Rangkuman Hadits

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Name : Feri Kristanto

I’d : 12050230003
Subject : Qur’an and Hadiths Studies

1. Describe the steps of Quranic compilation !

The compilation of Al- Qur’an occurred in several stages:
a. Writings during the life of the Prophet at this time, the verses of revelation were written
on various materials during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, during the time of the
Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Qur'an was written on date palm fronds, stone slabs, tree
bark, and animal bones.
b. Compilation under the leadership of Abu Bakar Siddiq. After compilation at the time
of the Prophet, Abu Bakr ordered the compilation of the Al-Qur'an into a book
supervised by Zaid bin Thabit. This was triggered by the death of many friends who
had memorized Al- Qur’an in the battle of Yamamah.
c. Standardization under Usman Bin Affan, Usman ordered the standardization of the text
of the Qur'an and sent copies to various provinces, to ensure the uniformity and
accuracy of the Qur'an.

The process includes collecting written materials, verifying the authenticity of the
verses, and standardizing the text. The Qur'an was also preserved through memorization
and oral transmission, ensuring its accuracy and authenticity

2. Explain the methods of Quranic exegesis?

a. Tafsir Bil Ma'tsur

This method uses explanations of Al-Quran verses based on hadith or

history originating from the Prophet Muhammad SAW or his companions. This
interpretation adheres to understandings and practices inherited directly from the
early generations of Islam.

b. Tafsir Bil Ra'yi

This method tries to explain the verses of Al- Qur’an using reasoning and
ijtihad (thinking efforts) from the ulama. This interpretation does not only rely on
hadith, but also relies on the scholar's personal understanding and interpretation.
c. Tafsir Ilmi (Scientific Tafsir)
This interpretation places greater emphasis on a scientific approach and
explanation of the verses of Al- Qur’an based on the historical, linguistic and social
context at the time of the revelation. This method tries to understand Al- Qur’an
using science and academic research.
d. Tafsir Maudhu'i (Thematic Tafsir)
This method focuses on certain themes in Al- Qur’an. For example,
comments can focus on topics such as morals, laws, or moral guidelines.
e. Tarbawi Tafsir (Educational Tafsir)

This method seeks to educate and equip readers with an understanding of

morals, ethics and Islamic teachings. This interpretation is often used in the context
of Islamic education.

f. Comprehensive tafsir or Muqaran

This method is an interpretation of Al- Qur’anic text by comparing verses
of Al- Qur’an that have similar or similar editorials.
3. Explain the methods of Hadith criticism !
The hadith criticism method is a scientific approach to evaluating the validity and
reliability of narrations that convey the words, actions, or approval of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW in the Islamic tradition. Hadith criticism is carried out using various
analytical techniques and critical approaches to ensure that the hadith received can be relied
upon as a source of Islamic teachings. Following are some common methods of hadith

a. Sanad (History) and Matan (Text)

Hadith criticism includes an evaluation of the two main elements of the
hadith: sanad (chain of narrators) and matan (the text of the hadith itself). The sanad
is examined to assess the reliability of the narrator, while the matan is analyzed to
ensure conformity with accepted Islamic teachings.
b. Tahqiq al-Matn (Thickness Examination)
This procedure involves an in-depth analysis of the hadith text to assess its
compatibility with the teachings of Al- Qur’an and other Islamic principles. If a
hadith goes against the basic principles of Islam, it can be considered weak.
c. Tahqiq al-Isnad (Sanad Examination)
This examination involves research into the reliability and integrity of the
hadith narrator. Questions are asked about the lives, characters, and honesty of the
narrators. If there is doubt about a particular narrator, the hadith may be considered
d. Dirayah (Critical Examination)
Dirayah is a method of hadith analysis that involves critical examination of
the content and narrative of the hadith. Questions were asked regarding consistency
and compatibility with other sources, as well as linguistic analysis and historical
e. Discontinuity of the Sanad Chain (Mursal)
If there is a discontinuity or gap in the sanad chain, the hadith can be
considered weak. For example, if a narrator claims to have narrated a hadith from
the Prophet SAW, but it is impossible to meet him in person, the hadith can be
f. Involvement of Scientific Criteria
This method includes the application of scientific criteria to evaluate
narrators and hadith. This may involve considering the methods of transmitting
information at that time and assessing whether the narrator of the hadith may have
been influenced by certain factors.

This method of hadith criticism is designed to ensure that the information

conveyed in the hadith is reliable and in accordance with recognized Islamic values.
This process involves a high level of precision and vigilance to ensure that the
hadith received are accurate and genuine and can be used as a guide in the practice
of Muslim life.
4. How do we prove the authenticity of Hadith?
Proving the authenticity of hadith certainly involves using the hadith criticism method
to emit signals of sanad (chain of narrators) and matan (hadith text). Here are some steps
you can take to prove the authenticity of the hadith:

a. Sanad Examination (Chain of Narrators):

Evaluation of narrators: Check the integrity, honesty and consistency of each
narrator in the chain of sanad. Identify whether the narrator is known as a reliable and
honest person.
b. Check continuity: Make sure there are no gaps or discontinuities in the chain.
• Matan Examination (Hadith Text):
Tahqiq al-Matn: Analysis of hadith texts to check consistency with Islamic
teachings, conformity with Al- Qur’an, and non-contradiction with other
recognized hadiths.
• Identification anomalies: Look for inconsistent or strange signs or elements
in the hadith text that could indicate weaknesses or forgeries.
c. Considering Scientific criteria:
Consider aspects such as historical consistency, linguistics, and social
context. Make sure that the hadith is appropriate to the conditions and context when
the events described occurred.
d. Consistency with Islamic Teachings:
Check whether the hadith is in accordance with the values and principles of
Islamic teachings as a whole. If there are any discrepancies, it could indicate an
authenticity issue.
e. Check Historical Record:
Review historical records or contemporary literature to verify whether the
events or statements described in the hadith match the historical record.
f. Interpretation of Hadith:
Seeing the interpreters' understanding can provide further insight into the
authenticity of the hadith.
5. Describe the relationship between Quran and Hadith !
Al- Qur’an and Hadith are the main guidelines for Muslims. The relationship between Al-
Qur’an and Hadith can be explained as follows:
a. Al- Qur’an as the Holy Book
Al- Qur’an is the main Holy Book in Islam. Muslims believe that Al- Qur’an
is the word of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW through the
intercession of the Jibril.
b. Hadith as the Sunnah of the Prophet
Hadith is a record and history of the sayings, actions and approval of the
Prophet Muhammad SAW. Hadith includes the teachings, actions and attitudes of
the Prophet who are considered role models for Muslims. Hadith provide
explanations and interpretations of the teachings of Al- Qur’an, as well as providing
additional guidance in applying Islamic principles in everyday life.
c. Complementary and Explanatory Al-Quran
Hadith is an explanation and complement to Al- Qur’an. Some concepts or
teachings in Al- Qur’an can be better understood through hadith, because they
provide context and further details. Hadith also helps in interpreting verses of Al-
Qur’an that may require additional explanation for better understanding.

d. Sources of Islamic Law

Al- Qur’an and Hadith together form the source of Islamic law, known as
sharia. The laws and norms in Islam are found both in the verses of Al- Qur’an and
in the hadith. For example, in the real world, legal decisions and fatwas made by
ulama are often based on the study and understanding of Al- Qur’an and Hadith.

Thus, Al- Qur’an and Hadith are two sources that complement each other
and form the basis of the Islamic religion, providing guidelines for the life of
Muslims as a whole.

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