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IBM Watson Assistant

Lendyr Bank Demo

Walkthrough Guide

All your finances in one place.

Designed to work better together.

Vladimir Stojanovski Nicolas Corona
Worldwide Technology Enablement Product Management

March 14, 2023

Table of Contents
Lendyr Demo Instructions .......................................................................................................................... 3
The Demo Storyline ................................................................................................................................ 3
Considerations Before Doing the Demo in Front of a Live Audience ............................................. 4
Accessing the Watson Assistant Demo ................................................................................................... 5
Familiarizing Yourself with the Lendyr Demo ......................................................................................... 5
Lendyr Bank Storyline and Demo Steps ................................................................................................. 7
Theme: Accessible and Scalable AI .................................................................................................... 8
Theme: Show, Tell, and Do .................................................................................................................15
Theme: Unified and Personalized ......................................................................................................20
Theme: Anyone can iterate quickly ....................................................................................................23
Theme: Measure true customer outcomes .......................................................................................29

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Lendyr Demo Instructions
This Watson Assistant demo is designed to be used in two different ways:

1. Personal enablement — This document has a storyline that you can follow step-
by-step. This is a great way to learn the pre-built demo and practice before doing
it live in front of a client. In addition, the demo has guided feature tours. You or a
client can use these tours to experiment with a live deployed virtual assistant and
learn its behavior.
2. Client demonstration — You can use this demo in front of a live audience,
showing off the live virtual assistant as if it were deployed on a real web site.

The Demo Storyline

This demo is pre-populated with a retail banking scenario based around a fictional
financial institution: a bank by the name of Lendyr. Lendyr is a customer-first bank that
seeks to service its customers digitally whenever possible. Lendyr then passes the
money they save on contact center overhead to their customers in the form of higher
savings interest rates, and minimal fees. For example, Lendyr doesn’t charge overdraft
fees. Their convenient customer service options are ideal for customers who don't need
a great deal of help and support for their banking.

Through carefully curated tours, this demo will help you learn about Watson Assistant.
You may also skip around and check out all the features on your own! In addition to the
storyline in this document, the demo site is self-documenting, allowing you to explore it
on your own, and come up with your own custom demo stories that will appeal to your

Keep in mind that this is a demo environment. The assistant has been built to handle a
variety of questions and inquiry topics, and some deviation “off script” is encouraged
(with your own testing). However, not all questions outside of what is outlined here will
give you the results you might expect. Many other questions will actually work, but you
might also find that a phrase you would expect to work (because it sounds to you like
it’s a similar way of asking the same thing), doesn’t. It’s not a deficiency of Watson
Assistant, it could simply be that the assistant hasn’t been built or trained to the degree
needed to handle what you’re asking. At a minimum, if you do plan to deviate from the
script here, try it out yourself first.

If you have a need for a more specific set of questions around your particular client
industry, you always have the option of building an assistant yourself

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Considerations Before Doing the Demo in Front of a Live Audience

Before doing this demo in front of a live audience we recommend that you:

• Familiarize yourself with the script and try the utterances a few times (an
utterance is the input you’re typing into the chat from which Watson Assistant
derives intent and entities). Watson has been configured to handle some
variations, but we recommend following the script as much as possible, at least
when you’re first getting started. After you get more experience with the demo,
you can try other utterances and see what they do; take note of them and expand
your storyline!

• Practice, practice, practice. It’s simple, the more you do something, the better
you become at it. You will find as you practice this demo more and more, ideas
will surface that add to the discussion and may even inspire you to add
utterances and exchanges to customize the demo (we’ve included some value
statements to the customer and business during the different interactions —
these may serve as good customization ideas).

© 2022 IBM Corporation 4

Accessing the Watson Assistant Demo
You can load the live Watson Assistant demo at or (The shorter URL
redirects to the longer one.) The demo is open to the public, and thus no login is required.

Familiarizing Yourself with the Lendyr Demo

When you first launch the demo, you are greeted with the “splash” page shown below:

1. In the center of the page are the guided tours.

2. Links to documentation, request for a demo from the digital sales team, and pricing.
3. Ability to pivot the view, visually, for a desktop to a mobile device format.
4. Close this “splash” page.

