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Written by: Dela Cruz, Maria Rosselle, C.

Bias and prejudice, two pervasive elements in human interactions, have long been subjects
of introspection and societal concern. As I reflect on my own experiences, I am compelled to
confront the uncomfortable reality that bias has, at times, influenced my thoughts and actions. The
subtlety with which bias creeps into our minds, often unnoticed, is a testament to the deeply
ingrained nature of these tendencies. Whether it's based on race, gender, or even personal
experiences, bias has the potential to cloud our judgment and hinder our ability to engage with the
world objectively. Acknowledging this inherent flaw in our thinking is the first step towards fostering
a more inclusive and open-minded perspective.

In various instances throughout my life, I've recognized instances of bias manifesting in my thoughts
and behavior. It's crucial to understand that bias isn't always overt; it can be subtle and insidious,
lurking beneath the surface of seemingly rational decisions. One notable example was when I found
myself making assumptions about someone's abilities based on their social status. It was a stark
reminder of the stereotypes deeply embedded in societal narratives. Reflecting on such moments,
I've come to appreciate the importance of actively challenging these preconceived notions. It
requires a conscious effort to unlearn ingrained biases and approach situations with a fresh,
unbiased perspective. Engaging in conversations that challenge my assumptions and seeking out
diverse perspectives has been instrumental in broadening my understanding and dismantling these

Moreover, I've observed the impact of systemic prejudices that permeate various aspects of society.
Recognizing my privilege and understanding the role it plays in perpetuating systemic biases has
been an eye-opening journey. It's essential to acknowledge the structural inequalities that exist and
work towards dismantling them. This involves not only confronting personal biases but actively
participating in initiatives that promote equality and justice. By being an ally and amplifying
marginalized voices, we contribute to creating a more equitable and inclusive world.

In conclusion, the reflection on bias and prejudice serves as a continual process of self-discovery and
growth. Acknowledging personal biases is not an admission of failure but a commitment to evolving
beyond them. It requires humility, introspection, and a willingness to engage in uncomfortable
conversations. The journey towards overcoming bias is ongoing, demanding a constant reevaluation
of perspectives and a dedication to fostering a more inclusive mindset. By embracing diversity and
confronting prejudices, both individual and systemic, we pave the way for a society that values every
individual, irrespective of their background or identity.

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