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Theory of Structures jpseid to be in equilibrium if danoves horizontally jemoves vertically fpimaates about its C.G. me ofthese jinH and 2V are the algebraic sums of the forces re- tally and vertically respectively, and 2M is the () EV=0 (@) all the above. iP Fig. 21.1. aamesve stress, (6) tensile stress —" @ none of these. frees acting normally on the cross section of bar 21.2 introduce 21.6. Stress may be defined as (a) force per unit length (6) force per unit volume (© force per unit area (d) none of these. 21,7, Stress may be expressed in Newtons (@per millimetre square (Nimm') (b) per centimetre square (Nlem’) (©per metre square (N/m*) (@none of these. 21,8. A material is said to be perfectly elasti if (@ it regains its original shape on removal of the load (®)it regains its original shape partially on removal of the load (it does not regain its original shape at all (@none of these. 21.9, A road of uniform cross-section a and length Z is de formed by 6, when subjected to a normal force P. The Young's ‘Modulus Hof the material, is ® B= 21.10, At yield point of test piece, the material (@) obeys Hooke (@) behaves in an elastic manier (© regains its original shape on removal ofthe load (@ undergoes plastic deformation, 1.11. The ratio of lateral strain to axial strain of a homoge ‘neous material, is known ae (@) Yield ratio. (©) Hooke's ratio (oPoisson’s ratio) Plastic ratio, ‘and A, are the cross sections of bronze and copper 2a. and A oe or tir steve rete due bars of PtP, and Pave the loads shared by them, © P=P+Pe (9 P= Ay os-+A: 08 (0) all the above oP pee eae this a eee opiates a. ammmie rere 783 ci 3000 mm?. These are subjected to a compressive load 100,000 N. If E, = 0.2 MN/mm® and By = 0.1 MNimm’, the stresses developed are: Nimm’, 0, Nimm®, o, = 12 Nimm* Nimm?, 6,=10N/mm*, 21.14, Ifa concrete column 200 x 200 mm in cross-section is reinforced with four steel bars of 1200 mm’ total cross-section- al area, Calculate the safe load for the column if permissible stress in concrete is 5 Nimm* and E, is 15 E, (@) 264 MN () 274MN (©) 284 MN @ 294MN (© None of these, 21.15, Two bars, one of steel and the other of copper having areas of cross-sections A, and A,, coefficient of expansion a, and a, and Young's Moduli E, and E, are rigidly connected ‘together at the ends and subjected to temperature change of @. If the length of the bars initially is L, the final extension d ofthe two bars a temperature given by wy GEA B AD ease ae es (aB-A, +0,E,A,) ()S=Lt+ EA.-E,A, ose tr MEAT EA) Cee ee = tax OcBcAc +0,ByA,) @s=Lt RAR An 21.16. ezal rod of sectional area 250 sq, mim connects two parallel walls 5 m apart. The nuts at the ends were tightened ‘when the rod was heated to 100°C. Ifdujat= 0,000012/C", Ea, 2.MN/mm*, the tensile force developed at a temperature | of 50°C, is (@)80 Nim? (®) 100 Nimm? (120 Nimm* @ 150. Nimm?, 21.17, The ratio of shear stress and shear strain of an elastic material is (@) Modulus of Rigidity (b) Shear Modulus (© Young's Modulus (@) Modulus of Elasticit (both () and () ‘s 21.18. A load of 1960 N is raised at the ond of a steel wi ‘The minimum diameter of the wire so that stress in the cre, docs not exceed 100 Ninm#ig: 7 tn stest in the wire (@) 40mm (015.0 mm ©) 45mm © 5.5. mm. (6.0mm, 21.19, The normal component ofa force inclined througn is obtained by multiplying the force by a ftzoteh (@sin8 () cos 8 (tan (@) sin 0.608 9 (sin? 0. 21,20, The tangential component of stress onan Orta the direction ofthe farce; tay be obtaines eeee mened @sin® (®) cos 9 © ea @ sin® cosg (sin? 8. 