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2 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Table of Contents
Volume 1

I. Introduction
Foreword (Secretary of Health) .................... 5
Message of Health Promotion Bureau Director IV .................... 6
Message of Undersecretary of Health of Public Health Services Team .................... 7
Why this Community HP Playbook? .................... 8
Who will use this Community HP Playbook? .................... 9

II. Healthy Pilipinas for anyone, anytime, anywhere

About the Health Promotion Framework Strategy .................... 10
About Healthy Communities .................... 10
Making People and Places Healthy .................... 11

III. Making the People Healthy

Introduction to Campaigns .................... 12
How to use this People-Centered Portion of the Playbook .................... 12
January .................... 15
February .................... 29
March .................... 44
April .................... 60
May .................... 75
June .................... 90
July .................... 105
August .................... 118
September .................... 132
October .................... 146
November .................... 160
December .................... 175
Additional Activities .................... 190

IV. Annexes

Activity Committees .................... 201

Venue and Platforms .................... 202
Activity Design and Schedule .................... 204
Monitoring and Evaluation Tools .................... 205

Community Health Promotion Playbook 3

Volume 1

4 Community Health Promotion Playbook


The passage of the Universal Health Care (UHC) law paved the way for the strengthening of national efforts in scal-
ing up interventions to improve health literacy and mainstream health promotion in the Philippines. With its vision to
provide a wide array of accessible, equitable, efficient, and adequate public health services through numerous health
reforms, the UHC continues to motivate and empower Filipinos to live healthier lives.

One of the key components in fully realizing the tenets of the UHC is the adoption and expansion of health promo-
tion across the nation, underscoring the need to fortify existing strategies to ensure that they are responsive to the
needs of the local communities in the promotion of health in the country. Hence, this Health Promotion Framework
Strategy (HPFS) was created.

The HPFS is a 10-year Framework Strategy that will serve as the basis in implementing health promotion in the
Philippines. To guide the different agencies, sectors, and the local government units, the Department of Health
(DOH), together with its partners and the general public, created this Community Health Promotion Playbook. The
playbook will serve as the guide for implementing population-wide solutions to the seven priority areas: diet and
physical activity, environmental health, immunization, substance use, mental health, sexual and reproductive health,
and violence, and injury prevention. Our strategy recognizes the need, opportunity, and challenges that are presented
before us as we seek to shape healthier settings as well as healthier behaviors — with the ultimate goal of achieving
a Healthy Pilipinas.

Today, we share the HPFS and the Community Health Promotion Playbook as part of our joint roadmap in realizing
UHC. We look forward to working together towards our shared dream of UHC — where every Juan and Juana is
literate, motivated, and empowered to live a healthy life.


Francisco T. Duque III, MD, MSc

Secretary of Health

Community Health Promotion Playbook 5


Health promotion plays a critical role in attaining the highest standard of health not only by teaching healthy be-
haviors to Filipinos, but also by changing their physical and social environments to help make the healthy choice the
easy choice.

The Republic Act No. 11223, or the UHC law, expanded the role of health promotion in the Philippines. The law
also mandates the creation of a Health Promotion Framework Strategy (HPFS), the same plan which is now in your
hands. This document outlines the ambitious goal of a Healthy Pilipinas through coordinated action across seven
priority areas and three healthy settings, helping Filipinos become more health literate, more health promotive and
supportive, and healthier.

The HPFS, along with this Community Health Promotion Playbook, is our way of contributing to creating healthier,
more resilient, more responsive, more proactive, and more equitable health systems, communities, and societies. We
hope to work with you as we build towards a Healthy Pilipinas!


Beverly Lorraine C. Ho, MD, MPH

Concurrent Director IV, Health Promotion Bureau
and Disease Prevention and Control Bureau

6 Community Health Promotion Playbook


The Department of Health has always been the greatest ally and enabler of the Filipino people in achieving their
optimum health. To this, the Public Health Service Team mounted the Health Promotion Framework Strategy Cam-
paign that focuses on the promotion of seven behavioral areas to achieve a Healthy Pilipinas: (1) Diet and Exercise,
(2) Environmental Health, (3) Vaccination, (4) Avoidance of Substance Use, (5) Mental Health, (6) Sexual and Repro-
ductive Health, and (7) Violence and Injury Prevention.
These seven strategic behavioral areas will serve as the pillars upon which we will anchor our efforts to improve
health outcomes. This campaign will promote healthier lifestyle and effective behavioral redesign throughout the
different settings where the Filipino people congregate, live, study, and work.

It is with great pleasure that we are providing this Communication Community Playbook to our Local Govern-
ment Units and Implementers in aiding them to create health-seeking individuals, health-enabling settings, and
health-supporting governance.

Para sa Healthy Pilipinas!


Maria Rosario Singh-Vergeire, MD, MPH, CESO II

Undersecretary of Health

Community Health Promotion Playbook 7

Why this Community Health Promotion (HP) Playbook?
Health is multidimensional in nature and is affected by a host of factors beyond the scope of the health sector.
Because of this, we in the DOH Health Promotion Bureau are committed to building partnerships and collaborating
with different sectors and communities to improve the social determinants of health, giving focus to the root causes
of Filipinos’ most common health concerns in fulfillment of the HPFS.

With this Community Health Promotion Playbook as a guide in implementing evidence-based health promotion pro-
grams and strategies, we hope to encourage many different sectors, including yours, to take up their responsibility
and role in promoting health through the fulfillment of their own mandates and the investment of time and financial
and human resources to prioritizing health. By investing in health promotion, you and every other sector can invest in
the health of every Filipino.

8 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Who will use this Community Playbook?
The Community Communication Playbook was created for ground implementers like you!

Community leaders, Barangay Captains, Sangguniang Kabataan Leaders, Local Program Managers, Municipal Health
Officers, and Local Chief Executives who are spearheading health and social services are very much encouraged to
use this Community Communication Playbook.

This is a comprehensive playbook with all the tools that ground implementers can effectively utilize in making
healthy people and healthy environments! Implementers can use tools from a myriad of resources ranging from ac-
tivity designs, to editable promotional materials, to template ordinances, to evaluation tools!

Community Health Promotion Playbook 9

About the Health Promotion Framework About Healthy Communities
Through this settings-based approach to enacting health
promotion policies and programs across priority areas
Healthy Pilipinas: the Philippine Health Promotion and risk factors, the DOH seeks to ensure that all Local
Framework Strategy (HPFS) 2021-2030 is the Government Units (LGUs) will have the capacity to
Philippines’ 10-year health promotion plan, the first engage and empower communities, especially vulnerable
and most comprehensive of its kind in the country. With populations within them, to take control of their health.
the passage of RA 11223, or the Universal Health Care In adopting this holistic and multi-disciplinary method,
(UHC) Act, health promotion mandates in the country the goal is to maximize health promotion and disease
were expanded to support the implementation of UHC. prevention via a “whole system” approach that is not
In addition, the HPFS also aims to enable broad social merely confined within the health sector.
change through its focus on changing characteristics
of the people and the place, and improving the social This is operationalized through a policy framework for
determinants of health. Healthy Communities, jointly crafted by the DOH and
the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG),
In the HPFS, the Philippines envisions a Healthy Pilipinas, which provides guidance to LGUs in order for them to
where health-seeking individuals, health-enabling be able to effectively implement, monitor, and evaluate
settings and health-supporting governance are present, these health promotion policies and programs. The
and achieving optimum health is possible. In a Healthy framework highlights the importance of creating and
Pilipinas, health is seen as a shared responsibility of sustaining environments which are composed of physical,
all Filipinos and all sectors of society. In addition, every social, political, and economic qualities that are equally
aspect of a Filipino’s life is healthy and health promoting. promotive and protective of the health and wellbeing of
This includes their physical, social, political, and economic the local population. Aside from which, it also pushes for
environment; as well as the healthcare services they the strengthening of local health systems – making them
are able to access. Environments where Filipinos live, more responsive to the health needs of all individuals,
study, or work must make the healthy choice not only especially the marginalized.
possible, but the easy and obvious choice. All these
make it possible for Filipinos, most especially the youth, In pursuit of attaining these aspects of a Healthy
to be literate on health issues, to understand and act on Community, it is thus expected that local governments
their health rights, and to navigate the health system. In work together with their local and national counterparts in
a Healthy Pilipinas, Filipinos practice healthy habits and labor and industry, education, and governance, as well as
behaviors from a young age, with the understanding that relevant local organizations and stakeholders. LGUs that
their fellow Filipinos, their communities, and their country are able to not only foster health-promoting environments
stand behind them in ensuring their right to health. in homes and public spaces within their jurisdiction, but
also establish a responsive local health system, shall then
The DOH aims to achieve a Healthy Pilipinas through be duly recognized as Healthy Communities.
actions across seven priority areas — diet and physical
activity; environmental health; immunization; substance
use; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; and
violence and injury prevention — in three key settings,
namely communities, schools, and workplaces.

10 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Making People and Places Healthy

The HPFS targets seven priority areas across three

priority settings. Methodically developed through a series
of consultations with public and private sector experts,
and the general public, the HPFS represents a more
engaging, participatory, and human-centered approach
to public health and health promotion.

Targeting healthy settings, the DOH has developed

Local Health System Health Promotion Playbooks
and a corresponding technical and financial assistance
mechanism and governance structure to accommodate
the expansion of health promotion mandates at the
regional, provincial, and local levels. The Playbook
modules are guides to rolling out interventions and local
and international best practices in addressing the social
determinants of health, and are developed with a wide
range of partners in both health and non-health sectors.
They are end-to-end guides for the implementation
of health promotion programs that provide support
to local governments while allowing for flexibility to
local contexts. By harnessing the advantages of both
contextualization and expertise through the efforts of
both local health promotion officers and development
partners and civil society, respectively, the DOH is able
to concretize actions to improve the characteristics of the

In addition, the DOH’s Healthy Pilipinas campaign

represents a shift away from programmatic and vertical
communications toward a more engaging and relatable
campaign centered around encouraging, coaching,
and calling Filipinos toward a healthier lifestyle. This
movement to social and behavioral change on the DOH’s
communication in traditional media, digital and social
media, and engagement activities is complemented by
capacity-building facilitated by national level experts to
help local health promotion officers build more effective
communication plans, which, alongside interventions to
improve environments, will help make the healthy choice
the easy choice for every Filipino.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 11

Introduction to Campaigns How to use this People-centered portion of
the playbook
• What is a campaign?
* Promotion
* Social Mobilization The Community Health Promotion Playbook contains
three (3) activities per month that your local government
• Who do we focus on in this campaign? unit is encouraged to carry out. Depending on your LGU’s
* People capability, resources, and other factors that might play a
* Objectives — Raise awareness, improve role, it is up to the local chief executive (LCE) and other
literacy, and translate knowledge to behaviors implementers to select one activity that would be best
used for the month.
• What is our campaign? (Focus on HPFS)
As you will see in the next section, the DOH crafted each
• How do we roll it out? month of this playbook to have a unique theme that a.)
* Generate Awareness corresponds to one of the areas of the Health Promotion
* Anchor with what is time appropriate Framework Strategy, and b.) takes into account the
* Incorporate the Priority Areas seasons and celebrations throughout the country.
* Link with health services available in the
community Each month includes three different activities for the LGU
to ideally be able to use this playbook for the next three
The campaigns of the Department of Health (DOH) utilize years, until 2024.
purposeful and targeted promotional strategies to change
knowledge, attitudes, practices, or behaviors in an intended To learn more about the steps in implementation of the
audience through health promotion, communications, and activities, see the next paragraph!
social marketing. Acknowledging the power of promotion
and social mobilization in generating community
participation and bringing in support from partners and
allies in sustaining initiatives, the DOH has incorporated
these impactful methods and concepts into its social and
behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns.

As the lead agency for public health in the country,

the DOH focuses its campaigns on the entire Filipino
population, to raise awareness and improve literacy on
health matters, and translate knowledge into healthy

Under the Universal Health Care Law, the Department

is mandated to increase its efforts in health promotion.
The Health Promotion Framework Strategy (HPFS) 2021-
2030 serves as a long-term basis for population-wide
solutions to the seven priority areas: diet and physical
activity, environmental health, immunization, substance
use, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, and
violence, and injury prevention. This strategy recognizes
the need, opportunity, and challenges that are presented
before us as we seek to shape healthier settings as well as
healthier behaviors — with the ultimate goal of achieving
a Healthy Pilipinas.

One of the strategies to realize this goal is conducting

SBCC campaigns. The Department is rolling out various
Note to the Implementers
SBCC campaigns, one of which is a campaign that focuses
on the HPFS 2021-2030. This campaign will be rolled out
The Department Order on the Sub-allotment Guidelines
by generating awareness, anchoring with what is time
refers to this Community Health Promotion Playbook as
appropriate, incorporating the seven priority areas, and
a source of activities to be done in the Local Government
linking with health services available in the community.
Units. However, other activities that are aligned with the
Health Promotion Framework Strategy and the Public
Engagement Grid of the Health Promotion Bureau may
also be supported by the Centers for Health Develop-
ment to utilize the allocated budget for Health Promo-
tion Activities in LGUs.

12 Community Health Promotion Playbook

i-ToDOH na natin ito!
Steps on how to implement your chosen activity:
• Among the 3 options, pick the activity that suits your community best! Consider if it is
the most feasible, the most-cost effective, and if the activity that will reach the most!

• Who are your possible participants? Is there manpower? How much will you spend? Is
there an existing budget for this? Will the activity fit the community’s schedule/timeline?

• Create your Committees that will help you! (see Annex A)

• Set a Date and Secure the Venue/Platform (see Annex B)

• Do your Activity Design and Schedule (See Annex C)

• Develop your Mechanics: A set of guidelines and mechanics will help you facilitate a
smooth flow of the activity. (Check sample mechanics for each activity)

• Promote the Activity! Post invites and mechanics on your official social media accounts
and community boards!

• Implement the Activity Design

• Don’t forget to document the activity! Take snapshots before, during, and after the

• Monitor and Evaluate the Activity (See Annex D)

Community Health Promotion Playbook 13

14 Community Health Promotion Playbook
January: New Year, New You
Barangays usually conduct activities for their constituents to jump start the new year. In order to
keep the concept of starting a “Healthy Lifestyle” as an integral part of everyone’s resolution, the
following barangay-based activities are recommended to leverage on the relationship of close-
knit community members.

As a new year begins, these activities will serve as a platform to showcase each community
member’s perspective on simple and healthy resolutions for ‘a New Year and a New You’!

Community Health Promotion Playbook 15

16 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 1: New Year, New You, New Healthy Habits TikTok Challenge!

About the Activity

This TikTok Challenge for the community will serve as a platform to showcase creativity and friendly competitiveness
of the people, and at the same time encourage individuals and family units to adopt new healthy habits this new year.
This will piggy-back on the popularity of the TikTok app as it provides easy access to simple video editing features (i.e.
transitions, music overlays) and hassle-free video sharing.

Official hashtags for this activity are #NewYearNewYou, #NewYear2022, #NewHealthyHabits, #HealthyPilipinas

Community Health Promotion Playbook 17

7 Healthy Habits Social Media, Showcase of Talents/Skills/Products,

Why do this Activity? Sustainably for a Healthy Pilipinas

* Immunization: Get Vaccinated for a Healthy
• To enjoin the community members to start Pilipinas
practicing healthy habits this new year and * Substance Use: Don’t Smoke, Lessen
eventually maintain them. Alcohol, Say No to Drugs for a Healthy
• To enjoin everyone in the community to Pilipinas
participate and create a bandwagon effect * Mental Health: Care for Yourself, Care for
that will encourage others to choose healthy Others for a Healthy Pilipinas
lifestyles. * Sexual and Reproductive Health: Pra​​ ctice
Safe Sex for a Healthy Pilipinas
* Violence and Injury Prevention: Do No
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample Harm, Put Safety First for a Healthy Pilipinas
materials that might help you:
• Video submission should be at least one (1)
A. Guidelines and Mechanics minute but should not exceed two (2) minutes.
Participants must convey a clear and impactful
General Guidelines: message in the time frame given.
• Participants may use any music. Post-editing
The TikTok challenge will be open to all members of the and inclusion of animations and graphics are
community. Videos will be crowd-sourced from interested encouraged.
participants and will be shared and posted via official LGU • Video should not include inappropriate content
social media accounts. such as lewd actions and curse words.
• Should reflect messaging and content based
Mechanics: on the theme (should be relevant, original, and
• Film a TikTok video with the theme “New Year, • Video submission shall be uploaded on
New You, New Healthy Habit”. Participants the participant’s personal TikTok and
will record an original video showcasing an Facebook accounts. Entries should also tag
identified healthy habit that they will adopt this @HealthyPilipinas and @(insert official LGU
new year. The TikTok video should showcase account handle/name). Include hashtags
simple tips on how to be healthy and may choose #NewYearNewYou #NewHealthyHabits.
to focus on any of the following topics/themes: • The TikTok Challenge will be running for
3 weeks, starting (Identified date) until
* Diet and Exercise: Move More, Eat Right for (identified date). Participants may submit their
a Healthy Pilipinas entries during the time period.
* Environmental Health: Be Clean, Live

Notes for the Implementers: media that make finding specific content easier.
Designated social media managers may screen
• Post the announcement poster and Social posts/materials and share them in the LGU’s
Media Cards (SMCs) at your official LGU social official social media accounts.
media account/s • Check for positive and negative comments from
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be the public. Make sure that all are complying
tagged by other Facebook users. with social media ethics. Enforce positive
• Have someone regularly check the hashtags comments and correct negative perceptions.
for submissions. Hashtags are labels on social

18 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)
* Sample New Year, New You, New Healthy Habit TikTok Videos

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Engage the Sangguniang Kabataan!

Tap the energy of the youth leaders who connect well and reach out to their fellow youth. Involving
the SK provides opportunities for youth participation in important activities like these.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 19

20 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 2: Healthy Community Board Display

About the Activity

The Healthy Community Board capitalizes on the idea of creative bulletin boards wherein community members can
freely express their advocacies, messages, pieces of advice, etc.

There will be Community Board templates for each month of the year, based on the monthly health event theme of
health centers, barangay halls, regional offices, and other communities.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 21

7 Healthy Habits Physical Community Event

Why do this Activity? * Bring your own materials to creatively write

your new year’s resolutions on the board
• To enjoin the community to share their new e.g. markers, pens, homemade designs/art,
healthy habits, resolutions, and personal post-its, etc.
health advocacies. Ultimately, this activity * There shall be no offensive, discriminating,
will encourage each other to start practicing and inappropriate statements on these
healthy behaviors. community boards.
• These health community boards can also be a * Examples of things to write
space for announcements and other collaterals on the community board:
for health programs/projects.
◊ This 2022, I will work out more and I will
eat less fatty food
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample ◊ I will eat more whole foods
materials that might help you: ◊ I will sit less and move more
◊ I will cut back my soft drink and alcohol
A. Guidelines and Mechanics intake
◊ I will take more ‘me time’ and practice
General Guidelines: self-care

The Healthy Community Board will be situated in strategic • Community boards will be open for posting
places where there is high foot traffic and good visibility starting (Identified date) until (identified date).
e.g. in front of a barangay hall; lobby; or adjacent to other The activity will be a month-long activity!
bulletin boards. This community board is open to all Community members may post their new
constituents in the area where people can sign and insert year’s resolutions anytime during the said
their new year’s resolutions and new healthy habits. period.


• Participate and showcase your New You

this New Year by writing your resolutions
and new healthy habits this 2022.

Notes for the Implementers: visits on the sites where the community boards
are situated to ensure adherence to orderly
• Situate the Healthy Community Board in implementation of the activity.
strategic places where there is high foot traffic • Ensure that the location and venue are
and good visibility e.g. front of a barangay hall; compliant with the Minimum Public Health
lobby; beside other bulletin boards Standards and Safety Guidelines of the area.
• Enforce adherence of orderly participation of Preferably situated in an open space with good
the community members. airflow/ventilation.
• It is recommended to have regular inspection

22 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)
* Sample New Year, New You, New Healthy Habit TikTok Videos

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Engage the Barangay Captains and Kagawads!

Barangay leaders set valuable examples to their constituents. Seeing them writing on the community
boards will encourage more people to do the same. The act of them taking the initiative to share their
new year’s resolutions will help motivate their constituents to participate as well.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 23

24 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 3: New Year, New You Bingo Challenge

About the Activity

Bingos are often played during various celebrations held in the barrios/barangays. This new year, let us take community
bingos up a notch by making it a challenge to encourage Filipinos to practice healthy habits.

New Year, New You Bingo Challenge will also have a social media counterpart, where everyone can print their bingo
cards on their own. There will also be an option where people can get their bingo cards at their barangays.

#NewYearNewYou #NewHealthyHabits #BingoChallenge

Community Health Promotion Playbook 25

7 Healthy Habits Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • The New Year, New You Todo Pito Bingo
Challenge is a 7-day healthy habits challenge.
Everyone is enjoined to complete the 7 days
• To promote the seven healthy habits in a form
streak of practicing actionable healthy habits
of a community social media challenge
indicated in the bingo cards.
• To piggyback on the regular barangay activities
• The Goal of the Challenge: GO BINGO!
being conducted during festivities i.e. New
Complete at least 7 boxes within 7 days
• To make sure that the participating member
has done the activity, he/she should provide
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample proof by taking a photo and uploading
materials that might help you: it on a Facebook post with hashtags
#NewYearNewYou #NewHealthyHabits
A. Guidelines and Mechanics #BingoChallenge together with a mark on his/
her BINGO Card
General Guidelines: • Participants must also tag the Healthy
Pilipinas, DOH, and LGU Facebook accounts.
This New Year, New You Bingo Challenge is a 7-day • Participants finishing the BINGO challenge
healthy habits challenge. The first ones to complete the will be recognized!
7 days streak of practicing healthy habits indicated in the • The BINGO Challenge will be running for 7
bingo card will be declared as winners. days, from (Identified date) to (identified date).
Participants may join the challenge anytime
Mechanics: during the event period.

