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A, The reaction 2 NO (x) + 02 () > 2 NOs has the following rate 1 If the concentration of NO is reduced by a lactor of two, what would the new rate be? (a) doubled (@) remains the same (b) quadrupled (€) reduced by one- (g) law: rate = k{O2}[ NOP. (©) reduced by one- half fourth 2. Determine the overall rate order of the reaction; He (g) + ICL(g) > 12(g) + HCl (e) from the following data: Pay Pret Rate Pp (tort) (tort) _(tort/s) 1 250 325 134 2 250 31 0.331 3 30 325 0.266 @) first (@) fourth (b) second (e) zeroth © third 3. ‘The gas-phase reaction A > products is postulated to proceed by the mechanism shown below, in which A* is an activated A molecule and M is a chemically inert gas. Assuming the steady-state approximation for A‘, this mechanism yields the rate equation shown also below: ASM Sa 4EM NeMS AEM A 3 products _ kes (MILA) ky + EM] Which of the following is NOT consistent with this mechanism? rate (a) When the partial pressure of M is very high, the reaction is first-order in A. (b) When the partial pressure of M is very high, the reaction is first-order overall. (©) When the partial pressure of M is very low, the reaction is second-order overall. (d) When the partial pressure of M is very low, the rate is independent of the concentration of A. (@) M can be any molecule capable of transferring energy to A upon collision, ‘GENERAL GHEMISTRY 1 FINAL EXAMINATION (FALL 3017) 4. Examine the reaction scheme and energy diagram and determine the smallest rate constant. ke ls ASBeCe#D hak. @ hk (aka (b) ky (eho (c) ks The steps in a reaction mechanism are as follows Step 1 : Ag’ (aq) + Ce (aq) # Ag (ag) + Ce** (aq) Step 2 TI (aq) + Ag** (aq) > TI** (aq) + Ag* (aq) Step 3: : TI (aq) + Ce** (aq) > TH* (aq) + Ce** (aq) Which species is acting as a catalyst? (a) Age tb) 1 c) C Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? (2) Changing the temperature does not change the activation ener 0b) At higher temperature a higher percentage of teaetants have enous! for a reaction energy to get over the transition state (©) The mechanism, rate law, and activation energy will all change when a catalyst is added (d) The general rate Law for a reaction does not cl With temperature, but the 1 does change (©) The rate constant, & for a reaction does not change when the temperature increases rate Pape tute 7. At a given temperature, the forward rate constant, ki, for the one-step reaction shown below is 4 x 107 M7 s. Given that the equilibrium constant is 1 x 10", what is the reversed rate constant, k.1? H, (g)+ 1; @)= A= 2H @) (a) 8x 10° M" (d) 8x 10% M” (b) 4x 10% M's (e) none of the (©) 4x107 Mts? choices 8. Consider the following three (3) compounds: ( Fe(CHsCO:)s (ii) Ba(NOs)2 (iti) LisO Select the answer below hat contains the correct names for compounds (i) to (iii). @ (i) (iii) (on diit) Barium Lithium acetate nitrite oxide ry Tron Barium Dithium triacetate (II) nitrate oxide Hon (1) Barium Lithium acetate ——nitrate_——hydroxide @ Iron Barium Lithium acetate nitrate oxide (ond) Barium Lithium acetate nitrate oxide 9. 4.5.00 mL sample of solution has 2.8 x 107g of calcium ions. What is the concentration in ppm? (a) 18 ppm (4) 2.8.x 10° ppm (b) 56 ppm (@) none of the (©) 2.8 x 10" ppm choices 10. Which structure(s) contain(s) oxygen that bears a formal charge of +1? al) CHy HyC-O-CHy (a) Tand V @v (b) Il and IV (©) Land I (©) 11. Which among the following gives anomalous electronic configurations (i.e. NOT following auf bau principle) (a) Cr (d) Ru (b) Co (e) All of the choices (c) Mo 12, Which of the following best represents the best resonance structure for N20? N=N? (@) All are equal good (©) none of the choices 13. For a given reaction CsHis (g) + O2(g) > CO2(g) + H20 () ‘The summation of all the coefficients of its balance reaction is (a) 30 (a) 49 (b) 31 (e) 61 (©) 40 14. Which is the shortest of the carbon-carbon single bonds indicated by arrows in the following compounds? neers, @ 15. A 40.0 mL sample of 0.25 M KOH is added to 60.0 mL of 0.15 M Ba(OH):, What is the molar concentration of OH” (ag) in the resulting, solution? (Assume that the volumes are additive.) (a) 0.10M (a) 0.40M. (b) 0.19M. (e) 055M (©) 0.28M ‘GENERAL CHEMISTRY I~ FINAL EXAMINATION (FALL 2017) Page 16. Identify the ions present in (NH.)sCro0; when dissolve in water. (a) N*, Ht, CPs, and o> (b) N*, Hr, Crs, and OF (©) NH¢ and C207 (@) NHs and H2Crs07 (©) NHet, Ce, and > 17. What is the symmetry of the anti-bonding molecular orbital formed by a lincar ‘combination of the p; or py atomic orbitals in a homonuclear diatomic molecule? (a) of @) x (B) oy (e) no symmetry © mm 18. A hydrogen atom radiates a photon as it falls from 2p level to the 1s level. What is wavelength of the emitted radiation? (@) 22.8 nm (@) 182.4om (b) 102.5 nm (©) none of the © 121.5 nm choices 19. For real atomic orbitals with quantum numbers n and J, the total number of nodal surfaces, radial plus angular, equals (an (nse (b) 2-1 (©) 2¢41 © n-e-1 20, For the hydrogen atom, which of the following orbitals has the lowest energy (a) 4s @)4f (b) 4p (©) They all have the © 4d same energy 21. Use the molecular orbital theory to determine the bond order of Oz" ion @)3 @ 1% ) 2% @1 © 2 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I~ FINAL EXAMINATION (FALL 2077) 22.Which of the following is an n-type semiconductor (a) Silicon () Silicon carbide (©) Ga-doped silicon (@) Diamond (e) As-doped silicon 23. Of the following substances, which is likely to have the smallest value for its van der Waals constant “b” for the equation of state for real gases shown below? (r + =) (V = nb) = nT (a) Ne (a) Cl: (b) O2 (©) H:0, (© No 24, An open-tube manometer is used to measure the pressure in the flask. The atmospheric pressure is 756 torr and the Hg column is 10.5 cm higher on the open end. What is the pressure in the flask? (a) 766 mm Hg (b) 861 cm Hg (© 861 torr (@) 69 tort (©) 745.5 mm Hg 25. A certain metal fluoride crystallizes in such a way that the fluoride ions occupy simple cubic lattice sites, while the metal atoms occupy one- half of the body centers of the cube. What is the formula for the metal fluoride? (a) MF (d) M2F (b) MEs (©) none of the choices (© MF 26. Which of the statements below gives the best explanation why the hot-air balloon rises? (a) The pressure on the walls of the balloon increases with increasing temperature. (b) The difference in temperature between the air inside and outside the balloon produces convection currents (© The cooler air outside the balloon pushes in the walls of the balloon. (@) The rate of diffusion of cooler air is less than that of warmer air. (© The air density inside the balloon is less than that of the surrounding air. Page 3016 27, A salt, MY, crystallizes in a body-centered cubic structure with a Y~ anion at each cube corner and an M? cation at the cube center. Assuming that the Y~ anions touch each other and the M* cation at the center, and that the radius of Y~ is 1.46 x 10* pm, what is the radius of M"? (a) 73.0 pm @ 48.7 pm (b) 107 pm. (©) 38.0 pm (© 60.5 pm 28, Potassium chlorate decomposes upon heating as follows: 2 KCIOs (s) > 2 KCI (5) + 3.02 (g) A 112 g sample of KCIO; decomposes, and the oxygen at 23.8°C and 0.925 atm is collected. What volume of oxygen gas will be collected, assuming 100 % yield? (@) 0.92L, (@) 0.0289 L (b) 0.241 L (©) 0.361 L (©) 0.0193 L 29. When solid ammonium chloride, NH«Cl(s), is added to water at 25°C, it dissolves and the temperature of the solution decreases. Which Of the following is true for the values of AH and AS for the dissolving process? AH As @ Positive Positive (b) Positive Negative © Positive Equal to zero @ Negative Positive © Negative Negative 30. Which of the following statement is FALSE, (@) The thermodynamic quantity most easily measured in a “coffee cup” calorimeter is AH, (©) No work is done in a reaction occurring in a bomb calorimeter. (©) AH is sometimes exactly equal to AE. (@) AHis often nearly equal to AE. (©) AHis equal to AE for the reaction: 2 Ha (g) + O2 (g) > 2 H20 (g) ‘GENERAL CHEMISTRY I FINAL EXAMINATION (FALL 2017) 3 32. = i ample of nitrogen stem that consists of a samp! ios bebeving as an ideal gas is compressed at # oonstant temperature and pressure. Which of the following is true about w and q for this acess? lyweeg<0 (@) w<0;g>0 (b) w>0:q>0 @ w= 0 (© w<0;q<0 Determine the AH of combustion of methane using the following bond enthalpies. ae Heona Hood Bond_(kJ mot) _Bond_(kJ mol") Co 348 CH 413 614 OH 463 799 0-0 495 CO a8 (a) +74 kJ mot! (d) — 74 kJ mol (b) - 354 kJ mol (¢) none of the (©) -808 kJ mot choices Hydrazine, NoHs, is used as a rocket fuel because it reacts with oxygen as shown, producing ‘environmentally friendly” gases. NaH: (1) + O2 (g) > Nz (g) + 2 H20 (g) The AH of the reaction is - 534 