act or the "apparent authority" to act in general, with
contract was approved was not necessary to constitute a quorum for such which it clothes him; OR
meeting; • The acquiescence of his acts of a particular nature, with actual or
• The vote of such director or trustee was not necessary for the approval of constructive knowledge thereof, whether within or beyond the scope of his
the contract; ordinary powers.
• In case of corporations vested with public interest, material contracts are F. Capital Structure
approved by at least 2/3 of the entire membership of the board, with at • Classifications of Shares of Stock
least a majority of the independent directors voting to approve the material o Common - represents the residual ownership interest in the corporation; a basic
contract; and class of stock ordinarily and usually issued without extraordinary rights and
• In case of an officer, the contract has been previously authorized by the privileges, and the owners thereof are entitled to a pro rata share in the profits;
o When any of the first three abovementioned requirements for the exception to apply BOOKS.
is not present, a contract may still be ratified provided the following conditions are o Preferred - may enjoy a right of preference in dividends, voting, corporate property
met: upon dissolution, or such as may be stated in the AOI or as determined by the
• Stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the capital stock or of at least 2/3 Board. PAR VALUE ONLY.
of the members in a meeting called for the purpose must vote to ratify or • Cumulative - entitles shareholder to recover dividends in arrears.
approve the contract; • Non-cumulative - entitles shareholders to receive present dividends, not
• Full disclosure of the adverse interest of the directors or trustees involved is arrears.
made; and • Participating - entitles shareholder to participate with common shares after
• THE CONTRACT MUST BE FAIR AND REASONABLE. receiving its dividends at a preferred rate.
• Corporate Powers That May Not Be Delegated

• Non-participating - no such participation granted. • Indorsement by the owner or his attorney-

• Cumulative Participating - a combination of cumulative and participating. in-fact, or other legally auth’d person.
o Par Value - with fixed value as stated in the AOI; nominal value shall remain • RIGHTS OF A STOCKHOLDER
regardless of corporation's profitability. • Direct/indirect participation in corporate management;
o No Par Value - with no assigned value; value dependent on changes in the profits of • Voting rights;
the corporation and the market value of the shares themselves. • Right to remove directors; Appraisal Right – that of a stockholder to withdraw
o Founder's - classified as such in the AOI; for a limited period of not more than 5 • Proprietary rights: from the corporation + demand payment of the fair
years from SEC approval only. • To dividends; value of his shares ff. dissent on certain corporate acts;
o Redeemable - shares which may only be issued when expressly authorized by the • Appraisal rights; CANNOT BE REMOVED BY CORP’S ARTS OF INCORP.
AOI; may be purchased or taken up by the corporation upon expiration of a fixed • To issuance of stock certificate for fully paid shares;
period, etc. • Proportionate participation in distribution of assets in liquidation;
o Treasury - those issued and fully paid for, but subsequently reacquired by the issuing • To transfer of stocks in corporate books; and
corporation by purchase, redemption, donation, or some other lawful mean; NOT • Preemptive rights.
ENTITLED TO DIVIDENDS NOR RIGHT TO VOTE, unless reissued. • Remedial rights:
o Escrow - those subject to an agreement whereby the shares are deposited by the • To inspect books and records;
grantor or his agent with a third person too be held by the latter until the • To be furnished most recent financial statement/report;
performance of a certain condition. • To recover stocks unlawfully sold for delinquent payment of subscription;
• WATERED STOCK - a stock issued for a consideration less than its par or issued value, or for and
a consideration in any form other than cash, valued in excess of its fair value; issuance • To file individual, representative, and derivative suits.
thereof is a violation of the Trust Fund Doctrine. • Voting Stock Agreement – confers upon trustee(s) the right to vote, etc. for a period not
*** director(s)/officer(s) of a corporation who CONSENTS TO THE ISSUANCE OF STOCKS FOR A exceeding five (5) years at any time: PROVIDED, in cases of voting trusts specifically required
CONSIDERATION LESS THAN ITS PAR/ISSUED VALUE; or CONSENTS TO THE ISSUANCE OF STOCKS FOR as a condition in a loan agreement, such may exceed five (5) years but shall automatically
A CONSIDERATION OTHER THAN CASH, valued in excess of its fair value; or having knowledge of the expire upon full payment of the loan.
insufficient consideration, DOES NOT FILE A WRITTEN OBJECTION WITH THE CORPORATE SECRETARY • Must be (a) in writing; (b) notarized; and (c) specific in re: terms & conditions
shall be liable to the corporation or its creditors, solidarily with the stockholder concerned for the • General Rule: Preferred and redeemable shares may be deprived of voting rights
difference between the value received at the time of issuance of the stock and the par or issued • Exceptions:
value of the same. • AOI amendment;
• What is a Certificate of Stock? A written evidence of ownership of shares of stock; will not • Bylaws adoption & amendment;
be issued to a subscriber until the full amount of his subscription + interest and expenses, if • Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, other disposition of all or substantially all
any, has been paid. corporate property;
* Generally, stock-
• DOCTRINE OF EQUALITY OF SHARES • Incurring/creating/increasing bonded indebtedness;
holders cannot
• Where the AOI do not provide for any distinction of the shares of stock, all shares • Increase/decrease of capital stock;
compel corporations
issued by the corporation are presumed to be equal and enjoy the same rights and • Merger/consolidation;
to declare dividends,
privileges, subject to the same liabilities. • Investment of corporate funds in another corp./busns; and
* for transfer to be binding on corp., a merely discre-
• Exclusive Mode of Transferring Shares of Stock • Dissolution of corporation.
transfer must be recorded in corp. books! * tionary act on the
• Delivery of the certificate(s); and • DECLARATION OF DIVDENDS proper when:
part of the BOD.
• There is a resolution of the board; or