• Participants will be given a copy of the New

Year, New You Bingo Challenge Card! You may
get it in your Barangay Hall or Download a
copy at your LGU’s official social media account

Notes for the Implementers: manager may screen materials and share them
in the LGU’s official social media accounts.
• Ensure that the BINGO cards are available to • Check for positive and negative comments from
the public. You may print copies of the BINGO the public. Make sure that all are complying
card or post them on your official LGU social with social media ethics. Enforce positive
media accounts. comments and correct negative perceptions.
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be • Congratulate all participants whether they
tagged by other facebook users. have completed or not the Healthy BINGO
• Have someone regularly check the hashtags challenge!
for submissions. Designated social media

26 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• 7-day challenge bingo cards

• Social media cards
• Facebook banners

Access the materials here:

Engage the mothers in the community!

Mothers are usually the main decision makers when it comes to the health concerns of the family.
Tapping them in this activity will enforce the importance of healthy habits among family members.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 27

January: New Year, New You

28 Community Health Promotion Playbook

February: Healthy Heart
February is Love Month!

And when we think of love, the first thing that comes into mind is our hearts. So what better
way to commemorate Heart Month than by encouraging Filipinos to choose healthier lifestyles
and advocating them to their loved ones? The following barangay-based activities were made
especially to remind us to take care of our heart by taking care of our health.

Let’s make this a true “Month of Hearts” by taking care of our heart health, for a healthy Pilipinas!

Community Health Promotion Playbook 29

30 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 1: Galaw-Sayaw Para Sa Healthy Pilipinas: Barangay Zumba

About the Activity

It’s no secret that Filipinos love music and dancing! So it’s no surprise that a common form of community exercise at
every barangay, is Zumba. Groups of people, young and old, attend their afternoon Zumba classes. This could be made
more exciting if the barangay did this regularly and included the provision of information or tips of the 7 Healthy Habits
every Zumba session. This activity would be a social media campaign where anyone can upload their video using the

#HealthyGalawSayaw #HealthyPilipinas

Community Health Promotion Playbook 31

Move More, Eat Right Social Media, Showcase of Talents/Skills/Products,

Why do this Activity? • Entries should be at least 3 minutes in duration

but not exceeding 5 minutes
• To encourage the community to engage in • Post-editing and inclusion of animations in the
physical activity and regular exercise. video are allowed
• To encourage the community to share • Participants may choose any music of their
knowledge and benefits of regular exercise. liking
• To enjoin the community in championing the 7 • Minimum public health safety protocols must
Healthy Habits for a Healthy Community. be strictly observed during the production of
the video, Ensure that the location and venue
for the shoot are compliant with the Health
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample Standards and Safety Guidelines of the area.
materials that might help you: Preferably situated in an open space with
good airflow/ventilation
A. Guidelines and Mechanics • Participants will post their entries on their
social media accounts with a caption on
General Guidelines: promoting their health tips/practices.
• Video submission shall be uploaded on
This GALAW-SAYAW para sa HEALTHY PILIPINAS: the participant’s personal TikTok and
BARANGAY ZUMBA is a showcase of talents of the Facebook accounts. Entries should also tag
community members which will encourage healthy @HealthyPilipinas and @(insert official LGU
lifestyle through video productions. Each Barangay will be account handle/name). Include hashtags
sending at least one entry that will be posted throughout #HealthyGalawSayaw #HealthyPilipinas
the month on official LGU social media accounts. • The Zumba Challenge will run for 3 weeks
starting (Identified date) until (identified date).
Mechanics: Participants may submit their entries during
the time period.
• This activity will be done over social media • The Organizers will be featuring 3 entries
channels, preferably through the Municipality/ per week on the LGU’s official social media
City’s Official Facebook and/or TikTok account accounts.
• A group of 10 -15 people in Valentine-themed
Zumba outfits will take videos of themselves
performing the #HealthyGalawSayaw, which
shows the different moves and steps involving
muscles from head to toe.

Notes for the Implementers: for submissions. Designated social media

manager may screen materials and share them
• Ensure that call for entries are published in in the LGU’s official social media accounts.
the Municipality/City’s Official Facebook and/or • Check for positive and negative comments from
TikTok account and community boards inviting the public. Make sure that all are complying
the public to join the #HealthyGalawSayaw with social media ethics. Enforce positive
campaign comments and correct negative perceptions.
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be • Congratulate all who joined the GALAW-
tagged by other facebook users. SAYAW para sa HEALTHY PILIPINAS:
• Have someone regularly check the hashtags BARANGAY ZUMBA talent showcase
#HealthyGalawSayaw and #HealthyPilipinas

32 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Engage the Hypertension and Diabetes Clubs in the community!

Members of the Hypertension and Diabetes Clubs are one of the most informed groups of
community members when it comes to lifestyle redesign and control of existing morbidities. With
their knowledge on active lifestyle and their zeal to promote healthier living, the activity will be a
perfect fit for them!

Community Health Promotion Playbook 33

34 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 2: Search for Mr and Ms Healthy Heart

About the Activity

Valentine’s Day is a much-awaited celebration every February. One common activity during this month is a “Mr and
Ms Valentine’s Day” that happens in workplaces and local communities.

The LGU will repackage this event from a standard pageant into a health-centered competition by adding health-
promoting habits in the criteria of selection.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 35

7 Healthy Habits Physical Community Event, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? » Environmental Health: Be Clean, Live

Sustainably for a Healthy Pilipinas
• To encourage individuals to practice the Seven » Immunization: Get Vaccinated for a
Healthy Habits to have a healthy heart and Healthy Pilipinas
body. » Substance Use: Don’t Smoke, Lessen
• To recognize healthy couples and make them Alcohol, Say No to Drugs for a Healthy
exemplary models in promoting the 7 Healthy Pilipinas
Habits for health in the community. » Mental Health: Care for Yourself, Care
for Others for a Healthy Pilipinas
» Sexual and Reproductive Health: Pra​​
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample ctice Safe Sex for a Healthy Pilipinas
materials that might help you: » Violence and Injury Prevention: Do No
Harm, Put Safety First for a Healthy
A. Guidelines and Mechanics Pilipinas
◊ 1-minute video of pre-recorded answers
General Guidelines: to the question: What is the best activity
you can do with your partner to maintain
The search for Mr and Ms Healthy Heart will be a a healthy body? And how would you
Municipal/City-wide search for couples who exemplify encourage others to do the same?
healthy behaviors and lifestyle. Each Barangay shall ◊ Submission of entries and Submission
choose their representatives to join the virtual search (or of entries and requirements shall start
physically if such activities are allowed by the LGU) to (Date identified). All materials should
compete with other candidates. be submitted at (@emailaddress
for the search) not later than (Date
Mechanics: identified). Video entries of candidates
will be posted for 1 week at the LGU’s
• Who can join? official social media accounts to gather
* Couples, aged 20 to 50 years old. support from the community. Virtual
* The couple candidates should be awarding ceremony will be held on
residing in the same Barangay (identified date) via Zoom (include link)

• How to join? • Criteria for judging:

* Interested contestants shall submit the * The candidates will be judged by a Panel of
following to the LGU via online registration Judges composed by:
on or before February 10: ◊ One (1) Chairman, and five (5) members
◊ Application Form of the board
◊ A 2-3 minute video with the following ◊ Chairman maybe the City/Municipality
contents/specifications: Mayor or authorized representative
» Self intro with a healthy motto. ◊ Members of the Board maybe composed
(Whole body and close-up angles are of the ff:
encouraged) » Municipal/City Health Officer
» Candidates to showcase the most » Local Tourism Office
creative Valentine couple costumes » GAD Representative
◊ The video must include a healthy » Local Talent/ Previous pageant
behavior, tips, or activity on any of the members
following themes: » Representative from the Private Sector
» Diet and Exercise: Move More, Eat
Right for a Healthy Pilipinas

36 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Criteria Rating/Score

Message 30%
Message is realistic and encouraging
Creativity & Presentation 20%
Video is creative and engaging
Costume and appearance 20%
Color, matching and uniqueness
Question and Answer 20%
Answer conveys good practice and encouraging
No. of FB likes 10%
TikTok video gathered the most number of likes and shares

Total 100%


• Grand Winner “Mr and Ms Healthy Heart”

• First Runner-up
• Second Runner-up
• Third Runner-up

*Awards may be given as a couple or individually

Notes for the Implementers: #HealthyPilipinas for submissions. Delegated

social media manager may screen materials
• Ensure that call for entries are published in and share them in the LGU’s official social
the Municipality/City’s Official Facebook and/or media accounts.
TikTok account and community boards inviting • Check for positive and negative comments from
the public to join and support their candidates the public. Make sure that all are complying
for the Search for Mr. and Ms Healthy Hearts with social media ethics. Enforce positive
• Provide a link to the online registration in the comments and correct negative perceptions.
Municipality/City’s Official Facebook page with • Announcement of winners may be announced
the needed details and posted in your LGU’s official social media
• Don’t forget to organize your selection accounts on February 14, Valentines Day.
committee and board of judges Don’t forget to tag Healthy Pilipinas FB page.
• Ensure that video submissions of the You may opt to do a virtual coronation too!
candidates are posted on your LGU’s official • Congratulate all who joined the Search for Mr.
social media accounts so supporters can like and Ms. Healthy Heart
and share them
• Have someone regularly check the
hashtags #MrAndMsHealthyHeart and

Community Health Promotion Playbook 37

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Social Media Cards

• Facebook Banners
• Invite
• Plaque

Access the materials here:

Engage the Private Sector!

Since the celebration of Valentines is attached to increased economic activities within the community,
you may tap the support of private businesses to sponsor the operation, production, and award costs
of the search! Start engaging them for future partnerships and make them Champions of Health!

38 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 39
ACTIVITY 3: TikTok: Kaheartner “ Kapag tumibok ang puso” Challenge

About the Activity

We can take advantage of TikTok and the viral dance challenges on the platform to popularize the Seven Healthy
Habits, featuring the KaHeartner Jingle Challenge with hashtag #KaHeartnerDanceChallenge, care for your heart for
a Healthy Pilipinas.

40 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Move More, Eat Right Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • Participants will use the “Kapag Tumibok ang
Puso” song for the TikTok Video. Post-editing
• To encourage the people to share their healthy and inclusion of animations and graphics are
habits in maintaining a healthy heart and body encouraged
using the TikTok KaHeartner Challenge • Video should not include inappropriate content
• To promote the KaHeartner Jingle such as lewd actions and curse words
• Video submission shall be uploaded on
the participant’s personal TikTok and
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample Facebook accounts. Entries should also
materials that might help you: tag @HealthyPilipinas and @(insert
official LGU account handle/name). Include
A. Guidelines and Mechanics hashtags #KaHeartnerDanceChallenge and
General Guidelines: • The TikTok Challenge will be running for 3
weeks starting (Identified date) until (identified
The TikTok challenge will be open to all members of the date). Participants may submit their entries
community. Videos will be crowd-sourced from interested during the time period.
participants and will be shared and posted via official LGU
social media accounts.


• Film a TikTok video with the theme “KaHeartner

Dance Challenge” featuring the song “Kapag
Tumibok ang Puso”. Follow the dance steps
in the original TikTok video uploaded by the
Department of Health on TikTok.

Notes for the implementers #HealthyPilipinas for submissions. Designated

social media managers may screen materials
• Ensure that call for entries are published and share them in the LGU’s official social
in the Municipality/City’s Official Facebook media accounts.
and/or TikTok account and community • Check for positive and negative comments
boards inviting the public to join the from the public. Make sure that all are
#KaHeartnerDanceChallenge campaign complying with social media ethics. Enforce
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be positive comments and correct negative
tagged by other facebook users. perceptions.
• Have someone regularly check the • Congratulate all who joined the KaHeartner
hashtags #KaHeartnerDanceChallenge and Dance Challenge

Community Health Promotion Playbook 41

B. Promotional and Sample Materials

• Streamer
• Poster
• Social media cards

Access the materials here:

Engage the Sangguniang Kabataan!

Tap the energy of the youth leaders who connect well and reach out to their fellow youth. Involving
the SK provides opportunities for youth participation in important activities like these.

42 Community Health Promotion Playbook

February: Healthy Heart

Community Health Promotion Playbook 43

March: Healthy Summer
It’s summertime! March is generally regarded as the start of summer in the country. Schools also
usually begin their summer vacations around this time, so parents take a break from work to
spend quality moments with their kids. Filipinos find ways to enjoy summer vacations together
with loved ones, regardless of their economic situation.

The highlighted activities below are some of the summer activities that Filipino families may
enjoy even in this time of pandemic. Let’s champion healthy living even while having fun under
the sun!

44 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 45
ACTIVITY 1: Flaunt Your Summer OOTD

About the Activity

During the summer season people are most likely to hit the beaches or any place with water such as cold springs, riv-
ers, falls or swimming pools. But with the ongoing pandemic, the plans to travel and enjoy beaches are postponed and
put on hold. Nevertheless, Filipinos still love to wear their summer OOTDs, flaunting it on their social media, reminding
them that summer is not cancelled after all, and that the season can still be enjoyable coupled with healthy behaviors
and maintaining a healthy lifestyle!

46 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Do No Harm, Put Safety First Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • Entries should show participants wearing their

most creative and colorful summer/swimming
• To enjoin the community in advocating for safe OOTD with safe and appropriate swimming
and healthy swimming practices during the devices (i.e: arm floaters, pool noodles,
summer season salbabida, life jackets, etc.).
• To encourage and showcase the creativity of • Pictures should include a caption detailing
community members in championing healthy or providing tips/activities to avoid drowning
activities incidents
• Participants shall post at least three (3)
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample summer OOTDs of different camera angles on
their own social media pages
materials that might help you: • Post-processing and inclusion of other design
elements are allowed as long as the OOTD is
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
still highlighted
• Posts should not contain inappropriate and
General Guidelines:
lewd elements/poses.
• Posts shall tag @HealthyPilipinas and @
The FLAUNT YOUR SUMMER OOTD challenge will be
(insert official LGU account handle/name),
open to all members of the community. Pictures and
and include hashtags #HealthySummer2021
entries will be crowd-sourced from interested participants
#PutSafetyFirst #DrowningPrevention
and will be shared and posted via official LGU social
media accounts.
• The Summer OOTD Challenge will be running
for 3 weeks starting (Identified date) until
(identified date). Participants may submit their
entries during the time period.
• Activity is open for all individuals and families
• Participating Barangay leaders and members
residing in the city/municipality
will be receiving certificates and/or prizes for
• All barangays must submit at least 5 entries
their Summer OOTD entries
for the OOTD Challenge
• Winners will receive cash and certificates and
a social media post in the Barangay official FB

Notes for the Implementers: #HealthySummer2021 #PutSafetyFirst

#DrowningPrevention and #HealthyPilipinas
• Ensure that call for entries are published in for submissions. Designated social media
the Municipality/City’s Official Facebook and/or managers may screen materials and share
TikTok account and community boards inviting them in the LGU’s official social media accounts.
the public to join the Summer OOTD challenge • Check for positive and negative comments from
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be the public. Make sure that all are complying
tagged by other facebook users. with social media ethics. Enforce positive
• Encourage the members of your community comments and correct negative perceptions.
to actively join the advocacy on drowning • Organizers may award the most liked/shared
prevention and the importance of safety during Summer OOTD submission
swimming. • Congratulate all who joined the Flaunt Your
• Have someone regularly check the hashtags Summer OOTD

Community Health Promotion Playbook 47

B. Promotional and Sample Materials:

• Produce the Needed Materials

* Sign-up Form
* Announcement card

C. Awards

• The Hottest Summer OOTD!

• The “Most Hearts” Special Award on FB

Access the materials here:

Engage the Barangay Captains and Kagawads!

Barangay leaders set valuable examples to their constituents. Seeing them joining the Summer
OOTD challenge will encourage more people to do the same. The act of them posting their safe and
healthy OOTD will help motivate their constituents to participate as well.

48 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 49
ACTIVITY 2: The Search for Mr. and Ms. Bikers Champ for Road Safety
para sa #HealthyPilipinas!

About the Activity

During this pandemic, we went into many lockdowns. Public transport was halted and many had no other option
but to walk for hours as few employers provided shuttle buses for their workers. Filipinos were left confused on how
to go to their respective workplaces but thanks to the growing number of bikers who promoted cycling as a best
transportation vehicle during this time of COVID-19.

Biking or cycling addresses the limitation of public transportation services and encourages more active lifestyles,
especially during lockdowns. Aside from promoting exercise, road safety is highlighted in this activity. Road bike users
are encouraged to practice road safety behaviors such as the importance of wearing helmets, protective gears, and
following the road signs. This activity “Mr. and Ms. Bikers Champ for Road Safety will encourage bike users to advocate
for safe riding and will enjoin other non-bikers to join the road safety club and be biker champs!

50 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Do No Harm, Put Safety First Physical Community Event, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? » Self intro with a safety motto when

cycling. (Whole body and close-up
• To encourage the community in promoting angles are encouraged)
road safety and be a road safety advocate. » Summary of when they started cycling
• To encourage physical activity and regular and why they continue to do so
exercise through biking or cycling. » Candidates to showcase their best
• To encourage the community in sharing cycling outfits with appropriate road
knowledge and benefits of biking to health and safety devices and equipment
to the environment. » Minimum public health safety protocols
• To enjoin the community in championing the must be strictly observed during the
7 healthy habits for a Healthy Community, production of the video. Ensure that the
especially the PA7: violence and injury location and venue for the shoot are
prevention. compliant with the Safety Guidelines of
the area. Preferably situated in an open
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample space with good airflow/ventilation
materials that might help you: ◊ Submission of entries and requirements
shall start (Date identified). All materials
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
should be submitted at (@emailaddress
for the search) not later than (Date
General Guidelines:
identified). Video entries of candidates
will be posted for 1 week at the LGU’s
The search for Mr. and Ms. Bikers Champ for Road Safety
official social media accounts to gather
will be a Municipal/City-wide search for cyclists who
support from the community. Virtual
exemplify safe biking behaviors and healthy lifestyle.
awarding ceremony will be held on
Each Barangay shall choose their representatives to
(identified date) via Zoom (include link)
join the virtual search (or physically if such activities are
• Criteria for judging:
allowed by the LGU) to compete with other candidates.
The contest will be held through the Barangay’s official
* The candidates will be judged by a Panel of
FB page where all video submissions of the candidates
Judges composed by:
will be posted.
* One (1) Chairman, and five (5) members of
the board
* Chairman maybe the City/Municipality
Mayor or authorized representative
• Who can join?
* Members of the Board maybe composed of
the ff:
* Male and female (or in any pairings as
decided by the organizers) aged 20 to 50
◊ Municipal/City Health Officer
years old.
◊ Local Tourism Office
* Each Barangay to enter 2 candidates for the
◊ Representative from the Road Traffic and
Safety Offices
* The candidates should be residing in the
◊ Local Talent/ Previous pageant members
same Barangay
◊ Representative from the Private Sector
• How to join?
* The candidates will be judged based on the
following criteria:
* Interested contestants shall submit
the following to the LGU thru online
registration on or before (date identified): Best Video Quality Rating/
◊ Application Form Quality, Originality, Creativity 20%
◊ 5-minute video per team with the of the video
following contents/specifications:

Community Health Promotion Playbook 51

Clear delivery of messages 20%
Utilization of Road Safety 30%
Audio or sound quality 20%
Background music 10%
Total 100%

Most “Hearts” in the Post Rating/

Appeal to the Audience (most 100%
number of heart reactions
Total 100%

Mr. and Ms. Biker Champs Rating/

Utilization of road safety gears 40%
and equipment
No Traffic Violation Record 20%
Best Answer in the Q&A 40%
Portion (connected to road
safety and injury prevention
Total 100%

52 Community Health Promotion Playbook


• Mr. and Ms. Biker Champs

• Best Safe Cycling Video
• People’s Choice Award

*Awards may be given as a couple or individually

Suggested Prizes

• Mr. and Ms. Biker Champs: Brand new Road

• Best Safe Cycling Video: New bike accessories
and safety gears
• People’s Choice Award: Merchandise
(Umbrella, water bottle, towel)

Sample Program Flow:

Time Activity Person responsible

8:00-9:00 AM Online Registration Organizer
9:00- 9:30 AM Opening Ceremonies Emcee
• Prayers MHO/CHO
• National Anthem Mayor
• Opening Remarks
• Welcome Remarks
9:30 - 11:40 AM Contest Proper (5 minutes per contestants) Contestants and Emcee

Presentation of the 5 minute video

Q & A Portion (5-minutes)
11:40-11:50 AM Intermission numbers while judges are tabulating the Mayor & VIPs
11:50 - 12:00 NN Awarding of Winners
Closing remarks Vice Mayor/Counselor

Notes for the Implementers: social media accounts so supporters can like
and share them
• Ensure that call for entries are published in • Have someone regularly check the
the Municipality/City’s Official Facebook and/or hashtags #MrAndMsBikersChamp and
TikTok account and community boards inviting #HealthyPilipinas for submissions. Delegated
the public to join and support their candidates social media manager may screen materials
for the Search for Mr. and Ms Biker Champs and share them in the LGU’s official social
• Provide a link to the online registration in the media accounts.
Municipality/City’s Official Facebook page with • Check for positive and negative comments from
the needed details the public. Make sure that all are complying
• Don’t forget to organize your selection with social media ethics. Enforce positive
committee and board of judges comments and correct negative perceptions.
• Ensure that video submissions of the • Congratulate all who joined the Search for Mr.
candidates are posted on your LGU’s official and Ms. Bikers Champ

Community Health Promotion Playbook 53

B. Promotional and Sample Materials:

• Produce the Needed Materials

* Sign-up Form
* Announcement card

Access the materials here:

Engage the Private Sector!

