Maths Paper2

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‘THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION BOTSWANA In collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education MATHEMATICS, PAPER 2 Candiatea anewer onthe questn paper ‘Adtiona materi: Electric calor ‘Geometrcallnetruments INSTRUCTIONS Tr nr ‘te your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces atthe top of thi page ‘Answer all questions. Witte your anewers in the epaces provided on his question paper. It werking is needed for ary question t must bs shown below that question, Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks, INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘The number of maiks is glven in brackets Jat the end of each question or part question, enn {99760 of aoouracy is not specified inthe quosion and Hf the answer isnot exact, the answor Should be given to three signffcantfgures. Anewors in degrees should be given to one dscrat ane ‘many question where the value of xis required use tho valuo trom your ealeulator or take nas tae ws 2 Mathematical formulae for papers 1 and 2 Surface area and volume of solids Name of sotid | Total surface area ‘Volume one earl yer Pyramid 4} base area x beight sphere ar? far Trigonometry Sine Rule Area of a triangle = bob sin 1 3 fe (8) Mpho entered an elevator on floor number 6. He went 3 floors up then 4floocs down and got out ofthe elevator. (On what floor did he get out? (0). The first3 terms of a sequence are -5, ~2 and 1. (Write down the next 2 terms ofthe sequence. (W) Find an expression forthe nth term of the sequesce. Answer (a). oOo Gi 7 7 Ofentse basa job which pays P20 per hour at normal rate. ‘The overtime rate is P40.50 per hour. (One week Oféntse worked 9 hours of overtime in addition to his nocmal working hours, fhe earned a total of P1064.50 for that week, calculate the (@) amount of money he eamed at the normal rate, {b) umber of hours he worked atthe normal rate. Answer (@)P. @).. 2 a a ‘ Tethea flies 20am to a place Q which is due North of base B. helicopter from B to P, and from P to Q. The point B has aX (©) Using your diagram, or otherwite, find the @ distance BQ, U)dearing of @ trom P. (2) Using a scale of 1cm to represent 2k, make a scale drawing Answer (0) (i) on 3. Abelicopter leaves base B and flies 12km on a bearing of 090° toa place P. ready been marked for you. GB) to show the flights of the 2 a 2 5 fe 4 Lorato went to buy a new outfit in Mmabatho, o ‘Sbe changed P1500 to Runds at a bank in Lobatse, The exchange rate was Pl to R13241 (a) How many Rands did Lorato receive? ‘(b) In Mmabatho she bought an outfit which cost R1200 before tax. She then paid 25 sles tax. (Calculate the sales tax she paid. (©) Lorato brought back some Rands and she decided to change R667 to Pula. ‘The exchange rate for this transaction was PI to R1.3340, Calculate the amount of Pula sbe received from the bank. Answer ()R 2 OR. 2) op. Q ‘A Tile Design Company offers a wide variety of walls. Each tile has patter of 16 small squares, ‘and some of the squares are shaded as shown, ‘Tel (2) How many lines of symmetry does Tile 1 have? | un) <6) Shade one square on Tile 1 so thatthe & vier2 | (1) Mark, with te eter X, the centre of rou emer mn, © Sha he smalls possible numberof quires on Tile 20th both ies M and are tines of symmeny. a} 7 jrtgee measured th angle of elevation ofthe top of «vere! radio mast, GT ftom a point on level ground. She found that the angle is 31° ‘The distance froma A to Tis 251m as shown, 25m, A ic @ Calculate the height of the radio mast, GT. ‘Tebogo now moves 10 metres, drcly towards the base G, to «point 3. r 5m Om 2 (©) Calculate © 2G, (8) the angle of elevation of the top, T, from the point B. = 2} m (3) 2 7 The extemal dimeasons of some cynical ns of amare diameter 8am ‘and height 12cm, ," | (@) Calculate the volume of one tin of jam. | ‘The tins are packed in * eciangular box with intemal dimensions 40 em by 32cm by 25 cm as shown, { 25cm | P20 ' | fom | | ©) @ How many tins wit fill the bottom of the box completely? | {How many ins will il the box completely? ““eulate the vole of space inthe box that will nt comoed by the is, | Answer (a)... om (2 | DW rnrsssnnn 2 | « a ’ ‘A bus