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Free Module 2 Answers

Reading and Writing Questions

DIRECTIONS: The questions in this section are designed to test your reading and writing
abilities. Each question will provide you with one or more passages. It is important to
thoroughly read each passage and question before selecting the best answer based on the
information provided. All of the questions in this section are multiple-choice and will have
four options to choose from. There is only one correct answer for each question.

1. In recent years, the rise of social media has greatly impacted the way people communi-
cate and share information. While platforms like Facebook and Twitter have enabled
users to connect with friends and family, they have also been criticized for their role in
spreading misinformation and exacerbating political polarization. Some argue that the
algorithms used by these platforms prioritize engagement over accuracy, resulting in a
distorted view of reality. Others, however, believe that social media has democratized
access to information, allowing individuals to bypass traditional gatekeepers like news
organizations and government institutions.

Which rhetorical strategy does the author employ to discuss the effects of social media
on the dissemination of information?

A) Comparing and contrasting different viewpoints

B) Providing a chronological account of social media’s development
C) Focusing solely on the negative aspects of social media
D) Discussing the benefits of social media without acknowledging any drawbacks

Correct Answer: A

Explanation: A: This answer is correct because the passage presents different per-
spectives on the impact of social media, comparing the positive aspects (connecting
with friends, democratizing information) with the negative aspects (spreading misin-
formation, increasing polarization).

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Free Module 2 Answers

2. In the late 19th century, a small rural town in Eastern Europe experienced a cultural
renaissance. The townspeople embraced their folk traditions, participating in local
dances, singing traditional songs, and creating vibrant handicrafts. This unexpected
revival of their cultural heritage led to increased pride among the residents and a
stronger sense of community.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

A) The rural town’s cultural renaissance in the late 19th century resulted in increased
pride and community spirit.
B) The 19th-century Eastern European town’s residents were skilled in various tradi-
tional art forms.
C) Late 19th-century Eastern Europe experienced a widespread cultural renaissance
across many rural towns.
D) The rural Eastern European town’s residents had to work hard to maintain their
cultural traditions.

Correct Answer: A

Explanation: A: ’The rural town’s cultural renaissance in the late 19th century
resulted in increased pride and community spirit.’ is the correct answer because it
captures the central idea of the text, which is the impact of the cultural renaissance on
the town’s residents and their sense of community.

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3. Mountains are known to create their own microclimates, which can lead to different
vegetation and wildlife existing at various altitudes. This phenomenon is known as alti-
tudinal zonation. A study of a specific mountain range revealed a distinct change in veg-
etation every 1,000 meters. Based on this observation, it can be inferred that .

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A) altitudinal zonation is present in the studied mountain range

B) all mountain ranges have the same altitudinal zonation patterns
C) vegetation changes are unrelated to altitude
D) wildlife does not vary with altitude

Correct Answer: A

Explanation: A: ’altitudinal zonation is present in the studied mountain range’ is

the correct answer because the passage describes a distinct change in vegetation every
1,000 meters, which supports the concept of altitudinal zonation.

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4. The famous mathematician Ada Lovelace is often considered the world’s first computer
programmer. In the 19th century, she worked with Charles Babbage on his Analyti-
cal Engine, an early mechanical computer. , Lovelace wrote the first algorithm
intended to be processed by a machine, demonstrating her innovative thinking.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A) As a result
B) In contrast
C) On the other hand
D) Nonetheless

Correct Answer: A

Explanation: A: ’As a result’ is the correct answer because it logically connects Ada
Lovelace’s work on the Analytical Engine to her development of the first algorithm
intended for a machine.

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5. In recent years, news organizations have increasingly embraced technology to reach

wider audiences. They have developed smartphone applications, utilized social media
platforms, and incorporated artificial intelligence for personalized news experiences.
This shift allows users to access real-time updates, engage in discussions, and access
diverse perspectives on various topics.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A) To explain how news organizations are using technology to expand their reach and
adapt to modern audiences
B) To criticize the reliance on technology in the news industry and argue for a return
to traditional journalism
C) To discuss the negative consequences of technology on the quality and credibility
of news reporting
D) To explore the historical development of technology in journalism and predict its
future trajectory

Correct Answer: A

Explanation: A: ’To explain how news organizations are using technology to ex-
pand their reach and adapt to modern audiences’ is the correct answer because the
passage focuses on the ways technology has been embraced by news organizations to
reach wider audiences.

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