Since the celebration of Valentines is attached to increased economic activities within the
community, you may tap the support of private businesses to sponsor the operation, production,
and award costs of the search! Start engaging them for future partnerships and make them
Champions of Health!

54 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 55
ACTIVITY 3: Larong Pinoy Social Media Challenge

About the Activity

Traditional games in the Philippines or commonly known as “Larong Pinoy/ Kalsada’’ are games commonly played
by children all around the country. These Pinoy games can be played by kids without the need for too many
requirements or toys. Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic, these games were usually done outside spacious and big
areas like plaza and streets.

In this activity, we will be merging traditional games and digital technology. We will be advocating physical activity
but also ensure the safety of the kids.

56 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Move More, Eat Right Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • In keeping with Minimum Public Health

Standards, all participants must be from the
• To promote the “Larong Pinoy” to Filipinos same family or household bubble.
especially to millennials and Gen Zs who are • Participants may use any music. Post-editing
not familiar with Filipino traditional games. and inclusion of animations and graphics are
• To promote “Larong Pinoy” on social media encouraged
as a fun way of practicing healthy outdoor • Video should not include inappropriate
activities through play. content such as nudity, lewd actions and curse
• Should reflect messaging and content based
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample on the theme (should be relevance, original,
materials that might help you: and clear)
• Video submission shall be uploaded on
A. Guidelines and Mechanics the participant’s personal TikTok and
Facebook accounts. Entries should also tag
General Guidelines: @HealthyPilipinas and @(insert official LGU
account handle/name). Include hashtags
The TikTok challenge will be open to all members of #LarongPinoyforaHealthyPilipinas
the community. Videos will be crowd-sourced from • The TikTok Challenge will be running for
interested participants and will be shared and posted via 3 weeks starting (Identified date) until
official LGU social media accounts. (identified date). Participants may submit their
entries during the time period.

• Film a TikTok video of youth playing

traditional “Larong Pilipino” games.
Participants will record an original video of
them playing games such as Tagu-Taguan,
Tumbang Preso, Luksong Tinik, etc.
• Video submission should be at least (1)
minute but should not exceed two (minutes).
Participants must convey a clear and
impactful message in the time frame given.

Notes for the implementers make finding specific content easier.

Designated social media managers may
• Post the announcement poster and SMCs at screen posts/materials and share them in the
your official LGU social media account/s LGU’s official social media accounts.
• Ensure that your official LGU account can • Check for positive and negative comments
be tagged by other Facebook users. Have from the public. Make sure that all are
someone regularly check the hashtags for complying with social media ethics. Enforce
submissions. positive comments and correct negative
• Hashtags are labels on social media that perceptions.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 57

B. Promotional and Sample Materials

• Streamer
• Poster
• Social media cards

Access the materials here:

Engage the Sangguniang Kabataan!

Tap the energy of the youth leaders who connect well and reach out to their fellow youth. Involving
the SK provides opportunities for youth participation in important activities like these.

58 Community Health Promotion Playbook

March: Healthy Summer

Community Health Promotion Playbook 59

April: Get Vaccinated
April is Immunization Month!

Routine Immunization coverage in the country has been declining since 2020 due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. Ensuring that the children get their complete Routine Immunization doses
according to the immunization schedule will help prevent incidence of vaccine preventable
diseases and future outbreaks.

Let’s promote Bakuna Wednesday and everyday an Immunization Day for our Chikitings! The
following activities will aid the LGUs in their awareness raising activities on Routine Immunization
in their communities. #MagpabakunaParaSaHealthyPilipinas.

60 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 61
ACTIVITY 1: Bakuna Ricorida!

About the Activity

Playing Ricorida or Bandillo is one of the most effective means of catching the attention of the public especially in the
rural areas and remote barangays. It can be done through the use of mobile transportation or just by marching around
the barangay with the use of megaphones. The activity includes playing of the Bakuna jingles and giving out flyers on
the importance of completing the Routine Immunization of their children and informing them that vaccines are free and
available at the health centers. The LGU shall ensure that the Ricorida will reach all the barangays.

62 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Get Vaccinated Physical Community Event

Why do this Activity? Mechanics:

• To promote and institutionalize “Bakuna • The information drive shall be composed of

Wednesday” as a regular activity for routine teams that will cover highly populated areas
vaccination. in the community.
• To frequently remind the parents and caregivers • Activity will be scheduled on a Monday or
to complete the routine immunization of their a Tuesday (in preparation for the Bakuna
children Wednesday)
• To inform the public that they can avail the • Organizers should assign a staff to lead
vaccines for free at the health centers. the subteams of the Ricorida. Assigned
team leaders should ensure the needed
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample materials for the information dissemination:
materials that might help you: * Vehicle with PA system (van, jeep, tricycle,
pedicab, etc) with driver and 1 staff to
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
control the PA system/ Megaphones
* Audio materials for the ricorida (jingles,
General Guidelines:
chants, bandillo, etc.)
* Streamers for the vehicle
This information drive aims to raise awareness on the
* Flyers, brochures, and other collaterals for
routine immunization services of the city/municipality. It
give away
utilizes mobile vehicles and broadcast equipment that will
announce the available services in the Barangay Health
• Teams should follow a predetermined route
Stations and Rural Health Units. The activity will be done
for the information drive and shall be giving
every Wednesday to reinforce the “Bakuna Wednesday”
flyers and collaterals as necessary
advocacy of the Department of Health.
• Teams shall convene back at the starting point.

Notes for the Implementers: partners can lend vehicles and equipment that
can help you scale up the information drive
• Organizers shall prepare the schedule of the • Ensure minimum public health standards in
Ricorida in every barangay and shall inform doing the activity and with interaction to the
the concerned Barangay Officials public
• Invite more volunteers: community members,
private groups, and organizations. These

Community Health Promotion Playbook 63

B. Promotional and Event Materials • Event Materials
* Jingle
• Promotional Materials * Ricorida/Script for ricorida
* Poster/Streamer * Streamers/Tricycle tarpaulins
* Social Media Card (SMC) * Flyers
* T-Shirts

Access the materials here:

Engage the Private Sector!

You may tap the private businesses for their support! Encourage them to lend their vehicles
or sponsor the information drive. Start engaging them for future partnerships and make them
Champions of Health.

64 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 65
ACTIVITY 2: Batang Bakunado Protektado! Social Media Gimmick
Search for Fully Immunized Chikiting (FIC)

About the Activity

Immunization is the best protection against vaccine-preventable diseases. For your child to be fully protected, it is
important that the child receives all the vaccines in the routine immunization according to the immunization schedule.

This social media gimmick will encourage the parents to regularly check their children’s immunization cards and showcase
that they have a Fully Immunized Chikiting (FIC). The official hashtag for this activity is #BatangBakunadoProtektado.

66 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Get Vaccinated Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? Mechanics:

• To remind the parents and caregivers to • Interested participants shall take the best photo
regularly check the vaccination cards of their of their Chikiting holding the immunization
children. card and post it using their Facebook account.
• To raise awareness on the importance of • Photo submission shall be uploaded on the
completing the immunization of the children participant’s personal Facebook account.
according to the schedule in the immunization Entries should also tag @HealthyPilipinas and
card. @(insert official LGU account handle/name).
Include hashtags #BatangBakunadoProtektado
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample and #HealthyPilipinas.
• The participant shall write their most creative
materials that might help you: caption about the importance of vaccination
and include it in their post.
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
• The social media gimmick will be running for
the whole month of April, starting from April
General Guidelines:
1 until April 29, 2021. Participants may submit
their entries during the time period.
The #BatangBakunadoProtektado social media gimmick
is open to parents and caregivers of children below 2 years
old. Entries for the search for Fully Immunized Chikiting
will be crowd-sourced from interested participants and
will be shared and posted via official LGU social media

Activities Timeline

Post the announcement poster and SMCs to the LGU official FB page Last week of July 2021

Monitor the social media posts daily and choose 5 best liked photos April 1-29
and captions.
Post/Announce the top 5 most liked posts in the LGU FB and tag the April 30
Healthy Pilipinas FB page

Notes for the Implementers: • Have someone regularly check the hashtags
for submissions. Hashtags are labels on social
• LGU should assign a staff or team media that make finding specific content
(preferably HEPO) to manage the easier. Designated social media managers may
#BatangBakunadoProtektako social media screen posts/materials and share them in the
gimmick LGU’s official social media accounts.
• Post the announcement poster and Social • Check for positive and negative comments from
Media Cards (SMCs) at your official LGU social the public. Make sure that all are complying
media account/s with social media ethics. Enforce positive
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be comments and correct negative perceptions.
tagged by other Facebook users.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 67

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Tap your local social media influencers!

Advocates and influencers play a big role in encouraging people in the community to have their
children vaccinated against preventable diseases.

68 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 69
ACTIVITY 3: Jingle Making Contest (#BakunaWednesdayJingle)

About the Activity

Jingles give life to a campaign! We utilize jingles to convey messages in a more creative and exciting way. This
Jingle Making Contest activity aims to raise awareness about the importance of Routine Immunization. The winning
Jingle will be declared as the official Jingle of the LGU’s Routine Immunization (RI) Program and will be used on the
different RI community activations.

70 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Get Vaccinated Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • The jingle must have a duration of 30 seconds.

Accompaniment may be added e.g. instrument
• To enjoin the public to participate in the jingle or combination of several instruments
making contest for #BakunaWednesdayJingle • Lyrics must include key messages promoting
• To promote the importance of Routine #BakunaWednesday. Access the Routine
Immunization Immunization Brochure here: <insert link of the
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample • Both music and lyrics must be original, relevant,
and clear.
materials that might help you: • Recording of the must be in mp3 format.
• All entries and duly accomplished entry
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
forms must be submitted on or before April
15, 2021 this email address: <insert LGU’s
General Guidelines:
email address>. Attachments in the email shall
include the following:
This Jingle Making Contest (#BakunaWednesdayJingle)
* Recording of the jingle in mp3 format
aims to search for the most creative rendition of jingle that
* Copy of the lyrics
promotes the importance of Routine Immunization. The
• Winners will be notified via phone and/or
winning jingle entry will be utilized as the official Jingle of
email, and their names and entries will be
the LGU’s Routine Immunization Program. This contest is
announced in the LGU Official Facebook Page.
open to all interested members of the community.


• The #BakunaWednesday jingle making contest

is open to the public.

Activities Timeline

Organize the Selection team 1st wk of April

(Invite members of the Board of Judges)
Post the announcement and invitation to the #BakunaWednesday April 1
Jingle making contest at LGU official FB account
Provide link for the Registration Forms, References for the
#BakunaWednesday Jingle making (brochure), and email address
Collect all entries and upload in the Gdrive April 15

Provide copies of the entries and Score sheet to the Judges April 17

Consolidate result of Judging April 22

Prepare the Plaque and Prizes 3rd wk April

Schedule for the Awarding Ceremony with Mayor April 30

Winners will be notified via phone and email their names and entries will be announced in the LGU FB page
and copies of the winning entries will be submitted to the DOH Center for Health Development HEPOs for
endorsement to DOH-HPB.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 71

• Below is the suggested rubrics for judging: • Awards & Prizes and Sample Program
* Role of the Board of Judges: Flow:
* Review all the #BakunaWednesday Jingle
contest entries
* 1st Place Grand Winner - Plaque or
* Score and rate the entries based on the Trophy + Cash
Criteria * 2nd Place - Plaque or Trophy +
* Submit the result to the LGU coordinator Cash
* 3rd Place - Plaque or Trophy + Cash
Criteria Percentage/
Melody, rhythm and 40%
accompaniment (MUSIC)
Lyrics / Message 25%
Originality 15%
Overall impact / Appeal 20%
Total 100%

Time Activity Resource Person

3:00-3:05 Opening Salvo LGU

3:05-3:10 Welcome Message Municipal Health Officer
3:10-3:20 Overview of the #BakunaWednesday Jingle making Contest HEPO/coordinator
3:20 -3:25 Introduction of Board of Judges HEPO/coordinator
3:25- 3:55 Announcement of Winners HEPO
* play the Jingle of each Awardees LGU Mayor to award
3:55-4:00 Closing Message LGU Mayor

• Post the announcement poster and Social

Media Cards (SMCs) at your official LGU social
media account/s.
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be
tagged by other Facebook users.
• Have someone regularly check the hashtags
for submissions. Hashtags are labels on social
media that make finding specific content
easier. Designated social media managers
may screen posts/materials and share them in
the LGU’s official social media accounts.
• Check for positive and negative comments
from the public. Make sure that all are
complying with social media ethics. Enforce
positive comments and correct negative

72 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Notes for the implementers • The LGU should assign a staff (preferably
Health Education and Promotion Officers) or
• The LGU shall invite members of the form a team to organize and coordinate the
Selection Committee with the following #BakunaWednesdayJingle making contest.
composition: The LGU is also requested to submit a copy
* Board of Judges of the Jingle to the DOH Health Promotion
* Chair: Mayor Bureau for proper recognition. This will use
* Members: the hashtag #BakunaWednesdayJingle
* Municipal/City Health Officer
* Representative from local musician/talent

B. Promotional and Sample Materials • Event Materials

• Promotion Materials * Plaque /Trophy

* Poster * Judging Score sheet
* Social Media Card (SMC)
* Brochure on Routine Immunization
(Reference for the Jingle making contest)

Access the materials here:

Connect with the Bakuna Experts, Advocates, and Influencers in your community!
Members of these immunization advocacy groups, experts, and influencers are authoritative resources
to help communicate on the health and economic benefits of vaccines and immunization. They can
help encourage their community members to get inoculated!

Community Health Promotion Playbook 73

April: Get Vaccinated

74 Community Health Promotion Playbook

May: Healthy Fiesta
Celebrate festivities, the healthy way!

Summer in the Philippines is the season for fiestas, culminating in May before the traditional start
of the rainy season. The Health Events we have outlined below have the fiesta celebrations at
their core -- parades, dance numbers, and food! We will piggyback on these activities to remind
the public to make healthier lifestyle choices amidst the festivities.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 75

76 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 1: Healthy Piyesta Parada

About the Activity

During fiesta season, communities honor the life of their patron saints and celebrate other notable milestones/ his-
torical events. The Healthy Piyesta Parada is an activity that can be piggy-backed with the community’s scheduled
parades. Barangays will highlight healthy lifestyles in their parade floats.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 77

7 Healthy Habits Physical Community Event, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • The participating Barangay with the best (1)
agricultural display, (2) banner and slogan,
• To enjoin the community in eating a balanced and (3) chant will be recognized and awarded!
diet and to actively choose healthier food
options such as vegetables, fruits, and other Best Agricultural Display Rating/
fresh produce Score
• To enjoin the community in physical activity: Quantity 30%
participation in the parade
• To enjoin the community in championing the 7 Diversity 30%
healthy habits for a Healthy Community
Creativity 30%
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample materials Audience Impact 10%
that might help you:
Total 100%
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
Best Chant Rating/
General Guidelines: Score
Message 30%
As we celebrate the life of San Isidro and the abundance
and beauty of our community’s agricultural landscape, let Vocal Quality 30%
us also take this opportunity to champion healthy lifestyles
Creativity 30%
in our municipality! This year, we will incorporate health
reminders in our annual parade! Join our Healthy Piyesta Audience Impact 10%
Parada as we celebrate this year’s Piyesta ni San Isidro.
Total 100%
Best Banner and Slogan Rating/
• Each participating barangay will be: Score
• Highlighting their own produce: vegetables, Message 50%
fruits, crops, etc. for the entirety of the parade.
Display of the produce may be: handheld, in Creativity 40%
baskets, or atop a float Audience Impact 10%
• Displaying a banner with their own slogan
on their preferred healthy behavior: Total 100%

* Move More, Eat Right

* Be Clean, Live Sustainably
* Get Vaccinated
* Don’t Smoke, Lessen Alcohol, Say No to
* Care for Yourself, Care for Others
* Practice Safe Sex
* Do No Harm, Put Safety First

• Chanting their Barangay Motto/ Healthy

Slogan at strategic areas of the parade

78 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Notes for the Implementers:

• Post the announcement poster and Social

Media Cards (SMCs) at your official LGU social
media account/s

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Engage your local chief executives!

Barangay captains and leaders can help in encouraging their community members to participate in
these participatory activities and events.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 79

80 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 2: Sayaw-Galaw para sa Healthy Pilipinas: Barangay Zumba
Choreo Contest

About the Activity

It is no secret that Filipinos love music and dance. At every corner of a barangay, you will see groups of people, young
and old doing their afternoon Zumba routines. This will be more thrilling and exciting when they can also win just by
dancing to their favorite dance songs!

Community Health Promotion Playbook 81

Move More, Eat Right Physical Community Event, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • Submission of entry

• To encourage the community in promoting * The contest will be held through the
physical activity and regular exercise. Barangay’s official FB page
• To encourage the community in sharing * The performance must be at least three (3)
knowledge and benefits of regular exercise. minutes long, and must not exceed five (5)
• To enjoin the community in championing the 7 minutes.
healthy habits for a Healthy Community * Video entries to post on the Instructor’s
page at least one (1) day before the contest
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample with hashtags #HealthyBarangayZumba
#HealthyPilipinas and tag the Barangay’s
materials that might help you: official FB page and @DOHhealthypilipinas
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
• Awards
General Guidelines:
* Best Group Performer
* Best Routine Instructor
• Mechanics:
* Limelight Stealer Award
* Guidelines for Participants:
• Prizes

Maximum of 10 members (to control the
number of people and social distancing)
* 1st Prize: Sound system and duffle bag for
◊ Submit the application form, including the
each member
names of the participants and instructor,
* 2nd Prize: duffle bag for each member
at least three (3) days before the contest.
* 3rd Prize: Merchandise (Umbrella, water
◊ Each participating group shall submit
bottle, towel)
a one-minute video introducing
themselves, and showing how Zumba
• Criteria for Awarding
helps them have a healthy and active
◊ Participants must be aged between 18- Best Group Performer Rating/
50 years old. Score
◊ The participant need not be a resident of Mastery, Originality, Creativity 10%
the barangay. Choreography + Move more, Eat 25%
◊ No participant shall be a member of more Right moves
than one (1) group.
Gracefulness and Synchronicity 15%
◊ No senior citizens are allowed to join to
observe quarantine restrictions Level of Difficulty 25%
* Location and venue
◊ Should be in an open and MPHS Costume 10%
compliant Appeal to the Audience 5%
◊ Preferably a location that is best to
highlight your own barangay (school, Total 100%
open court etc)
◊ Preferably a noise-free location to avoid
audio distractions in recording the video
◊ Can perfectly frame the complete
members of the group
* Routine materials
◊ Participating groups are given the
freedom for their choice of music and
◊ The use of props and any materials for the
routine is encouraged but not required.

82 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Best Routine Instructor Rating/
Mastery, Originality, Creativity 10%
Choreography + Move more, Eat 25%
Right moves
Gracefulness and Synchronicity 15%
Level of Difficulty 25%
Costume 10%
Appeal to the Audience 5%
Total 100%

Limelight Stealer Award Rating/

Choreography + Move more, Eat 25%
Right moves
Appeal to the Audience 75%
Total 100%

Notes for the Implementers: for submissions. Designated social media

manager may screen materials and share them
• Ensure that call for entries are published in in the LGU’s official social media accounts.
the Municipality/City’s Official Facebook and/or • Check for positive and negative comments from
TikTok account and community boards inviting the public. Make sure that all are complying
the public to join the #HealthyGalawSayaw with social media ethics. Enforce positive
campaign comments and correct negative perceptions.
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be • Congratulate all who joined the GALAW-
tagged by other facebook users. SAYAW para sa HEALTHY PILIPINAS:
• Have someone regularly check the hashtags BARANGAY ZUMBA Choreo Contest
#HealthyGalawSayaw and #HealthyPilipinas

Community Health Promotion Playbook 83

B. Promotional and Event Materials • Event Materials
* Streamer
• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)

Access the materials here:

Connect with your local community leaders!

Community leaders are proved to be instrumental in motivating their constituents to take part in
activities that promote healthy behaviors.

84 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 85
ACTIVITY 3: Healthiest Handaan!

About the Activity

One component that is never absent in any fiesta big or small is food! Doors are open, neighbors are welcome,
everyone is treated like family. To keep with the Seven Healthy Habits, we would like Filipinos to remember to
maintain a balanced diet following the Pinggang Pinoy. This activity would be a social media hashtag campaign
where anyone can upload their #HealthiestHandaan during fiesta season.

Since this activity would be done over social media, the timing of the promotion does not need to coincide with a
specific fiesta, if for example the town fiesta does not fall in May.