left Kanye at 8.15.0, and arcived in Tsabong at 1.45 p.m. (a) How long did the joumey take? ‘The following moming the bus left Tsabong for Kanye, It took $ hours 45 minotes and arrived in Kanye at 1610. (b) At what time did the bus leave Tssbong? (©) the Sours 45 minutes is given to the nearest 5 minutes, what is () the Least time the bus could have taken, (i) the maximum time the bus could have taken? a o. © Ove a iis} W4, Answer (b) . fea) (@) Mrs Lefutshe bought 15 metres of cloth. The cost of one mete is P69 95, © How much did she have to pay? Answer (OXI) Peon. (© She cut out 2 pieces, each 6.13 metres long, from the cloth. How long, in centimetres, is the remaining piece? 0) 12x103, 7% 10-4 4 ‘Ata regional Mathematics and Science Fair, 10 students’ projects were seen by 2 judges. The scores, in percent, given by Judge Land Judge 2 ae represented in the scatter graph as 80 0 0 Seoregiven °° bby Judge 2 " 530 7 89 90 100 ve given by Judge 1 The scotes given by the two judges correlate positively (2) Draw the line of best fit. au (b) Use your line to answer the following questions. (D One project was seen by Judge 1 only and she gave 45%. What score do you expect Judge 2 would have given for the same project? Answer (bY) ». -% (I (il) Another project was seen by Judge 2 only and given 55%. What score do you expect Judge 1 would have given? Answer (bY)... sven (IY Por Examiners For 5 s (a) In sequence, the next term is found by multiplying the previous term by 4 and then subtracting 1. Starting with 3, write down the next 3 terms of the sequence Answer (a) 2) (©) The mth term of another sequence is given by Sn +3, Ifthe nth term is 498, what isthe value of n? Answer (b).. 1 (a) The equation of a straight Be (Write this equation in the for Answer (ai) ~ a (H) Write down the coordinates of the point where the line crosses the y-axis, Answer (aXii) ~ ay @) A line segment CD has cadpoint coordinates C(-1,2) and D(p,q). (2,2) is the ‘midpoint of the line segment CD. @ Find the coordinates of the endpoint D. Answer (bXi) D (..... (2) (Gi) Calculate the distance between points C and M. LL) | sets | | 6 A B fy ,c¢ Be of water Time Time (30 Now 09 3 Depth of water Tine a | For Boner 7 () ‘The container below is also filled with water ata steady rate [ Li On the axes provided, sketch the container. ‘raph of the depth of water against time for the a Depth water (2197 oro [Turn over 8 Find the volume if x= 1.2m and y = 3.7 cm, Answer () em? (1) ©) A rope hs ach of length y metres are cut off and the length of #~2y) mas shown, a vm 29m Find the length of the remaining piece given that x= 17} mand y=63 m. Answer (b) .. (©) Factorise 6p +p*+9, (2 for 9 The diagram shows the positions of 3 villages: ‘Cbg, Molepo and Sekgwa. The bearing of Molapo from Kgaga is 056°, NORTH Molapo Sckg: (@) Find the bearing of Kgaga from Motepo, Answer (a) (2) ‘The three villages are joined by 3 straight roads, ‘The acute angle at Molapo is 30° as shown on the diagram. ya “nance fom Keega o Molo isthe sane ate ese Molapo to Sekgwa. ) Calcul the acute angle at Sckgwa, ANSWET (BY so RB ‘The distance from Kgaga to Molapo is 40 kan, © Calculate | (© the distance from Kgaga to Sekgwa, | Answer (Xi) the area of the triangular region enclosed by the 3 roads, (5600 er [arn over | For 10 10 The diagram shows a mirror ABCDEF, in which BCEF is « square of side 62em. ABF is a sector of a circle of radius 62om, centre F, and CDE is a sector of a circle of radius 62 om, centre E. Angle AFB = angle CED = 30° (@) Calculate (D the length of the arc AB, i) the perimeter of th: (b) Calculate the area of @ sector CDE, (@) the mirror ABCDEF. (© Given that the length 62cm in the BL @m [620m oN Fo @em o£ Answer (aXi) Answer (aXii) .. mem [1] Answer (bX) RQ Answer (bX) om? [2] diagram is correct to two significant figures, complete the statement below to show the lower and upper bounds for thi length, Answer (0)... 