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GEN 002

1.What is the famous principle of Descartes?

a.Know thy self
b.Cogito, ergo sum
c Id, Ego, SuperEgo
d.Essence of living
2. Who is the philosopher who believed that Self and Body are inseparable?
c Socrates
d.St. Augustine
3. Who defined the soul as the essence of living being?
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. St. Augustine
4. He viewed people as AGENT or originator of experience.
5. What term defines the quality of life in a society, education, income, social status and occupation?
c. Culture
d Psychological
6. It is the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands.
a.Personal branding
b.Body image
c Physical ability
d Self-esteem
7. What are the two distinctions of self?
a.I and Me
b.You and I
c.Me and Myself
d.She and He
8. Where did the individualist self originated?
d Northern
9. Where did the collectivist self originated?
10. What religion sees the self negatively, distorted through sin?
11. What is the other term where the child fears that he will be punished by the father for wanting to
possess the mother?
a.Separation Anxiety
b.Oedipus Complex
c.Castration Anxiety
d.Electra Complex
12. It is a Greek word meaning producing.
a.Sexual Arousal
13. It is a similar set of feelings experienced by young girls, however, believed that girls instead experience
penis envy.
a.Separation Anxiety
b.Oedipus Complex
c.Castration Anxiety
d.Electra Complex
14. It is the power to make a decision for oneself without influence from outside.
15. What happens when there is a phallic adult fixation?
a.Sexual Dysfunction
c.Destructive Personality
16. What happens when you reach the orgasm phase?
a.Muscle tension increases
b.Vaginal lubrication begins
c.Involuntary muscle contractions
d.The vagina continues to swell
17. It is the four core properties of human agency, EXCEPT:
18. These are typically reflect eastern ideas, EXCEPT:
19. Do all people experience orgasm?
a.No, only those who are married
b.Yes, when properly stimulated by its partner
c.Yes, if you use contraceptives
d.None of the above
20. What is the real religion?
d.No one can say what or who is the real religion.

21. Goal of philosophy by Socrates was ______.

A. De Anima
B. Know thyself
C. Soul and body
D. Cogito, ergo sum
22. What is the famous principle of Descartes?
A. De Anima
B. Know thyself
C. Soul and body
D. Cogito, ergo sum
23. Who believed that the soul exists before birth and after death?
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Descartes
24.Who defined soul as the essence of living being?
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Descartes
25. It is who we actually are, it is how we think, how we feel, look and act.
A. Me-Self
B. I-Self
C. Real-Self
D. Ideal Self
26. It is based on the perspective that the self emerges from social interactions.
A. Cooley's Theory
B. Anthropology
C. Mead's Theory
D. Bandura's Theory

27. Which of the following best describes the difference between sociology and anthropology?
A. Sociology is the study of the past to help interpret the present, whereas anthropology is the scientific
study of the origins of animals, how they have changed over the years.
B. Sociology is the study of the past to help interpret the present, whereas anthropology is is all the
different kinds of life you'll find in one area.
C. Sociology is systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through
observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained, whereas
anthropology is the study of the past to help interpret the present.
D. None of the above.
28. It is the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands.
A. Self-esteem
B. Body Image
C. Self-concept
D. Personal branding
29. It is how you view your physical self- including whether you feel you are attractive and whether others
like your looks.
A. Self-esteem
B. Body Image
C. Physical self-concept
D. Personal branding
30.Individual's perception of themselves in areas of physical ability and appearance.
A. Self-esteem
B. Body Image
C. Physical self-concept
D. Personal branding
31. Ana has the strong will power that can make a quick decision which is needed for better adjustment.
Which factor is being describe?
A. Biological factor
B. Psychological factor
C. Socio-economic factor
D. Physiological factor
32. William influence the behaviors, attitudes, trends ans lifestyles of individuals. Which factor is being
A. Biological factor
B. Psychological factor
C. Socio-economic factor
D. Physiological factor
33. Which self is comprised of our body, clothes, immediate family, and home?
A. Economic Self
B. Material Self
C. Physical Self
D. Spiritual Self
34. It is a persistent sense of self that addresses ultimate questions about the nature, purpose, and
meaning of life, resulting in behaviors that are consonant with the individual's core values.
A. Economic Self
B. Material Self
C. Physical Self
D. Spiritual Self