21.21. The ratio of tangential and normal stress on an inclined plane through 8° to the qoute, force, is Aleta i (@sin® © cos (tan @ @ cos6 seco. 21.22, The normal and tangential components f an inclined plane through 6° tothe direction otha on™ be equal if 0 is Mi (45° © 30° (60° @ 90°, 21.23. Ifthe normal stresses due to longitudinal and tng verse loads on a bar are oj and o; respectively the tana component of the stress on an inclined plane through longitudinal load is (a); sin 8 + 02 60s 0 ((c,-09) 282 (© 0, sin 64 o* costg @ (+0) 2% 21.24. If normal stresses due to longitudinal and transnm Joads on a bar are | and s, respectively, the normal compoox: of the stress on an inclined plane Oto the ongtuinal nts @o1 sin 8 Xcycos® () o, sin +o! as" Ol=oF BB @ ,+0p 21.25. The locus of the end point of the resultant of the ut ‘mal and tangential components of the stress onan plane, is (@)circle (ellipse (©) parabola (@) straight line 21.26. Principal planes are subjected to (@ normal stresses only ©) tangential stresses only (normal stresses as well as tangential sts" _ (@)none of these. xt 21.27. A steel bar § m x 50 mm is loaded with 2900075 pie modulus of elasticity of the material is 0.2 MNF Poisson's ratio is 0.25, the change in the volume oft (a) 1.125 em! (© 2.125 em? ©3125 om? @ 4125 em". ii 21.28, Ife, N, K and tm are modulus of elas i of igiity. Blk modulus and Poison ratio of 1¢ following. relationship holds good (o wax (12) sinz0 my 2 EH ox(a 4 mn aaa the normal stress by bemuldpiying | rr 3 © 2K-2/m=n(1+ (AN the above, \d having its area of, i AE cr08s-sectio set ally applied tensile load W. The strait, foe Me bar is WL ) aA WL (d) ——. 2AE ofthe stresses produced by a suddenly applied real ‘applied load on a bar, is () 2 La @2 te, wi “pain oneray due to volumetric strain gray proportional to the volume panel proportional to the square of exerted pres. trans. "ae ential versely proportional to Bulk modulus Br the artesdore ciel which obeys Hook's law, is subjected to direct Y Altselastic limit, the following statement is true, sein is equal to 0 sverse E foo ‘sinam shear st es Sean energy = 4. x volume 2B op ier drain energy = 52 34 volume en Alte above, sr may ali pe Principal stress exceeds the direct stress hi “sium strain exceeds ee pe “Ss shear stress excoeds. 9 4 joo tt | “!srin energy exceeds 4. x volume oto ay, a pare? a, esove fect stain theory forthe failure of material at Sent Kbown as moot (Venn mau theory paver (@ Haig’s theory (@ Haig’s theory @) Guest's or ‘Trecas’ theory, St. ‘Venant's ‘theory ©: Rankine’s. theory (©) Von Mises's theory, (@ Guest's or Trecas’ (6) St. Venant’s Seay a (© Rankine’s theory, (@) Von Mises’s ‘theory. 21.38, Shear strain. ‘the sin energy theory fer th allure of materia! Atlas nde te ne amaira (@ Haig’s theory (@ Haig’s theory (@ Rankine (®) Guest or Trecas (St. Venant @ Haig (© Von Mise: 21.38, Gradually applied static loads do not change with ime \eir (@) magnitude @) direction (©) point of application (d) all the above. 21.40. The 8.F. diagram of a loaded beam shown in Fig. 21.4 is that of wl Fig. 21.4 (qa simply supported beam with isolated central load (@)a simply supported beam with uniformly distributed Toad (c)a cantilever with an isolated load at the free end (@) a cantilever with a uniformly distributed load. 91.41.'The maximum bending moment for a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load w/unit length, is ae wit ow ow ult wie oo es 11:49, Asimply supported beam cartes n varying Load from 2 simpy pert th other end I the length ofthe 20 aon geforce wl be zero at distance from Toast loaded point whereis oF OF a3 OF os supported beam earries varying load from zero 21.49. A simply aie sther end. If the length of the beam ve end and w'at theo : at ong en pa being moment vil be On os wa @ em. om on yee i e “eee iepal stress theory for the failure of Point, is known 786 21.44, A simply supported beam which carries a uniformly Feclbcted tha two equal overhangs, have hit BAM. produced in the beam least possible, the ratio of the length of the overhang to the total length of