2 emé length <... em [i] 0 Por Buaminer fr n n oud gee fae op of bldg, Te high, kmewes ote wane hove te Seats Bros byh~ 45 Se whee seconds tein the ene en (@) Complete the table below to find the values of h Corresponding to the given values oft, us [2 as [3 2) (Tarn over Fon Eaaers u | sonia 312 (a) In January 1997 the aumber of pupils at a schoo! was 450. | Given that the number of pupils at the school in January 1998 was 645, fint che | percentage increase in the number of pupils correct to 3 significant figures. | | Answer (4). -% [2 (©) () Kagiso invested P5000 at 9% simple interest for 3 years. How much money will she have in her account atthe end of 3 years? > { | | An Ewer (BX) es wm (W) Setshogo invested the same amount of P5000 at 9% compound interest for 3 years. How much money will he have in his account at the end of 3 years? 4 | Answer (b\i)P. a (tid) Who will have more money in the account at the end of 3 years and by how much? Answer (BXiti) a { _ | Po 13 B @ Tenet triangle ABC where AB = 6 em, BC = 4 om and AC = 8 cm, ‘The point A bas been marked for you, 2) ©) (Pu your diagram above, construct the locus of the points which sre equidistant from ibe a {© On your diagram shove, construct the locus of al points that we 4om from A. (1) @ ‘tutte gromeicreaion betwen he sin part () dhe cs in a ? 4 One thousand people employed by a company were asked to state the amount of money they spend on food daily. The cumulative frequency curve shows the results. 1000 800 g Cumulative frequency 3 1.40, 1.60 1.80 2.00 220 240 ‘Amount spent (Pula) (@) Use the curve to find x + for (Othe median amouni sy spent, Answer (aX) a (i) the interquartite range. ‘Answer (aXii) P BI (0) The company announced that it would bear the expenses of those who spent P2.00 or Jess, How many employees will benefit from this? Answer (B) sn a (© Whatis the probability that n employee picked at random will spend P2.00 or less per day? Answer (0). 6 Inthe diagram, 7A and 7D are tangents tothe circle, the circle at A and D respectively. DC isa diameter which moets TA ‘produced at B. ‘Angle TDA = 64°. Caloulate @ Dac, (b) DCA, (© AfD, @ Tho. Answer (a) Dis DCA» AMD & cocennncrnomen @ TBD» .... . 0 7 Ina survey of group of people, j said “Yes”, | said “No”, ‘The remainder were “Undecided” (8) What fraction of the group was “Undecided”? Answer (a) .. . 2 (b) 11 more people said “Yea” than said “No”, How many people said “Yes”? Answer (6). (3 enw 1999 (Turn over | For Pa ow 11. Some cylindrical tins have radius 4 cm and height 11 cm. (8) Calculate the volume of one tin ower (a). © Mo oo, dua : (1) What percentage of the volume of the box is filled by the tins? Answer (b)().. Ww. sevaw 18 * [2] ‘ctangoler box measuring 48 cm by 32cm for Fox. B 13 A village A is 25 km from O on a beating of 050°, ‘Another village B is 45 km from O on a bearing of 120°, (@) Using a scale of 1om to Sim, Positions of A and B. ‘Answer (a) Non 4 (®) Use your diagram to find @ the distance of A from 8, (the bearing of A from B. Answer (8) () sex W999 i) en complete the diagram below, showing clearly the By - 2) (i)_On the grid below draw the graph of y against x for 0 10 15 20 ‘Tine (minutes) 2 () Describe the relationship between the time taken and the marks scored, (© Onthe axes above, draw the line of best fit, (@) Boitabepo tock 13 minutes to complete the test. | (Use your line of best fit to estimate the mark he scored. Answer (b) Answer (c) onthe diagram = [1] For + 10 4 10 ‘The selling price of a car is P72 000. ” (2) The dealers willing 10 sell the ca for a deposit of 30%, followed by 24 equal monthly payments, . 4D _ How much is the deposit? @ How much is each monthly payment? . Answer (a) ()P .. GiP ‘non retumable P2000 for administration costs, plus P1750 per month. Calculate the total cost of renting the cer for 3 years. (W Calculate the mumber of months after which it becomes more expensive to rent the car than to buy it for P72 000. ‘Answer (b) () P 1) 2 Fo 415 One day Pako ran from his home to a nearby river. ‘He reated by the river and then walked home. ‘The graph of his journey is showa below. ‘16 (@) For how many minutes did he rest by the river? (b) How fast did he run from his bome to the river? Give your answer in inf, (©) 10 mines after Pako started Kabo walked towards the river ata steady speed of 4 kanfh until he met Pako ‘The two brothers walked home together, On the diagram draw the met Pako, (1 Use your graph to find the total distance that Kabo walked. 