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As we are living in this world full of uncertainties, we are trying to seek the accuracy and

reliability of information. It is important to have accuracy in technical writing because it will make us, as
citizens of this country, safe and aware of our reality. One of the benefits of accuracy is that it is a key
component of providing clear and accurate information. As a matter of fact, accuracy is required in the
material. A few causes of misinterpretation include excessive writing, incorrect spelling, and
grammatically incorrect sentence construction. Grammatical and punctuation errors must never be
made because in writing, accuracy necessitates accuracy. Accuracy and exactness are characteristics of
precision. Writing must have it as a fundamental component. Moreover, it should be relevant and
accurate to have an effective outcome. One example of it is that, if a professional, or we can say a
person who has a bachelor’s degree in English, or even a researcher, has a written output and should be
presented to a higher position, he should have done it correctly and with accuracy, because if not, it will
lead to misinformation and can draw some possibilities, which can lead to bigger problems.

On the other hand, the importance of data, graphs, tables, and illustrations creates a huge
impact when it comes to creating a more generalized and easy interpretation of something.
Understanding can be improved with the use of graphics. The act of organizing information becomes an
act of insight when design principles reflect thought principles. The relevance of data is that it provides
readers with information on the conclusions the researcher has drawn from all of the available data.
This also helps to comprehend how each person interprets the same Giving an understanding and
interpretation through a study of all the data also eliminates any possibility of human bias. At the same
time, the use of graphs, tables, and illustrations captures the readers' attention and helps them
understand the ideas more fully. They are like the illustrations that help tell the story. These visuals help
to augment the written ideas and simplify complicated textual descriptions. In addition to that, those
graphics that have been given above can help writers to convey technical information more effectively
and emphatically than they can with just words alone. As a result, in order to avoid flaws, technical
document visuals must be carefully planned, corrected, and prepared. To ensure that the appropriate
graphics are used, the writer should be aware of the document's intended audience.

While audience recognition is essential for success in all forms of writing, it is particularly
necessary in technical writing. Knowing your audience helps technical writers choose what information
to present, how to convey it, and even how to write about it. The technical writer can develop a more
thorough understanding of the audience's characteristics, objectives, and goals by using an audience
analysis. It is significant in many ways because the content and accuracy in technical writing are for the
readers, or the audience. In this way, the writer would know how to deliver the remaining information,
which can be in graphical or visual interpretations such as data, tables, graphs, and illustrations. As a
matter of fact, it completes the whole package of technical writing. Moreover, when producing technical
documents, taking into account your audience's needs and level of knowledge or experience is essential
to attaining your goal. Making incorrect assumptions about the audience leads to failure in technical
writing, not only in terms of design but also for material that is ethical and culturally sensitive. However,
taking the time to consider the requirements and level of understanding of your audience will increase
the likelihood of a successful transmission of complex or highly technical communications.

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