• A majority of board w/ concurrence of • Representative Suit – filed by shareholder in his AND other similarly situated
2/3 of outstanding capital. stockholders’ behalf, against corp.
• ON SURPLUS PROFITS • Derivative Suit – 1+ stockholders/members filing in name and on behalf of corp. to
• Stock corporations are prohibited from retaining surplus profits in excess of 100% of redress wrong committed against it, OR protect/vindicate corporate rights when
their paid-in capital, unless: officials refuse to sue/are ones to be sued/have control of the corporation.
• Justified by definite corporate expansion projects/programs approved by • REQUISITES:
BOD; or 1. Subsisting stockholder/member;
• When corporation is prohibited under any loan agreement with a financial 2. Demands to sue;
institution or creditor from declaring dividends w/o their consent; or 3. Having exhausted all intra-corporate remedies;
• When it can be shown that such retention is necessary under special 4. In the name of the corporation.
circumstances obtaining in the corporation • Right to Inspect Corporate Books and Records
• BOD may declare due and payable unpaid subscriptions AT ANY TIME; may also collect the • Conditions:
same or such percentage thereof as it may deem necessary; • Confidentiality Rules apply;
• Failure to pay shall result in loss of right: • Only available to stockholders and/or members of record; and
• To be voted for; • Not available to competitors, directors, officers, controlling stockholders,
• To vote; etc. representing interests of a competitor.
• To representation at any • REMEDY IN CASE OF DENIAL: report to Commission who shall investigate and issue
stockholder’s meeting; and relevant order within five (5) days.
• To all proprietary and Not included: Right to dividends, G. Dissolution & Liquidation
remedial rights. w/c extends until eventual sale of stock • MODES OF DISSOLUTION:
• Extrajudicial sale at public auction/delinquent sale; i. Where no creditors affected
• Judicial action; and
1. Majority vote of BOD/BOT + reso adopted by affirmative vote
• Collection from cash dividends & withholding of stock dividends.
of majority stockholders/members of meeting called by board;
• Preemptive Right [old stockholder > (potential) new stockholder]
• to subscribe to all issues or disposition of shares of any class, in proportion to their
2. Verified request for dissolution to be filed with SEC, stating:
respective shareholdings so as to enable the stockholder to retain his proportionate a. Ratio;
control in the corporation or to retain his equity in the surplus. b. Form, manner, time notices given;
• NOT AVAILABLE WHEN: c. Names of approving stockholders &
• Shares to be issued in compliance with laws requiring stock offerings or directors/members & trustees;
minimum stock ownership by the public; d. Date, place, time of meeting when vote made; and
• Shares to be issued in good faith in exchange for property needed for e. Details of publication.
corporate purposes or in payment of a previously contracted debt; and 3. Other documents to be submitted to SEC for dissol. Purposes:
• When right denied by AOI. a. Copy of reso auth’ng dissol, certif’d by majority of
BOD/BOT & countersigned by corp sec.;
• Individual Action – in own name, against corp.
b. Publication proof; and

