Sugar Ws fc1114

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Name: Date:

1. State the amount of energy provided by one gram of sugar.


2. List the three elements that make up a carbohydrate.


ii) OXygen

iii) Hydrogen

3. Name a sugar that is made up of one sugar unit.


4. Name the two monosaccharides that make up sucrose.

glucose and fructose

5. Name the two types of crop sugar is grown as.

sugar cane and sugar beet

6. Describe the main differences between sugar cane and sugar beet. Think about
where they are grown, and at what time of the year, and how they are used in the UK.

sugar cane grows in hot places like the tropics and is harvested during their dry season,
while sugar beet grows in cooler places like the UK and is harvested in the autumn. Both
are used to make sugar, but sugar cane is mainly imported, while sugar beet is grown
locally in the UK.

7. Describe the process of making sugar from sugar beet.

Sugar is made from sugar beet by cleaning, chopping, and soaking the beets to extract
their sugar. The sugar is concentrated by boiling the liquid and letting it cool to form
crystals. These crystals are separated, dried, and turned into the granulated sugar we
use in cooking and baking.

8. Give three examples of products that can be made from sugar.

i) Sweets

ii) Chocolate

iii) Bread

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