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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

19 December 2023 CHRISTMAS NOVENA ă Fourth Day Year B

Putting Our Trust in God

O n this fourth day of our Novena we are reminded
that, occasionally, God challenges people to
trust Him even when He plans to do “impossible
things.” The episode of the disbelief of Zechariah warns
us that those who doubt God’s word will be left to witness,
ashamed and speechless, the fulfillment of the divine plan.
On the other hand, those who accept God’s plan in full
trust and are ready to cooperate become His partners and
instruments of His love and power.
Today’s liturgy challenges us to choose between being
spectators of God’s wonders or His enthusiastic collabora-
tors along the highway of salvation history.
In today’s liturgy we are also invited to reflect on and
pray for the elderly and the childless “titas” in our fami-
lies. Their happiness depends so much on how we treat them.

God’s family on this fourth ing life.

day of our Novena, with con- All – Amen!
fidence let us ask the Lord’s
Entrance Antiphon forgiveness and strength. Gloria
(To be recited only when no Entrance (Pause) All–Glory to God in the
Hymn is sung.) P –For the times we have highest, and on earth peace
He who is to come will come doubted the power of to people of good will. We
and will not delay, and now your word, Lord, have praise you, we bless you, we
there will be no fear within our mercy! adore you, we glorify you, we
land, for he is our Savior. All –Lord, have mercy! give you thanks for your great
P –For the times we have glory, Lord God, heavenly
Greeting doubted the depth and King, O God, almighty
P – In the name of the Fa- sincerity of your love, Father.
ther, and of the Son, and of the Christ, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only
Holy Spirit! All –Christ, have mercy! Begotten Son, Lord God,
All –Amen! Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
P –Blessed be the Lord, our P –For the times we have ther, you take away the sins
God, the source of all life doubted the wisdom of of the world, have mercy on
and hope. May His grace and your plans for us, Lord, us; you take away the sins of
peace be with you all. have mercy! the world, receive our prayer;
All – And with your spirit! All –Lord, have mercy! you are seated at the right
P –May almighty God have hand of the Father, have mer-
Penitential Act mercy on us, forgive us our cy on us. For you alone are
P –Coming together as sins and bring us to everlast- the Holy One, you alone are

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the Lord, you alone are the son. So take neither wine nor the Messiah. The announce-
Most High, Jesus Christ, with strong drink, and eat noth- ment to Zechariah foreshad-
the Holy Spirit, in the glory of ing unclean. For the boy shall ows the Annunciation which
God the Father. Amen! be consecrated to God from Mary will receive in Nazareth.
the womb, until the day of his
death.’ ” P –The Lord be with you!
Collect (Opening Prayer) The woman bore a son and All – And with your spirit!
P –O God, who through the named him Samson. The boy P –A proclamation from the
child-bearing of the holy Vir- grew up and the Lord blessed
him. The Spirit of the Lord holy Gospel according
gin graciously revealed the stirred him. to Luke
radiance of your glory to the All – Glory to you, O Lord!
world, grant, we pray, that The Word of the Lord!
we may venerate with integ- All – Thanks be to God! In the days of Herod, King
rity of faith the mystery of so of Judea, there was a priest
wondrous an Incarnation and Responsorial Psalm Ps 71 named Zechariah of the
always celebrate it with due priestly division of Abijah; his
R – My mouth shall be filled wife was from the daughters of
reverence. with your praise, and I will
Aaron, and her name was Eliz-
Through our Lord Jesus sing your glory!
abeth. Both were righteous in
Christ, your Son, who lives the eyes of God, observing all
R. M. Velez
and reigns with you in the the commandments and or-
unity of the Holy Spirit, God, F Dm dinances of the Lord blame-
  
   
for ever and ever.
All – Amen!
 lessly. But they had no child,
because Elizabeth was barren
My mouth shall be filled with your and both were advanced in
C C7 F Once when he was serving