c. Favorable recommendation from appropriate b. Involuntary;

regulatory agency, if necessary GROUNDS
i. When necessary? For banks, banking & quasi- 1. Non-use of corporate charter;
banking institutions, preneed/insurance/trust 2. Continuous inoperation;
companies, NSSLAs, pawnshops, etc. 3. Lawful court order dissolving corporation;
4. Approval of request + issuance of cert of dissol w/in fifteen 4. Finding by final judgment corp procured incorp thru fraud; &
(15) days from receipt of request 5. Finding by final judgement that the corporation:
- ministerial IF no withdrawal w/in same period a. Was created for purpose of committing/concealing/
- Note: dissolution effective only upon issuance of cert aiding commission of securities violations/smuggling/
ii. Where creditors affected tax evasion/money laundering/graft & corrupt practices
1. Stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding b. Committed/aided in commission of securities
capital stock; OR 2/3 of the members of a non-stock violations/smuggling/tax evasion/money laundering/
corporation MUST VOTE TO DISSOLVE THE CORP.: graft & corrupt practices, and stockholders were aware
2. MEETING c. Repeatedly & knowingly tolerated commission of graft
3. Filing of PETITION TO DISSOLVE & corrupt practices, etc. by its directors/trustees/
a. Signed by majority of board, etc.; officers/employees.
b. Verified by president/secretary/director; c. By shortening corporate term; (Note: automatic upon arrival of term) and
c. Accompanied by (1) certified and countersigned copy d. Upon expiration of term.
of dissolution reso; and (2) list of all creditors; and • EFFECTS OF DISSOLUTION:
d. STATING (1) ratio; (2) form, manner, time when notices (1) Legal title to properties = transferred to stockholders (now co-owners);
given; & (3) date, place, time of mtg when vote made. (2) Corporation ceases as body corporate to continue business for w/c it was
4. Fixing of date for objections est., EX: for a period of THREE YEARS, it shall cont. to exist for winding
- only if petition sufficient in form up purposes only; &
- date shall not be less than thirty (30) days nor more than (3) Stockholders may convey their respective shareholdings to create a new
sixty (60) days after entry of order corporation to continue business of the old corporation.
5. PUBLICATION of order • LIQUIDATION is the process by w/c the assets of the corporation are converted into
- at least 1x a week for 3 consecutive weeks in municipality liquid assets (or cash) to facilitate the payment of obligations to creditors, the
or city where principal office of corporation situated (or remaining balance thereof, if any, to be distributed among stockholders.
If liquidation not completed w/in
- copy thereof to be published for same period of time in a.) by corporation itself, through BOD/BOT;
3 years, Board permitted to
three (3) other public places in same municipality/city b.) through conveyance to a trustee (w/in 3-yr period); complete same by continuing as
6. HEARING and trustee for the purpose of
settling & closing corp’s affairs.
7. SEC JUDGMENT c.) by management committee/rehabilitation receiver.

