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Presenting Group 2
prayer Loving Father, Thank you
for all who are part of our school. Please grant them your encouragement, wisdom
and peace.
Strengthen teachers
with heavy workloads. May they be firm, yet patient, expecting excellence but
forgiving mistakes.
May they support their students, playing to strengths, helping with struggles and
motivating them to do their best.
Comfort and restore
those living under shadows of unhappiness, abuse, pain or fear. May many find
faith discovering their identity in You and knowing Your amazing grace in their
Please pour out Your blessings
upon our whole school community.
In Jesus name.
Amen ms. boca
warm up game :
pass the pen
Instructions: I will pass a pen to you, and
you will have 30 seconds to pass the pen
to someone else in your group. If the
timer stops and you're holding the pen,
you will stand up and try to guess the
jumbled word represented by the
pictures I will show you.
picture 1. picture 2.
Unit ii. physical fitness
1. Define physical fitness
2. Identify the components of physical fitness
3. Establish a goal in order to achieve a high level of fitness, and
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits of physical fitness.
“It is assumed that the healthier an
individual is, the more freedom he enjoys
in a democratic society and that
education, in order to develop more
freedom, must improve the health of the
people and the nation”.

Scully, 1994 defines Physical Fitness
The ability of an individual to carry out daily tasks with enough physical
capacity to cope with the physical needs of life.

Physical fitness
This means having a healthy body that can do tasks with energy and
alertness. It comes from eating right, resting well, and exercising
regularly. Scientists define it as the ability to do things well and
efficiently because of good physical health, which comes from a
healthy lifestyle. Being physically fit helps people reach their full
Fitness A condition that helps individuals look, feel,
and do their best.
Why is physical fitness beneficial for humans?
We set an example for those around us. When the
majority of the population prioritizes health and fitness,
society as a whole experiences an increase in quality of
life, with less illness and disease, longer life spans, and
improved mental and social well-being.
Components of the Physical
Fitness by Fahey Insel Roth (2011)

Ms. Absalon
A. Health-related
Refers to the
development and
maintenance of health-
related fitness.
1. Cardio-respiratory
The ability of the heart,
blood vessels, and the lungs
to take in and process
oxygen in the body.
Cardiorespiratory fitness is
defined by the heart and lungs’
ability to deliver nutrients and
2. Strength
The ability of the muscle to exert force
against a resistance.

3. Muscular endurance
Ability of the muscle to use repeated
muscular contractions against
resistance for a long period.
4. Joint flexibility
The ability of the joints to move
throughout the full range of

5. Body composition
The percentage of fat, muscle, and
bone in the body. It typically displayed
as either a body fat percentage (%fat)
or as percentage of lean body mass
B. Performance-
skill related
Related to the quality of
one's movement skill.
1. Speed
The ability to make continuous movements of
the same kind in the shortest possible time.

2. Power
The ability of the muscle to release maximum
force in the shortest possible time.

3. Agility
The ability to change positions, movements, or
direction with quickness and lightness.
The ability to control and maintain position or
4. Balance
movement of the body. It is the state of equilibrium.
a. Static balance - the ability to keep one's composure in a fixed
b. Dynamic balance - the ability to maintain one's stability while
the body is in motion.

The ability to keep the harmonious functioning

5. Coordination of muscle in producing complex movements.

6. Reaction Time The ability of the body to react to the interval of

time between the signal to respond (stimulus)
and the beginning of the response.
Presentation by: Group 2
antropometric test
The use of metrics of
health status and physical
characteristics, such as
body size and body


A person’s weight in kilograms (or
pounds) divided by the square of height in
meters (or feet)
MS. santiago
Scales and stadiometer for weight and
height .

ermine your height in meters .

procedures :
1 Determine your height in kilograms .

2 Determine your height in meters .

3 Use the formula below to determine your

Metric Imperial BMI Formula
Weight (in pounds)
BMI = 703 x = _____________________
Height ² (in inches)

Weight (in kilograms)

BMI = ________________________
Height ² (in metric)
a. If your weight is 198 lb.
b. And, if your height is 70 inches
c. Calculate 198 = 28.4
Answer: BMI = 703 . _____
70 ²

Less than 18.5 Underweight

18.6 - 24.9 Healthy

25 - 29.9 Overweight

More than 30 Obese

agility test
Shuttle Run
a fitness test designed to measure or evaluate
your speed, agility, and endurance. It's a
straightforward exercise that consists of
running back and forth between two points at a
consistent pace.

mr. bernardino
Equipment Required
cones or markings.
Two parallel lines 20 meters apart.

1. This test requires the person to run back and forth
between two parallel lines as fast as possible. set up two
lines of cones 30 feet apart. place two blocks of wood or a
similar object behind one of the lines. starting at the lines
opposite of the blocks, on the signal “Ready? Go!,”
2. The person runs to the other line, picks up a block and returns to
place it behind the starting line, then return to pick up the second
block, then runs with it back across the line.

Scoring- The time to complete the test in seconds is recorded.

The score is the best time of two trials.
Stork balance stand test
The stork balance test requires the person to stand on one
leg, up on the ball of the foot, for as long as possible.

Purpose: To assess whole body balance ability.

ms. garcia
Equipment required:
Flat and non-slip surface
Paper and pencil.

1. Remove the shoes and place the
hands on the hips, then position
the non-supporting foot against
the inside knee of the supporting
leg. The subject is given one
minute to practice the balance.
2. The subject raises the heel to balance
on the ball of the foot. The stopwatch is
started as the heel is raised from the

The stopwatch is stopped if any of the

following occurs:
The hand(s) come off the hips
The supporting foot swivels or moves
(hops) in any direction
The non-supporting foot loses contact
with the knee.
The heel of the supporting foot touches
the floor.
RATING SCORE (seconds)

Excellent > 50

Good 40 - 50

Average 25 - 39

Fair 10 - 24

Poor < 10

(Source of scoring: Internet)

Coordination test
The ability to move two or more body parts under control,
smoothly and efficiently.

a. an assessment of a person's ability to synchronize and control

their movement.
b. to identify any impairment skills, with coordination and motor
ms. salagubang
To measure the eye coordination of an individual

a. Equipment - tennis ball, smooth and solid wall, marking tape,

stopwatch (optional)

b. Procedures - Place a mark at a certain distance from the wall

(2 meters, 3 feet)
- The student will stand behind the line facing the wall.
The ball is thrown fromone handinanunderarm action
against the wall, and try to be caught with the
opposite hand.
The ball is then thrown back
against the wall and caught with
the initial hand. The test
cancontinue for a nominated
number of attempts or for a set
period (30 seconds)

a. on the number of successful
catches in a 30-second period.
Thank you for
listening !
96 days
1.He define physical fitness as
an ability to carry daily task.

2. Are you performing a healthy

lifestyle.YES/NO, then why?

3. A person's weight in
kilograms divided by the
square of height in meters.
4. If you heard the word
ANTROPOMETRIC what is the first thing
comes to your mind.

5. Give the two components of physical


6. In your opinion, which of the two

components of physical fitness is more
important, justify your answer.

7. What is the importance of Physical

activities to you?
8. Which abilities are improved by doing
agility training exercises.

9. which leg you are able to stand

balanced the most?

10. It is to asses your whole body

balanced ability.
u p 2

Have a
nice day!

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