the beam, is © (@) 0.207 (®) 0.307 (0.407 (@ 0.8508, 21.45, Pick up the correct statement from the following : (@ For a uniformly distributed load, the shear force varies linearly, (For a uniformly distributed load, B.M. curve is a parabola (©) For a load varying linearly, the shear force curve is parabola (@ Fora load varying linearly, the BM. curve is 4 cubic parabola (All the above, 21.46. The point of contraffoxure is the point where (@)BM. changes sign (6) BM. is maximum (BM. isminimum (d) S\F. iszero, 2147 The ara xsi fhe Mf eamtteath FE teen cain (@) a uniformly distributed load w/unit length (0)a load varying linearly from zero at one end to w at Seater (©)an isolated load at mid span (@none of these, 21.48. By applying the static equations i.e. ZH = 0, BV = 0 and EM=0, to.a determinate structure, we may determine (@) supporting reactions only (®) shear forces only (bending moments only (@ internal forces only (all the above. 21.49, From the struc | determinate structure tures shown in Fig, 21.5, pick up the @ o ° 2 ih Fie a ° | 2 A ° pear . Hee Sate ge eee Fi.21 (@allthe above, 79715 21.50. Pick up the indetarminate stn 2150.0 ture from those shown 2 C8 oa 4 | LH 0 ® ym i) i) Fig. 21.6, (@ figure (9. (©) figure (iy (© figure (id ©) figure (iy, 21.51. The reaction for the support b of. es 8 compoun wn in Fig. 21.7, is — Joaded as shown in Tig. 2 40 cm aut Sen—h senap Fg. 217. (©) 10,000, @ 15,000 (@)5000N (©)1250N (©1750, 21.52. The BM. at the hinge ¢ of the loaded beam tht Fig. 2.7 is @ maximum © zero (© 25000 Nin (@ 5000 Nm. 21.58. IfM, I, R,E,F, and Yare the bending momen. se of inertia, radius of curvature, modulus of elasticitysist the depth of the neutral axis at section, then F 216 totk 216, wT 2169 21.64, At any point of a beam, the section mod ; obtained by dividing the moment of inertia of the (a) depth of the section (© depth of the neutral axis sa () maximum tensile stress atthe se (@) maximum compressive stress at the ee (none of these. 21.65; The assumption in the theory of bendiné (a) material is homogeneous (6) material is isotropic es (Young's modulus is same in tension compression (@ each layer is independent to expand" (€)all the above, 7.56. The moment of inertia of a rectaneul Band depth D about an axis psig Oe tote width ig 7 on One Pane (@ BD é pbs wos wf 4 sion ee BD OG CL — sent of inertia of @ CiTCUTRE Section about any ie i Dit ve oa 0g 32. a Es @ 2 64 Ho of tbe ection modulus of a square section of 38% ft of circular section of diameter d, is | i 3x Bs OF wb ® Om a ufandIyare the moments ofinertia ofa section about 2 ys the polar moment of inertia ofthe section, is Ig-] ae & 05 il, Oar Z, ltly @ eae nit Incase of principal axes of a section (@)sum of moment of inertia is zero (illerence of moment inertia is zero (@product of moment of inertia is zero (Gone ofthese. ‘Theloeus of the moment of inertia about inclined axes se prcipal axis, is, (Oseight Line (®) parabola (@cirle @ ellipse. Theradius of gyration of a section of area a and least ‘sata{inertia [about the centroidal axis, is ot epee tt ;etedius of gyration of a rectangular section (depth ) ‘fom a eentroidal axis parallel to the width is oF D. hay O ae : “oes gato inertia ofa triangular section (height ita baa, ate @ w Bh be Ney? @ oh. Th rc : “night of moments of inertia ofa triangular section la 1g" about a centroidal axis parallel to its ase, is {029 @15 @25 | yt Wo a rongest, ‘rectangu lar bes ™Sootthe width and depth ie ext from a cireular (@) 0.303, (6) 0.404 (©)0.605 @ 0.606 (© 0.707. 