0 ~ 80 ‘Time vannates) from home his brother, Kabo, set off from home, | travel graph for Kabo's journey from his home until he u“ ‘wide, around the picture. ‘The area of the border is y cm? (@) Show that y= 100r + 4x? Answer (a) ‘are given in the table below. (©) For the function y~= 100x +422, some values of x, 14 AA sana picture measures 30 em by 20 cm. Thy Pitre is to be mounted onto a larger piece of cad which will produce a border, xm and the corresponding values of y ee (D Calculate the value of p, [=TeTr 2 betes 216} 336 | 464 | op | 744 Answer (6) i) p= sn w 1008 12) n > 2 12 (a) Intringle ABC, BAC ~ 74°, ABC = 48°, A ACB 58° and AB = 6.5 cm, Se\ Calculate the length of BC. 65 1 Answer (a) ... () In triangle X72, ¥22= 57°, XY = 100m x md XZ= 8 em. (Calculate the area of triangle XYZ. -cm [3] em? [2] Fo — Height (cm) Use this curve to estimate (@) the median, (b) the interquartile range, (©) the number of girls whose height is greater than 162 om. ‘Answer (a) 12 W 150 fe a omer 1 Bananas ar sold at PSO per kg, (2) Calculate the cost of 1.8 kg of bananas ‘An exercise book costs PI35, How much change did she get? enc 2004 amon a a i} { (Tarn over Fame ‘ +O for bsing, (a) Team A played 18 panes. Whats the maximara numberof points the team could have got? ‘Team won 3 ofthe games, lost 4 and drew the rest (0) How many games did the team draw? i) How many points did the team ger? (lv) What percentage ofthe maximum numberof points cid the tear get? (b) Team 8 obtained 29 points. Ifthe team drew 8 games, how many did it win’ Answer (0) (iu. ence 2004 easenan 2 Ina football competition, for each game played, x team got 3 points for winning, 1 point for drawing am a a fea} roy ely 5 ‘Actlindical container of diameter 42cm i fled with 180 lites of mi. (2) Express 180 litres in cm?, (b) Calculate the cross-sectional area ofthe container (©) Whats the depth ofthe milk in the container? ‘A fall carton can hold 1.15 of milk, (© How many full cartons canbe filled from 180.7 (©) How much mi in res, wil be lef sterling the cartons? see [2] 2 sumed (2p & 4 The total cost of servicing a car inthe sum of the cost of labour and the cost of spare parts. The labour costs PSS per hour, andthe spare parts cast Py, (a) Ifa garage took x hours o service a car, form an expression in terms of x and/or y for ) the total labour cost, (i) the tot cost of servicing the car (b). The cost of spare parts used in servicing a car was P475. ‘Calculate the bill ii took 3 hours to service the car, (©) The bill for servicing a Toyota Corolla was P890, The cost of spare parts was PSSO. How many hours di it take to service the car? Answer (a) (i) P. w w a a enec 2006 7 § The dngram shows a solid wooden cone of base radius 25cm ad slant height of 32-Sem 325 « Show thatthe verical height of he cone is 20.8cm, coect oI decimal place ) Caicolate the volume ofthe wood used 1o make the cone, i mas ofthe cone is 110008, ‘Caeulte the dent of wood ingle (@) Calculate the total surface area of the cone Answer (2). @. Ou ©. ene 200 § (@) Drawaline AB =8cm. The point A has already been marked for you. =| | CO) | © oncc 208 0 a oy o iy m ‘Showing all the construction lines, construct the locus of points equidistant from points A and B and label it ‘The points C and D lic on { such that SC = SD = 3cm, where S ithe mid-point of AB, ‘Mark and label the points C and D. Draw and name the quadrilateral ACBD, Answer (b) (ii) ‘Construct the locus of points 4m from point A. ‘What isthe name ofthe line CD in relation tothe locus in part (€})? Answer (€) (i) a m a re a oF. Pranic ’ 7 Inasurvey, 50 families were asked to state the numberof they own, ‘The results are displayed in a bar chart below. Number of cars owned by 50 families Number of | families (a) Find @) the modal numberof cars per family (@) the tal numberof cars in the $0 families, (Gil) the mean number of cars per family. (©) What isthe probability that a family picked at randorn has no car? (©) One of the cars is picked at random, ‘What isthe probability tha it belongs to family with 2 cars? Answer (a) (i). cy ©8cc 2004 i} 2 fe oe 10 ‘The diagram shows the positions of three airports A, B and C. Airport B is 200km due North of A Airport C is on a bearing of 050° from A and 110° from 8, ele North North U0" 8 c 200 | Calculate (@) the bearing of 8 from C, (b) the size of angle BCA, (©) the length of BC. Answer (a. a . a ©. km (31 | csexnnano fe u ier “Vy ‘The diagram shows two circles with centres P and U of ra; TOR are straight lines touching the circles at V and W and at, Calculate vig, (b) TR, (©) the distance between the centees P and U of the circles, Answer (a. a o. em {21} Onn Ry enec 2004 eas zie ii Scm and 15cm respectively. TVW and Gand R respectively. 