86 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Move More, Eat Right Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? Mechanics:

• To promote the Pinggang Pinoy to Filipinos on • This event will be done over social media
social media channels, preferably thru the Municipality/
• To promote to social media that the City’s Official Facebook and/or TikTok account
municipality or local government unit is one • Invites will be published in the Municipality/
with the DOH in promoting the 7 Healthy City’s Official Facebook and/or TikTok
Habits account calling for the people to join the
• Promote the use of the Healthy Pilipinas #HealthiestHandaan campaign
website, where people interested in joining • People will take videos of themselves preparing
can download the Pinggang Pinoy and cooking their “Healthiest Handaan” based
on the Pinggang Pinoy guide, with pictures
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample and/or videos of the final result.
• They will then post them on their social
materials that might help you: media accounts using the hashtag
#HealthiestHandaan, and must also tag the
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
Healthy Pilipinas and DOH Facebook accounts.
• LGUs will search social media for the most
General Guidelines:
creative, most appetizing, and most healthy
dishes, and feature them on their official social
• Official social media channels of the LGU,
media accounts each week for the entire month
specifically Facebook and TikTok.
• Monitors should be sure to promote Healthiest
• Staff who would be tasked to check social
Handaan pictures/videos that promote a
media regularly to download and choose the
healthy balanced diet, i.e. not too sugary, not
Healthiest Handaan Dishes.
too salty, etc.
• Staff to be trained to identify healthy food
items that fit the “Pinggang Pinoy”

Notes for the Implementers: media that make finding specific content easier.
• Designated social media managers may screen
• Post the announcement poster and Social posts/materials and share them in the LGU’s
Media Cards (SMCs) at your official LGU social official social media accounts.
media account/s • Check for positive and negative comments from
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be the public. Make sure that all are complying
tagged by other Facebook users. with social media ethics.
• Have someone regularly check the hashtags • Enforce positive comments and correct
for submissions. Hashtags are labels on social negative perceptions.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 87

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Social media cards

• Facebook banners

Access the materials here:

Engage youth groups in your community!

Leverage the connection and networks of the youth leaders who get along well with their peers.
Involving the youth provides opportunities for youth participation in events like these.

88 Community Health Promotion Playbook

May: Healthy Fiesta

Community Health Promotion Playbook 89

June: No Smoking Month
Every June we remember the ill effects of tobacco being addictive and harmful. Tobacco use
hinders development in many ways. Globally, tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year
from direct use and exposure to secondhand smoke. Despite the crackdown on tobacco products
over their harmful effects on health, 16.6 million Filipino adults are still smoking in the streets,
in front of stores and in gatherings. The health events outlined below will urge every individual
to join the anti-smoking campaign and prevent the youth from starting the habit of smoking and
support current tobacco users to QUIT TOBACCO USE NOW!

90 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 91
ACTIVITY 1: SAYAWIT KONTRA BISYO (Talent Showcase Contest)

About the Activity

The contest will provide opportunities for the participants to showcase their creativity, style, talents, and skills through
the arts of singing, dancing, playing an instrument, and other activities that will help boost the self-esteem, confidence,
and assurance of the participants and bring the community together. This is also a great way to help prevent use of
alcohol, tobacco, and drugs among children, teens and young adults that might lead to delinquency. This will also
promote awareness and getting community involvement against addiction in the community.

92 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Don’t Smoke, Lessen Alcohol, Say No To Drugs Physical Community Event, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? * Costumes must be appropriate for all age

The primary objective of the activity is to showcase * Participants are responsible for their own
the different talents and skills of the members of the props and costumes
community especially the youth * If the performance requires recorded
accompanying music, the music must be
• Enjoin the youth in doing worthwhile and provided to the Talent Show Committee at
productive activities that will promote healthier the time of the auditions, labeled with your
lifestyles; name and song name
• Increase awareness on the consequences of * All performances will be screened for
alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use; and appropriateness by the Talent Show
• Provide opportunities to showcase local Committee
talents and promote what a smoke/ alcohol/ * Absolutely no cigarettes, alcoholic
drug-free community is. beverages and illicit drugs in the venue. All
attendees will be subjected to frisking and
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample other security measures
* A sample Criteria for Judging can be seen
materials that might help you: below:
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
Best Performer Rating
General Guidelines: Overall Performance 20%

• The activity is open to all members of the Audience Response 15%

community. Stage Appearance and Presence 15%
• Participation of every barangay is required.
Originality 15%
Mechanics: Personality 15%
• Show your creativity, style, talents and skills Creativity 10%
through singing, dancing, or playing an
Organization/ Coordination 10%
• This November, let’s boost that self-esteem, Total 100%
confidence, and get hyped with talents. Sign up
now! Coordinate with your Barangay Captain
and fill up the Talent Show Participation Form.
* The show is open to all ages
* Talents may include but are not limited to
singing, dancing, instrumental music, and
* Everyone must submit a completed and
signed Talent Show Participation Form in
coordination with their barangay captain
* Participants who are part of a group act
should submit Participation Forms as one
* Recommended length is 3 minutes; not
more than 5 mins.
* Participants in a group act can be less than
5 but not more than 10.
* Absolutely no profanity or insensitive
subject matter

Community Health Promotion Playbook 93

To guide the implementers in planning their
program, a sample Program Flow is developed
for your guidance:

Time Activity Resource Person

8:00-9:00 AM Registration
9:00- 9:30 AM Opening Ceremonies MHO/CHO
• Parade of Colors Mayor
• Prayers
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
• Welcome Remarks

9:30 - 11:40 AM Contest Proper (5 minutes per contestants) Contestants

• Singing (7 contestants)
• Dancing (5 contestants)
• Other skills (3 contestants)
11:40-11:50 AM Intermission numbers while judges are tabulating the scores
11:50 - 12:00 NN Awarding of Winners Mayor & VIPs
Closing remarks Vice Mayor/Coun-

Notes for the Implementers: • All barangay must submit a representative

• All representatives must be pre-screened
• Engage the Barangay Captains! The Punong • All representatives must complete and sign
Barangays are the captains of the ship at the the Talent Show Participation Form and the
community level. They are the first liners in barangay will submit to the talent show
ensuring that their constituents best interests committee for appropriate action.
are served. • All Barangay Captains and all barangay
• Encourage the members of your community representatives will receive a Certificate of
to actively join the fight against smoking, too Appreciation.
much drinking and illicit drugs through song, • Winners will receive trophies, cash and
dance and other skills. certificates
• Help us boost self-esteem, confidence, and
get hyped with the talents of your very own
community. Encourage your community
members to SIGN UP NOW!

94 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)
* Sample New Year, New You, New Healthy
Habit TikTok Videos

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Engage the Barangay Captains, Kagawads and the Sangguniang Kabataan!

The barangay leaders set valuable examples to their constituents. Their encouragement to join
the activity will boost the morals of these talented individuals further to join and win in the
competition. It is also important that the constituents understand through their barangay officials
that these activities were created for the improvement of the community as a whole.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 95

96 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 2: Tunog Pagkakaisa Laban sa Bisyo (or) Inter Barangay Jam
Sessions Kontra Bisyo Para Sa Healthy Pilipinas

About the Activity

Filipinos love to get together. Apart from getting together to feast on the best of Filipino cuisine, drinking and smoking
sessions are a staple in any celebration. Filipinos are known to be hard and strong drinkers and smokers from birthday
to graduation, to big town fiestas, down to the smallest gathering. And events are never complete without karaoke.
Filipinos are musically-inclined, they love singing and there is no better way to show their appreciation to music than
a community concert.

Community concerts are a great opportunity to get together and be happy minus the alcohol, smoke, and drugs. This
is also a great opportunity to aim at changing norms regarding substance use (smoking, drinking, & illicit drug use or
abuse) by demonstrating negative consequences for use, positive consequences for nonuse, changing opinions about
the prevalence of use or the types of people who use, and increasing skills for resisting drugs.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 97

Don’t Smoke, Lessen Alcohol, Say No To Drugs Physical Community Event

Why do this Activity? • Undistributed tickets will be charged to the

barangay captain
The main objective of the activity is to bring communities • The concert venue is open to accept guests at
together and instill a sense of community pride for a 7:00 PM.
healthier smoke/alcohol/drug-free community. • The concert starts at 8:00 PM and ends at
12:00 PM
• Provide opportunities to showcase local • 5 groups will be performing with intermission
talents and promote what a smoke / alcohol / numbers in between performances
drug-free community is. • Absolutely no cigarettes, alcoholic beverages
• Enjoin the youth in doing worthwhile and and illicit drugs in the venue. All attendees will be
productive activities that will promote healthier subjected to frisking and other security measures
• Increase awareness on the consequences of Talents:
alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use
• Signing up talents for a free concert could
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample be a bit challenging, considering that the
musical talent that you bring in will shape the
materials that might help you: atmosphere of your concert.
• Pool your talents before finalizing the date and
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
• If you have a budget, you can recruit the best
General Guidelines:
talents available.
• Make sure that the audience of your talents
• The activity is open to all members of the
significantly overlaps with your target audience
for the event, you don’t want a band with a
• Participation of every barangay is required.
primarily teenage audience playing to a room
full of seniors.
• However, if you do not have budget you can
coordinate with the different barangay captains
• The concert is free to all 15 years old and
or school administrations to send:
* Available local bands, or
• The venue is divided per barangay
* Screen local talents, or
• Every barangay is provided with 100 free
* Require every barangay to send
• Coordinate with your barangay officials for the
◊ Singers - solo, group or band.
◊ Dancers - solo or group.

Notes for the Implementers: * All barangay must submit a representative

* All representatives must be pre-screened
• The Punong Barangays are the captains of the * All Barangay Captains and all barangay
ship at the community level. They are the first representatives will receive a Certificate of
liners in ensuring that their constituents best Appreciation.
interests are served.
• Encourage the members of your community
to actively join the fight against smoking,
too much drinking and illicit drugs.

98 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Posters, streamers
* Social Media Cards

• Event Materials
* Streamers
* Umbrellas, fans, water bottles

Access the materials here:

Engage the Barangay Captains, Kagawads, and the Sangguniang Kabataan!

Build relationships with private businesses and establishments! Private sector partners can be of
help in conducting various health-related activities for their constituents. You may tap malls and other
establishments in co-presenting and sponsoring venues for events and activities.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 99

100 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 3: PINTAyo for a Bisyo-Free Pilipinas

About the Activity

A mural is a powerful visual communication tool, meant to promote an opinion and to transmit social and political
messages towards unity, painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other permanent surfaces. This is also a great
way to showcase the heritage, and preserve the culture of the community cherished by generations. This is also a way
to showcase and develop artistic talents of the community members and a great way to showcase the existing natural
beauty of the area.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 101

Don’t Smoke, Lessen Alcohol, Say No To Drugs Physical Community Event, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? will be disqualified.

• The artworks should be share-worthy, design
• Provide opportunities to showcase local the mural that will become viral when shared
talents and promote what a smoke / alcohol / on social media, or if locals and visitors alike
drug-free community is. will choose the spot for picture-taking and
• Enjoin the youth in doing worthwhile and post it in their social media pages.
productive activities that will promote healthier
lifestyles. Mechanics:
• Increase awareness on the consequences of
alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use • All participating barangay is given one (1)
week to finish the mural starting from the
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample announcement date or as prescribed by the
contest committee.
materials that might help you: • Minimum wall dimensions is 10 feet high and
15 feet long located in any place frequented
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
by minors like schools, playgrounds or market
places in their barangay.
General Guidelines:
• Materials for the murals can be provided by
the barangay or solicited from the businesses
• All barangay is expected to submit at least one
in the community or donation from private
(1) entry by filling out the entry form.
personalities for community involvement.
• The artwork must be located in any place
• Winners will be announced in November,
frequented by minors like schools, playgrounds
or market places in their barangay.
• Announcement and awarding of winners will
• All artwork must adhere to the theme “Huwag
be made in November -- 2021. Based on the
hayaang matalo ng bisyo. Sinisira ng sigarilyo,
criteria for judging below.
alak at droga ang magandang kinabukasan
• Winners will receive trophies, cash and
certificates and all participating barangays will
• All artwork should connect or showcase the
receive a certificate of appreciation.
beauty of the community and the message of
• Barangay murals with the most number
preventing substance use and abuse.
of likes, shares and comments in the town
• The artwork must be an original piece that
Facebook Page will receive a special award.
is conceptualized and executed by the
• Absolutely no cigarettes, alcoholic beverages
participants. Designs that copied composition
and illicit drugs during the awarding
of existing work will be automatically
ceremonies. All attendees will be subjected
disqualified even if they were rendered in a
to frisking and other security measures
different style, medium, and color scheme.
• Names of the participants must not appear on
Sample Program Flow:
the design, and obscene or offensive entries

Time Activity Person Responsible

8:00-9:00 AM Registration Registration
9:00- 9:30 AM • Opening Ceremonies MHO/CHO
• Parade of Colors Mayor
• Prayers
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
9:30 - 11:40 AM Announcement and awarding of winners Contestants
• Special Awards (most likes, shares, comments)
• 2rd to 2nd runner up
• Intermission number
• 1st runner up
• Grand Winner
11:40-11:50 AM Awarding of Winners Mayor & VIPs
Closing remarks Vice Mayor/Counselor

102 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Criteria Rating
Visual Impact (overall quality) 30%
Interpretation and Creativity (completeness/ effort) 20%
Composition/Design (organization) 15%
Craftsmanship (made with skill of mediums and overall neatness) 15%
Relevance to the theme 20%
Total 100%

Notes for the Implementers: to actively join the fight against smoking, too
much drinking and illicit drugs through song,
• The Punong Barangays are the captains of the dance and other skills.
ship at the community level. They are the first • All barangay is required to submit an entry
liners in ensuring that their constituents best • All Barangay Captains and all barangay
interests are served. representatives will receive a Certificate of
• Encourage the members of your community Appreciation.

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Posters, streamers
* Social Media Cards

• Event Materials
* Streamers

Access the materials here:

Collaborate with partner organizations who have good social media presence!
They can take part in health community events by being co-presenters. Cross-posting of these
health activities to their social media platforms can help in amplifying the reach and visibility of the

Community Health Promotion Playbook 103

June: No Smoking Month

104 Community Health Promotion Playbook

July: Move More, Eat Right
Have a mid-year boost of energy this July with the Move More, Eat Right activities! Celebrate your
body as we move to the beat and sweat the stress away! This month we focus on appreciating
our bodies that have helped us each and every day of our lives through activities that promote
taking care of our physical health! We recognize the strength of our bodies through physical
activities and have a toast to the fuel that gives us the energy we need by celebrating our healthy

Community Health Promotion Playbook 105

106 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 1: Pinggang Pinoy Panalo!

About the Activity

Healthy eating? Flex mo yan! This community Facebook challenge incentivizes the members of the barangay to share
their Pinggang Pinoy meals! From food preparation, cooking, plating, to even eating their healthy meals, participants
can share photos or videos of their Pinggang Pinoy. The campaign encourages the participants to learn about the
Pinggang Pinoy which they can then apply to their day to day meal planning!

Best photo / video of the week will be shared on the barangay Facebook page.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 107

Move More, Eat Right Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • People will take videos of themselves

preparing and cooking their meal based on
• To facilitate light competition in the community the Pinggang Pinoy guide, with pictures and/or
to prepare healthy meals videos of the final result.
• To encourage the participants to learn about • They will then post them on their social
the Pinggang Pinoy media accounts using the hashtag
• To introduce the use of the nutrition tool in #PinggangPinoyPanalo, and must also tag
daily meal planning the Healthy Pilipinas and DOH Facebook
accounts. A local hashtag may be used to
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample improve tracking of the participants.
• Ex: #PinggangPinoyPanalo #MNLBrgy337
materials that might help you: • LGUs will search social media for the most
creative, most appetizing dishes weekly, and
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
feature them on their official social media
accounts each week for the entire month of
• Monitors should ensure to promote Pinggang
• Official social media channels of the LGU,
Pinoy Panalo pictures/videos that promote a
specifically Facebook.
healthy balanced diet, i.e. not too sugary, not
• Staff who would be tasked to check social
too salty, etc.
media regularly to share and screen the
Pinggang Pinoy Panalo participants.
• Staff to be trained to identify healthy food
items that fit the “Pinggang Pinoy”
• Briefing tool for the participants on what the
Pinggang Pinoy is.


• This event will be done over social media

channels, preferably thru the Municipality/
City’s Official Facebook account.
• Invites will be published in the Municipality/
City’s Official Facebook to join the
#PinggangPinoyPanalo campaign the hashtag
of their locality may be added to improve the
tracking of the event

108 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Poster/Streamer
• Sample Pinggang Pinoy Panalo Photos or Videos

Access the materials here:

Engage the Sangguniang Kabataan!

Tap the energy of the youth leaders who connect well and reach out to their fellow youth. Involving
the SK provides opportunities for youth participation in important activities like these.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 109

110 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 2: Healthy Pilipinas Malakas

About the Activity

Wais magpapawis para sakit alis! This community exercise program enjoins members of the community to join the
activity as muscle strengthening exercises are important to maintain a healthy body. The exercise video provided by
the Department of Health can be played on Facebook live or any device that the participants can follow.

The activities can be done once to twice a week for the whole month of July through online platforms, in person (subject
to quarantine protocols), or if possible both simultaneously. If done in person, the video should be easily viewed by all
participants or an LGU staff member can facilitate the exercise session as well.

The exercise video will include short messages that will emphasize the importance of physical activities and muscle
strengthening exercises.

To incentivize the attendance, participants with perfect attendance or best attendance relative to the number of
sessions held can be given a simple reward.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 111

Move More, Eat Right Social Media, Physical Community Event

Why do this Activity? • Tech Needs

*Audio Visual Equipment to project the
• To enjoin the community to share their new exercise video
healthy habits, resolutions, advocacies, • Rewards
ultimately encouraging each other to practice * Certificates of Completion
healthy behaviors * Incentive or reward from the LGU for be
• These health community boards can also
be a space for announcements and other Mechanism:
• This event can be done in person or online
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample • Promotion and invitation to the event will be
done through the social media and on ground
materials that might help you: activation of the LGU
• Participants will simply join the event and
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
follow the exercise video streamed or projected
by the LGU
General Guidelines:
• The LGU will take note of the attendance in the
events for the certificates and rewards
• Platform & Location
• At the end of the month, participants with the
* Facebook Live on the LGU account
best attendance will receive a certificate of
* Open Space for the Community Exercise if

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Poster/Streamer

Access the materials here:

Engage the Barangay Captains and Kagawads!

Barangay leaders set valuable examples to their constituents. Seeing them writing on the
community boards will encourage more people to do the same. The act of them taking the initiative
to share their new year’s resolutions will help motivate their constituents to participate as well.

112 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 113
ACTIVITY 3: Workout, Cookout

About the Activity

What better way to stay true to the month’s theme than a workout/cookout afternoon! Start the afternoon with an
energizing workout with our partner establishments followed by cooking demos by select home-chefs in the locality!

Everyone is welcome to bring their own food to share and enjoy with the community after sweating it out together!
Nothing brings a community together like food! Mix that up with a fun exercise routine and you’re sure to have a
happy and healthy afternoon!

#MoveMoreEatRight #WorkoutCookout

114 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Move More, Eat Right Physical Community Event

Why do this Activity? Mechanics:

• To promote physical exercise and proper • Since the Workout, Cookout activity will be a
nutrition within the context of a community community affair, it would be best to reserve
bonding session, where everyone from a spacious area with proper ventilation, like
children to elderly can take part an open field, multipurpose hall, or barangay
• To highlight local restaurants or home cooks, basketball court.
gyms, Zumba instructors and the like • Tap local gym instructors, Zumba instructors,
dance instructors to participate; if there are
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample not enough, you may project exercise videos,
including those provided by the DOH
materials that might help you: • Ask local restaurants to participate and set
up stalls serving healthy dishes. You may
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
also ask home cooks and carinderia owners
to participate. Optimally, the stalls would
General Guidelines:
prepare the food on-site to show people how
to prepare and serve healthy dishes.
The Workout, Cookout activity is a community event that
• Plan the program for the day! These should be
is open to all and should encourage proper nutrition and
a mix of activity sessions and cooking demos.
physical activity. It can be conducted over half a day, or up
Other activities may also be done, so long as
to multiple days depending on the size or enthusiasm of
they contribute to exercise or nutrition.
the local community. Always ensure that minimum public
health standards are followed at all times.

Notes for the Implementers: • Ensure that the event follows the prevailing
minimum public health standards.
• Ensure that the dishes follow the Pinggang • Ensure that the entire community can be
Pinoy, or have sufficient amounts of vegetables, involved. Have activities for children and
proteins and carbs. Refrain from including elderly as well.
sugar-sweetened beverages and junk food.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 115

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Streamer
• Social media cards
• Facebook banners

Access the materials here:

Engage the mothers in the community!

Mothers are usually the main decision makers when it comes to the health concerns of the family.
Tapping them in this activity will enforce the importance of healthy habits among family members.

116 Community Health Promotion Playbook

July: Move More, Eat Right

Community Health Promotion Playbook 117

August: Practice Safe Sex
Taking control of one’s sexual health and safety is not something to be afraid of. Planning and
being protected, practicing safer and responsible sex, and advocating for mothers to stay healthy
and to respond to obstetric and neonatal emergencies can be made entertaining too. With
various sexual and reproductive health campaigns being celebrated in the month of August e.g.
National Family Planning Month, Family Planning Day, and HIV Prevention Month, this month
is a perfect time for community members to show their support for the sexual and reproductive
health and well-being of the Filipino people as well as to express their commitment to ending
sexual stigma.

118 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 119
ACTIVITY 1: Take the Safe Sex Pledge!

About the Activity

Effective and open communication, particularly pakikipag-usap is the foundation of society; thus making it the
foundation of a healthy Filipino family. Topics on sexual and reproductive health and family planning are not usually
being brought up during family discussions. While this is difficult, it is crucial to have challenging conversations on
sexuality, relationships, and sex in a way that is respectful, discreet, and compassionate.

We all know that good sexual and reproductive health requires positive and respectful approaches to sexuality and
relationships, and in a space or platform where they can freely express their thoughts. This activity entitled, “The Take
the Safe Sex Pledge” is a simple yet powerful campaign to encourage the Filipinos to practice safer sex and creatively
communicate their support and commitment to ending sexual stigma.