21.67. For beams of uniform strength, if depth is constant, (@) width 6 « flexural rigidity being Ef, is ‘ wa? wi? " (q) WE Wis © oer © sar wa? wo ow we 2 © caer © [ear x pany The ratio of the maximum deflections ofa simrh SS fey Ported beam with a centéal load Wand ofa eantileet Tength and with a load Wat its free end, is @us @ 10 a @in2 @ via a one. 21.88. A simply ted eam A cariosapointletlt, FE. <8. A simply supported beam A carries @ A midspan. An other identical beam B carries the sae oft um maxiealy distributed over the entire span. The ‘maximum deflections of the beams A and B, will @23 ©) 32 Oss (@ 86 36, be & 139 \ Ton avcantilever of length 2m and depth 106 p38 Pian from a width 24cm tozero; ‘elasticity of the material i ene ticity of the material is 0: he its free end TFB? 4108 N/m end, is © 8mm enon) © 6mm, tel jist is simply supported at its ends an. 4 3am ly distributed load which causes a maxims jaan an slope at the ends of 0.002 radian, The be joist wall be ws as shee pais a vei @ 12m (dygl6 ma © 18m. upported rolled steel joist 8 m long carries a ated load over it span so that the maximum is 75 Nimm’. Ifthe slope at the ends is 0.005 value of €= 0.210" Nimm®, the depth of the (®) 250 mm ned @ 360mm (400mm. soni supported uniform rectangular bar breadth Ps jan length Z, Carries an isolated load W at its i. The same bar experiences'an extension ¢ under [eo oad. The ratio of the maximum deflection to ic: @). a @ gy. {Terao ofthe length and diameter ofa simply sup- ora stealer beam which experiences maximim jas tual to tensile strens due to came load at te @ 14 @1. 1 bars cee ae i, an intersecting at a point. Slag Fe the members of two individual simple ind tse, ‘The compound truss will berigid m+ms>+1 ® m, + m+ 3. @ 21.99. The forces ir nusses, may be analysed 9 2? the members of simple trusses, may (@) graphical method (4) method of joints (©) method of sections (cd) all the above. 21.100. In the a 21.100 In the truss showin Fig. 2.8, the farce in memb Fig. 21.8. (@) 100 t compressive (6) 100 ¢ ter (zero @ indeterminate, 21,101. In the truss shown in Fig. 21.8, the force in member DCis (@)100t compressive (6) 100 tensile (© zero @ indeterminate. 21,102, In the truss shown in Fig, 21.8, the force in member BDis (@) 100 tcompressive (2) 100 tensile (zero @ indeterminate, 21,103. For determining the force in the member AB of the truss shown in Fig, 21,9 by method of sections, the section is ‘made to pass through AB, AD and ED and the moments are taken about Fig. 21.9. @joinee (& joint b joined (@) joint a. 21,104, In the truss (Fig. 21.10), the force in the member ACis Ton Fig 21.10 pressive (0) 8.75 ¢ tensile - (0) 6.26 tc 8.75 8.15. tensile (“Jy sompressive, . OF ST a 21,105. To determine the force in BD Fig. 21.10, a section is passed through BD, the moments are taken about @ajoint () b joint. @cjoint @ djoint. 21,106. The force in AC of the truss shown in Fig. 21.11, is 5 F ae Bars of em ‘tices eee Fig.21.1 (@) 5t tension: (®) 4t tension (©) 4t compression: (d) 5t compression (©) None of these. 21.107. The forve in EC of the truss shown in Fig, 21.11, is (@xer0 © 6t tension (© Stcompression _(¢) 4t tension (© None of these, 21.108. The force in BC of the truss shown in Fig. 21.11, is (@)4ttension ® 4t compression (©5t tension (@ 5t compression, 21.109, The force in BF of the truss shown in Fig, 21.11, is (a) 4t tension (®) 4t compression (©)4.5t tension (@) 4.5¢ compression zero. 21.110, The force in AD of the truss shown in Fig, 21.11, is (@)4.0t compression (6) 8,0! compression (©0.8t compression (4) 0.5¢ tension ©) zero. 21.111, The foree in CD of the truss shown in Fig. 21.1, is (@)8t compression (6) 3¢ tension © zero (@) 1.6¢ compression (©1.5¢ tension. 21,112. The force in BC of the truss shown in Fig. 21.12, is a Fig. 21.12, (@3.0t compression av © 33 tension (©) 8.0¢ tension 2 compression (©) None of these. —— of the truss shown in | 21.113.'The degree of indeterminacy of the CD and CE, and frame Pp 0 Fez 4 a Fig. 21.13, (@) zero 1 @2 @3. 