      
 as priest in his division’s turn
before God, according to the
1st Reading Jgs 13:2-7.24-25 praise, and I will sing your glo---ry! practice of the priestly service,
The extraordinary concep- he was chosen by lot to enter
tion of Samson by a barren the sanctuary of the Lord to
woman foreshadows the con- * Be my rock of refuge, a
stronghold to give me safety, burn incense. Then, when the
ception of John the Baptist by whole assembly of the people
the elderly, barren Elizabeth. for you are my rock and my
fortress. O my God, rescue me was praying outside at the
R –A proclamation from the from the hand of the wicked. hour of the incense offering,
Book of Judges R. the angel of the Lord appeared
to him, standing at the right of
There was a certain man * For you are my hope, O the altar of incense. Zechariah
from Zorah, of the clan of Lord; my trust, O God, from was troubled by what he saw,
the Danites, whose name was my youth. On you I depend and fear came upon him.
Manoah. His wife was barren from birth; from my mother’s But the angel said to him,
and had borne no children. An womb you are my strength. R. “Do not be afraid, Zechariah,
angel of the Lord appeared to because your prayer has been
the woman and said to her, * I will treat of the mighty heard. Your wife Elizabeth
“Though you are barren and works of the Lord; O God, I will bear you a son, and you
have had no children, yet you will tell of your singular jus- shall name him John. And you
will conceive and bear a son. tice. O God, you have taught will have joy and gladness, and
Now, then, be careful to take me from my youth, and till the many will rejoice at his birth,
no wine or strong drink and to present I proclaim your won- for he will be great in the sight
eat nothing unclean. As for the drous deeds. R. of the Lord. He will drink nei-
son you will conceive and bear, ther wine nor strong drink.
no razor shall touch his head, Gospel Acclamation He will be filled with the Holy
for this boy is to be consecrat- Spirit even from his mother’s
All –Alleluia! Alleluia! womb, and he will turn many
ed to God from the womb. It is O, Root of Jesse’s stem,
he who will begin the deliver- of the children of Israel to the
sign of God’s love for all Lord their God. He will go be-
ance of Israel from the power his people: Come to save
of the Philistines.” fore him in the spirit and pow-
us without delay! er of Elijah to turn the hearts
The woman went and told Alleluia! Alleluia!
her husband, “A man of God of fathers toward children and
came to me; he had the ap- the disobedient to the under-
Gospel Lk 1:5-25 standing of the righteous, to
pearance of an angel of God, The conception of John the
terrible indeed. I did not ask prepare a people fit for the
him where he came from, Baptist is an important step in Lord.”
nor did he tell me his name. the fulfillment of God’s plan, Then Zechariah said to the
But he said to me, ‘You will for John’s mission will be so angel, “How shall I know this?
be with child and will bear a closely associated with that of For I am an old man, and my