120 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Practice Safe Sex Physical Community Event

Why do this Activity? commitment from the community members. There will
be a community board where people can sign and insert
The main objective of this activity is to gain the support their pledge statements on promoting positive sexual
and commitment from the community members in and reproductive behaviors.
practicing healthy behaviors, specifically:
It should be enforced that there shall be no offensive,
• To promote positive sexual and reproductive discriminating, and inappropriate statements on these
behaviors pledge boards. It shall be properly managed and
• To encourage people and take pledge to regulated by the community organizing committee/s.
do safer sex practices i.e. not engaging in
unprotected sex, having sex when ready, Mechanics:
loving one’s self
• Take the Safe Sex Pledge by signing on the
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample signature board!
• Show your support in promoting positive
materials that might help you: sexual and reproductive behaviors.
• Sample pledge statements below:
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
* My body, my choice, my responsibility!
* I will not engage in unprotected sex
General Guidelines:
* I pledge to practice safe sex
* I will have sex when I am ready only
The Take the Safe Sex Pledge is a pledge of commitment
* I will correctly and consistently use condoms
campaign in a form of getting the signatures as sign of
• A sample program flow can be seen below:

Time Activity Resource Person

8:00-9:00 AM Registration LGU

9:00- 9:30 • Opening Ceremonies MHO/CHO
AM • Parade of Colors Mayor
• Prayers
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
• Welcome Remarks
9:30 - 10:00 Take the Safe Sex Pledge proper introduction - Reveal of the signa- Organizing committee
AM ture board

Message of Support and Purpose of the Campaign

Closing remarks Vice Mayor/Counselor

Notes for the Implementers: • Enforce adherence of orderly participation of

the community members.
• Situate the Safe Sex Pledge signature board in • It is recommended to have regular inspection
strategic places where there is high foot traffic visits on the sites where the pledge boards
and good visibility e.g. front of a barangay hall; are situated to ensure adherence to orderly
lobby; beside other bulletin boards implementation of the signature campaign.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 121

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Engage the Barangay Captains and Kagawads!

Tap your local influencers that advocate for positive sexual and reproductive behaviors! These may
be your Brgy. Captains, Kagawads, Sangguniang Kabataan, youth organizations, etc. They can help in
increasing the visibility and participation for these activities.

122 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 123
ACTIVITY 2: WRAP IT UP: Condom Lang Sakalam TikTok Challenge

About the Activity

Community-driven sexual health prevention interventions have been proven to be effective in influencing healthy
behaviors (e.g. safe condom use practices) of the community members. Family planning is crucial for preventing
unintended pregnancies as well as for improving maternal and child health & well-being. Moreover, increasing the
use of modern contraception including condoms is one of the strategies in preventing sexually-transmitted infections

This condom gimmick activity showcases how to properly wear a condom and encourages people to creatively present
their ways on how to correctly use one. This enables the community members to seek more information on the use of
modern contraceptives and ultimately encourage them to practice safer sex by using contraception such as condoms.

124 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Practice Safe Sex Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? * Uploading their TikTok video on Facebook/

TikTok, tagging @<<insert barangay/LGU’s
The main objective of this activity is to promote positive Facebook/TikTok handle here>> and @
sexual and reproductive behaviors by using modern DOHHealthyPilipinas and with hashtags
contraception, specifically: #PracticeSafeSex #WrapItUp

• To promote condom use among community The individual with the (1) most creative, (2) most aligned/
members, and relevant to the topic will be featured.
• To encourage people to correctly and
consistently use condoms Judges’ Guide

Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample Criteria for Judging:

materials that might help you: • Creativity & Originality - The video must
offer a fresh perspective on the topic/theme
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
highlighted; the message must be presented in
a matter that is creative, interesting, and fresh!
General Guidelines:
• Relevance to the Theme - The content and
messaging must be grounded and revolve
TikTok videos on how to correctly and consistently use
around the correct and consistent use of
condoms should show the important roles that condoms
condoms and how it helps in preventing STIs
play in preventing unintended pregnancies, prevention of
and unintended pregnancies.
STIs, and management of HIV risk.
• Confidence, Presence, and Showmanship - The
video must be shot creatively and must clearly
present a call to action in its composition,
visual elements, structure, and images.
Calls for submission will be published in barangay/
• Social media votes (reacts) - number
LGU’s communication channels e.g. social media, bulletin
of reactions on the video posts on the
boards, memorandum, etc., Including a set period within
Facebook and/or TikTok platforms.
which to submit entries through the TikTok and Facebook
Criteria Rating/
• Each participating barangay constituent will Score
be: Creativity 40%
* Filming a TikTok video, with the topic/theme
“Wrap It Up: Condom lang Sakalam!” Relevance to the Theme 40%
◊ Videos should adhere to the guidelines Confidence, Presence, and 10%
set: Showmanship
» Videos should adhere to the guidelines
set: Social Media Votes (Reacts) 10%
» Should not include nude photos, curse Total 100%
words, and inappropriate content
» Should make the most of the set time
limit (1-2 minutes); must convey its
clear and impactful message in the
time frame given.
» Should reflect messaging and content
based on the theme (Relevance,
Originality, and Clarity of Messaging)

Community Health Promotion Playbook 125

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Tap your local influencers that advocate for positive sexual and reproductive behaviors!
These may be your Brgy. Captains, Kagawads, Sangguniang Kabataan, youth organizations, etc.
They can help in increasing the visibility and participation for these activities.

126 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 127
ACTIVITY 3: Healthy Buntis Pageant

About the Activity

From international beauty pageants to the local barangay contests, Filipinos would always love to show their support
for their respective bets. In barangays, community members fascinate festivities, and various activities including inter-
barangay pageants will always be there.

The Healthy Buntis Pageant aims to raise awareness on the proper care of both the mother and the baby. The healthy
pregnant mothers will have the chance to showcase their talents as well as their intelligence in the Talent and Q&A
portions, respectively.

128 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Practice Safe Sex Physical Community Event , Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? residing in the barangay

• To raise awareness on the importance of • Qualifications for contestants

proper care of and healthy habits by both the * Pregnant mothers who are getting their
mother and the baby. prenatal care (PNC) at their healthcare
• To encourage men’s involvement in the facility or rural health unit and are on
reproductive health of their partners schedule for their PNC checkups
• To advocate safe motherhood to all women * Pregnant mothers who are fully vaccinated

Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample Mechanics:

materials that might help you: • The pageantry contest is open to all pregnant
mothers residing in the barangay
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
• The program of activities is in barangay’s
prerogative. Please see suggested program
General Guidelines:
The pageantry contest is open to all pregnant mothers

Activity Description Resources Needed

AVPs Videos to be played while the program hasn’t start- Health promotion videos
ed yet
National Anthem and Opening To kickoff the event, a Barangay/organizer represen- MHO/CHO
Remarks tative will provide their welcoming remarks, thanking Mayor
everyone for their participation
Opening of Healthy Buntis Opening number of all contestants Organizing committee
Pageant - Dance Number of all
Talent Portion Competition between the contestants, based on their Judges, Criteria, Mechanics
Formal Wear Portion Competition between the contestants, based on their Judges, Criteria, Mechanics
formal attire
Announcement of winners Announcement of winners of the Healthy Buntis Crowns, Sash, Prizes,
Pageant Representatives who will
Coronation crown the winners

Community Health Promotion Playbook 129

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Take part in community mothers’ classes to encourage mothers-to-be to join!

Leverage these already established networks and relationships to recruit more pregnant mothers
to participate in activities that can help them enjoy their pregnancy journey and also enable them to
practice healthy behaviors.

130 Community Health Promotion Playbook

August: Practice Safe Sex

Community Health Promotion Playbook 131

September: Environmental Health Month
Our environment plays a big impact on the health of communities and individuals. For this
reason, we put a focus on Environmental Health during the month of September! September 26
also happens to be World Environmental Health Day. We will be focusing our events and LGU
activities on this theme.

132 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 133
ACTIVITY 1: Linis-Ligtas Barangay Cleanup Drive

About the Activity

September is right in the middle of the rainy season in the Philippines. The rainy season brings the dreaded W.I.L.D
diseases -- waterborne diseases, influenza, leptospirosis, and dengue. Because of this, it would be a good idea to do
an environmental health check within our barangay. This cleanup drive will encourage our constituents to clean up
their surroundings. As well as reward the municipalities that make the best effort to keep their respective areas clean.

134 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Be Clean, Live Sustainably Physical Community Event , Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? Participants’ Guide:

• To make community-wide preparations for the Each barangay in Municipality of San Marcelino will be
coming rainy months automatically entered into the Environmentally Healthy
• To promote environmental health to all Barangay Cleanup Drive campaign.
members of the community and encourage
them to take action. • The cleanup drive campaign will run for two
• To enjoin the community in championing the 7 (2) weeks from September 1-15.
healthy habits for a Healthy Community • The barangays will be judged by the town
mayor, vice mayor, and other identified officials.
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample • The judges will make surprise inspections in
each barangay over the course of the two-
materials that might help you: week period.
• One week after the cleanup drive, each
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
barangay must submit the following:
* A 3-minute AVP chronicling the cleanup
General Mechanics:
efforts in the barangay
* A poster design of their barangay for
Join the search for the cleanest barangay in San Marcelino!
Environmental Health Month
Let’s show our love for Mother Earth by participating in
• The Municipality will upload the videos and
the Environmentally Healthy Barangay Cleanup Drive!
posters on their official Facebook pages for
social media sharing. These will also count
towards the scoring.
This September, let’s remember to keep our barangays
• A sample judging criteria can be seen below:
clean and green as we celebrate Environmental Health

Criteria Rating/Score
Overall cleanliness 50%

• Presence or absence of uncollected trash, illegal dumpsites, etc.

• Cleanliness in public areas (market, plaza, park, church, etc)
• Cleanliness of streams, rivers, and other bodies of water
AVP 20%

• Overall aesthetic, look/feel, creativity, etc.

• Relation to theme
Poster 20%

• Overall aesthetic, look/feel, creativity, etc.

• Relation to theme
Total Social Media Score (SMS) for AVP and poster 10%

• SMS = Reactions + Shares + Comments

• Barangay with highest score will get (10) points; second highest, (9); third highest, (8); then
everyone else will get (7)

Total 100%

Community Health Promotion Playbook 135

Sample Program Flow:

Time Activity Resource Person

8:00-9:00 Event Registration Hosts

9:00-9:30 Event Opening Hosts
• Introduction Mayor
• Prayer
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
9:30-10:30 LGU Presentations Teams
• Before & After photos of cleanup Drive
• Poster presentation

(with an intermission break in between)

10:30-10:45 Intermission Numbers while Judges score HEPO/coordinator
10:45-11:00 Awarding Hosts

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Engage the Kapitans and Kagawads!

Leaders in the barangays play a big role in setting valuable examples to their constituents. Moreover,
policies and ordinances that these barangay leaders enact help in promoting cleanup drive activities
like this.

136 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 137
ACTIVITY 2: Barangay Mural-Making Activity

About the Activity

Mural-making activities are a great way to showcase the artistic talents of the community members and a great way
to showcase the existing natural beauty of the area. If COVID restrictions are lowered by the time September comes
along, this activity could be open to students in the barangay or the municipality. If not, then the municipality can enlist
the volunteers to create the mural.

138 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Be Clean, Live Sustainably Physical Community Event , Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? Participants’ Guide:

• To get residents from within the municipality • All participating barangays will be given one
to participate in environmental health-related (1) week to finish the mural starting from the
matters. announcement date or as prescribed by the
• To promote the natural beauty of the contest committee.
municipality by making the mural include the • Minimum wall dimensions are 10 feet high and
natural landmarks that can be found in the area 15 feet long located in any place frequented
• To enjoin the community in protecting their by minors like schools, playgrounds or market
surrounding natural resources and habitats for places in their barangay.
the health of every individual. • Materials for the murals can be provided by
the barangay or solicited from the businesses
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample in the community or donation from private
personalities for community involvement.
materials that might help you: • Winners will be announced at the end of
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
• The mural must adhere to the theme “Alagaan
ang Kalikasan, Para sa Healthy Pilipinas.”
General Guidelines:
Barangay’s Guide:
• All barangays are expected to submit at least
one (1) entry by filling out the entry form.
• Contestants must observe MPHS at all times
• The artwork must be located in any place like
(mask, physical distancing
schools, playgrounds or market places in their
• Contestants must be age-appropriate based
on the prevailing COVID restrictions at that
• All artworks must adhere to the theme
“Alagaan ang Kalikasan, Para sa Healthy
• The mural must be completed within September
to be within Environmental Health Month
• All artworks should connect to or showcase
the natural beauty of the community, especially
Criteria for Judging:
eco-tourism spots that can be highlighted.
• The artwork must be an original piece that
is conceptualized and executed by the Criteria Rating/
participants. Designs that copied composition Score
of existing work will be automatically Visual Impact 30%
disqualified even if they were rendered in a Interpretation and Creativity 20%
different style, medium, and color scheme.
• Names of the participants must not appear on Composition/Design 15%
the design, and obscene or offensive entries
Craftsmanship 15%
will be disqualified.
• The artworks should be share-worthy, Relevance to Theme 10%
design the mural that will become viral
Total 100%
when shared on social media, or if locals and
visitors alike will choose the spot for picture-
taking and post it in their social media pages.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 139

Sample Program Flow:

Time Activity Resource Person

8:00-9:00 Event Registration Hosts

9:00-9:30 Event Opening Hosts
• Introduction Mayor
• Prayer
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
9:30-10:00 LGU Presentations Teams
10:30-10:45 Awarding of Winners HEPO/coordinator
10:45-11:00 Production Number Hosts

B. Promotional and Event Materials • Awards

* Champion
• Sign-up/Entry Forms * 1st Runner Up
• Poster * 2nd Runner Up
• Streamers * 3rd Runner Up
• Social Media Cards (Announcement, * 4th Runner Up
Mechanics, Post-event cards)

Access the materials here:

Include youth representatives in planning and executing your activities!

Engaging the youth enables them to participate and own their community’s activities. Youth
involvement in community planning, decision making, and action has been proven effective in
enabling the youth to be more empowered as well as help the community leaders and implementers
make their activities more youth-friendly.

140 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 141
ACTIVITY 3: RE-CREATE: Recycled Art Contest for a Healthy Pilipinas!

About the Activity

There can be beauty in trash. Taking from the slogan “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”, this campaign entitled “Recreate”
aims to turn discarded items into beautiful artworks. This competition will be open to all members of the community
who have artistic or creative talents in building art pieces. At the end of the competition, we will be rewarding the
most beautiful and most creative creations. The artworks can be displayed to the public to further highlight the need
to reduce the waste we produce.

142 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Be Clean, Live Sustainably Physical Community Event , Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? Barangay’s Guide:

• To initiate recycling efforts in the community • All entries will be placed in a temporary art
to remove waste items from dump sites and gallery (Town Hall, Multipurpose Hall, school
put them into an art gallery auditorium, etc.) for public viewing and judging.
• To promote reduced waste production at • An official photographer for the LGU will take
the individual and community level through photos of the artworks and put it into one
artworks that let people imagine the scale of photo album on the official Facebook page of
trash produced the LGU.
• To have a creative outlet for local artists to • People can then like, comment and share the
perform and showcase their talents pictures to add to the total score for judging.
• Winners will be announced on
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample World Environmental Health Day.
materials that might help you: Criteria for Judging:
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
Criteria Rating/
Participants’ Guide: Score
Adherence to Environmentalism 30%
• The competition will be open to all members
of the community; minors may join but must What percent of the work is made of
have the permission of an adult to enter. recycled materials?
• All interested parties must officially register Adherence to Theme 20%
through a Google Form or other online form
created by the LGU with the following details: Adherence the theme “Re-Create” and the
* Complete name (or names for group entries) overall campaign of Environmental Health
* Birth date
* Address Creativity in the Use of Recycled Products 15%
* Email
* Mobile Number How well did the artist/s incorporate the
• All artworks must have minimum dimensions materials into their artworks?
to qualify; for example: Did they make use of different materials or
• 4 sq. ft for flat/framed artworks just stick to one?
• 2 ft. high for 3D/free-standing artworks Overall Aesthetic 15%
• Aside from paints, all artworks must be made
of 100% recycled materials Does the artwork look eye-catching, does it
• The competition will be announced and accept convey its message well?
registration one (1) month before the start of
Environmental Health Month.
Social Media Score 10%
• Entries will be accepted up to September 19 or
one week before World Environmental Health
Artwork with the highest social media
Day celebration.
score will get 10%, the next highest will
get 9%, the third highest, 8%, and the rest
will get 7%.
Total 100%

Community Health Promotion Playbook 143

Sample Program Flow:

Time Activity Resource Person

8:00-9:00 Event Registration Hosts

9:00-9:30 Event Opening Hosts
• Introduction Mayor
• Prayer
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
9:30-10:00 Awarding of Winners Teams
10:00-10:30 Production Number HEPO/coordinator

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster
* Social Media Card (SMC)
* Certificate

Access the materials here:

Tap climate change and sustainability influencers and advocates!

Environmental health advocates play an important role in mobilizing their community leaders and

144 Community Health Promotion Playbook

September: Environmental Health Month

Community Health Promotion Playbook 145

October: Mental Health Awareness Month
October is the perfect time for community members to show support in increasing awareness
about depression and mental illness while also emphasizing the need of maintaining good
mental health. We want as many people as possible to consider how they may improve their
lives as individuals, communities, and governments.

146 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 147
ACTIVITY 1: Thank you, Self: Self-Care Vlog Making Contest

About the Activity

Participation in organized recreation can be both a preventative and therapeutic measure for fostering positive mental
health and encouraging civic engagement.

The Vlog Making Contest is an online campaign with a culturally relevant topic that will be customized for this year’s
Mental Health Awareness Month. Local children and teenagers who can be change makers will document and promote
their self-care practices in the vlog to audiences their age, recognizing the power of the youth to influence and express
an active interest in Mental Health.

148 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Care for Yourself, Care for Others Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • The vlogs should be in landscape orientation

and in the highest quality possible. Either
• To empower young people by encouraging 1080p (1920 x 1080) or 720p (1280 x 720).
and supporting their efforts to promote • The content’s language must be appropriate
wellness and self-care for their mental health. for an audience of all ages. Videos with foul and
• To encourage community camaraderie by offensive language will strictly be disqualified.
assuring our local community partners’ • Images and audio in the entry, as well as
recognition and visibility. references to information and other related
• To increase the reach of youth and children- sources utilized in the video, must be
led advocacy by utilizing online platforms to referenced, crediting the original owner.
reach a larger audience. • All entries must begin with a 5-second full-
screen title page see sample format below:
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample Example
materials that might help you: Name of contestant Juan dela Cruz
A. Guidelines and Mechanics School Name Ramon Magsaysay
High School
General Guidelines:
Contestant’s Address 967 Roosevelt Av-
(Barangay, enue Brgy. Paraiso,
The vlogging contest is open to all Grade 4-6 students,
Municipality/City) Quezon City
Junior High School Students, and Senior High School
Students who must be a valid resident of the barangay. Title of the video My Self-Care habits
in Pandemic
Total runtime 7min, 75 sec
• Participants must be enrolled in any of the Email Ad
public or private schools in the barangay.
• All entries will be uploaded on the barangay’s
Facebook Page or Youtube channel • All entries must be submitted in .mp3 digital
• All submitted work must be original and strictly format. Please wait for the confirmation email
one entry per participant once submitted.
• The ideal length for the video is not less than • Suggested Guidelines for Judging can be seen
5 minutes and not greater than 10 minutes below:
including credits. * The judging panel may consist of 3 to 5
• Participants agree to be bound by the official judges.
contest rules and decisions of the judges. The * Decision by the judges is final.
only compensation for submitting a video is the * Winner will be decided based on the
opportunity to be awarded a prize if the entry following criteria:
wins. There will be no additional compensation
to the filmmaker under any circumstances.
• Each entry must focus on the current theme on Criteria
Mental Health Relevance to the theme 40 %
• The vlog entry should highlight at least one
of the following mental health thematic Originality and Overall 30%
messages: creativity
* Practice Self-care activities in your daily life. Audience and Online 30%
* Demonstrate Peer Support Practices Engagement
* Demonstrate improved health-seeking
behavior when it comes to their mental Total 100%

Community Health Promotion Playbook 149

Notes for the Implementers: Designated social media managers may screen
posts/materials and share them in the LGU’s
• Ensure that your official LGU account can be official social media accounts.
tagged by other Facebook users. • Check for positive and negative comments from
• Have someone regularly check the hashtags the public. Make sure that all are complying
for submissions. Hashtags are labels on social with social media ethics. Enforce positive
media that make finding specific content easier. comments and correct negative perceptions.

B. Promotional and Event Materials • Streamer

• Poster
• Sign Up Form • Prizes or awards
• Social Media Cards * Plaque
* Announcement * Certificate
* Contest Related Materials
* Post-event cards - (Winners of the Contest)

Access the materials here:

Engage the Barangay Captains, Kagawads and the Sangguniang Kabataan!

The barangay leaders set valuable examples to their constituents. Their encouragement to join the
activity will boost the morals of these talented individuals further to join and win in the competition.
It is also important that the constituents understand through their barangay officials that these
activities were created for the improvement of the community as a whole.

150 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 151
ACTIVITY 2: Gupit Lupit: Beauty and Wellness Day

About the Activity

It is critical to understand that practicing self-care entails caring for your mental health as well as your physical health.
Taking care of your mental health starts by attending to your physical needs of personal hygiene and grooming.

This activity aims to teach residents proper grooming techniques for personal use and events, such as basic make-
up and hair care. This also aims to motivate them to practice personal hygiene and grooming on a daily basis. Proper
grooming and healthy personal habits can help residents stay healthy and feel good about themselves. It can be
scheduled any of the four weekends of the month of October.

