WGS Biometrics System Users Manual v1.1b

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Version 1.1b – December 2019

1. Getting Started
You can open the On-Time Biometrics System in 2 ways:
a. Double-click the shortcut icon located on your desktop
b. Open a browser (Chrome is recommended) then at the address bar type in

2. Login Page
Before you can use the system, you will be prompted to enter your login credentials. The
default username is admin and default password is admin. It is recommended that you
change the default password after you logged in for the first time.

3. Home Page
Once you are logged in, you will be directed to the home page. On the menu bar, you

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can navigate to Devices, Users, Settings and User account.


For Disconnected Mode (via USB only), a default device is listed with a dummy
information since your device does not support TCP/IP connection.

Don’t mind the offline mode to YES in red as it indicate that it is used only for offline

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This is used when you retrieve the attendance log via a USB drive from the
Biometric device. This is normally done in disconnected mode and the only way
to save logs into the server is via a USB drive.

Please refer to the Biometrics Device’s manual on how to download attendance


Use USB drive version 2 (recommended), using a higher version may take
longer time to download or may not work.

The output file of the device will

have a .DAT file extension which
will be saved in your USB drive.
You upload this file into the
system. Select a device from the
list, then click Upload Logs

Drag and drop the file into the

dialog box and click Upload
button. If you don’t get any error,
then the logs are successfully
entered into the system.

Make sure the User ID number in
the machine are matched in the
system users, otherwise, the logs
will not be tagged by its
corresponding users.

You may view the uploaded attendance logs from the Users page.

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In this page you see the list of users being synchronized between the system and the

a. ADD USER – To add a user, click the Add button and then enter the required
details in the form.

i. User ID must be unique and numeric only (This must be matched with the
User ID registered in the device)
ii. Name - is recommended in SURNAME, FIRSTNAME Middle name
iii. Department - If you have multiple department set, select the department
to group users by department
iv. Employment Type – it is important to set the correct employment status
whether it is a PERMANENT or CASUAL/TEMPORARY status. Both
have different process in the creation of DTR (daily attendance record)
v. Working Time – this is the working shift of the employee. Please see
documentation about Working Time within this document for more
vi. Status – This only an indicator if the user is Active or Inactive.

b. Edit/Delete Users – You can edit user(s) information and or delete. You select
one or more users from the list and click Edit or Delete button.

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c. Photo - You can add photo of
the user for easy identification
and for future use as well.
Select a user and then click
Photo button and drag and drop
an image file into the dialog box
then click Upload button.

minimum image resolution is
250 pixels and a maximum of
500 pixels.

d. Add Log - In the event that it is necessary to manually add an attendance log
for a user for any reason might be, you can use this form to add or insert a log in
the system. Please note that any manually added log will be indicated as added
by System Admin and not from machine or device. To Add a log, selet a user
from the list then click Add Log, then enter the date and time and the working
time shift as basis for attendance.

In this form, you are adding a log for December 2, 2019 at 8:00am based on
Regular Shift (Working Time) for user John Doe.

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e. View Logs – You can view attendance logs at any time. Select user(s) in the list
and click View Logs button. You will be asked the date range or specific date

sample result:

The first line is a log from machine as you can see from the source column
shows the location and the serial number of the device. The second line is a
manually added log by the System Admin.

f. Print DTR – prints a Daily Time Record Attendance form with time check ins or
outs and automatically compute hours/minutes of late and under times. For
Government use, it will print in Civil Service Form No. 48 – DTR Form format.
Please see attached sample DTR.

g. Print SRA – prints Summary Record of Attendance, a monthly summary report

of late, undertime, leaves and pass slips. This report is useful to determine Leave
Credit Deductions based on Civil Service rules. Please attached sample SRA.

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In here you can define Departments, Timetable, Working Time, Holidays, Overtime
Schedules, Work Schedules, Pass Slips and Exemptions.

a. Departments – You can define departments and assign it to users to group them
by department. By default, there will be 1 (“None”) as department. Click Add to
add more departments. Enter the department name, for example “Accounts” the
click Add Department. After you add the department, you can now assign the
new department to any user. Go to the User’s page, select a user, click edit then
set the department.

b. Timetable - timetable is to define a day working hours, this timetable will be

mapped to a Working Time Shift, for example from Mondays to Fridays. You can
define many Timetable as needed, for example, a time table for 7am to 4pm and
a time table for 8am to 5pm users.

This timetable consist of columns as explained below:

i. Id – this is the identity of the time table

ii. Description – The name that briefly describe the timetable.

1. Flexible Time – if this is checked then time will be compensated
by In and Out. For example, if the use logs at 8.30am then leaves
5.30pm, the 30 minutes late in the morning will be compensated
by the late checkout in the afternoon.


1. 08:00am – the specified time of morning check in
2. Start: 120m – means that system will recognize check in as early
as 120 minutes before 8:00am. If a user checks in earlier than that
will not be recognized or will not appear in the DTR.
3. End: 120m – this means that the system will recognize only check
ins of 120 minutes after 8:00am otherwise, system will consider no
morning check in.

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4. Allowed Late – the number of minutes after 8:00am where the
system will not deduct. In the example above, it is set to zero, it
means at 8:01am, the user is considered as 1 minute late.
5. Failed Deduct – If the user failed to check in 120 minutes before
8:00am to 120 minutes after 8:00am window, then the system will
deduct 240 minutes.
6. Required – if this is checked, then the user must check in in the
biometric device. If unchecked then the user is not required to
check in from the biometric device, and 8:00 am will default
otherwise if the user still checks in despite not required, the actual
log will appear in the DTR.