kJ mol. Despite its use as a rocket fuel, hydrazine does not burn spontancously in oxygen. Which statement explains why hydrazine does NOT burn spontaneously? (a) Hydrazine is a liquid (b) The activation energy is too high (€) The NaN bond is very strong, (4) The reaction is exothermic (©) We need excess O2 A gas absorbs 2.0 J of heat and then performs 11.6 J of work. What is the change in internal energy of the gas? (@) +963 (b) - 9.65 © +136) (d@)- 13.65 @ 205 - Calculate AG for the isothermal compression of 1 mol of an ideal monoatomic gas from 1.4 atm to 5.6 atm at 24°C, (@) +1.6 ky (b) - 1.65 (© +345 @-3.419 © +51 Page F006 36. Consider the following reaction: 4 am 280. Ocul, If the gas expands isothermally and has Afxx° = — 198 kJ'mol reaction a Calculate the resulting AH when 21.4 g of SO, Feacts with excess Os. (2) Less than zero (b) Greater than zero (c) Equal to zero (a) ~33.1 aE ea @ = 198 (@) More information is needed oor ~ 4250 KJ (©) Am lazy, I don't do work 42. Ifthe change in entropy of the surroundings f - : 2 py of the surroundings for 7. The entropy will usually increase when a process at 446 K and constant pressure is . A molecule is broken into two or more 322. K", what is the heat flow absorbed by smaller molecules. the system? : TL A reaction occurs that results in an increase in the number of moles of g2s. (a) + 144K (@)-1738) IIL. A solid change to a liquid. (b) - 144 (©) + 722k IV. A liquid change to a gas. (© +173K (a) Lonly (@) U1, Ml and IV 43.A sketch of the phase diagram for water is (b) Ionly (e) IV only given below (©) 1, 0, Wl and IV 38. The K> for the reaction shown above is 0.26 at 1273 K and 40.8 at 1573 K. Which of the following combinations of AH and AS are most likely for this reaction at these temperatures? (a) AH =0; AS=0 (@) AH <0: AS >0 (b) AH >0; AS>0 (e) AH <0;AS<0 (©) AH>0;45<0 Prevure ee Temperate — Which statement about this diagram is NOT 39, What is the standard reaction entropy, AS® (in TRUE? JK" mol") for the decomposition of calcium carbonate into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide? (S° (CaCOs (5) = 92.9 J K! mol; (CaO (s)) = 39.8 J K? mol”; and (CO2 (g)) = (a) Incr pressure at constant temperature can melt the solid. (b) Increasing temperature at __constant pressure can cause the solid to sublime. I mol! a ey (©) Increasing temperature at constant 3.7 pressure can cause the liquid to vaporize. game smss2tt, o_o (¢) -929-39.8 + 213.7 temperature can cause deposition of solid 4 21: = from gas. O92 3 208 +213.7 (e) Increasing pressure at_—_ constant o.. = temperature can cause liquid to freeze ae Sak aces ate a 44. What is the expected osmotic pressure, in torr, lait eee of 2 0.0100 M solution of Na2SOu in water at 25°C? (R = 62.364 L torr mol! K') (a) NaCl io Mee ; NaBr a) 760 (a) 560 (b) Mes (b) 187 (e) 1307 oe (© 373 Page S06 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I~ FINAL EXAMINATION (FALL 2037) NE 45. When 18.4 g sample of an ‘compound is dissolved in 522.0 g benzene, the freezing point of the resulting solution is 3.82%C. The freezing point of pure benzene is 5.48°C, and K; (Henry's freezing constant) is 5.12 °C/m. Calculate the molar mass of the unknown compound? (a) 9.20 x 10° g/mol (b) 8.85 x 10? g/mol (© 4.72.x10! g/mol (d) 2.96 x 10' g/mol (©) 1.10.x 10? gimol 46. A sample consisting of C2 (g) and CO2 (s) at equilibrium at -78°C and 1 atm pressure is heated to ~30°C, and the pressure is increased to 8 atm, Based on the phase diagram below, what will happen? =7e -shC oC Tempraee At equilibrium, only CO2 (g) will be 48, The melting point of MgO i» higher than het 49, ‘of NaF, Explanations for this observation include which of the following’? 1. Mg is more positively charged than Net Ii. OF is more negatively charged than f HL. The OF ions is smaller than F hon. (a) Uonly (b) If and Ill only (e) 1 Hand 1 (4) 1 and 1 only (©) Tand ffl only On 4 mountaintop, it is observed that ww boils at 90°C phenon mountaintop not at 100°C as at sew level. Th mh oceurs because on the (a) Equilibrium water vapor p due to the higher atmosph (b) Equilibrium water vapor Equilibrium water vapor the atmospheric pres temperature (©) due to the bi worphenc (d) Water molecules have a hig Kinetic energy due atmospher (©) Water cox pressure ns a greater conce areas ODNONERWON=* DOOMUMS>SOMDOFODBOPYMFMAIMOO>MAMDOOVOOUMOMBOMoamM>SFrOBOYD

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