152 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Care for Yourself, Care for Others Physical Community Event

Why do this Activity? A. Guidelines and Mechanics

• To provide an avenue where residents can General Guidelines:

maintain and improve their personal hygiene
and grooming • Participants must be at least 18 years old and
• To instill in residents the importance of self- above and he/she must be a resident of the
care and to encourage them to practice it on a barangay.
daily basis. • Suggested program flow for the activity can be
• To motivate the community to champion the seen below:
Seven Healthy Habits for a healthy community.

Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample

materials that might help you:

Time Activity Resource Person

8:00 AM - Registration Committee

9:00 AM
9:00 AM - Introduction to the Seven Healthy Habits: Personal Grooming and Resource Speaker
9:30 AM Self Care

Name of Speaker
Designation Title xxxxxx
9:30 - 12:00 Activity Proper: HEPO/coordinator
PM Haircut
12: 00 - 12:30 Closing Session Brgy. Chairman
PM Speaker
Residents can share their photos on facebook as they practice self-
care and personal grooming from then forward.

Notes for the Implementers:

* Observe MPHS at all times (Mask, Physical

* Venue must have proper air ventilation
* Resource Speaker can be a person within
the community that is knowledgeable in the
topic area

Community Health Promotion Playbook 153

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Sign Up Form
• Social Media Cards
* Announcement
* Contest Related Materials
* Post-event cards
• Streamer
• Poster

Access the materials here:

Support and engage your local community businesses!

Tap the local businesses in your area for this activity such as barbershops, beauty and wellness
stores, etc.

154 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 155
ACTIVITY 3: Show Mo, Bakuran Mo: Online Search for the Best Gulayan
sa Bakuran

About the Activity

Spending time in nature is beneficial. Fresh air and the quality of our relationship with nature has long been recognized
as contributing to nature’s positive impact on our wellbeing both physically and psychologically.

The Online Search for Best Bakuran ng Gulayan aims to raise awareness about the benefits of connecting with nature
as self-care practices for their mental health, as well as to encourage community households to plant vegetables or
fruit bearing trees in their backyards that can also be consumed. These steps toward a healthier lifestyle in both hobby
and diet can help families reduce stress and anxiety.

156 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Care for Yourself, Care for Others Social Media, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? • All videos submitted should not contain

offensive language.
• To educate people about the benefits of • All videos should be submitted in .mp3
engaging with nature as a kind of self-care for • The video quality must be Either 1080p (1920
their mental health. x 1080) or 720p (1280 x 720).
• To expand understanding of what self-care • Videos should contain language appropriate
means and encourage well-being among the to all audiences and no offensive language.
• To promote self-sufficiency making food Criteria for Judging:
accessible to the residents.
Suggested Guidelines for Judging can be seen below:
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample
• The judging panel may consist of 3 to 5 judges.
materials that might help you: • Decisions made by the judges are considered
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
• Winner will be decided based on the
following criteria:
General Guidelines:

All residents of LGU/Barangay are invited to participate Criteria Rating

in the online search for the Best Bakuran ng Gulayan.
Participants who are interested should complete the Diversity and Quality of Plants
accompanying sign up form (See Annex for details) and Crops
Sustainability and Garden
Mechanics: Management
Video Documentation of
• All entries should be emailed at <<insert LGU/
Barangay’s email address here>> on or before
<<insert date of deadline here>>. Audience or Online Engagement
• Official entries will be uploaded on the
Barangay’s Facebook page or Youtube Channel.
• The online assessment will begin on <<insert
date of start of the competition>>
• Winners will be announced based on the
entries with the highest average rating.
• Winners will be notified via phone and email,
and their names will be announced in <<insert
date of announcement here>> at the Official
Facebook Page of the LGU/Barangay
• The video must show all vegetables grown.
• The video must show action shots of gardening
• The video must be 3- 5 minutes only.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 157

Notes for the Implementers: content easier. Designated social media
managers may screen posts/materials and
* Post the announcement poster and Social share them in the LGU’s official social media
Media Cards (SMCs) at your official LGU accounts.
social media account/s * Check for positive and negative comments
* Ensure that your official LGU account can be from the public. Make sure that all are
tagged by other Facebook users. complying with social media ethics. Enforce
* Have someone regularly check the hashtags positive comments and correct negative
for submissions. Hashtags are labels on perceptions.
social media that make finding specific

B. Promotional and Event Materials • Streamer

• Poster
• Sign Up Form • Prizes or awards
• Social Media Cards * Plaque
* Announcement * Certificate
* Contest Related Materials
* Post-event cards - (Winners of the Contest)

Access the materials here:

Engage the Barangay Captains, Kagawads and the Sangguniang Kabataan!

The barangay leaders set valuable examples to their constituents. Their encouragement to join the
activity will boost the morals of these talented individuals further to join and win in the competition.
It is also important that the constituents understand through their barangay officials that these
activities were created for the improvement of the community as a whole.

158 Community Health Promotion Playbook

October: Mental Health Awareness Month

Community Health Promotion Playbook 159

November: Healthy Remembrance
November is known for the Feast of All Saints and the Day of the Dead. During this time we
celebrate all the saints and remember and honor those who have passed. These festivities offer a
lot of opportunities to smoke, get high, get drunk, and overeat. Do not let the youth get involved
in these unhealthy habits, turn their attention to games and other activities. The health events
outlined below will urge everyone to join the campaign and prevent the youth from starting to
smoke, drink alcohol, and use illicit drugs and support current tobacco and drug users to QUIT

160 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 161
ACTIVITY 1: Beat the Bisyo Race

About the Activity

Peer pressure is the major cause of youth involvement in social vices. Children also have a high level of curiosity to
learn and practice new things. The youth should be encouraged away from vices such as smoking, drinking, and illicit

The game will educate the players about the ill effects of smoking, illicit drug use, and dangers of binge drinking in a
fun and interactive way.

162 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Don’t Smoke, Lessen Alcohol, Say No to Drugs Physical Community Event, Competition/Game

Why do this Activity? witch that will act drunk as it tries to catch the
• To enjoin the youth and help prevent the • Drug addiction can be dressed as a scary clown.
possibilities of substance use or abuse
• To educate children of the ill effects of smoking, Maps:
binge drinking and illicit drug use
• To increase awareness and the intention to • Prepare 5 Maps of the town or area where the
quit among smokers. game will take place.
• Mark the location of the NPC on the map with
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample a big red X or No Smoking Sign.
• Trace 5 different routes the players need to
materials that might help you: take to reach the NPC. Remind the players to
follow the route religiously, no detours. Those
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
who will not follow the route will be punished.
(for the safety of the players)
• Along the route, you can assign a refreshment
stop for the players, or a place to rest and sit in case
• The game will take place in several parts of the
they get tired. Coordinate the route to the local
Police force for appropriate safety procedures
• Identify a store, a school, a hospital/clinic,
a public market, or a park for the location of
nonplayer characters (NPC).
• Make sure that the area has enough space
• Clues must be simple and easy to understand.
for the players to perform the tasks the NPCs
• Mostly directions as to the location of the NPC
will give them before they receive a prize, or
another clue that will lead them to another
NPC Task:
location for another prize.
• Make sure that the location of the NPCs are not
• Assign games, questions or puzzles to the
too far away from each other
• The activity should be age appropriate
Nonplayer characters (NPC):
• Nonplayer characters or NPC are selected
individuals from the community that will be
• Bato-bato pick
stationed in specific locations for the players
• Bunong braso
to seek
• Luksong tinik
• The NPC can be a store owner, a teacher in a
• Luksong baka
school, a nurse or a doctor in a hospital or a
• Dart Games
clinic, a random person in a public market, or a
• Balloon popping games
vendor in a park.
• If found, the NPC will give the players an
envelope that contains a prize, or an instruction
for a task that they need to accomplish
• How does smoking, drinking too much alcohol
in order to get the prize, or the envelope
and illicit drugs affect a person?
may contain another clue that will lead
• Why should you not smoke, drink too much
them to another location for another prize.
alcohol and do drugs?
• Name a disease that you can get for smoking,
drinking too much alcohol and illicit drugs.
• Tell me ways for you to stay healthy?
• The villains will be called Nicotine, Alcohol,
and Drug Addiction
• They can be mascots, or individuals with
simple costumes.
Tell my name and guess me quick
• Nicotine addiction can be dressed up like a
I am bitter, but you taste me sweet
zombie, that looks dirty and smelly
I can turn your world upside down
• Alcohol addiction can be dressed as a crooked
And forget your manners at times

Community Health Promotion Playbook 163

I can give you diseases one sip at a time • The treasure map will lead the players to the
What am I? location of an NPC in the community. The NPC
may require the players to perform simple
I am harmful but you choose to ignore it tasks, like jumping jacks, win a bato bato pick,
The chemicals i carry, destroys your body dart games, or other local games that kids will
I can make you cough and destroy your lungs enjoy. The NPC may also require the players
But you still choose to inhale me to answer simple questions like why should
And burn your lungs they refrain from tobacco smoking, vaping,
What am I? drinking alcoholic beverages or give examples
of diseases they can get if they smoke, drink
I can be a pill, i can be a syrup too much or use illicit drugs before giving the
I can destroy your future in just one gulp prize, or another clue leading to a bigger prize.
I can destroy your relationship and make you alone • To spice up the race, the villains tobacco,
Only after rehabilitation i can let you go alcohol and drugs will also join the hunt.
What am I? The villains will try to capture the players by
hiding in different locations and will ambush
Mechanics: the players thus delaying them in their quest.
Players that are captured need to perform
• Players will be divided and assigned into 5 additional tasks, successfully solve a puzzle or
teams a riddle before they can proceed.
• The game will require the participation of the • The team with the most number of collected
whole or part of the community as nonplayer prizes will be the grand winner, the team with
characters (NPC) and cumulatively for the the second most number of collected prizes
safety of the players. will be named first runner up and the third
• Players will be grouped into 5 teams. Players most number of collected prizes will be named
will designate a team leader. If players are second runner up and will be given additional
children they must be accompanied by an adult prizes.
to make sure of their safety but will not actively
participate in the game.
• Players will receive treasure maps and clues
from the Game Master from the starting point
of the game.
• Players need to follow the maps religiously
and avoid shortcuts to avoid accidents and
untoward incidents. Players violating this rule
can be disqualified or need to surrender a
minimum of two prizes and a maximum of four
prizes that they collected in order to continue
the game.

164 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster

• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Take advantage of social media platforms!

Utilizing social media such as posting announcements, guidelines, communication materials, etc. on
Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms makes information about these community activities available
and accessible for all.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 165

166 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 2: Bisyo Skeri Maze

About the Activity

Halloween, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day all fall under the same theme of remembering the departed. Even though
Halloween is more known for scare, fun, and games; this is also a great opportunity for kids and kids at heart to learn
about the ill effects of smoking, too much drinking, and illicit using of drugs while also having fun.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 167

Don’t Smoke, Lessen Alcohol, Say No to Drugs Physical Community Event

Why do this Activity? • Materials for the maze walls: Identify available
materials that are cheap but sturdy such as
• To enjoin the youth and help prevent the but not limited to pallets, cardboard, sheets,
possibilities of substance use or abuse linens, blankets, tarpaulins or other available
• To increase public awareness on the materials
consequences of tobacco use • Constructing the maze walls
• To increase awareness and the intention to * Once your materials are acquired and your
quit among smokers. plans are sketched, you can begin the
construction process.
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample * Following your sketched layout, rope off
your maze or lay out your boxes.
materials that might help you: * If you’re building your maze with tent poles
or dowels, you’ll only need to place them
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
wherever a wall begins or ends unless you’re
making some really long maze segments.
General Guidelines:
* Once you have your tent poles or dowels in
place, run a rope from pole to pole, up near
The maze is open to all. However, children below 12 years
the top. This will create a sort of clothesline.
old need to be accompanied by an adult.
* Drape your sheets, tarps, or painter’s plastic
over the “clotheslines” to create the walls of
your maze.
• Location: Select an indoor location where you
can set up a room with lots of twists and turns.
• Sketch plan for the maze
* Plot your maze
* Include at least one long passageway where
you can work in plenty of scary details like
fog or a pulsing light show
* Include some false walls for your monsters
to hide behind so they can jump out and
scare your guests.

Notes for the Implementers: the ill effects of tobacco so most of the
effects are artistic representation of the
• Add some scary effects to your maze diseases that a person gets due to smoking,
* Once you have your walls up, it’s time to too much drinking and illicit drugs
start adding some frightening decorations. ◊ Graphic photo or representation of a
Ideally, visitors should be stumbling around diseases
in the dark through fog laced with occasional ◊ Smokers body
bursts of light. ◊ Dismembered parts of a mannequin
* However, we want the visitors to understand ◊ Jumpscares

168 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials • Event Materials
* Streamers
• Promotional Materials * Umbrellas, fans, water bottles
* Posters, streamers
* Social Media Cards

Access the materials here:

Reach out with local sobriety influencers and advocates!

Influencers and advocates can help in amplifying our messaging on preventing tobacco use, illicit
drug use, and harmful alcohol use.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 169

170 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 3: Health and Wellness Fair

About the Activity

All Saints Day and All Souls Day are annual reminders to remember, honor, and celebrate the dead. The ritual of
consciously remembering loved ones who have passed is an important spiritual practice in all our lives. It brings
death into the context of our daily experience and reminds us that dying is not the end and reminds us to live happy,
healthy, and enjoy life without the ill effects of vices and other unhealthy choices.

This health and wellness fair empowers individuals and communities to take charge of and improve their health
and well-being by providing information about healthy eating, physical activity, health services, and other local
health and wellness resources. Plus, it’s an opportunity to build relationships with local businesses and community
organizations, who may be able to provide ongoing support to your community health initiatives.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 171

7 Healthy Habits Physical Community Event, Social Media

Why do this Activity? Mechanics:

• To increase public awareness on the 7 Healthy • Children below 7 years old must be
Habits and Healthy Pilipinas health promotion accompanied by an adult.
campaign of the DOH • Absolutely no cigarettes, alcoholic beverages
• To increase awareness on the ill effects of and illicit drugs in the venue. All attendees
using and abusing dangerous substances like will be subjected to frisking and other security
tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use measures

Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample

materials that might help you:

A. Guidelines and Mechanics

General Guidelines:

The health fair is open from 8:00 am to 8:00 PM to all

members of the community. Every barangay is encouraged
to send as may constituents as possible

Notes for the Implementers: demonstrations. Consider the following:

• Identify a welcome/registration area
• Choose a space where you can construct 7 • Consider traffic flow, screening waiting areas,
booths for the seven healthy behaviors. The and private places for health screening stations
booths may be constructed side by side, or • Identify demonstration/lecture areas
built separately not very far away from each • Number of tables and chairs and other
other, within the compound and accessible to administrative needs
all participants. • Determine electrical and other audiovisual
• You can also choose to conduct the fair in an requirements
open auditorium or construct the booths in • Electricity/Wireless Internet: Check the booths
the cemetery where people usually come to that will be needing electricity for lighting,
visit their deceased relatives and friends every audio, video and digital setup. Confirm booths
November during the All Saints Day and All that will need access to the internet. Have
Souls Day celebration. This can be a great way access information ready if available and
for kids, parents and kids at heart to spend a inform them beforehand if they need to provide
meaningful day in the cemetery. their own.
• Floor Plan: Develop a floor plan to facilitate
programming features such as screenings and

172 Community Health Promotion Playbook

• Screening/test: If you plan to have screening evaluation. You can also get back to these
tests such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and participants for feedback.
other tests, place them together. You also • Booth Staff: Make sure that all booths are
need to consider whether one test needs to be properly manned. Train the staff who will be
performed before another. You may also want manning the booth during the fair. While the
to place them in a quieter area so that test booth itself is important in attracting people,
results can be discussed in private. the staff’s presence and demeanor can make
• Traffic flow: Some booths and display areas or break the public’s trust and impression.
are more popular than others and will cause a • Theme: The overall theme should be focused
line to form. If you anticipate this, allow more on promoting, motivating and influencing the
space for these booths, or place a less popular participants to become more healthier through
booth on either side. That way, people will visit a lifestyle change and adopt the seven healthy
the less popular booths as they wait in line. behavior in their daily lives highlighted in
Consider having an entrance and exit to ease the seven different booths (Diet & Exercise,
the flow of traffic. Environmental Health, Vaccines and
• Registration: Having participants register Immunization, Preventing Substance Abuse,
is a great way to determine the number of Sexual & Reproductive Health, Mental Health,
attendees at the health fair. This information and Violence and injury Prevention).
can be used as part of your health fair

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
* Poster/Streamer
* Social Media Card (SMC)

Access the materials here:

Engage the Barangay Captains!

The Punong Barangays are the captains of the ship at the community level. They are the first liners in
ensuring that their constituents best interests are served. Encourage the members of your community
to visit the Health and Wellness fair.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 173

November: Healthy Remembrance

174 Community Health Promotion Playbook

December: Healthy Pasko
We cannot really deny that Filipinos love Christmas. This is seen and felt as early as the month
of September wherein many people already put up Christmas decor and play the never gets
old Christmas songs of Jose Mari Chan. The simple decorations and Caroling give the feeling of
warmth and joy.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 175

176 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 1: Paskuhan sa Barangay - Exchanging Christmas Tree Decor

About the Activity

The Christmas tree is a symbol of the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The tree’s branches and shrubs are viewed
as an emblem of immortality and are said to symbolize the crown of thorns worn by Christ on the cross. It is often or-
namented by beautiful tree decors or toppers that add final touch to the holiday feels.

This activity, Paskuhan sa Barangay- Exchanging Christmas Tree Decor is a new way of spreading the spirit of camara-
derie and sharing among community people. Family members are encouraged to make their own ornaments and after
that, these decorations are being shared or exchanged to other families or barangays.

The lesson learned here is that gifts do not need to be expensive to be truly appreciated. After all, the Christmas sea-
son is marked by giving and exchanging gifts .

Community Health Promotion Playbook 177

Do No Harm, Put Safety First Physical Community Event, Competition/Game,
Social Media

Why do this Activity? Mechanics:

To enjoin the community in gift giving and exchanging • Join our PASKUHAN SA BARANGAY-
gifts this Christmas season. This will also encourage EXCHANGING CHRISTMAS TREE DECOR as
community people to practice safe activities such as we celebrate this year’s yuletide season! As
avoiding the use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic the year 2021 comes to end, let us also take
devices to prevent fireworks-related injuries and instead this opportunity to enjoy and practice safe and
focusing on more sustainable and safer recreation during healthy activities during this season.
the Yuletide season. • Each participating barangay will be:
* Creating the “bonggang” Christmas tree
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample in line with the Seven Healthy Habits
messages/ theme.
materials that might help you: * Using indigenous and recycled materials as
ornaments or decors of the Christmas tree.
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
* Posting the Christmas tree on their own
Barangay social media pages tagging DOH
General Guidelines:
Healthy Pillipinas and using the hashtags:
• The activity is open to all members of the
* Participating in the exchanging of Christmas
decorations within families in the barangay.
• Participation of every barangay is required.
• Sample program flow for this activity can be
seen below:

Time Activity Resource Person

8:00-9:00 AM Registration
9:00- 9:30 AM Opening Ceremonies MHO/CHO
• Prayers Mayor
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
• Welcome Remarks
9:30 - 11:40 AM • Ceremonial Exchanging of Christmas Decoration -5 minutes per Participating Ba-
barangay) rangays
• Documented video presentation of the Christmas tree and behind
the scenes shots.

11:40-11:50 AM Intermission numbers HEPO/coordinator

11:50 - 12:00 NN Awarding of Participants Mayor & VIPs
Closing remarks Vice Mayor/

Notes for the Implementers: UP NOW!

• All barangay must submit a Christmas Tree
• Encourage the members of your community to • All Barangay Captains and all barangay
actively join the advocacy on Fireworks-related representatives will receive a Certificate of
injury prevention and the importance of safety Appreciation.
during Christmas. • Participating barangay will receive cash and
• Help us spread the spirit of togetherness certificates and a social media post in the
and gift-giving among community people. Barangay official Facebook page.
Encourage your community members to SIGN

178 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Promotional Materials
*Social Media Card (SMC)
• Event Materials
* Streamer

Access the materials here:

Partner with private institutions, civil society organizations, and other partners in health in
conducting joint community-based activities such as community display fireworks, healthy
bazaars, etc.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 179

180 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 2: Paskuhan sa Barangay - The Search for the Pinaka-
bonggang Christmas Caroling

About the Activity

The singing of carols reminds us that God, in His love for us, sent his son to be one of us. Just as that first Christmas
was marked by singing, so Christians through the centuries have celebrated and borne witness through song to the
coming of the Messiah. This activity is done to essentially spread the Christmas message and help the people to
connect with their faith and to others.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 181

Do No Harm, Put Safety First Physical Community Event, Competition/Game,
Social Media

Why do this Activity? comes to end, let us also take this opportunity
to enjoy and practice safe and healthy
To enjoin the community in practicing safe activities such activities during this season.
as avoiding the use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic • Each participating barangay will be:
devices to prevent firework-related injuries and instead * Creating the most “bonggang” Christmas
focusing more on sustainable and safer recreation during carols in line with the Seven Healthy Habits
the Christmas like joining the singing and Caroling messages/ theme.
contest in the barangay. At the same time we can ignite * Incorporating Seven Healthy Habits
the competitiveness of the community people and enrich messages to the lyrics of the Christmas
the camaraderie among them. carols.
* Posting the Christmas carol on their
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample own Barangay social media pages
tagging DOH Healthy Pillipinas and
materials that might help you: using the hashtags: #HealthyPasko202
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
Criteria for Awarding:
General Guidelines:
Criteria Percentage/
The activity is open to all members of the community. Score
Participation of every barangay is required. Voice Quality 40%

Mechanics: Timing and Interpretation 20%

Originality and Creativity 20%
SEARCH FOR THE PINAKA-BONGGANG Best portrayal of the Todo Pito theme 20%
CHRISTMAS Caroling as we celebrate this
year’s yuletide season! As the year 2021 Total 100%

Time Activity Resource Person

8:00-9:00 AM Registration
9:00- 9:30 AM Opening Ceremonies MHO/CHO
• Prayers Mayor
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
• Welcome Remarks
9:30 - 11:40 AM Contest Proper (2-3 minutes per group) Contestants
• Video presentation of the LIVE Christmas Caroling.
11:40-11:50 AM Intermission numbers while judges are tabulating the scores
11:50 - 12:00 NN Awarding of Winners Mayor & VIPs
Closing remarks Vice Mayor/Coun-

182 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Notes for the Implementers: UP NOW!
• All barangay must submit a representative
• Encourage the members of your community to • All representatives must be pre-screened
actively join the advocacy on Fireworks-related • All Barangay Captains and all barangay
injury prevention and the importance of safety representatives will receive a Certificate of
during Christmas. Appreciation.
• Help us spread the spirit of togetherness • Winners will receive cash and certificates and
through music among community people. a social media post in the Barangay official
Encourage your community members to SIGN Facebook page.