19 December 2023
wife is advanced in years.” raise them according to God’s All –It is right and just!
And the angel said to him in will. Let us pray! P –It is truly right and just,
reply, “I am Gabriel, who R.
stand before God. I was sent to our duty and our salvation,
speak to you and to announce C –For the elderly in our always and everywhere to
to you this good news. But now families and our community: give you thanks, Lord, holy
you will be speechless and un- May they continue to offer Father, almighty and eternal
able to talk until the day these their contribution of wisdom God, through Christ our Lord.
things take place, because and prayer and never doubt For all the oracles of the
you did not believe my words, God’s special love for them. prophets foretold him, the
which will be fulfilled at their Let us pray! R. Virgin Mother longed for him
proper time.”
C –For the couples who can- with love beyond all telling,
Meanwhile the people John the Baptist sang of his
were waiting for Zechariah not have children: May they
consider the possibility of coming and proclaimed his
and were amazed that he presence when he came.
stayed so long in the sanctu- adopting some of the thou-
sands of babies who have It is by his gift that already
ary. But when he came out, we rejoice at the mystery of
he was unable to speak to been rejected by their parents.
them, and they realized that Let us pray! R. his Nativity, so that he may
he had seen a vision in the find us watchful in prayer and
C –For all persons with dis- exultant in his praise.
sanctuary. He was gesturing abilities: may they be at the
to them but remained mute. And so, with Angels and
Then, when his days of minis- center of the world’s atten- Archangels, with Thrones and
try were completed, he went tion and that they may find Dominions, and with all the
home. institutions to help them. Let hosts and Powers of heaven,
After this time his wife us pray! R. we sing the hymn of your glo-
Elizabeth conceived, and she P –Open our hearts, Lord, to ry, as without end we acclaim:
went into seclusion for five receive Your Word with faith All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
months, saying, “So has the and generosity, always mind- God of hosts. Heaven and
Lord done for me at a time ful that You want our good earth are full of your glory.
when he has seen fit to take and that nothing is impossible Hosanna in the highest!
away my disgrace before oth- to You. We ask this through Blessed is he who comes in
ers.” Christ our Lord. the name of the Lord. Hosan-
All –Amen! na in the highest!
The Gospel of the Lord!
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Christ! Memorial Acclamation
P –The mystery of faith!
Homily All – When we eat this Bread
and drink this Cup, we
Preparation of the Gifts proclaim your Death, O
Prayer of the Faithful
P –Pray, brethren . . . Lord, until you come again!
P –Encouraged by the inter- All – May the Lord accept the
est of the Lord in our good, let sacrifice at your hands, for the
us present to Him our humble praise and glory of his name,
supplications as we say to- for our good and the good of
gether: all his holy Church.
All – Our Father . . .
All – Almighty God, we trust in P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
You! Prayer over the Offerings
All – For the kingdom, the
P –Look with favor, we power, and the glory are
C –For all believers through- pray, O Lord, on the offer-
out the world: May they re- yours, now and for ever.
ings we lay upon your altars,
ceive the Word of God with that what we bring despite our
humble faith and live it out in Sign of Peace
weakness may be sanctified
their lives. Let us pray! R. by your power. Breaking of the Bread
C –For the Holy Father and Through Christ our Lord.
all other religious and civil All – Amen! All – Lamb of God, you take
leaders: May their example of away the sins of world: have
dedication, honesty, and gen- Preface of Advent II mercy on us. (2x)
erous service to their commu- Lamb of God, you take
nities be an inspiration to all. P –The Lord be with you! away the sins of the world:
All –And with your spirit! grant us peace.
Let us pray! R. P –Lift up your hearts!
C –For all parents, teachers, All –We lift them up to the Communion
and catechists: May they see Lord!
in all children as many pre- P –Let us give thanks to the P –Behold the Lamb of God,
cious gifts from the Lord and Lord our God! behold him who takes away the
Christmas Novena – Fourth Day
sins of the world. Blessed are ly arouse in us, we pray, the with respect and care for
those called to the Supper of desire for those yet to come, the elderly.
the Lamb. that we may welcome the Na- All –Amen!
All – Lord, I am not worthy tivity of our Savior and honor
that you should enter under P –May He strengthen your
it with minds made pure. faith in Him.
my roof, but only say the word Through Christ our Lord.
and my soul shall be healed. All –Amen!
All – Amen!
P –May He make you joyful
Communion Antiphon in hope and untiring in love
(To be recited only when no
Communion Hymn is sung.) all the days of your life.
All –Amen!
The Dawn from on high
will visit us, guiding our feet in P – May almighty God bless
the way of peace. P –The Lord be with you. you: the Father, and the
All – And with your spirit! Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer after Communion P –Bow your heads and All – Amen!
P –As we give thanks, al- pray for God’s blessing. P –Go in peace glorifying
mighty God, for these gifts (Pause) the Lord by your life.
you have bestowed, gracious- –May the Lord fill you All – Thanks be to God!


Kalakbay at Katoto

T he gathering in churches and other places of worship during Simbang Gabi is a study on
Filipino culture of acceptance and tolerance, at the very least, and on respect and rever-
ence for beloved elders ( tos, tas, lolos and lolas). We Fiipinos value rela onships so much that
anyone one looks up to in some way is referred to by endearing terms like ate, kuya, tol, Ɵto, Ɵta,
or lolo and lola. Just look at us during this SG Mass. We are a motley congrega on of young ones,
and the not-so-young-ones – the group that now is a li le comically called tanders!
I think today’s liturgy is some kind of cau onary tale. It simply reminds us to go easy on cancel-
ing out tanders! Manoah and his wife were not exactly ancient, but the woman was barren. As
such, she was a perfect candidate for the Old Testament version of the cancel culture. She was
not taken too seriously and even looked down on.

Zechariah was more honest and straigh orward about his being “old” and his wife Elizabeth be-
ing “advanced in years.”

No ma er! The Lord had set His sights on Manoah and his wife, and on Zechariah and Elizabeth.
There is hope even for those whom the world is all too eager to write off and cancel out. There is
hope for those who are ready to believe and behave according to what they believe.

Tiwala lang tayo mga tanders! (That includes me!) Tiwala din lang tayo mga Ɵnikis ng tadhana
at siniphayo ng kasaysayan! In our Pinoy culture, you all count. In today’s liturgy and in God’s
eyes, we all ma er!

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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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