7 = !2cm, (Turn over 2 once “* | 10 (a) Solve the simttancous equations ay Brsdy= Answers | () The diagram below shor oh of e+ 3y = 12, Ththe same diagram, cam sof | @ x=2, ( 4x~5y=20. \ y | 10. . ett tt | enecz exes By} tmaurl 8 “ | (© © Show, by shading the unwanted regions, the set of points saisyng the inequalities x22, 2r43y < [2and | 41-596 20 m (© Wate down te coordinates of one point with integer coontinates satisfying the inequalities | in part (eX). i Answer (6)(i). m (© (Draw tne parallel to 2x + 3y = 12 and passing through the point (3, 4). nm Gi) Write down the equation of the line in part (4). | Answer (Qi). ay osec m4 csasezanvce ele 3 ‘A supermarket sells packet of bisouits for 3,95, a flask for P14.95 and a ceread server for P1705 (@) How much more does the cereal server cost than the flask? (©) How much will a customer pay for 6 packets of biscuits? (©) The nutritional information on the packet of biscuits states that in one biscuit there is 12g protein, 844g carbohydrates and 4.3g fat. © Calculate the nutritional mass of one biscuit. (U) What percentage of the nutritional mass is carbohydrate? (@)_ The nutritional mass is 95% of the total mass of the biscuit. Calculate the total mass ofthe biscuit. a | 4 fe 2 Abr of washing powder isin the form of «cuboid of ength 24cm, width 10cm and height 30em. | (4) How much washing powder, in em?, does the box hold when fll? ‘full cop bolds 360m? of washing powder. (8) How many cups of washing powder can be obtained from the box? (©) A sigh sited shi requires 2 ofacupof washing powder How much washing powder, in cm, does a slightly soiled shirt require? Answer (a) em? [2] ® . © em? [2] fe s toe ote aay 3 ‘The diagrams below form part of a pattern of rods held by bolts on & wall, we fin Diagn? Disgams (these provided tel ke ex aga | c ' a (b) The table below shows the number of rods and the Corresponding number of bolts. | Diagram number [12] 3 | @ | Number of rods SsI9 ~ r | [xemieotoe fata} 1 is a (Comp te wi ft agen and a 1 (Express | (0) intent, ® ssemn (i) Fe te nner oh ted or bot i | | Answer (b) (ii) (@) = CH (6) vs Ol} Gi, » (2) i (oem 2s eannones [urn over 1 ‘ 4 Thediagram below shows the model ofa steel girder whose cross-section is trapezium ABCD. ‘AB= Sci, DC = Tena, and the height AE= 3em. oF. ET € (2) Calculate the area ofthe cross-section ABCD. “odel has a volume of 2243 ie its length. ° wrth a ect gula ros-tecton, PORS, cut verti the model situated <. PORS ison the top tae ofthe pnd. PQ = 4.2em ange iene sloulate the votu Of the emaining metal ‘Answer (a) em? [2] omc casos - es A) 5° Jo) Ont sxestelon dew te gags of Jee42 and ye3-x for values of x from 3 t0 3, ySae2, y<3-5 and y>0. ©) On be diagram, sow, by shading the unwanted regions, the set of points satisying T | 6 Thecoontnaes ofthe venice oftitngle ABC are AC, 8), B-2,-3) and C(12, p). {@) Calcolate the Length of AB. (©) The coordinates ofthe mid-point of BC are (5,4). Calculate the value ofp. ‘onec 205 csssemsanes 2 a) [Turn over to 8 “la The diagram i strates a cylindrical container and x solid sphere. ‘fie container is open at the top, hasan internal radius of 10cm and has height 11 cm. The radius of the sphere is dem, | ‘The cylindrical container is completely filled with water, The sphere is placed inside the container and rests atthe bottom. ‘n) How much water will low out ofthe containe-* (b)_ The sphere is then removed from the consi Calculate (0 the volume of the remaining water, () the height of the remaining water. ely 9 5 Two girls, Lorao and Chawa, workin a restaurant where they wrap lunch bones, Lorato wraps 20 boxes in ¢ minutes 2) Express, in terms of the number of boxes she wraps in one minute, (©) Chava wraps 30 boxes and takes 8 minutes more than the time Lorato takes to wrap 20 boxes, Express, in