Note that all of these features are still available after you close the “splash” page; the product
tours are simply moved to the left-hand pop-out navigation. Go ahead and click View Lendyr
Site (4):

This Watson Assistant demo presents a scenario where a virtual assistant is embedded in the
fictitious Lendyr bank’s web site. Therefore, you are presented with Lendyr’s home page:

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Before you get started, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the key parts of this demo’s
interface that you will be interacting with. The demo is also self-documented, meaning that—in
addition to the demo story in this document—you can follow the available tours shown on the
“splash” screen or navigation panel on the left (1).

You can start a chat session by clicking on Chat with us (2). Note that the dark green Hi! I’m a
virtual assistant… bubble (3) pops up 15 seconds after you log onto the page. (IBM research
indicates this to be the best standard time to engage the user, once they’ve had the chance to
review what’s on the page, although the time can be configured.)

Finally, the FAQ link (4) takes you to the frequently asked questions page, and the middle
section (5) has links to Lendyr’s most popular products.

Important to remember: simply refreshing the page won’t clear the chat history or context as
it’s built to withstand a user accidentally refreshing the page. To reset the chat, open a new
browser tab or window, and load the demo (

© 2022 IBM Corporation 6

Lendyr Bank Storyline and Demo Steps
The following steps take you through a powerful example of Watson Assistant at work,
deflecting calls from live agents, and more. The User Input section for each step gives you
phrases or “utterances” you can type into the chat window in this demo that will work flawlessly
(as you practice on your own, feel free to experiment with other phraseology). The
corresponding System Action section details the actions that Watson Assistant will take based
on the input, while the Value section presents business value statements for Lendyr Bank and
as well as their customers.

The demo covers five themes:

o Accessible and scalable AI

o Assistants should be able to show, tell, and do
o Unified and Personalized experiences
o Any user can iterate the assistant quickly
o Measure true customer outcomes

The themes have two sides of value to them: a) the value to the end customer, who's interacting
with the virtual assistant, and b) the value to the business, which is building with Watson

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Theme: Accessible and Scalable AI

Step 1:
User input

Click on the dark green Hi! I’m a virtual assistant… bubble.

No further input required. Simply observe the initial state of the webchat interface.

Customer — Immediately, the customer is met with a warm greeting and with suggestions for
topics to ask about, based on the common actions of other customers.
Lendyr Bank — The webchat interface is completely customizable, in terms of the greeting
message, places to start, and the look and feel of the chat window – including the color
scheme, where it’s positioned, and whether it includes a graphic. With suggestions for getting
started, the bank can help lead their customers to a goal or resolution faster.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 8

Step 2:
User input

Type: “loan application”

System action

This is a question with not enough context. The assistant replies using Disambiguation to help
clarify and confirm what the question most likely is and seamlessly points the user to potential
right answers.


For customers, accessible and scalable AI means that users can talk, write, and converse like
real humans. Here, you typed in something a bit vague. In response, Watson Assistant asked
for clarification.
You didn't set up a conversational flow to ask for clarification for this input. However, Watson
Assistant’s out-of-the-box AI was smart enough to know it needed a bit more information to
help the customer, and provided a path to getting the customer’s inquiry resolved with
suggested next questions.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 9

Step 3:
User input

You can choose from one of the provided options, but you don’t have to.
Type: “I want to apply for a student loan”
System action

The assistant provides the appropriate response and asks if the customer is interested in

Watson Assistant isn't rigid and rules-based — it's conversational AI, so it learns by itself and
can handle complex inputs with flexibility. This is more likely to result in a deflected call from a
live agent, saving Lendyr money.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 10

Step 4:
User input

Refresh/reload your browser page (for example, use the browsers refresh icon; additionally,
<F5> or <Ctrl>-R can be used in Firefox)
System action

The page refreshes, but the conversation remains as-is.


The customer accidentally refreshed the web page and was immediately fearful of losing their
chat history. However, customers can reload the page or even bring the page up in a new
browser session (perhaps after accidentally closing the previous browser tab or window) and
not lose their conversation.
The assistant maintains conversations across pages – so customers can use it as they
navigate different pages on the bank’s web site, browsing for other pieces of information,
filling out forms, and so on. As such, customers are more inclined to use the assistant as a
trusted tool.