H. Other Corporations • Mining companies, oil companies, stock exchanges, banks, insurance companies,
a. Close Corporations public utilities, educational institutions, and corporations declared to be vested with
• Definition: a corporation whose AOI provide: public interest CANNOT QUALIFY AS CLOSE CORPORATIONS.
1. All issued stock of all classes, excl. of treasury shares, shall be • GROUND FOR DISSOLUTION: when any of the acts of the directors, officers, or those
held of record by not more than specified # of persons (20); in control of the corporation is illegal, or fraudulent, or dishonest, or oppressive or
2. Issued stock of all classes shall be subject to 1+ specified unfairly prejudicial to the corporation or any stockholder, or whenever corporate
restrictions on transfer; assets are being misapplied or wasted.
- must appear in bylaws; AND b. Non-stock Corporations
- should not be more onerous than granting existing stock- • Definition: a corporation organized for an eleemosynary (charitable) purpose AND
holders option to purchase shares of transferring stock- where no part of income distributable as dividends to its members/trustees/ officers.
holder w/ such reasonable terms/conditions/period stated. • Membership is non-transferable.
3. It shall not list in any stock exchange or make any public offering • Right to Vote: AOI/bylaws may dictate, absent such–EACH MEMBER HAS 1 VOTE.
4. At least 2/3 of its voting stock/rights should not be owned/ STOCK CORPORATIONS may be converted into a NON-STOCK CORPORATION via
controlled by another corporation not a close corp. amendment of AOI, provided all the req’ts for a non-stock corporation are complied with.
• Characteristics of a Close Corporation • Procedure for Asset Distribution in the Event of Dissolution:
• AOI may provide that stockholders can directly manage corporation and 1. Pay all creditors;
perform functions of directors w/o need of election; 2. Reconvey assets subject to return;
• Stockholders are liable as directors; 3. Transfer assets not subject to return;
• No need to call meeting to elect directors; 4. Distribute all other assets in acc. w/ AOI, bylaws, or duly-adopted plan of
• Stockholders w/ all liabilities of directors; and distribution;
• Quorum/voting reqs MAY be more than that req’d by RCC. c. Foreign Corporations
• Preemptive right extends to all stocks; • Definition: one formed/organized/existing under laws other than those of PH, and
• May be exercised for any reason, provided the corporation has whose laws allow Filipino citizens & corps. to do business in its own country/ State.
sufficient assets in its books to cover its debts, liabilities exclusive of • Doctrine of Doing Business – “DOING BUSINESS” shall inc. soliciting orders, service
capital stock. contracts, opening offices, w/n liaison offices/branches; appointing represent-
• Deadlocks in the board are settled by the SEC upon written petition by any tatives/distributors domiciled in the PH or who in any calendar year stay in the country
stockholder; for (a) period(s) totaling 180 days or more; participating in the
• Stockholder may w/draw & avail of right of appraisal; and management/supervision/control of any domestic business/firm/entity/corporation
• Transfer of stocks to others w/c would increase the # of stockholders to more in the PH; & any other act(s) implying a continuity of comm. dealings/arrangements,
than the max INVALID. & contemplate to that extent the perf. of acts/works, or exercise of some functions
normally incident to, & in progressive prosecution of, comm. gain or of the purpose &
object of the business org: Provided, however, the phrase shall not be deemed to inc.