terms oft, (© the time, in minutes, Chawa takes to wrap the 30 boxes, Gi) the number of bores she wraps in one minute, (© Lorato and Chawa wrap the same number of boxes in one minut, Express this information in an equation, (8) Solve the equation in part (eX), ¢ (it) Find the number of boxe each gst wraps in one hou, i j Answer (a) . sence CH) Cj OW corer swe 1H “ sna io) oo ty | i my iy 2 onsc 205 eanaones (Turn over ©n8 205 The diagram below shows a vertical the pole to the top of the flag, BA, is “e locus of C. 1e angle of elevation of A from C. -si¢ f elevation of the bottom ofthe flag, D, from Cis 28°, ste AD, Answer (a) Aagpole, BE, and a raised flag. The distance from the botom of | ™ 42m, The point Ca 6.2m away from B on level ground, fe n tae * | 10 The diagram shows «regular octagonal window, ABCDEFGHA, of «church. ‘The centre of the window is 0. c (8) Write down a single geometrical er * Mast describes the relationship between the triangular window panes. (©) State the or? indo © Calculate Ac (@) Given that OB =, calculate the area of one triangular window pane, (©). Hence calculate the area of the church window. Answer (a). 0) ane @ 2 11 The frequency tble below shows the heights of 700 mile plans, [eight (em Fequeaey | ~Camalaive 7] frequency | [ios vanmnel, (©) the volume ofthe material in a 25m stretch of the tunnel Answer (a) o i) ‘ection of a cylindrical wunnel with internal diameter 4.4m and external |“ 10 ©n5c 206 10 preatie teow shows sme vale of x nd the corespndig values off), comet one decimal place, forthe function f(x) = 33-252 + 1 BEDEVE RI CORSETS t|-6s| -afoal a fos] 0 fail 1 (W) Find the value of p (©) (On the axes below, daw the graph of fx) =33 262+ 1, B) y, (i) Write down the minimum value of f(3) forx> 0. (8 "The graph crosses the s-axis at three points (0), (1, 0) and (s, 0, ‘Write down the value ofr and the value of s Answer (4) (0) Gi) Gi Te id 1" HE ap of sand isin the form of x cone of base radius 1m and beight 1.8m as shown inthe disgram below. 18 —F | (b) The sand wn: ron, ‘ating a rectangular cross-sectional pit with base measuring 2... in (Calculate the depth ofthe pit. (Whe 23m in par (is given corect to the nearest teoth ofa ete, state ts upper bound. mw? [2] vata (3} m ft] ome 206 eauonens [ura over fe emt] 2 12 In the diagram, AT epreerts a ide ofa vercal building 18m high ‘The angle of depression of a car 1B from the top ofthe building, 7, is 33° and angle TAB = 90°, 8 4 ‘s) Calculate AB, the distance of the car from the foo 3}. The car now moves in a straight tive, «ct the diagrars below. 4 Calculate @ the angle of depression of C from T, 1) the distance ofthe car from the top ofthe building 7: AMEE (0) nr vee [2] 0 BI Gi, ~m (2) onBC 205 seseoni0s te rs B 13 The diagram below shows the postions of three locations, Phaleng, Kgwakgwe and Newtown ina city. Kgwakgwe and Newtown are join to Phaleng by straight roads R/ and R3 respectively, Scale: Lem to 1lcm. North f Kgwakgwe RL 3 Phaleng: ‘Newtown (2) A potice patrol towers such tht i i the tame distance away from the two roads. Showing all construction lines, construc, on the diagram, all the possible positions of the tower. (b) A cinco halls tobe constructed south ofthe R3 road such that tis km away from the road. ‘Construct, on the diagram, all the possible positions ofthe hall. (©) Write down the geometrical term used 10 describe the relationship between the construction in prt (b), and the R3 road, Answer (c) unter a a Oy [Ture over ‘te “ 14” The diagram shows a hexagon ABCDEY on a ri made of equiluter triangles, “N the lines of symmetry ofthe hexagon on the diagram above. s7 the size of angle FBD, efe as (©) The hexagon ABCDEF is such that AB =p, FB =q and CB #1 shown below. VMI DAAAARZYZ DATTA NIAAA HHOOOQXOYOHOEELL OY [IVIVVARALAAN A Nuts sven tt m= ted (@) Find the value of ¢ when m = 11, Sand d=4, Answer (a)... ()) Express in terms of m, c and eof tiiee [2 Paneecic cook ci be bog for cash or drough i purchase Areca ois 3495 tn ae ‘Balori boys the cooker on hire purchase, (4) Calculate the total amount of money that he pays forthe cooker. F bhere cam Answer (a) P, (©) How much money woul! he have saved if he bought it fr cash? ANSEF (8) Poco emsc am purchase price isa deposit