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Step 5:
User input

The customer is not ready to answer the assistant’s question.

Type: “whats the limit on loan amts” (typos intended)
System action

The customer interrupted the conversational flow to ask about a different topic, and the
assistant begun to address the customer’s latest inquiry.

During a live conversation, customers often digress, ask unrelated questions, or simply
change their minds. Conversational AI should be able to handle that and return to the original
train of thought when and if appropriate.
Also note that the assistant was smart enough to understand the customer’s even though it
had typos and spelling errors. It can glean the intent of the question and doesn’t require that a
question be asked in a specific way, meaning less development effort and higher customer

© 2022 IBM Corporation 12

Step 6:
User input

Conversational AI isn't the only type of artificial intelligence you can leverage in Watson
Assistant; let’s see how intelligent document processing supercharges the assistant.
Type: "can I use reward points for airline tickets?"
System action

The assistant searches through the vast enterprise collection of documents and provides an
In addition, even though the customer has again digressed from the original topic, the
assistant provides the opportunity for the customer to continue to apply for a student loan.

The virtual assistant provides an answer for which it has not been trained on, using the power
of Watson Discovery. Watson Discovery can understand vast amounts of documents stored
across various content management systems, and surface answers to questions that have
never been asked before.
Watson Assistant also uses AI for auto-learning. This allows it to, by itself, improve its
performance. Think about the conversation where you typed in "loan application."
The assistant learns over time whether people who inquire about a loan application intend to
go down a specific conversational route. As it learns, it might choose to go down a different
route that it has more confidence in. Or it might get better at recommending different routes –
ranking some higher than others – given customer propensity to choose one or the other.
These are the types of capabilities that make for accessible and scalable AI, which in turn
benefit the customer by providing them with a frictionless experience.
How does this benefit the business?
1. Short time to value – it's all out-of-the-box.

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2. Low total cost of ownership – auto-learning means the assistant keeps self-improving,
so clients don't need a team of data scientists or machine learning engineers to keep it
3. Better performance of key customer care business metrics – when customers engage
in natural language conversations without hitting dead ends, containment rates go up,
and fewer calls hit the call center. This, in turn, results in increased task completion
rates, and also frees up live agents to focus on higher value tasks, resulting in happier

© 2022 IBM Corporation 14

Theme: Show, Tell, and Do
What does it mean to show, tell, and do? Tell is what you just observed in the previous theme:
a conversation, back and forth, in plain language. Tell is effective, especially for end users that
are most comfortable interacting with a virtual agent conversationally. However, tell alone is not
powerful enough to meet all customer or employee needs. Think about urgent or time-sensitive
customer requests or automating the time-consuming tasks that flow into a contact center day in
and day out. Here, the assistant should be able to do.
For example, an existing customer who wants to open a new checking account may not need
the assistance of a live agent. But Lendyr's contact center used to get thousands of calls a
month to do just this.

Step 7:
User input

Type: “open a new checking account”

System action

The assistant creates a new checking account. It does this with seamless backend integration
and leveraging robotic process automation.

Watson Assistant can automate a business process via backend extension or navigation.
Now, requests for a new checking account will only escalate to a live agent in Lendyr's
contact center when a live agent is truly needed. Thousands of those calls are now handled
without ever reaching a live agent. Not only is this cost efficient, but it is also an improvement
to the customer experience, given the ease and speed with which the request was met.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 15

Step 8:
User input

You’ve seen tell and do. Why is show important? When assistants predominantly do things,
they’re at risk of becoming another siloed support channel. The assistant might have its own
team that keeps it up to date, which rarely coordinates or innovates together with the teams
that build the website, the mobile app, or the contact center. The assistant team may also be
dependent on back-end development work (and back-end teams). How can a client break out
from these siloed support structures? How can Watson Assistant unblock these
dependencies so the virtual assistant team can innovate? This is where the ability to show
makes a difference.
Type: “I am looking for a new home, and I want to know what my monthly payments will
System action

The assistant starts the flow that can help the customer.