mere investment as a shareholder by a foreign entity in domestic corps. duly reg’d to d. One Person Corporations
do business, and/or the exercise of rights such as investor; nor appointing a • Definition: one with a single stockholder: Provided, that only a natural person, trust,
rep/distributor domiciled in PH w/c transacts business in own name & for own account. or an estate may form such; no minimum authorized capital stock required.
• For purposes of corporation law, the term “Philippine National” shall mean: • it is required that there be an indication that a corporation is a one-person
i. Philippine citizen; corporation by indicating therein the letters “OPC,” either below or at the
ii. Domestic partnership/association wholly owned by PH citizens; end of the corporate name.
iii. Domestic corp. organized under PH laws, of w/c @ least 60% of OCS & • Banks, quasi-banks, pre-need/trust/insurance/public/publicly-listed compa-
voting entitlement is owned & held by PH citizens; nies + non-chartered GOCCs MAY NOT INCORPORATE as OPC.
iv. Foreign corp. doing business in the PH, of w/c 100% of OCS & voting • natural persons licensed to exercise a profession MAY NOT INCOR-
entitlement wholly owned by PH citizens; and PORATE as OPC either. OPC w/ limited liability; separate
v. Trustee of funds for pension or other employee retirement or • AOI, Bylaws fr. personal assets, but doctrine
of piercing corporate veil applies.
separation benefits where trustee is PH national & @ least 60% of fund • RCC, Section 14 applies, contents must include:
will accrue to benefit of PH nationals 1. Name, nationality, residence of trustee, administrator,
- where corp. & non-PH stockholders own stocks in SEC-reg’d executor, guardian, conservator, custodian, or other person
enterprise, @ least 60% of OCS & voting entitlement of each exercising fiduciary duties + proof of authority to act on behalf
of both corps MUST be owned & held by PH citizens AND @ of, if single stockholder is a trust or estate; and
least 60% of BOD members of each also PH citizens. 2. Name, nationality, residence of nominee & alternate nominee
• A Foreign Corporation Doing Business in the Philippines + extent, coverage, limitation of authority.
• one continuing the body or substance of its business or enterprise for which it • Option only, SUBMISSION & FILING THEREOF NOT REQUIRED.
was organized + INTENT THEREOF to do so in the country. • Corporate Structure Single Stockholder (SS)
• Jurisprudential Tests 1. President, Sole Director – Single Stockholder - may not be appointed as
a.) SUBSTANCE – W/N FC continuing body/substance of business/enterprise for w/c it 2. Treasurer, Corporate Secretary, etc. Corporate Secretary
- req’d to post a bond if to be
was organized; OR W/N FC has substantially retired fr. it and turned it over to another; *to be appointed w/in 15 days fr. issuance of AOI self-appointed as Treasurer
b.) CONTRACT – W/N contracts FC/agent entered into consummated & perfected in PH; • On Nominees & Alternate Nominees
c.) INTENTION – W/N there is intention to continue body of business in PH; and • SS req’d to designate;
d.) ACTUAL PERFORMANCE – W/N there is actual perf. of specific commercial acts w/in • Ratio: To take place of SS as director, & manage corp’s affairs, in event of SS’s
PH territory. death or incapacity;
• What is an isolated transaction? That set apart from the common business of a • Temporary incapacity – extent & limits of auth to be set forth in AOI
foreign enterprise, in the sense that there is no intention to engage in a progressive • Permanent incapacity – only UNTIL legal heirs of SS take over (w/in 7 days)
pursuit of the purpose & object of the business organization. * Minutes Book – REQUIRED, shall contain all actions, decisions, & resolutions OPC has taken.
* activities w/in PH jurisdiction CONVERSION PROCEDURES (all reqs for respective
Ord. Corp to OPC upon app, after SS acquires all stocks of Ord. Stock Corp.
converted to must be
=/= doing business in the Philippines. upon due notice to SEC, stating circs leading to conversion.
OPC to Ord. Corp. (submit w/in 60 days fr. occurrence of circs)
complied with)

I. Mergers and Consolidations - Approval by stockholders/members representing 2/3 of

• Merger – where 1+ corporations absorbed by another corporation which outstanding capital stock of each, if stock corps., or 2/3 of
survives and remains in existence while the others are dissolved; new members, if non-stock corps
corporation called the surviving corporation. 3. EXECUTE ARTICLES
- Absorbed corp need not undergo dissolution and winding up; 1. Signed by President or Vice President; and
automatic dissolution takes effect upon approval of merger 2. Certified by Secretary or Asst. Secretary of each consti corp;
DE FACTO MERGER – when one corporation acquires all or substantially all of the properties 3. Setting forth:
of another corporation in exchange of shares of stock of acquiring corporation a. Merger or Consolidation Plan;
® Acquiring Corporation – ends up with business enterprise of target corporation; b. Number of outstanding shares (stock corps)/members (non-stock corps);
® Target Corporation – only remaining assets thereof shall continue to exist but as c. Number of shares or voting members of each consti corp.;
shares of acquiring corporation d. Carrying amounts & fair values of assets and liabilities; and
• Consolidation – where 2+ existing corporations are combined to form a new e. Method to be used (merger or consolid?)
corporation called the consolidated corporation. Parties to mergers and 4. SUBMIT ARTICLES FOR APPROVAL w/ SEC
• Effects consolidations are known ® approved – Certificate of Merger or Incorporation shall be issued
® consti corps become single corp; ® not approved – Hearing may be set; notice to be given to parties
® ceasing of consti corps’ sep. existences; ®
® rights, privileges, immunities, and powers + duties & liabilities of new
® transfer of properties, receivables, subscriptions, interests to new
® new corp. to acquire of responsibility. no legal personality for
new corp. UNTIL there is
• Procedure: approval by the SEC
Contents for Merger/Consolidation Plan:
1. names of constituent corporations; - approval of majority vote
2. terms and mode of merger/consolidation; of BOD/BOT of consti
3. statement of changes in AOI, if any (merger)/ new AOI corps. REQ’D; &
- must be ratif’d by
(consolid); and affirmative vote (2/3) of
4. other necessary/desirable provisions. stockholders or members.
- Majority vote of each of the board of directors or trustees of
the consti corps; and

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