of P50 followed by 24 monthly {instalments of P171 each. a me [2] 2 3 The mass ofa puppy was 1 Skg at birth, (a) Atthe end of the first month the mass of the puppy bad increased by 28%. Calculate the mass ofthe puppy atthe end of the first swonth. Answer (a) kg [2] (b) Atthe end of the second month, the mass ofthe puppy had increased such that it was now 15% ‘more than that atthe end ofthe first month. (Calculate the mass of the puppy atthe end of the second month, Answer (bX) monk [2] (4) What is the percentage increase in it mass since birth? Oxi. econ saan s ‘Thato saves PS inthe frst month P8 in the second mouth, PIL in the third month, P14 in the fourth ‘month, and continues with the same pattern up to twenty four raoaths. (@) How much money will Thato seve inthe fith month? Answer (a) P. a (©) Calculate the total amount of money that Tho Would have saved in the firs five months, Answer (b)P. os ‘n words, the pattern of Thato's monthly savings AMBWEF (Conor — {i (©) Write an expression, in terms ofn forthe moon of money saved in the nth moath, where nis such that . onscae ennai {Tera over charges, Ein Pula, 10 The table below shows the number of units, n, of electricity consumed and the corresponding. _—_ [Number of wis [100 | 30 [ 300 Beavciy care Echaa) | 45 | 90 [5 (a) On the diagram below, plot the points from the table and join tbem with a straight line. 125: 100. 0 100 200 300 Number of units, m {b) Use your graph to find the electricity charge when 260 units are used. ‘Answer (6) ely 2 ui oo CO) uy, 08cm 1 Find the gradien,m, ofthe graph, Answer (cXi) ‘Write down the equation showing the relations the electricity charge inthe form E= mn +c, Answer (eXii).. ‘What does the intercept, c, represent? Answer (cXili). in} ip between the number of units used and bate ” le | 11. The cumulative frequency curve below shows the ages of SO employees ofa company. Number of employees 3% 40 45 50 SS ‘Age (years) © the median, | (0) Use te pap to estinate | { | | GD telower quart, (ii) the upper quartile. | (©n6c 2008 ceanoones | ,| 13 “1 () Calculate the interquartile range. , Answer (b). years (tI . (©) What is the probability that an employee selected at random ‘is aged less than 40 years? : Answer (c), uy : | @ ‘The company offers a retirement package tothe oldest 10% of its employees, State the age ofthe youngest employee who qualifies for this offer, 2 Answer (6 (24 | € | | 0 B6C 2m06 eseverenvoe [urn over fe “ 12 The diagram below shows the frame ofa church window. Ii in the form of an arc PTS of x cicie centre O, radius 40cm joioed to a pentagon PORSO. QR =76.lem, PQ'= SR = 6Ocm and POS = 144°, r ° 0 Tae ? s | lo i e 7 R (a) Write down the size of the reflex angle POS, uw (©) Calculate the length of are PTS. AN8€F (Benne 21 (©) A strip of ribbon is to be run once along the outer frame PORSTP. (Calculate the length of the ribbon required. a ener 2008 esxanvenine be B © 8C 2008 1s Seditse bought total of 19 tickets for children and for adults, ‘The numberof tickets bought for children is y, (9) Wiite down an expression, in terms of y for the oumber of kets bought for adults, Answer (a. (©) Tickets cost P20 each fora child and PBS each for an adult, ‘Waite down an expression, in ers of forthe al cost ofickets for @ children, Answer (OXI)... i) adult, o Paid a total of PSOO forall the tickets (Forman equation in y and solve it, How much money was used to buy tickets for adults? Answer (oi ely BI 2 NK 7 3 fe |ecniers te ‘The table below shows the mass of nutrients in 40 g of cereal Nuriems [ Mass(a) ' Fire 1 Protein, 30 | | atehydaics ap ' | Stseas |e | Cates | (0) themassof ter nuens, | | | | | ‘Auswer (a) mncamnrnninanenen 8 [UE | ! | |) the--vage oie ty mas inte cera, | | | answer () ra | 6) sens of carbohydrates in 100g ofthe cere | | Answer (c).... e@ 124) BEC 2009 esexonoinon [Turn over be Eom (2 4 (a) Solve the equation "Answer (a) (b) Calculate the value of — av, a2 ar Biving your answer correct to 2 decimal places. Answer (b) 121 (Ogaufi changed P900 into Rands to pay for the service of his car in South Africa, The exchange rate was Pl 10 81.3213. (a) How many Rands did he get? Answer (Q) R ror 121 (b) The following day Ogaufi had to change all his Rands hack into