This is a complex message, in which the customer is expressing a goal they want to achieve
(buy a home), but first they need to complete a task (understand the monthly payments).
The assistant understands this and starts to help the customer calculate that monthly

© 2022 IBM Corporation 16

Step 9:
User input

Type: “400,000”
System action

The assistant pulls up the mortgage calculator on the Lendyr website.


When the customer provides the loan amount, Watson Assistant – rather than having to
recreate the experience and process that already exists on the website – shows the customer
how to find and use the mortgage calculator on the Lendyr website! Not only that, but it has
also automatically filled in the loan amount based on what the customer provided. This further
shows how the assistant can integrate with the website.
The digital experience is further enhanced because the customer can now ask clarifying
questions and get additional help from Watson Assistant as they complete the task.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 17

Step 10:
User input

Type: “how do I know my loan amount?”

Then, type: “15 years”
System action

The assistant reminds the customer once more to pick a loan term, then fills in the form
based on the conversation. Also note that the assistant hasn’t “forgotten” that the customer
needs to pick up their checking account card from the beginning of the conversation.


The primary digital platform for Lendyr – and most other companies – is their website.
Accordingly, companies make significant investments of time, effort, and resources in it.
We saw how automation works, when the customer created a checking account. But
automation isn’t the only lever the assistant team has to improve the experience. In fact, it’s
often a costly lever to pull, because it makes both the website and the assistant teams
dependent on the back-end systems.
With the ability to show, Watson Assistant helps maximize the investment in digital platforms,
and frees the assistant team from dependencies on backend development work. The
assistant can now walk the customer through performing a task, without requiring integration
with the backend!
In fact, Lendyr’s primary digital channel – their website – is now strengthened as customers
are better able to complete tasks with independence and confidence.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 18

In other words, Watson Assistant is designed to deliver deeply integrated, digital customer
experiences that can SHOW, TELL, and DO.

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Theme: Unified and Personalized

As is often the case, across Lendyr, each department is using different tools for the same use
cases. Before Watson Assistant, they had no way to quickly consolidate such tools, and odds
are there are good reasons you don't or can't want them to.
Watson Assistant connects and repairs this fragmented stack in a way no other tool can –
across ticketing tools, live agent tools, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems,
Customer Management Systems (CMS), search engines, Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
tools, custom APIs, and so on. This unification also serves Lendyr’s customers, though they
might not know it. They simply experience a consistent experience across every channel and
touchpoint Lendyr offers.
Step 11:
User input and system action

The following example shows how Watson Assistant brings together three Lendyr channels:
email, a virtual assistant, and the website.

1. Open back the “splash” or navigation screen by clicking on , as shown above.

2. Click Feature List.

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3. Scroll down to the Self-Serve Tools section, and then click the Deep Linking | Link from
Email link.

4. An example email is displayed, notifying a customer that their bill is due in 5 days. Click
on the link in the email message shown.

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5. The link takes the customer to the Lendyr website, and the virtual assistant comes up and
kicks off the appropriate conversational flow knowing the customer entry point via email.

While the customer may be unaware of the backend integration taking place, they certainly
notice when Lendyr personalizes their experience.
Watson Assistant can pull in information from CRM systems and backend databases, among
other knowledge sources, to auto-fill forms, skip steps, and avoid asking repetitive questions
– all sources of friction when customers interact with less intelligent and less capable virtual
agents. Watson Assistant also connects to predictive behavioral models, allowing companies
to send targeted messages at just the right time to decrease churn, bump up task completion,
up-sell, cross-sell, or increase retention – with a consistent experience across all customer
service entry points.
Similarly, when a customer requests a live agent, Watson Assistant sends the entire
conversation history over to the agent – along with any additional contextual information that
the agent might find useful.
This ensures the live agent gets up to date quickly, while the customer enjoys a seamless
transfer – no need to answer repetitive questions or revisit ground that has already been
covered with the virtual agent.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 22

Theme: Anyone can iterate quickly
The previous three theme modules involved the end user experience along with discussing the
value to the business. These last two theme modules are more business focused.

With Watson Assistant, anyone can iterate – quickly and easily – to improve an assistant on the
fly in minutes, not hours or days.