35 What will happen to Angel if she will not improve herself in any aspect that she's not good at?
A. She will get a failing grade.
B. She will have a low self-esteem and might get depress.
C. She will have high self-esteem.
D. All of the above.
36 Jose is having a physical change at his age 14. Which of the following best describes the scenario?
A. Early childhood
B. Late childhood
C. Adolescence
D. Early adulthood

37. What would happen if Gerald will begin to obsess about Faye's love and crave for her presence?
A. Gerald will only lust over Faye.
B. Gerald will commit to Faye.
C. Gerald will not only lust for Faye, but he's also attracted to her.
D. None of the above.
38. What would happen if Axle is attracted to Joe, the same gender with Axle?
A. Axle will identify as homosexual.
B. Axle will identify as heterosexual.
C. Axle will identify as transsexual.
D. None of the above.
39. A hacker doing a crime in which he/she is using the personal information of a person to open new
accounts. What is being describe?
A. Cybercrime
B. Bullying
C. Account-takeover identity theft
D. True-name identity theft
40. A hacker doing a crime in which he/she is using personal information to gain access to the person's
existing accounts. What is being describe?
A. Cybercrime
B. Bullying
C. Account-takeover identity theft
D. True-name identity theft

41. He believe that the essence of living being is the soul.

A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. St. Augustine
42. He argued that the self and the body are inseparable.
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. St. Augustine
43. His first famous principle was “Cogito, ergo sum”.
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Rene Descartes
D. St. Thomas Aquinas
44. What is the meaning of “Cogito, ergo sum”?
A. I thought, therefore I am
B. I think, therefore I am
C. I think, therefore he is
D. I think, therefore, she is
45. According to Mead’s theory, this activity allows individual to internalize the perspective of others.
A. Language
B. Play
C. Games
D. Self
46. What core properties of human agency that deals with the forming of intentions that include action
plans and strategies for realizing them?
A. Self-reactiveness
B. Intentionality
C. Forethought
D. Self reflection
47. It broadens the role of the agent to be more than “planners and fore thinkers “.
A. Self-reactiveness
B. Intentionality
C. Forethought
D. Self reflection
48. He was one of the first to postulate a theory of the self.
A. Albert Bandura
B. William James
C. Ulric Neisser
D. Aristotle

49. What is extended self according to Ulric Neisser?

A. It emerges with the understanding that one’s experiences are not directly perceived by others
B. It the collection of beliefs you have on your own nature, qualities and behavior.
C. It is based on memories of one’s past experiences and expectations for the future
D. An understanding you have of yourself that’s based on your personal experiences, body image,
and thought.
50. What collectivist culture emphasizes?
A. Independence and self reliant
B. Teamwork and cooperation
C. Group membership is not essential to one’s identity or success.
D. People distance themselves psychologically and emotionally from each other.
51. A positive body image where beauty is a state of mind, not a state of your body.
A. Appreciate all that your body can do
B. Keep a top ten list of things you like about yourself
C. Remind yourself that “true beauty” is not simply skin-deep
D. Look at yourself as a whole person
52. A positive body image where you see yourself as you want others to see you.
A. Appreciate all that your body can do
B. Keep a top ten list of things you like about yourself
C. Remind yourself that “true beauty” is not simply skin-deep
D. Look at yourself as a whole person

53. It is the ability to make a decision for oneself without influence from outside or the right of a nation
or people to determine its own form of government without influence from outside.
A. Self-determination
B. Courage
C. Determination
D. Freedom
54. It makes people responsible for their actions to the extent that they are voluntary.
A. Freedom
B. Responsibility
C. Voluntary
D. Duty
55. What is the third step to attain self-knowledge?
A. Understand what you can do
B. Take a Character Inventory
C. Feel the feels
D. Motivation Matters
56. What consists self-mastery?
A. Self-realization and self-esteem
B. Self-reactiveness and self-care
C. Self-control and self-knowledge
D. Self-control and self-discipline
57. What is the second step to self-mastery?
A. Awareness
B. Realization/manifestation
C. Decision/action/focus
D. Discernment
58. How many tortured victims during Ferdinand Marcos Sr. Martial Law?
A. 70,000
B. 34,987
C. 34,000
D. 98,345
59. These people believe they were born with the body of other gender.
A. Heterosexual
B. Homosexual
C. Bisexual
D. Transsexual
60. What is the second phase in sexual response cycle?
A. Excitement
B. Resolution
C. Plateau
D. Orgasm