Puia as his trip got cancelled. ‘The exchange rate was now PI to RI.3480, How many Puta did he get from this transaction? (©) How much, in Pula, did Ogaufi lose in the «wo transactions? i eee 209 oserzonwy Answer (b)P.. Answer (0) Pv ry ul 5 Ina “Win a House" competition, customers send the message “HOUSE” to a telephone company as ‘many times as they can, “TE Sale ofthe house that could be won depends onthe numberof messages sen by the customer, ‘The table below shows the mumber of messages sent and the value ofthe house that could te won, pe Number of messages Vale of house | Pula | | { Los 26000 | roo] | 320000 \ | 365000 } 40000 | | 000 | i (©) Writ down the smallest posse numberof messages tat qualify customer to win a house | valued at P280000. { | | Apewne | | enessage sen cots, i i ' {ih Find the feast amount of money tat te 2 win a house valued a P365 000, Answer (b)(i) P...... UL | (ii) A customer spends P6S on the messages, What isthe value of the house they qualify to win? Answer (Dyii) P. © ane 2009 osenovones [Turn over 6 The diagram below shows a trapezium ABCD. AB=2l.em, AD =29em, BC = Tem and BAD Calculate the area of the trapezium, Answer (ayti) (i) The trapezium is a cross-section of a prism of volume 4560 em? Calculate the length ofthe prism, Answer (axit) (©) A-cylinder of height 3.25.m has the seme volume a the prism in pat (a (i Caleulate the diameter of the cross-section of the cylinder, Answer (b), em see | a 5 @ i | MEC 209 osesnzonu9 BI) tunel 7 Nan “ |6 The diagram shows a rangle RST. RS= 9.4m, ST 7.2m and STR = 68" | Cate | fa) SRT, Auswer (a), BI (b)_ the area of the triangle, Answer (b), Ri; (€) the shortest distance Between the point Sand the side RT. | | { Answer (0) smn [2b | » -! ‘© BEC 2009 ossxe2onv07 (urn over te 8 tues ‘te 7 The table below shows the heights, /icm, of a group of 28 pupils. Denson ate ts [oy | arms) Sm | Wosn< 120 + | \ 20 RT | | | (a) A pupil is selected at random from the group. State, with a reason, the range in which the pupil’s height is most likely to tie Answer (a. (b) Complete the cumulative frequency column of the table, i ene 200 oszonen te fa Exaiver| ’ Examiners be (©) On the axes provided below, draw the cumulative frequency curve for the distribution, Bil“ | 30 25 20- | ‘Cumulative | Frequency | 1 i0- i i | s ; { | ° i 0 00S Height (iicm) (4) Use the graph wo estimate the 0th percentile ofthe heighs | Answer (d).. em 12 | 7 I asc 208 sevens (Tura over te ° | on tes “| The points Q, 7 P and U tie on the circumference ofa circle centre as shown, we RWiatangen othe cle P Lines AT and GOP wiersect at X PAW = 1 and TAP = 31 | | | | | Fr) | | Ret = | {a) State, with a reason, the size of Answer (ho | ry \ (b) Explain why RXP = QX7. \ Answer (b). ul qi i (© Cateutare | @ OPT. | | - Answer (eX) 21 (iyi answer (ei a (© BEC 2008 osaxoncnoy ena) " an be te 9 The diagram below shows the graph of line | | | | | | | | ! | i ! 4 | ' chy LITT (2) Find the equation ofthe tne | | |) On the same axes, draw the graph of the line 2y = 3e-+ 6 and label itn 21 | (© Using your graph, or otherwise find the value ofan the value of ystistyig bth the ‘equation of the line Fand the equation of line a i j (0 > sessey YE 21 | | » | | BEC 209 oseumo:nos (Turn over fa R fare te 10 The diagram below shows a toy which is in the form of a solid cone. ‘The cone has a radius of 4em and a height of 6cm. (a) Show that the stant height ofthe cone is 7.21 cm, correct to 3 significant figures. fwswer (a). 21 (b) (i) Calculate the curved surface area of the toy Answer (bX) em? 121) Gi) The curved surface is 10 be covered with material which costs 35 vem’. | Calculate the total cost of the material required. Answer (bxii) P. 21 © BC 2008 osssic2001NO» bara 8 Esse te te (©) Calculate the volume of the toy, Answer (0) sn cn 12] (@)_ The toy has 2 mass of 50g | Calculate the density ofthe material used to make the toy. Answer (d) . giem 2) t ° | esas [Tura over eC 2009 Evan he (a) O) © HEC 2009 4 11 The table below shows some values of x and corresponding values of y for y=? — 2x5. os] Dept? p> Te] Dlr als @[stas Cate eve ef Answer (a). i Using the axes provided, draw the graph of y= a2 2x -5 for 3

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