114. The degree of indeterminacy oft a 21. legr cv ofthe frome gag, Fig. 21.14. @1 2 ©@3 (d) zero. z 21.115. Inthe cable shown in Fig. 21.15, the minimum tenic occurs at 21, Fig, 21.15. @A OB @c (@ between A and C (© between Band C, 21.116. Ina shaft, the shear stress is not directly promi to (@) radius of the shaft (6) angle oftwist (length of the shaft (d) modulus of rigid 21.117, Pick up the incorrect statement from te fet ‘The torsional resistance of a shat is directly (@) modulus of rigidity @)angle of twist (©) reciprocal of the length of the shaft (moment of inertia ofthe shaft seco, Fa, 21,118. If D and d are external and internal dam, cireular shaft respectively, its polar moment of Zips. tpt-d9 @ 0a © S02) © ao ~d‘) @ xor-e oo aE 21,119. 4 shaft rotating N.R.M. under a torave 7 Ma, A power ; @aeys TEN m/mit ( @ Fo” Nmisec © ea } OF Nmmin gy BM wait Pg 400 2 - 00 O18 tof golid shaft (diameter 20 cm, Ie ‘ ‘Nimm*) when subjected to a um sear seess of 60 Nimm*, the angle of (®) 0.002 (@ 0.003 saaibe shear stress , the torque transmit eT eraeter dnd wall ictogar it =D ) 2, © Be, wit qatth Oates _qpstabjectedtoa bending moment Mand a torque Pees : 32M pour ending stress = ——y- jnmimum shear stres jjintd(a)and (6) (d) neither (a) nor (b), ssh issubjected to bending moment Mand a torque -sinusly. The ratio of the maximum bending stre imum sheer stress developed in the shaft, u 7 My Once bir 4 ar Oo Or 4 Pick up the correct statement from the following : (iTbebending moment which when acting alone would ‘duce the maximum stress equal to the major prin- Caalstess caused by combined bending and torsion, ‘talled equivalent bending moment Sy= (IMF) where letters carry thetr usual einnge \il,= \m@ +r where letters carry their usual mean- ‘WTtrque which when acting alone would produce an shear stress equal to the maximum shear inqcg ed by the combined bending ‘and torsion, ote gaan toe Ne igen energy stored per unit volume in hollow vee 94 Bute torque when f attains meximm hee gle: the ratio of nner diameter 9 outer (6) 8 ous @ U6. ‘© correct statement from the following atin spiral form, scaled belies #Pring i Uae gel of close coil spring, is Very 8 P a ange pty the col with oszontal: led ie ie a 40 "gc 02t Cll helical spring, the angle of hell 18 e ‘ng Petativety. ‘ates Sal “he shove, 21,127, Th We greatest load which a spring can carry without ‘getting Permanently distorted, is called 5 ()stiftne (6) prof resilience (© proof atrese @ proof load 21.128, The load on a spring per unit deflection, is called (2) stiftne (©) proof resilience (© proof stress @) proof load. 21.129, The strain ene strain energy stored in a spring when subjected ‘to greatest load without being permanently distorted, is called (0) stiiness (6) proof resilience (© proof stress @ proof load. 21.130. close coil helical spring of mean diameter Deonsists ‘fn coils of diameter D, Ifit carries an axial load W, the energy stored in the spring, is 4W*Dn 4W2D*n © AW EDEN: EN © "aw ewD'n awD'n @ bien aN Or EN where Nis the modulus of rigidity. 21,181, For the close coil helical spring of Q. 21.180, the max- imum defection is, WD'n 2WDin ue © EN Coane 4Ww2Din SWD'n ©- aN @ “aiwa (o SD aN 21.182. ‘The stiffness of the close coil helical spring of Q. 21.180, is a‘n an On ® ae 8D" ot Ora £21,188. A close coil helieal spring when subjected to a moment ix ‘Mibaving its axis along the axis oft (@ itis subjected to pure bending (@) its meen diameter will decrease {@ its number of eos will increase @all the above “Acpring ofmean zadius 40 mm contains 8 action coils au ere in of tee Utne cols being 1m when unloaded, the minimam et essive Toad to remove the clearanc, is @2N © 90N 35 @4N. 21.198. Flat spiral springs ; (a) consist of uniform thin strips {dyare supported at outer end {@ are wound by applying a toraue (Gyre used in clockwork mechanism (@all the above. v1 21.16 car- -ectangular column (b x d) shown in Fig. Se ane itance erm ts centre o gravity along the principal axis parallel to side