61. Which statement is NOT TRUE about Philosophy?

a. Philosophy provides ultimate answers to questions
b. Philosophy is being studied through the use of logic and reason.
c. Philosophy is an academic discipline
d. Philosophy opens the minds of people and encourages individuals to ask questions
and to seek answers for themselves?
62. Among the three (3) parts soul/self (psyche), this is referred to as the divine essence that lets us
think deeply, make wise choices, and achieve a true understanding of eternal truths.
a. Spirit/Passion
b. Physical Appetite
c. Reason
d. None of the above
63. He is the father of psychoanalysis, and believed that the self is multilayered---conscious and the
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Paul Churchland
c. Gilbert Ryle
d. Edmund Hussert
64. He opposed the idea of the self as a bundle or collection of different perceptions and claimed that it
is the unity of consciousness that makes the world intelligible.
a. Rene Descartes8
b. John Locke
c. Immanuel Kant
d. David Hume
65. It is the portion of your being that verbally narrates what is happening to makes sense of what is
going on.
a. Private self-consciousness
b. Public persona/self
c. Undifferentiated self
d. Emotional self
66. It refers to the experiences one gains when they take in a new challenge and are successful at
doing it so.
a. Social Persuasion
b. Emotional and Psychological states
c. Vicarious Experience
d. Mastery Experience
67. Which of the following is not included in the most prevailing issues on self?
a. Self vs. Identity
b. Nature vs. Nurture
c. Dimensionalities of the self/identity
d. Social Factor
68. It is a type of motivation that when you do soothing because you enjoy find it interesting, or
because of other personal reasons, it is referred to as?
a. Intrinsic Motivation
b. Extrinsic Motivation
c. Intrinsic Value
69. A mindset that leads to a desire to learn and therefore a tendency to embrace challenges, persist
in the face of setbacks, see the effort as the path to mastery, learn from criticism.
a. Growth mindset
b. Innovation mindset
c. Fixed mindset
d. All of the above
70. A well-known social-cognitive psychologist who postulated the theory of self-Efficacy
a. Arthur Miller
b. Albert Bandura
c. Carol Dweck
d. Arthur Nery
71. This is naturally result-oriented, active, positive, and forward movement in the environment where
they are also extroverted, quick thinking, dynamic and practical.
a. Sanguine
b. Phlegmsatic
c. Choleric
d. Melancholy
72. An error in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or any other mental process that is often a result
of holding on to one’s preferences and beliefs regardless of their information contrary.
a. Cognitive bias
b. Social bias
c. Spotlight effect
d. Halo effect
73. It is the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to
physical character, environmental and social relations, and social relations and culture.
a. Cosmology
b. Biology
c. Anthropology
d. Sociology
74. It is the study of collective behavior of people within society and focuses on social problems
encountered by individuals.
a. Sociology
b. Psychology
c. Anthropology
d. Biology
75. There is innate knowledge. It explains self from the standpoint of what is deal and true and not
rooted in what is felt by the senses of the body.
a. Empiricism
b. Rationalism
c. Essentialism
d. Behaviorism
76. It is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.
a. Culture
b. Tradition
c. Norm
d. Social Interaction
77. It allows individuals to take on the “role of the other” and allows people to respond to his or her own
gestures in terms of the symbolized attitudes of others.
a. Language
b. Play
c. Game
d. Participation
78. It gives the person the ability to reflect upon oneself and the adequacy of one’s thoughts and
actions. People are not only agents of action but self-examiners of their own functioning.
a. Intentionality
b. Forethought
c. Self-reactiveness
d. Self-reflectiveness
79. It enables the person to make choices and choose appropriate courses of action, as well as
motivate and regulate their execution.
a. Intentionality
b. Forethought
c. Self-reactiveness
d. Self-reflectiveness
80. The wedding reception and parties that celebrate the wedding serve as the markers that officially
recognize the bride and groom’s change toward being husband and wife.
a. Separation
b. Liminality
c. Incorporation
d. None of the above