B. Promotional and Event Materials

• Social Media Cards

• Facebook Banners
• Invite
• Plaque

Access the materials here:

Involve the leaders in your barangay especially the Sangguniang Kabataan!

Including and encouraging the adolescents and youth in community-based activities like this can
help influence their fellow youth to participate and be Champions of Health, too!

Community Health Promotion Playbook 183

184 Community Health Promotion Playbook
ACTIVITY 3: Paskuhan sa Barangay - The Search for the Pinaka-
bonggang Merry-Making Alternatives sa Paputok

About the Activity

The New Year celebrations signify welcoming the New Year and to bid farewell to the old one. This has a much
deeper significance, especially this time of pandemic as we wanted to start fresh and new without the virus. One of
the significant practices done during this celebration is the use of firecrackers and fireworks in the belief that these
ward off evils and bad vibes. This activity encourages community people to celebrate this New Year safe and healthy.
Instead of using pyrotechnics, alternative merry-making tools or instruments are highly encouraged. Aside from
preventing us from injuries, it also promotes recycling and creativity.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 185

Do No Harm, Put Safety First Physical Community Event, Competition/Game,
Social Media

Why do this Activity? safe and healthy activities during this season.
• Each participating barangay will be:
To enjoin the community in doing safer and sustainable * Creating the most “bonggang” merry-
activities this Christmas season. This will emphasize the making alternatives such as tambol using
importance of using alternative merry-making instruments kaldero, tambourine using recycled things,
instead of using firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices etc. which are in line with the Todo Pito
to prevent fireworks-related injuries. At the same time messages/ theme.
this will be a great avenue to promote the use of local * Incorporating Todo Pito messages to the
resources readily available in the community and promote design.
recycling as part of environmental sustainability initiatives * Posting the “bonggang” merry-making
of the government, and lastly, to spark creativity among alternatives on their own Barangay social
the community people. media pages tagging DOH Healthy Pillipinas
and using the hashtags: #HealthyPasko2021.
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample
materials that might help you: Criteria for Awarding:
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
Criteria Percentage/
General Guidelines: Score
Originality and visual appeal 30%
The activity is open to all members of the community.
Participation of every barangay is required. Creativity and sustainability (using 25%
recycled materials)
Mechanics: Best representation of the barangay 20%

• Join our PASKUHAN SA BARANGAY- THE Best portrayal of the Todo Pito theme 15%
PAPUTOK as we celebrate this year’s yuletide Total 100%
season! As the year 2021 comes to end, let us
also take this opportunity to enjoy and practice

Time Activity Resource Person

8:00-9:00 AM Registration
9:00- 9:30 AM Opening Ceremonies MHO/CHO
• Prayers Mayor
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
• Welcome Remarks
9:30 - 11:40 AM Contest Proper (5 minutes per barangay) Organizers
• Documented video presentation of the alternative merry making
11:40-11:50 AM Intermission numbers while judges are tabulating the scores Contestants
11:50 - 12:00 NN Awarding of Winners Mayor & VIPs
Closing remarks Vice Mayor/Coun-

186 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Notes for the implementers * All barangay must submit a representative
* All representatives must be pre-screened
• Encourage the members of your community * All Barangay Captains and all barangay
to actively join the advocacy on Fireworks- representatives will receive a Certificate of
related injury prevention and the importance Appreciation.
of safety during Christmas. * Winners will receive cash and certificates
• Help us spread the spirit of togetherness and a social media post in the Barangay
through making props or tools that can be official FB page.
an alternative instrument to welcome the
New Year safely!. Encourage your community
members to SIGN UP NOW!

B. Promotional and Sample Materials

• Streamer
• Poster
• Social media cards

Access the materials here:

Engage the Sangguniang Kabataan!

Tap the energy of the youth leaders who connect well and reach out to their fellow youth. Involving
the SK provides opportunities for youth participation in important activities like these.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 187

December: Healthy Pasko

188 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 189
Additional Activities

190 Community Health Promotion Playbook

March Activity

Activity: Time to Be Free! Take the TB-Free Pilipinas Pledge!

About the activity:

There is a stigma among Filipinos regarding Pulmonary TB. Filipinos are afraid to get screened for TB since testing
positive for TB can lead to being ostracized in the community; hence, even some TB patients are afraid to go to TB
DOTS centers out of fear of being seen. There are also many misconceptions about TB and the TB DOTS centers. Some
people don’t know that the medicines in TB DOTS centers are free, so they end up not proceeding with treatment. This
activity will be done to dispel myths and false information about the disease and TB DOTS centers.

Why do this Activity? There will be a community board where people can sign
and insert their pledge statements on promoting TB
The main objective of this activity is to gain the support screening, and avoiding unhealthy behaviors that could
and commitment from the community members in lead to TB. The pledges could also show posters on the
practicing healthy behaviors, specifically: process of TB DOTS, and how simple and easy it can be.

• To promote TB screening It should be enforced that there shall be no offensive,

• To dispel the myths and stigma surrounding discriminating, and inappropriate statements on these
TB pledge boards. It shall be properly managed and
• To encourage people and take the pledge avoid regulated by the community organizing committee/s.
risky behaviors that could lead to TB, such as
smoking Mechanics:

Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample • Take the TB-Free Pilipinas Pledge by signing
on the signature board!
materials that might help you: • Show your support in promoting healthy
behaviors and supporting TB screening.
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
• Sample pledge statements below:
* Yosi-free para TB-free ang aking komunidad!
General Guidelines:
* TB can be cured and must not be feared!
The “Time to Be Free: TB-Free Pilipinas Pledge is a pledge
of commitment campaign in the form of getting signatures
as a sign of commitment from the community members.

Notes for the Implementers: • Enforce adherence of orderly participation of

the community members.
• Situate the TB-FRee Pilipinas Pledge signature • It is recommended to have regular inspection
board in strategic places where there is high visits on the sites where the pledge boards
foot traffic and good visibility e.g. front of a are situated to ensure adherence to orderly
barangay hall; lobby; beside other bulletin implementation of the signature campaign.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 191

B. Promotional and Sample Materials:

Sample Program Flow:

Time Activity Person responsible

8:00-9:00 AM Registration Organizer
9:00- 9:30 AM Opening Ceremonies Emcee
• Parade of Colors MHO/CHO
• Prayers Mayor
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks
• Welcome Remarks
9:30 - 10:00 AM Take the TB-Free Pilipinas Pledge proper introduction Organizing committee
- Reveal of the signature board

Message of Support and Purpose of the Campaign

11:40-11:50 AM Closing remarks Vice Mayor/Counselor

Material Content
Poster, SMC (Portrait)
Take the TB-Free Pilipinas Pledge!

(with visuals and texts saying some sample pledges)

Kaya nating talunin ang TB sa tamang screening at
paggamot! Get screened for TB!
Streamer/Safe Sex Take the #TBFreePilipinas Pledge!
Pledge Wall
Kaya nating talunin ang TB sa tamang screening at
paggamot! Get screened for TB!

Date and Time: ___________

Venue: ________

Involve your Barangay Captains and Kagawads! Barangay leaders set valuable examples to their constituents. Seeing
them participating and expressing their pledge of commitment to promote positive sexual and reproductive behaviors
will encourage more people to do the same.

192 Community Health Promotion Playbook

May Activity

Activity: KaHeartner sa Kusina: DASH Diet Recipe and Cooking Contest

About the activity:

Highlighting key nutritional interventions to address hypertension guided by Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
(DASH) recipes, this activity is a live event featuring a cooking and recipe contest, with a parallel social media
hashtag campaign where people can upload their #KaHeartnerSaKusina video recipes to share with the public during
Hypertension Awareness Month.

The cooking competition will follow traditional competition guidelines with the twist of strictly following DASH
recommendations. Content on specific recipes developed, lessons exchanged, and taste reactions will serve as primary
promotion materials on social media.

Why do this Activity? B. Promotional and Sample Materials:

• To promote DASH diet to Filipinos at risk for Material Content

hypertension, and decrease risk for the healthy
Poster (Portrait)
population on social media
Mga kapitabahay, ibahagi ang inyong
• To promote to social media that the municipality
mga secret DASH diet recipe! Sali na sa
or local government unit is one with the DOH
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample #KaHeartnerSaKusina Recipe and Cook-
materials that might help you: ing Contest!

A. Guidelines and Mechanics Mula May 1 hanggang 31, i-share ang in-
yong mga DASH Diet recipes sa TikTok at
General Guidelines: Facebook gamit ang hashtag: #KaHeart-
nerSaKusinaTboli !
Official social media channels of LGU (Facebook, TikTok)
Staff tasked to be the social media officer to regularly Baka ma-feature ang iyong recipe sa offi-
monitor and choose KaHeartner sa Kusina video recipes cial Tboli LGU FB page!
Judging panel to select finalists for live cooking competition
and select final winners NB: Please use Healthy Pilipinas Logo
Staff to be trained on identifying if recipes emulate the and leave a space for the LGU’s logo
DASH diet well
SMC (Portrait)
Mga kapitabahay, ibahagi ang inyong
Mechanics: mga secret DASH diet recipe! Sali na sa
• This event is divided into the elimination (Main)
phase (online recipe video contest on TikTok #KaHeartnerSaKusina Recipe and Cook-
/ Facebook), and a finals phase (live onsite ing Contest!
cooking competition).
• The elimination phase will be done via official Mula May 1 hanggang 31, i-share ang in-
social media accounts of the Municipality / City, yong mga DASH Diet recipes sa TikTok at
calling for people to submit their entries for Facebook gamit ang hashtag: #KaHeart-
#KaHeartnerSaKusina nerSaKusinaTboli !
• People will take and upload hashtagged
videos of them detailing and executing their Baka ma-feature ang iyong recipe sa offi-
DASH diet recipes in a short video format (5 cial Tboli LGU FB page!
minutes max).
• Judging panel will select top 5 - 10 entries NB: Please use Healthy Pilipinas Logo
to be posted on their Facebook page, and and leave a space for the LGU’s logo
subsequently invited to a live cooking
competition / event, with Healthy Pilipinas and
Streamer Sali na sa #KaHeartnerSaKusina Recipe
DOH tagged.
and Cooking Contest! From May 1 to 31,
• Invited top entries will meet in a physically-
share your secret DASH Diet recipes and
distanced location to cook their recipes
be featured on the Tboli LGU FB page!
for judges to taste and select the winners.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 193

June Activity

Activity: Defeat Dengue Drive ng Barangay

About the activity:

June is Dengue Awareness Month, with the highlight celebration on June 15th for the ASEAN Dengue Day. This
cleanup drive will encourage the community to make sure their surrounding are free of potential mosquito breeding
places as we gear up for the rainy months!

Why do this Activity? Mechanics:

• To make community-wide preparations for the Criteria for Judging:

coming rainy months
• To remind the community of the Enhanced 4S Overall cleanliness 50%
strategy against Dengue • Presence or absence of mosquito
• To encourage a whole-of-community effort in breeding places, such as old tires,
doing the 4 o’clock habit open water containers.
• Cleanliness in public areas
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample (market, plaza, park, church, etc)
materials that might help you: • Cleanliness of streams, rivers, and
other bodies of water
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
AVP 20%
General Guidelines: • Overall aesthetic, look/feel,
creativity, etc.
Each barangay in the municipality will be automatically • Relation to theme
entered into the Defeat Dengue Drive ng Barangay
campaign. Poster 20%
• Overall aesthetic, look/feel, creativity, etc.
• The cleanup drive campaign will run for the • Relation to theme
entire month of June in celebration of Dengue
Awareness Month. Total Social Media Score (SMS) for AVP and 10%
• The barangays will be judged by the town poster
mayor, vice mayor, and other identified officials. • SMS = Reactions + Shares +
• The judges will make surprise inspections in Comments
each barangay over the course of the two- • Barangay with highest score will
week period. get (10) points; second highest,
• One week after the cleanup drive, each (9); third highest, (8); then
barangay must submit the following: everyone else will get (7)
* A 3-minute AVP chronicling the cleanup
efforts in the barangay TOTAL 100%
* A poster design of their barangay for
Dengue Awareness Month
• The Municipality will upload the videos and
posters on their official Facebook pages for
social media sharing. These will also count
towards the scoring.

194 Community Health Promotion Playbook

B. Promotional and Sample Materials:

Sample Program Flow:

Time Activity Person responsible

8:00-9:00 AM Event registration Tech team
9:00- 9:30 AM Event opening Hosts
• Introduction Mayor
• Prayer
• National Anthem
• Opening Remarks

9:30 - 10:30 AM LGU presentations Teams

• Photos of cleanup Drive activities
• Poster presentation
(with an intermission break in between)

10:30-10:45 AM Intermission Numbers while Judges score Vice Mayor/Counselor

10:45-11:00 AM Awarding Hosts

Material Content
Poster (Portrait)
Tara na sumali sa Defeat Dengue Drive ng Barangay!

(Placeholder for name of Municipality)

Maghanda tayo ngayong tag-ulan laban sa dengue!

Petsa: (2 weeks)

Tingnan ang Facebook Page ng [Municipality] para sa

kabuuang impormasyon

NB: Please Healthy Pilipinas Logo and a space for the

LGU’s logo

SMC (Square SMC)

Tara na sumali sa Defeat Dengue Drive ng Barangay!

(Placeholder for name of Municipality)

Maghanda tayo ngayong tag-ulan laban sa dengue!

Petsa: (2 weeks)

Tingnan ang Facebook Page ng [Municipality] para sa

kabuuang impormasyon

Tingnan ang Facebook Page ng [Municipality] para sa

kabuuang impormasyon

Community Health Promotion Playbook 195

Streamer Defeat Dengue Drive ng Barangay!

(Placeholder for name of Municipality)

Ang Barangay (Placeholder)

Ay kaisa laban sa dengue para sa Healthy Pilipinas!

Awards Logo of Healthy Pilipinas + Placeholder logo of Mu-



This Certificate is Proudly Awarded to:


For being the overall winner and being the most pre-
pared barangay against dengue during the Defeat
Dengue Drive ng Barangay!


Hon. Mayor


Municipal Health Officer

Engage the Kapitans and Kagawads! Leaders in the barangays play a big role in setting valuable examples to their
constituents. Moreover, policies and ordinances that these barangay leaders enact help in promoting cleanup drive
activities like this.

196 Community Health Promotion Playbook

December Activity

Activity: HIV- Free Pinas Mural Making Contest

About the activity:

Mural Making competition is an effective visual communication tool that can generate publicity and provide facts and
information getting our message out to the public. The activity can engage interest and create awareness about HIV
and World Aids Day in a visually appealing, inclusive, and a fun manner.

Why do this Activity? Mechanics:

The activity’s primary goal is to raise awareness about • All participating barangay is given one (1)
the opportunity for people to join in the fight against the week to finish the mural starting from the
stigma on HIV and to commemorate World Aids Day, as announcement date or as prescribed by the
well as to express support for individuals living with HIV contest committee.
and to remember those who have died. • Minimum wall dimensions is 10 feet high and
15 feet long located in any place frequented
• Provide opportunities to showcase local by minors like schools, playgrounds or market
talents and promote HIV awareness places in their barangay.
• Provide opportunities to encourage HIV testing • Materials for the murals can be provided by
• Enjoin the youth to express support on the the barangay or solicited from the businesses
public issue in the community or donation from private
personalities for community involvement.
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample • Winners will be announced on the said date.
materials that might help you: Awarding Ceremonies:
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
• Announcement and awarding of winners will
be made in November -- 2021. Based on the
General Guidelines:
criteria for judging below.
• Winners will receive trophies, cash and
All barangay is expected to submit at least one (1) entry
certificates and all participating barangays
by filling out the entry form.
will receive a certificate of appreciation.
The artwork must be located in any place frequented by
• Barangay murals with the most number
minors like schools, playgrounds or market places in their
of likes, shares and comments in the town
Facebook Page will receive a special award.
• Absolutely no cigarettes, alcoholic beverages
All artwork must adhere to the theme in relation to HIV
and illicit drugs during the awarding
ceremonies. All attendees will be subjected to
All artwork should connect or showcase the beauty of the
frisking and other security measures
community and the message of preventing substance use
and abuse.

The artwork must be an original piece that is conceptualized

and executed by the participants. Designs that copied
composition of existing work will be automatically
disqualified even if they were rendered in a different style,
medium, and color scheme.
Names of the participants must not appear on the design,
and obscene or offensive entries will be disqualified.
The artworks should be share-worthy, design the mural
that will become viral when shared on social media, or if
locals and visitors alike will choose the spot for picture-
taking and post it in their social media pages.

Engage the Barangay Captains! The Punong Barangays are the captains of the ship at the community level. They are
the first liners in ensuring that their constituents best interests are served.
• Encourage the members of your community to actively join the fight against
* All barangay is required to submit an entry
* All Barangay Captains and all barangay representatives will receive a Certificate of Appreciation.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 197

B. Promotional and Sample Materials: Material Content

1. Sign-up/Entry Form Poster (Portrait)

Suportahan ang inyong barangay! Pose,
2. Promotional Materials Post and Share na ang inyong mga mu-
• Posters, streamers rals sa barangay!
• Social Media Cards
3. Event Materials HIV- Free Pinas Mural Making Contest
• Streamers
• Umbrellas, fans, water bottles Ngayong Disyembre, magpa picture at
ipost at i-share sa inyong mga TikTok at
4. Prizes Facebook gamit ang hashtag: #Parasa-
• Grand Winner : Trophies, cash and HIVfreePinas
• 1st Prize: Trophies, cash and certificates
• 2nd Prize: Trophies, cash and certificates NB: Please use Healthy Pilipinas Logo
• 3rd Prize: Trophies, cash and certificates and leave a space for the LGU’s logo
• Consolation: Certificate of appreciation
SMC (Portrait)
Suportahan ang inyong barangay! Pose,
Post and Share na ang inyong mga mu-
rals sa barangay!

HIV- Free Pinas Mural Making Contest

Ngayong Disyembre, magpa picture at

ipost at i-share sa inyong mga TikTok at
Facebook gamit ang hashtag: #Parasa-

NB: Please use Healthy Pilipinas Logo

and leave a space for the LGU’s logo

Streamer Suportahan ang inyong barangay! Pose,

Post and Share na ang inyong mga mu-
rals sa barangay!

HIV- Free Pinas Mural Making Contest

Ngayong Disyembre, magpa picture at

ipost at i-share sa inyong mga TikTok at
Facebook gamit ang hashtag: #Parasa-

Collaborate with partner organizations who have good social media presence! They can take part in health
community events by being co-presenters. Cross-posting of these health activities to their social media platforms can
help in amplifying the reach and visibility of the campaigns.

198 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Cancer Event Activity

Activity: Tara, Love! Fighting! Family Fun Run / Walk for Cancer Awareness

About the activity:

This fun run aims to enjoin family members of all ages to drum up awareness in the community about the modifiable
and non-modifiable risk factors of different cancers, underlining the importance and life-saving benefits of early and
regular screening, and increasing knowledge on navigating the different levels of health service delivery to access
timely and appropriate care. Through a light and fun physical community event, it will include knowledge-enriching
peripheral materials such as playing / distributing collaterals on available cancer screening programs, anti-smoking
and substance abuse materials, healthy diet and exercise campaign materials and messaging during the pre-and post-
run program.