b, It experiences 4 = by Fig. 21.16 @ an axial stress 4 (@a tensile stress 2 F at extreme fibre due to bending B, (©)a compressive stress 7 at extreme fibre due to compression. @combined stress FF vat a distancoy trom the axis of bending (All the above, 21.187. Pick up the correct statement from the following (@)The moment of inertia is calculated about the axis about which bending takes place (@)If tensile stress is les than axial stress, the section experiences compressive stress (IE tensile stress is equal to axial stress, the section experience i (If tensile stress is more than axial stress, some por. tion of the section experiences a tensile stress, @Allthe above, 21.198. A rectangular column shown in Fig, 21.17 earvies a load P having eccentricities e, and e, along X and Y axes. stress at any point (x, 9) is zy aaa D =o Fig. 21.17, te, =] PI, ey (0 ft at a @ Bp 21,189. A square column carries a load p. one of the quarters of the square. Ifa ig hie ce ont square, the combined bending stress wil bg @s © ® a @ 4 8P. 4P aie ne or ( 21,140. The area of the core of a column of er ( area, is 8 cn \ (@ 3A (©) v6.4 ( ua @ 1184. , 21.141. The ratio of the area of cross-section oecnagf section to the area of its core, is ( @4 @s 6 12 @ 16. ( 21.142. The eccentricity (e) of a hollow ereulacolams a : nal diameter 25 cm, internal diameter 15em{oraneenia 21.151 oad 100 ¢ for non-development of tension, one en) (2.75 em () 8.00em « (©3.50cm @ 4.25 0m ©5.0cm. 4 21,143. A short column (80 em x 20 cm) carries ali?’ 21.159 4m on one side and another load P, at Sem ontbeebs both th side along a principal section parallel to longer dns @ the extreme intensity on either side is same, the to P, will be « @23 @ 32 21.159, as @ 58. oben 21,144. Co-efficient of wind resistance of a circulant" @ @e2 @ 13 (2/3 @ 32. a © 21.145.4 masonry dam @ensity=20000Nm)EMS F215, ‘etre wide at the top and 4’m wide atthe base Mpa Fone en water face, The minimum stress at the base of ht the reservoir is full, will be 2 (75m? ( 150Nia (©7500 Nim? 0) OO a 21.148. Pick up the correct statement from th Ott (@) The structural member subjected to tei” and whose dimensions are small 85“ ail! is called a strut are Ca ()The vertical compression member ‘ mas columns or stanchions. 1.4 ,ieB™ (Deflection in lateral direction of * generally known as buckling (AN the above, 21-47. Slendemess ratio of along clue (@) area of or tion divided by area of eros tion c : peseaafomumn divided by least radius of gyration, al 1781 jp the equation for Euler's crippling load i t 2 gh te ends are fixed: (tte he end are hinged is ized and other end is free a otis fined end other ends hinged 42815 yo equation of Euler's crippling load it en he ends are hinged fixed and other end is free dis end is ixed and other end is hinged, (Gone end is #255 the equation of Euler's crippling load, if we ae the ends are fixed (both the ends are hinged (ne end i fixed and other end is free (@e ends fixed and other end is hinged. 51 The equivalent length of a column of length L having vsad fixed and the other end free, is (oa @®L ou as. iso Theequvalent lengths ofa column oflength L having sien Sed is tom OL (ila @ &. The equivalent length ofa column of length Z, having. fends hinged, is ou, oL : ae OF nat “tuvalent length ofa column of length Z, having ‘pau tnd other end hinged, is L LL (ue Be bss ny OF fio rippling loads of a column having both (a; "the column having both the ends hinged, is ag @2 ey, @4 hao Mating the allowable stress of long columns. tila n= (1 a or : = %2(1- a4) is known a8 CEA ne formule Rey eee formula “formula (@) Rankine's formula. ting the allowable stress of long columns ae 99 = 22| {1-4(2)] the omptel mal nown (@) Straight line formula (®) Parabolic formula (Perry's formula (d) Ranikine’s formula. 