81. He killed his wife because he saw her talking to other guy. What kind of right is being violated?
a. right to friendship c. right to life
b right of freedom d. right of expression
82. It is an action done by an agent unknowingly, without freedom and no consent at all.
a. Act of Man c. Voluntary act
b. Human Act d. Right act

83.The philosopher who claimed that the rational being does what is morally right and with moral duty.
a. Thomas Aquinas c. Aristotle
b. Immanuel Kant d. Jeremy Bentham

84. Unreliable, disorganized , inconsistent, easy-going

b. High Agreeableness b. Low Agreeableness c. High Conscientiousness d.
Low conscientiousness
85. More approachable, creative, imaginative, curiosity
a. High Open to experience b. Low Open to experience c. High Conscientiousness
d. Low conscientiousness

86. These provides opportunities to clarify expectations, adjust goal difficulty, and gain recognition.
A. Clarity C. Commitment E. Task complexity
B. Challenge D. Feedback

87.A positive body image where you see yourself as you want others to see you.
a.Appreciate all that your body can do
b.Keep a top ten list of things you like about yourself
c.Remind yourself that “true beauty” is not simply skin-deep
d.Look at yourself as a whole person

88 What collectivist culture emphasizes?

a Independence and self reliant
b.Teamwork and cooperation
c.Group membership is not essential to one’s identity or success.
d.People distance themselves psychologically and emotionally from each other.

89. What is extended self according to Ulric Neisser?

a.It emerges with the understanding that one’s experiences are not directly perceived by others
b.It the collection of beliefs you have on your own nature, qualities and behavior.
c.It is based on memories of one’s past experiences and expectations for the future
d. An understanding you have of yourself that’s based on your personal experiences, body image, and

90. A positive body image where beauty is a state of mind, not a state of your body.
a.Appreciate all that your body can do
b.Keep a top ten list of things you like about yourself
c. Remind yourself that “true beauty” is not simply skin-deep
d.Look at yourself as a whole person

91.In conducting business negotiation, which of the following is true to Filipinos?

a. Decisions are often reached on the basis of feelings rather than facts
b. If you raise your voice or lose your temper, you lose face.
c. At each stage of the negotiation, get agreements in writing to avoid confusion or misinterpretation.
d. All of these

92.Which of the following is least practiced by Filipinos?

a. Present and receive business cards with two hands so that it is readable to the recipient.
b. Present and receive business cards with right hand as sign of respect.
c. Examine the card briefly before putting it in your business card case.
d. Some senior level executives only give business cards to those of similar rank.

93.Which of the following demonstrates virtue as a habit?

a. Candice repeatedly practices action and correction of respect.
b. Cariz observes little fear on correcting wrong doings.
c. Collin inhibits herself from doing bad acts.
d. All of these

94 Which is conscious choice and moral purpose or motivation?

a. Human acts c. Moral actions
b. Virtuous acts d. Habit

95.When you know that what you do will be well received, there's a natural motivation to do a good job.
A. Clarity C. Commitment E. Task complexity
B. Challenge D. Feedback

96. He killed his wife because he saw her talking to other guy. What kind of right is being violated?
a. right to friendship c. right to life
b right of freedom d. right of expression

97. All are examples of health protocols during covid-19 pandemic, except;
a. Wash hands c. pray silently
b. Wear face mask d. physical distancing

98. All are Characteristic/s of globalization of economy, except

c. Free flow of goods c. Free flow of services
d. Sharing of profits d. Contractualization of workers

99. The statement … “Please review the Anti-Terror Bill” is an example of Kant’s moral duty on
a. Rights review clause c. Categorical imperative
b. Hypothetical imperative d. Protection clause

100. All are Kant’s descriptions of man’s fundamental obligation except

c. Respect persons c. Universalize principles
d. Maximize goodness d. Be autonomous

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