1. Time: 12:00 – the specified time of check out in the morning
2. Start 120m - means the system will recognize logs as morning
check out from 120 minutes before 12:00 noon. Before that will
not be recognized as morning check out.
3. End: 59m – means that the system will recognize it as morning
check out up to 59 minutes after 12:00noon.
4. Allow Early - number of minutes before 12:00 noon where the
system will not deduct as undertime. In the example above, it is
set to zero, therefore, 11:59am check out will be considered as 1
minute undertime.
5. Failed Deduct – If the user failed to check out 120 minutes before
12:00 noon to 59 minutes after 12:00 noon window, then the
system will deduct 240 minutes.
6. Is Next Day? – Enable this if check out will occur on the next day
following the check in. this is usually applicable only to night shift
duty. For example, if the user checks in at 7pm and check out the
next day.
7. Required? – if this is checked, then the user must check out in
the biometric device. If unchecked then the user is not required to
check out from the biometric device and 12:00 noon will default
otherwise if the user still checks out despite not required the
actual log will appear in the DTR.
8. Skip? – If checked, then check out log will be ignored, and it will
leave a blank space in the check out box in the DTR. No
deductions occur as well.


1. 01:00pm – (13:00) the specified time of afternoon check in
2. Start: 59m – means that system will recognize check in as early
as 59 minutes before 1:00pm. If a user checks in earlier than that
will not be recognized.

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3. End: 120m – this means that the system will recognize only check
ins 120 minutes after 1:00pm otherwise, system will consider no
afternoon check in.
4. Allowed Late – the number of minutes after 1:00pm where the
system will not deduct. In the example above, it is set to zero, it
means at 1:01pm, the user is considered as 1 minute late.
5. Failed Deduct – If the user failed to check in 59 minutes before
1:00pm to 120 minutes after 1:00pm window, then the system will
deduct 240 minutes.
6. Is Next Day? – Enable this if check out will occur on the next day.
7. Required? – if this is checked, then the user must check in in the
biometric device. If unchecked then the user is not required to
check in from the biometric device and 1:00pm will default
otherwise if the user still checks in despite not required, the actual
log will appear in the DTR.
8. Skip? – If checked, then check in log will be ignored and it will
leave a blank space in the check in box in the DTR. No deductions
occur as well.


1. Time: 5:00 – (17:00) the specified time of check out in the
2. Start 120m - means the system will recognize logs as afternoon
check out from 120 minutes before 5:00pm. Before that will not be
recognized as afternoon check out.
3. End: 120m – means that the system will recognize it as afternoon
check out up to 120 minutes after 5:00pm.
4. Allow Early - number of minutes before 5:00pm where the
system will not deduct as undertime. In the example above, it is
set to zero, therefore, at 4:59pm check out will be considered as 1
minute undertime.
5. Failed Deduct – If the user failed to check out 120 minutes before
5:00pm to 120 minutes after 5:00pm window, then the system will
deduct 240 minutes.
6. Is Next Day? – Enable this if check out will occur on the next day.
7. Required? – if this is checked, then the user must check out in
the biometric device. If unchecked then the user is not required to
check out from the biometric device and 5:00pm will default
otherwise if the user still checks out despite not required the
actual log will appear in the DTR.

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c. Working Time - In this page, you will map timetable to the daily working shift.

Above shows the 8am-5pm timetable is mapped from Monday to Friday for
working time Regular Shift. You can map different time table in each day if

Assign Working Time users as their work shift. The Working Time and
Timetable will be the basis of computation for the creation of DTR and SRA.

d. Holidays – you must record holidays to effect DTR and report creation.

You can specify the date duration of the holiday and specify if it is a Full or Half day
holiday. Please note if for example for holiday that will last for 1.5 days, you must
record 1 for full day then another for a half day.

e. Work Schedule – use this feature to create a working schedule outside the
users normal working time. For example, a security guard is required to have a

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duty during a holiday. If the said guard does not log on scheduled duty, he will be
deducted in his DTR and SRA as absent or late or undertime.

In the example above, a work schedule is being created during a holiday. This
work schedule must be assigned to users. To assign users, select the work
schedule then click Assign button. Add 1 or more users into the work schedule
then click Save Changes.

f. Pass Slips - record a pass slip for users who wish to leave the office during
working hours. A pass slip hours and minutes duration will be deducted to leave

In this record, the user made a pass slip on December 02 from 10:00am to
11:00. The user will be deducted 60 minutes (1 hour) which will reflect in the DTR
and in SRA. The deduction is not considered a late or undertime as per civil
service rule.

Assign the pass slip to a user - after creating the pass slip, you must assign it
to a user. Select the created pass slip then click Assign button. Enter the user id
or name to lookup the user from the database then select the user. You can
assign a single pass slip to multiple users.

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g. Leave & Exemptions – in this page you record all kind of leaves such as Sick
Leave, Vacation leave, Paternity, Maternity and the like.

in this example you specify the date duration, the time covered, the type of
exemption, indicate if it is a filed leave or not filed and the reason of leave then
click Add Exemption to save.

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h. There are several types of exemptions:

After you save the exemption, you can assign the exemption to 1 to more users.
Select the exemption then click Assign button. Add user(s) then click Save

7. ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT – The administrator page

a. Change Password – the user can change it password, you will need to enter the
current password before you can change your password.
b. Backup Database - the administer can download a database copy at any time.
c. Update Database - This is used only when there is a system update provided
d. Logout – logs out the current user from the system

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