21.168, For calculating the permissible stress of long columns, $0 Ty aa7aF 8 the empirical formula, known as (4) Straight line formula (&) Parabolic formula (Perry's formula (d) Rankine's formula. 21.159. The equation of a parabolic arch of span {and rise hy, is given by @y-fea-2) Oy-Baa-9 — @ y-Fat-v. 21.160. The horizontal deflection of a parabolic curved beam of span 10 m and rise 8 m when loaded with a uniformly dis- tributed load 1 ¢ per horizontal length, is 50 100 © Fr Om 150 200 250 Om, OF, On, where J is the MI. at the crown, which varies as the slope of the arch. 21.161. A three hinged arch is generally hinged at its sup- ports and (a)at one quarter span (b) at the crown. (© any where in the rib (d) none of thet the left hand support, ofa three hinged arch of span 21 and rise h hinged at the crown, the horizontal reaction at the Wa Wa oF oe Wr 2h ot oF. 21,163, The vertical reaction for the arch of Q. 21.162, is Wa oe Quist @ fa Wa" ot @ _ For determining the support reactions at A and Bota 2 ree points Band Care ined and produced to thre ee load ine at Dand a line parallel tothe load line ante t t De Distances AD, DD’and AD’ when measured Caren 5 em and 5 cm respectively. The angle between the reactions at A and Bis oars (50° @ 90°. (060° ——<———— arch, (span 1, rise h) is 21.165, If three hinged parabolic arch, (span carrying a uniformly distributed load w/unit length over the entire span, - (@ horizontal thrust is w!"/8h (©) SF. will be zero throughout (BM. will be zero throughout (@all the above, 21.166, Pick up the correct statement for the three hinged parabolic arch shown in Fig. 21.18 LeNne /#-_—— 2m ——_4 Fig, 21.18. (@) The horizontal thrust is 6000 N (6) The slope at the loaded quarter points is tan” 1/2 (© The normal thrust is 1500 V5 N (@ The shear force is zero (All the above. 21.167. The maximum BM. due to an isolated load in a three ‘hinged parabolic arch, (span J, rise h) having one ofits hinges at the crown, occurs on either side of the crown at a distance 1 h f Oe @: + os os we we 21.168, The ratio of circumferential stress to the longitudinal stress in the walls ofa cylindrical shell, due to fowing liquid, is @12 @1 Or @2 21.169. Pick up the correct statement from the following (@) Hoop strain ofthe walls ofa cylinder due to liquid is Bt 2B 2m. (©) Longitudinal stee 21.170. Pik up the correct statement from the following (©) The point of intersection ofthe bending axis wivg he ion of the beam, is called shear centre (©) For I sections, the shear centre coincides with the centroid of the cross section of the beam (© For channels, the shear centre does not concide ite (@ Bending loads should to avoid twisting ©All the above, 21.171. Shear centre ofa half circular section, of constant thickness, lies at a distance of x ass through the shear centre of radius y and where x is @? ( af z = 3 @az. * * 21.172. A steel rod 1 metre long havir ng eau is pulled under a tensile Joad of 8 tonnes te © tg thorod was 1mm ony. IPB aai= 2 lsigne sting the rod, is nthe eg @1em © 150m (em @ 250m, 21.178. The deflection eurve forthe portal frame Fig. 21.19 is aT) P p Fs of 8 eat a A oat nat seni pe P- (a) (o) A 8 ‘A I P © @ A B 8 Fig, 21.19. a 31.174. A concentrated load Pis supported by theft 4 quadrantal ring AB whose end B is fixed. The ro vertical to horizontal deflections of the end A, @x @ 72 nla @ wih. 21.176, A three hinged arch of span { ands uniformly distributed load w per unit run &8 21.20. The horizontal thrust H, is wim a heart Sno oh wim Td L [Bt from the contre CCL Fig. 21.20, 2 2 @ we wi! oe oar 2 2 cee, why. ie" os edarch ofspan20mandrise5 misloadea < a ona ioe. Te horizontal thrust Hy, Eu | 20 Fig. 21.21 eh ®t time @ 126¢ (©) 1504, _gearotwo hinged semicireul&r arches 4, B and Shey and 10 m respectively and each caries a ji oad WW at their crowns, The horizontal thrust zat vil be in the ratio of emit) (@) 2:112:1 uta (@ none