Since this part of the demonstration requires an instance of Watson Assistant which has
sufficient customer usage data that can be analyzed, this section will not be a live demo. You
have two ways to demonstrate the Anyone can iterate quickly features with the Lendyr Bank

1. The instructions below (starting with Step 12) use a slide deck which is provided to aid in the
demonstration of the features in this module: Download
this presentation to follow along.
2. Another option is to use the Feature Tour within To use the Feature Tour, click
on the Iterate Quickly tour, and simply follow the prompts on your screen:

Once you are comfortable with the demoed features, and if you have access to a Watson
Assistant instance with sufficient usage data, you can practice what you’ve learned on that live
instance. Then, choose whether to present a static demo or the live instance to your client.

At this time, please launch the deck, and follow along.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 23

Step 12:
User input and system action

Open Slide 2 to show Watson Assistant’s Analyze module, which tracks various key
performance indicators for all virtual assistants a client has deployed. Note the following:
1. Ability to filter by Environment and Date range (1).
2. Trending graphs showing Unique users, Conversations, and Requests (2)
3. Two key performance indicator tabs (3): Action completion and Recognition. Click the
Action completion (4) tab (or go to Slide 3).

The Action completion chart (1) measures the percentage of customer questions that are
answered, or tasks (such as opening a checking account in the previous example) that are
fully completed by the virtual assistant. Additional detail is provided below (2), showing the
actual Action, the numbers of Times started, number of Incompletes, and Completion
percentage rates. Next, let’s examine the other tab – the Recognition tab. Go to Slide 4.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 24

This chart (1) shows the percentage of conversational flows that the virtual assistant
recognizes and knows how to handle. To understand which requests were not recognized by
the assistant, click View unrecognized requests (2). Move to Slide 5.

Here, you can quickly and easily identify requests that went unrecognized, and iterate and
improve the assistant for future interactions. Note that there is a request that the assistant
could not address: “I want to pay for an expedited wire transfer.”

Action completion and Recognition are key virtual assistant metrics, and Watson Assistant
automatically tracks both of them (among other metrics) for all virtual assistants. This allows
the Lendyr team to understand how the virtual assistant is performing, how many customers it
is serving, what type of conversations it is having, what actions it is completing, and where it
may be struggling. Understanding that last item – where an assistant is struggling – is key to
identifying and resolving potential sources of friction in the customer experience.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 25

Step 13:
User input and system action

(Show Slide 6.) Open the Actions (1) tab and click New Action (2).

(Show Slide 7.) Here you can choose to build an Action either from scratch or start with a
prebuilt template. Click on Quick start with template.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 26

(Move to Slide 8.) Prebuilt templates cover a variety of common use cases, including creating
an account, booking a meeting, as well as other industry-specific use cases across banking,
insurance, healthcare, and others.
Here, you would choose a prebuilt template that best matches the gap you want to address.
The templates come complete with back-and-forth conversational steps, variables, and
training data.
Recall the customer request that the virtual assistant struggled with: “I want to pay for an
expedited wire transfer.” Thus, select the Make a payment template.

(Move to Slide 9.) This Template Preview provides enough information for you to decide
whether it is appropriate for creating the new Task. Shown on this popup screen are the
1. Sample customer utterances
2. Information the assistant collects (including variables)
3. Additional features included

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The preview window (4) also shows what an example conversation with this template can
look like.
This template looks appropriate for the task you need to create, so click on Select this
template (5).

(Move to Slide 10.) Now, you can customize the prebuilt template to match the specifics of
the conversation you want the assistant to handle. On the left-hand side (1), you click-to-
select the utterances or the steps, and you modify them on the right-hand side (2). The
screen above shows how the utterances can be modified (Customer starts with).

Once Lendyr understands the gap, they are able to quickly iterate and create a new Action to
address the problem. This is further accelerated by the prebuilt Action templates.
With its Analytics dashboard of key success metrics and a build experience that lets anyone
add or improve conversational flows from scratch or from a library of prebuilt templates,
Watson Assistant lets anyone iterate quickly. The ability to quickly analyze and iterate on any
environment – draft, test, or live – allows any team, or set of teams to collaborate, version,
and publish quickly and confidently.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 28

Theme: Measure true customer outcomes
This theme module showcases Watson Assistant’s customer outcome metrics. Measuring true
customer outcomes requires unifying customer data from every customer touchpoint. To enable
this capability, IBM has partnered with Twilio Segment, the market leading customer data
platform (CDP). Segment helps companies collect, clean, and control their customer data. It
unifies customer data across customer touchpoints (SMS, Messaging, Voice, Video, Email,
Internet of Things (IoT) and more), and empowers marketing, sales, and customer service
leaders with the insights they need to design and build relevant, data-driven customer

Together with Segment, Watson Assistant can help any business make their customer
engagement across every channel more personalized, timely, and impactful, with unparalleled
insight into the way customers interact across channels to create a single, unified view of the
customer journey.