Why do this Activity? • Post-event programs to be arranged by project

head, inviting talents to perform and key
• To bring families in the community together, community leaders to speak on the theme from
highlighting emotional and family-oriented personal experiences or sharing of knowledge.
messaging. • Prizes for 2 events: 3k brisk walk / jog, and 5k
• To encourage physical activity in the community run
through walking and jogging. * 1st Prize: Trophies, cash, certificate
• To increase the participants’ awareness of * 2nd Prize: Trophies, cash, certificate
cancer risk factors and what they can do to * 3nr Prize: Trophies, cash, certificate
take charge of their own health and their loved * Consolation: Certificate of appreciation
Pa-sample ka naman diyan! Here are sample
• All participating barangay is given one (1)
materials that might help you: week to finish the mural starting from the
announcement date or as prescribed by the
A. Guidelines and Mechanics
contest committee.
• Minimum wall dimensions is 10 feet high and
15 feet long located in any place frequented
by minors like schools, playgrounds or market
• Create committees (see Annex A)
places in their barangay.
• Determine date and secure venue (see Annex
• Materials for the murals can be provided by
the barangay or solicited from the businesses
• Develop mechanics
in the community or donation from private
personalities for community involvement.
General Guidelines:
• Winners will be announced on the said date.
• Barangays will cascade the invitation to the
people for a fun run / walk, are expected to
send at least 10 families (at least 2 members
per family), or at least 30 individuals to join the
fun run / walk.
• The event is open to all ages 6 and up, and
to adults without significant comorbidities or
with clearance from their physician to join.
• The venue begins in an outdoor venue (e.g.
town plaza or park) for opening remarks and
ends there as well for performances by youth
groups / other interest groups aligned with the
theme of cancer prevention and awareness.
• Through close coordination with the relevant
agencies, safety and security will be ensured
with proper cordoning of the running lanes in
the street and assistance of traffic personnel /
police enforcement / medical officers and first
aid responders on standby.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 199

B. Promotional and Sample Materials:

Sample Program Flow:

Time Activity Person responsible

5:00 - 6:00 AM Registration
6:00-6:15 AM Opening remarks
6:15 - 7:45 AM Fun run / walk proper
7:30 -8:00 AM Playing of informational, educational videos and guest
performances from invited talents onstage
8:00- 8:30 AM Keynote speech and closing remarks

1. Promotional Materials SMC (Square)

• Posters, streamers Sabay-sabay tayong tumakbo para sa
• Social Media Cards mga mahal natin sa buhay.

2. Event Materials (Main)

• Official event running shirt / singlet / Tara, Love! Fighting! Family Fun Run /
running bib Walk for Cancer Awareness
• Streamers Para sa Isang Healthy Pilipinas!
• Umbrellas, fans, water bottles, caps
Material Content Oras:
Bumisita sa iyong Barangay Hall para sa
Sample Please see III.B.
mga katanungan at karagdagang detalye!
Poster (Portrait) NB: Please Healthy Pilipinas Logo and a
Sabay-sabay tayong tumakbo para sa space for the LGU’s logo
mga mahal natin sa buhay.
Streamer Sabay-sabay tayong tumakbo para sa
mga mahal natin sa buhay. Tara, Love!
Tara, Love! Fighting! Family Fun Run /
Fighting! Family Fun Run / Walk for Can-
Walk for Cancer Awareness
cer Awareness
Para sa Isang Healthy Pilipinas!
Para sa Isang Healthy Pilipinas!
Bumisita sa iyong Barangay Hall para sa
mga katanungan at karagdagang detalye!

NB: Please Healthy Pilipinas Logo and a

space for the LGU’s logo

200 Community Health Promotion Playbook


Activity Committees

A Committee is a group of people, formed to oversee and support a project and perform certain functions or tasks.
The committee can be composed of members of the Sangguniang Bayan, the Barangay Captains, Healthcare Work-
ers/Officials, or community members such as parents, local business owners, and teachers.

A. Responsibilities of committee/subcommittee
The committees/subcommittees could include but are not limited to:

• Budget and planning

responsible for leading the event, sets the vision, builds the team, allocates budget, manages external
or internal partnerships, decides the dates, venues, identifies judges and makes other important deci-
sions for the conduct of the talent show.

• Marketing and promotion

responsible for the development of strategies promotion and execution of event communications online
and offline, before, during, and after the event, sends save the dates and invitations, post social media
cards, invitation posters, website placements, content, follow-up emails, and ensure that all event data
is all synced or well coordinated with the different committees.

• Talent recruitment and auditions

responsible for identifying and attracting talented youths to join the talent show and build a pool of
talents. It usually involves developing a recruitment strategy, searching for candidates, screening ap-
plications, and managing and evaluating the process. This team is also responsible for developing the
program of activities (depending on the number of talents that they can pool), including identifying the
masters of the ceremony. In close coordination with the light, sound, and other technical committee for
the production value of the participants performance.

• Logistics and other intermission organization

in charge of the venue, and stage decorations, set designs, seating arrangements and food and refresh-
ments for the staff, talents, judges, and special guests that will be attending the event. They are also
responsible for the registration and check-in of guests and participants. Submit names of VIPs to the
masters of the ceremony for recognition during the ceremony.

• Light, sound, and other technical coordination -

responsible for making sure that all technical aspects of the show are carried out in a timely fashion.
This includes coordinating the set design, lighting, set, sounds, and handling any technical details
needed during performances. In close coordination with the talent recruitment team for production val-
ue of the performances, set changes and other miscellaneous tasks as necessary during the show.

• Event safety
in charge of proper event safety and security planning, crowd control, security, and the value of effec-
tive emergency response to reduce the possible consequences of an emergency. This can be coordinat-
ed to the local police force for assistance.

B. Other functions

• Call meetings for decision making and other matters.

• Develop action plans (activities, timelines, responsible individuals)
• Identify treasurer to keep track of the budget and expenses
• Identify support staff:
• A support staff is a group of people who are not performing but are helping to run the show.
• They are people in the community who want to help but do not want to perform and assist for the set-
up, running the show, attending to the audience, and cleaning up after the event.
• Make other important decision for the successful conduct of the activity

Community Health Promotion Playbook 201

Setting a Date and Securing a Venue/Platform

Choosing your venue and date for your event are two major considerations that will shape the rest of your activity.
Start researching venues as early as possible. The venue can be a typical school auditorium, gymnasium, or a large
conference room, or if the weather is nice on your chosen date, an outdoor show under event tents could also work
well. Opt also for a virtual platform if possible.

When deciding on a venue, you’ll also have to consider dates for your location based on seasonal factors, travel and

A. Things to consider when deciding for a date of the event

• Availability of the venue

• Accessibility to your target audience
• Season/weather
• Complete list of performers

B. Things to consider when deciding for a venue

• Number of acts that are allowed to perform, the kind of tech setup you’ll need for those acts,
• Think about the acoustics of the space and whether you’ll need any amplification for the performances.
• Consider your expected audience size and seating arrangements that make the most sense.
• Consider if comfort rooms are conveniently located throughout the venue, water supply and onsite staff
for cleaning, fire control and emergency.
• Consider providing a comfortable experience to the attendees by providing stations where they can
buy water, healthy snacks options, souvenirs and other products with the exemption of tobacco, other
tobacco products, smoking paraphernalia, alcoholic beverages and other illicit products.
• Consider sectioning the venue per barangay and print numbered tickets for convenience
• If your venue is outdoors, make sure that you have a way to protect the equipment from the elements.

C. Equipments

• Check with your musical talent to determine what equipment they will be bringing themselves and
what you need to prepare.
• Coordinate with vendors, talent, and the venue to determine the equipment needs, how long they will
need for setup and breakdown, and whether they need access to power, a loading dock, or any other
special access.
• Coordinate with the venue to determine what equipment you’ll need for the performance and whether
the venue can provide it. This could include a stage, speakers, microphones, sound system, lighting, and
other audio/visual equipment.
• Check with your musical talent to determine what equipment they will be bringing themselves and
what you need to prepare.
• Coordinate with vendors, talent, and the venue to determine the equipment needs, how long they will
need for setup and breakdown, and whether they need access to power, a loading dock, or any other
special access.

Activity Design

Creating an activity design will help you and your team to smoothly implement the chosen activity for health pro-
motion. This will aid you in developing and keeping track of essential steps and aspects to effectively mount and
roll-out an event.

The activity design will give details on the background, objectives, target audience, proposed plans, and schedule of
the activity. This will also help you push for the advocacy within the local government unit and provide substantial
value of the activity.

Activity Design (Sample)

A. Description of the Activity:

• Title of the Activity: New Year, New You, New Healthy Habits TikTok Challenge!
• Type of the Activity: Social Media Health Promotion Advocacy Activity
• Theme of the Activity: New Year, New You for a Healthy Pilipinas

202 Community Health Promotion Playbook

• Target Audience and estimated number: Community members of the Municipality of Sta. Ana with at
least five (5) participants per barangay
• Persons/Offices involved in the activity: Sta. Ana Municipal Health Office, Municipal Information Office,
Barangay LGUs
• Location/Platform of the Activity: Within the Municipality of Sta. Ana using the Official Social Media
• Time and Date of the Activity: January 7- 25, 2022
• Budget Requirement: PhP XXX

B. Significance of the Activity:

Barangays usually conduct activities for their constituents to jump start the new year. In order to keep the
concept of starting a “Healthy Lifestyle” as an integral part of everyone’s resolution, the following baran-
gay-based activities are recommended to leverage on the relationship of close-knit community members.
As a new year begins, these activities will serve as a platform to showcase each community member’s
perspective on simple and healthy resolutions for ‘a New Year and a New You’!

Note: May lift and contextualize from the introduction to the monthly menu of health promotion activities.

This TikTok Challenge for the community will serve as a platform to showcase creativity and friendly
competitiveness of the people, and at the same time encourage individuals and family units to adopt new
healthy habits this new year. This will piggy-back on the popularity of the TikTok app as it provides easy
access to simple video editing features (i.e. transitions, music overlays) and hassle-free video sharing.

Note: May lift and contextualize from the “About this Activity”portion of the chosen monthly health promo-
tion activity

C. Objectives of the Activity:

• To enjoin the community members of the Municipality of Sta. Ana to start practicing healthy habits this
new year and eventually maintain them.
• To enjoin everyone in the community to participate and create a bandwagon effect that will encourage
others to choose healthy lifestyles.

Note: May lift and contextualize from the “About this Activity”portion of the chosen monthly health pro-
motion activity

D. Activity Proposal:

Guidelines of the Activity:

• General Guidelines: The TikTok challenge will be open to all members of the community. Videos will be
crowd-sourced from interested participants and will be shared and posted via official LGU social media

• Mechanics
1. Film a TikTok video with the theme “New Year, New You, New Healthy Habit”. Participants will re-
cord an original video showcasing an identified healthy habit that they will adopt this new year. The
TikTok video should showcase simple tips on how to be healthy and may choose to focus on any of
the following topics/themes:
a. Diet and Exercise: Move More, Eat Right for a Healthy Pilipinas
b. Environmental Health: Be Clean, Live Sustainably for a Healthy Pilipinas
c. Immunization: Get Vaccinated for a Healthy Pilipinas
d. Substance Use: Don’t Smoke, Lessen Alcohol, Say No to Drugs for a Healthy Pilipinas
e. Mental Health: Care for Yourself, Care for Others for a Healthy Pilipinas
f. Sexual and Reproductive Health: Pra​​ctice Safe Sex for a Healthy Pilipinas
g. Violence and Injury Prevention: Do No Harm, Put Safety First for a Healthy Pilipinas

2. Video submission should be at least one (1) minute but should not exceed two (2) minutes. Partici-
pants must convey a clear and impactful message in the time frame given.
3. Participants may use any music. Post-editing and inclusion of animations and graphics are encour-
4. Video should not include inappropriate content such as lewd actions and curse words.
5. Should reflect messaging and content based on the theme (should be relevant, original, and clear).

Community Health Promotion Playbook 203

6. Video submission shall be uploaded on the participant’s personal TikTok and Facebook accounts.
Entries should also tag @HealthyPilipinas and @(insert official LGU account handle/name). Include
hashtags #NewYearNewYou #NewHealthyHabits.
7. The TikTok Challenge will be running for 3 weeks, starting (Identified date) until (identified date).
Participants may submit their entries during the time period.

Note: May lift and contextualize from the suggested mechanics of the chosen monthly health promotion

Timeline of Activities and Resource Needed

Activity Schedule Resources DRO/I

Creation of Committees January 5, 2022 Municipal Conference Hall/ Zoom meeting Municipal
platform Health
Promotion of Activity January 7-14 Promotional Materials MHO, MIO,
through social media Barangay
postings Announcements during flag ceremonies LGU, other
and Barangay meetings partners

Official Social Media Account of the

Posting of TikTok January 15-24 Entries from the community members MHO, MIO
Official Social Media Account of the
Awarding of TikTok January 25 Certificates for awardees and participants MHO, MIO
Challenge Winners
Criteria for Judging

Announcement Social Media Card of the


Official Social Media Account of the


Note: May include other pertinent information as necessary: Program flow, Criteria for Judging, etc.

Budgetary Requirement

Total Budget Required: PhP X,XXX.XX

Fund source: Municipal Health Office (MOOE)
Breakdown of Budget Requirements

Item Required Budget Budget (PhP)

[Optional] Snacks for Organizing (Number of expected attendees) XX.XX
Committee meetings x (Prevailing allowable cost per
[Optional] Printing of Promotion- (promotional material) x (cost of XX.XX
al Materials printing) x (number of barangay
in the municipality)
Printing of Certificates (number of participants) x (cost XX.XX
of printing)

(number of awardees) x (cost of


204 Community Health Promotion Playbook

[Optional] Awards and Prizes 1st Prize (cost) XX.XX
2nd Prize (cost)
3rd Prize (cost)

Monitoring and Evaluation Tools

Monthly Evaluation

Activity Targets Means of Verification

Development of Project Plan and Completed Project Plan and Final and Approved Project Plan
Activity Design Activity Design and Activity Design
Creation of Committees in sup- 100% of planned committees Project organizational chart/
port of the Project/Activity created and all positions filled Office Order for the Project/ List
of Committees and Members
Setting date and securing venue Date set and venue secured at Program of Activities/ Program
least a week prior the event Mechanics/ Official Communica-
Promotional and communication # of promotional and communi- Promotional and communication
materials produces cation materials produced materials produced
Promotional and communication # / # of promotional and commu- a. Social media post
materials disseminated nication materials posted/sent/ b. Photo documentation of
shared thru posting
a. Official Social Media Plat- c. Radio Commercial Media
forms Plan
b. Community billboards/ Post- d. Documented route of ricori-
ing sites da/ bandillo
c. Local Radio Stations e. Photo documentation at flag
d. Ricorida/ Bandillo ceremonies
e. Announcements at Flag f. Barangay report on promo-
Ceremony tions
f. % of Barangays promoting g. Other means of verification
the activity congruent to activity
g. Other platforms
For social media: Social media
For social media: # of people insights
reached/ who were engaged
with the communication material

Implementation of Program # of people who participated in Attendance sheets, lust of par-

Activity the activity: ticipants/entries, official people
a. As contestants/ submitted count, etc.
b. As physical spectators/audi-
c. As virtual spectators/audi-

Community Health Promotion Playbook 205

Documentation of the activity X / X steps in program planning Minutes of the Meeting, Post-ac-
and implementation documented tivity reports, MHO/CHO reports,
Official communication letters,
Photo documentation, etc.

Yearly Process Evaluation

Activity Targets Means of Verification

Implementation of monthly 12/12 months with implemented Yearly Health Office report,
health promotion event from the activities for health promotion compilation of monthly docu-
list of activities from the Com- mentation, compilation of activity
munity Communication Playbook designs, etc.
100% of barangays participated Official communication letters,
in the 12 health promotion activ- post-activity reports, photo doc-
ities of the year umentations, etc.
% of community population were Social media analytics, atten-
reached with the monthly health dance sheets, post-activity
promotion activities reports, etc.

Behavioral Evaluation

Behavioral Objective Output Early Outcome Late Outcome

Behavioral Objectives # of target audi- # of target audience who # of target audience
based on the chosen ence reached with/ are aware of the intended practicing the intended
monthly activity participated with the behavior behavior as manifested
campaign activity/ by:
Eg: Community mem- project Eg: # of community
members who are aware
bers to start practicing of how to do practice a. Self-reports to Pri-
healthy habits this new Eg: # of community healthy habits mary Care Providers
year and eventually members participat- and similar mecha-
maintain them. ed in the activity and # of target audience who nisms after 6 months
are given information consults with Primary
on practicing healthy Care Providers regard- Eg: # of community
habits ing the specific intended members who report
behavior that they are practicing
ways of being healthy
Eg: # of community mem- after 6 months
bers who consult with
their Primary Care Pro- b. Consultation to Pri-
viders and asks/clarifies mary Care Providers
about the ways to practice on matters related
the healthy habits to but expanding to
the specific intended

Eg: # of community
members who consult
with their Primary Care
Providers and asks/
clarifies about the ways
to practice the healthy

How to Gather, Analyze, and Use Social Media (Facebook) Insights


206 Community Health Promotion Playbook

A social insight is a consumer insight from social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok. Social media
insights are gathered by observing and analyzing conversations among social media communities about a content,
brand, etc.

Gathering, analyzing, and using Facebook insights or analytics are important as these help in:

• Understanding Facebook digital community’s expectations and behaviors by getting and analyzing key
discussion topics and interests
• Improving content and user experience through the analytics and insights gathered
• Optimizing campaigns for improving user experience and journey

Behavioral Objective Output

Where can I see Page To see Page Insights:
Insights on Facebook?
1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.
2. Go to your Page.
3. Click Insights in the left menu.

About Insights

Insights provide information about your Page’s performance, like demo-

graphic data about your audience and how people are responding to your
Keep in mind that you can only access data in Page Insights for the last 2
years, and demographic data, such as age, gender and location, are avail-
able in Page Insights once there is data for 100 or more people. Pages
categorized as a Community Page don’t have Insights.
You can use Insights to:

• Understand how people are engaging with your Page.

• View metrics about your Page’s performance.
• Learn which posts have the most engagement and see when your audi-
ence is on Facebook.
What’s the difference Page views are the number of times a Page’s profile has been viewed by
between Page views, people, including people who are logged into Facebook and those who
reach, and impressions on aren’t.
Reach is the number of people who saw any content from your Page or
about your Page. This metric is estimated.

Impressions are the number of times any content from your Page or about
your Page entered a person’s screen.

We update the organic impressions metric to factor in new products and

changes to Facebook. Keep in mind that because of the many ways content
can be created and shared on Facebook, the actual number of organic im-
pressions may not currently be reflected in this metric (or any metrics that
use organic impressions, including page views and reach).

Community Health Promotion Playbook 207

Where can I see how To see the number of people who viewed your Page:
many people have viewed
my Facebook page? 1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.
2. Go to your Page.
3. Click Insights in the left menu.
4. Click Page Views on the left.

From here, you can see views by:

• Section (example: Posts, Videos, Photos).

• Age and Gender.
• Country.
• City.
• Device (example: computers, mobile devices).

What metrics are avail- Metrics for your Page’s posts are available as soon as the post is published.
able on Facebook page In the Posts section of Insights, you can see the following information about
posts? your Page posts:

• The number of people reached.

• Post clicks.
• Reactions, comments and shares.
• Total video views and viewing behavior details.

See Post Reactions, Comments and Shares

You can see how many people are reacting to, commenting on and sharing
your Page posts in Page Insights. Keep in mind that post reactions, com-
ments and shares that have been changed or deleted are counted toward
the total number in Page Insights.

To see this info by post:

1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.

2. Go to your Page and click Insights in the left menu.
3. Click Posts on the left.
4. Scroll down to All Posts Published and view the Engagement column.

To see this info for all Page posts within a date range:

1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.

2. Go to your Page and click Insights in the left menu.
3. Click Reach on the left.
4. Select Start and End dates in the top right.
5. Scroll down to Reactions, Comments, Shares and More or Reactions

208 Community Health Promotion Playbook

How do I see demograph- See Demographic Data About the People Who Like Your Page
ic data about the people
who like my Facebook To see demographic data about the people who like your Page:
1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.
2. Go to your Page and click Insights in the left menu.
3. Click People on the left.
4. Click the Your Fans section to see the percentage of people who like
your Page by age, gender, country, city and language.

See When the People Who Like Your Page Are on Facebook

You can see data about when the people who like your Page are on Face-

1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.

2. Go to your Page and click Insights in the left menu.
3. Click Posts on the left.

In the When Your Fans Are Online section, you can see data from a recent
one-week period about the days of the week and times when the people
who like your Page are on Facebook.

What’s the difference be- Post reach is the number of people who saw any of your posts at least
tween organic, paid, and once. This metric is estimated.
post reach?
Paid reach is the number of people who had a paid post from your Page en-
ter their screen. Organic reach is the number of people who had an unpaid
post from your Page enter their screen. Organic reach can be broken down
into viral and nonviral:

• Viral: The number of people who had any content from your Page or
about your Page enter their screen because their friend likes or fol-
lows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and
checks into your Page.
• Nonviral: The number of people who had any content from your Page
enter their screen. This doesn’t include when someone’s friend likes or
follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page
and checks into your Page.

If your post reaches someone through both paid and organic distribution,
they’re counted toward each. Keep in mind that the sum of organic and paid
reach won’t always equal post reach. For example, if one person sees your
post through both organic and paid distribution, they’ll be counted as 1 in
organic reach, 1 in paid reach, and 1 in post reach.

Why has my Page’s organic reach dropped?

There are many factors that affect reach, including how people are engag-
ing with your Page’s content, how people have engaged with similar types
of content in the past, the quality of the content and other factors such as
time of day and whether people are on Facebook on their mobile phone or
computer. It’s normal for reach to change based on these factors.

Community Health Promotion Playbook 209

How do I export my Face- To export your Page’s insights data:
book page’s insights data?
1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.
2. Go to your Page.
3. Click Insights in the left menu.
4. Click Export Data in the top right.
5. Select a data type, file format and date range. You may also need to
choose a layout.
6. Click Export Data again.

Keep in mind that you can only export data from up to 2 years ago, and
the time range for data must be shorter than 180 days. You may see some
additional metrics in your exported data that aren’t found in Page Insights.

To create a custom layout:

1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.

2. Go to your Page.
3. Click Insights in the left menu.
4. Click Export Data in the top right.
5. Below Layout, select Make New Custom Layout.
6. In the bottom right, enter a sheet name for your data and then click
7. From the column on the left, select the information you’d like to add to
your sheet.
8. When you’ve finished selecting your custom data, click Apply.
9. Click Export Data

210 Community Health Promotion Playbook

Community Health Promotion Playbook 211

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