of these, 1s Tr horizontal thrust on the ends of a two hinged Sraer arch of radius R carrying igeunformly distributed load w per unit run over its ‘bt pan, in 8 2 (jevniformly distributed load w per unit run over ite caine spanie a3 UE Wadistributed load varying from zero at the left end ‘ow per unit horizontal run at the right end, is 2/3 ‘two hinged parabolic arch of span ! and rise h carrie i titefom zero at the left end to w pet unit run at ‘xd. The horizontal thrust is get a iii? ® a ge a aque he 16h - tus of reaction of a two hinged semi-circular ecg scene) parabola a saa, (@ hyperbola. ‘ “ic analysis, the shape factor for rectangular hg £ (15 @17 ©2394 @ 25, 21, 7 : iene a Plastic analysis, the shape factor for a circular @)15 Pate a iT, 21.184. Pick “up the correct statement from the following (@) Ina loaded beam, the moment at which the first yield Sccurs is called yield moment (1m loaded beam, the moment at which the entire section of the beam becomes fully plastic, is called plastic mome stage of the beam, the neutral axis divides the section in two sections of equal area (@ The ratio of plastic moment to the yield moment, is called shape factor (@All the above, 21.185, In case of a simply supported rectangular beam of span Land loaded with a central load W, the length of elasto-plastic zone of the plastic hinge, is @L2 @® Ls (us @ Us @Ls. 21,186. In case ofa simply supported I-section beam of span L ‘and loaded with a central load W, the length of elasto-plastic zone of the plastic hinge, is (@)L2 @ U8 Ls (@ U5 (none of these. 21,187, If @ is load factor, S is shape factor and Fis factor of Safety in elastic design, the following : (@Q=S+F © Q=8-F @Q=F-S @Q=SxF @Q=SF 21.188, The maximum height of masonry dam ofa triangular section whose base width is b and specific gravity , is @bvs @b.8 (ves @svb @+ 21,189: The yield moment of a cross section is defined as the ‘moment that will just produce the yield stress in (@ the outer most fibre of the section @ the inner most fibre of the section (6) the neutral fibre of the section (@)the fibre everywhere. 211190. ‘The shape factor of standard rolled beam section varies from. oc 1.10 to 1.20 (6) 1,20t0 1.30 (@)1.80t0 1.40 (@ 1.40 to 1.50. ‘ho simply upprted beatin azo made fhe same ed mre ofthe same cross section. Both beams carry materi aneributed lads of equal intensities, One beam i geil i the other i 4 long, The 2 Jong beam shows 2m lng a Sion of nm. What isthe central defection of 21.191. ‘the 4m long beam? 796 21,198. For the truss shown in 1 (@ 16mm (0) 2mm t ay ©8mm @ 1mm member PQ is: figure, the as (UPS.C. Engg. Services Exam. 2016) pe ig) Q 21.192. The shear force diagram ofa single overhanging beam 4 is shown in figure. One simple support is at end A. The total downward load acting on the beam is: 350N os siditdoea mora a (@800N @ 600N. F 21 (400 @ 200N ae OF info (U.P.S.C. Engg, Services Exam. 2018) © Var ()2F ¢ PSC. Engg. ServcesEnng | 22. Fo ANSWERS 1. @ rs oO oi @ a @) 4) 6 © 6 © 7 @) a} 1. © 12. @ 13. @ nes 4 . @) 1. ©) 15. @) ) 18. (c) 19. (@) 20. (e) a . 21. ©) 22. (a) 23. (c) Oo 6) 2e 2 Bee Gace aed aaah 2% @) 30. @) ad) ae, ee Pe o : © 37. (d) 38.) 39. @) SO in ae he pe te 3 soe ae 3. @ 58 ae a ie 58 ©) 54.) 65. @) 60 68. © 67. @) 68, @) Stone aoe oe ee ee es 68. (©) 70. (b) 1 @ a @ ae a @ 7. () 78.) 2. © 89. (@) 20. @ 91. @ ae —. ae rae 97. @) 98. (i) a a 92. © 98. © 94. © 95. (0) 105. ©) eG te iM rd © 101. © 102. @ 103. © 2% m4 @ us @ PO 108 @ 10) 1 2. @ 122, @ aac passe) 1, @ 1a @ 119. @ 2.0) 19.0 i, @ ae EO 8 1 3. 188 @ aa, O18 ask, 18, 0 ue @ ur @ wO M% @ w@ ua 0 TO canoer ETO us, wo: La Oar LO 12 108, ig Ot 88. @ 168. @ 170. @ im. @ pele) 185. @ 168, @) 167. @ OG eo iy ae eC © i & 115. 0) iss o 186. (d) 187) (a) guatan = 181. (6) 182, () 183. @ ; 18 @) 190. @ 191. @

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