Since this part of the demonstration requires an instance of Watson Assistant with Twilio
Segment, this section will not be a live demo. You have two ways to demonstrate the Measure
true outcomes features with the Lendyr Bank assistant:

1. The instructions below (starting with Step 14) use a slide deck which is provided to aid in the
demonstration of the features in this module: Download
this presentation to follow along.
2. Another option is to use the Feature Tour within To use the Feature Tour, click
on the Drive Customer Outcomes tour, and simply follow the prompts on your screen:

Once you are comfortable with the demoed features, and if you have access to a Watson
Assistant instance with Twilio Segment, you can practice what you’ve learned on that live
instance. Then, choose whether to present a static demo or the live instance to your client.

At this time, please launch the deck, and follow along.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 29

Step 14:
User input and system action

Open Slide 2 to show Watson Assistant’s integration with Twilio Segment. Note that there are
two Sources (1): IBM Watson Assistant and the Lendyr Website. The customer journey often
begins before they interact with Watson Assistant, and may, in fact, end after they’ve finished
chatting with Watson Assistant. To understand the end-to-end customer journey, Segment
can connect to all endpoints – in this example, that is Watson Assistant and Lendyr’s website.
Click on Sources (2), or go to Slide 3.

Segment is a customer data platform that integrates data across a variety of sources. It takes
in IBM Watson Assistant data across draft, test, and live instances (1). In addition, Segment
integrates customer data from a client’s website (2), mobile app, and web portal.
Click on Connections (3) to get back to the previous page. (Move to Slide 4).

© 2022 IBM Corporation 30

Segment consolidates these into one schematized data warehouse (1) and offers a variety of
predefined data connectors that reformat the client data and send it out to a number of
different types of destinations. Amplitude (a digital analytics platform) is the example shown,
but the data can be analyzed in many other technologies. Click on Catalog (2). (Advance to
Slide 5.)

Note the possible destinations for the customer data. It can be used for advertising purposes
(1), analytics (2), or fed into CRM systems (3). Click on Storage Destinations (4). Move to
Slide 6.)

© 2022 IBM Corporation 31

Note the available analytical tool destinations – including IBM Db2, Google Analytics, Amazon
Redshift and S3, and more.

Customers usually have multiple ways to communicate with a company like Lendyr – the
company’s website, virtual assistant, mobile app, telephone, and so on. True customer
outcomes cannot be measured simply by analyzing the virtual assistant, or any of the other
channels. It requires tracking the customer’s end-to-end journey. Segment is a customer data
platform that has prebuilt integration with Watson Assistant, across all instances. This allows
clients like Lendyr to go deep – beyond surface-level metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS)
– and understand action completion and recognition across the entire customer service
Together, Watson Assistant and Segment deliver an end-to-end view of a customer’s digital
and omnichannel journey.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 32

Return to the home page at

This concludes the demo of IBM Watson Assistant. The demo covered five themes and
1. Accessible and scalable AI: Watson Assistant has a short time to value, low total cost of
ownership, and better performance against key customer service business metrics.
2. Assistants that can show, tell, and do: it’s not enough for assistants to just tell or even do.
They must be able to also show – or walk the customer through a process or a website.
3. Unified and Personalized experiences: Watson Assistant unifies a client’s customer service
technology stack, for a simplified and consistent customer experience across every channel
and touchpoint.
4. Anyone can iterate quickly: With Watson Assistant, anyone can iterate – quickly and easily –
to improve an assistant on the fly in minutes, not hours or days.
5. Measure true customer outcomes: Watson Assistant delivers an end-to-end view of a
customer’s digital and omnichannel journey.

© 2022 IBM Corporation 33

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