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European Organization of Iranian Refugees

Organisation europenne des rfugis Iraniens


Press Release about the earthquake in Turkey at Van

Reports on the earthquake devastation and casualties in the east Turkey has had a considerable results, Intensity of an earthquake that struck east Turkey was over seven and two-tenths of magnitude. Due to the earthquake in the city of Van province near the Iranian border ercis at least 500 people were killed and many injured. Zulfagar Arab uglou the ercis mayor in an interview with NTV networks, has noted that Many have lost their lives, several buildings collapsed, and the extent of devastation is too high, He added, "We need urgent medical assistance, we have" received the news of the earthquake-stricken city of Van, the city shows a very critical condition, With people losing their homes, and lack the minimum resources necessary to overcome these conditions which is very difficult. High commissioner for refugees office in the predominantly Kurdish province of Van, where is the Iranians place of attendance every day because of political and social problems of entering the country illegally .facing lots of problems for registering at UNHCR office, and waiting for the relevant procedure and process until theyll be able to be transferred to the third countries. Status is very bad and upset over the city, many houses have been destroyed, the power of city is cut off, it is difficult to make phone calls, and many residents have lost their homes and live in the street. Hospitals are full of injured and dead have seen in some streets, Most of the residents are leaving the city. European Organization of Iranian Refugees expressed regret about the tragic event of earthquake damage to citizens and also a fellow Iranian asylum seeker and regrets a negligence of the Turkish government. At the first hours, countries of USA, Israel, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Britain, and several other countries willing to assist and support all needs, including: medicine, food and other necessary aids, the media announced that it has been rejected by the Turkish government, and the Turkish government actually took no action in this regard. Immediate reactions in the early hours of the earthquake is vital, undoubtedly refusal of acceptance of Turkish government for international assistance will increase the death toll. Our organization will challenge the Turkish government procrastination and discrimination. We're reminded that the city of Van and the Iranian refugees are not least important from the people of Gaza and Palestine that the hypocritical politicians of Turkey defend them by all means. in this regard , European Organization for Iranian refugees in Geneva, Brussels, and UNHCR, seeking special assistance and sending a special commission to help the citizens of this country and Iranian refugees, as well as several European institutions which have been engaged in negotiations for the transfer of Iranian people to other countries . 24 October 2011

European Organization of Iranian Refugees (EOIR) - Turkey Desk Tel: 0031684803122 Fax: 0031847450320 E-mail:

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