Movie Review

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Movie review

As I watched the movie "San Andreas," I realized that it was a disaster film that offers a thrilling
and visually impressive experience. As a viewer, it's necessary to approach the film with the knowledge
that its primary goals are to entertain and, in some way, impart lessons that the audience may use in
real life. This movie was directed by Brad Peyton, and as I continued watching the movie, I came to
realize that it was not similar to those movies that I usually watch because this one is an action-
adventure movie. I noticed that it was so good that you would believe and somehow pay attention to
the movie because the film actors Paul Giamatti, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario, and Dwayne
Johnson have done their parts so well that they caught my attention the whole time I watched it. So, in
order to save his estranged wife and daughter, Ray rescues them with a helicopter. However, along the
way, he must travel through debris caused by a significant earthquake in California.

One of the highlights of San Andreas is its thrilling action sequences. The movie portrays the
devastation brought on by the earthquake as a remarkable spectacle of chaos and destruction. The
visual effects are amazing, and the spectacular graphics give the destruction of well-known towns and
monuments a remarkably realistic look. The disaster sequences' intensity and scope keep the viewers on
the edge of their seats the entire time. Honestly speaking, I observed that it didn’t just give us
entertainment as we watched it; I pointed out some lessons and purposes that the whole cast was trying
to deliver and made us understand. First is the importance of family because the film emphasizes the
lengths a parent is willing to go to protect and save their loved ones, highlighting the importance of
familial relationships and the sacrifices that can be made to ensure their safety, which is what Ray and
Emma did to save their daughter Blake. Another one is preparedness for natural disasters. We are
reminded by the film itself of the unpredictability of natural disasters and the value of being ready. In
order to lessen the effects of such disastrous events, it emphasizes the necessity for people and
communities to have emergency preparations, supplies, and evacuation techniques in place. And the
last thing I have in mind after watching the movie is rebuilding and recovery. The disaster's immediate
effects are the main emphasis of the film, yet it also briefly mentions its aftermath and the
reconstruction effort. This serves as a reminder that there is hope for recovery and rebuilding, both
physically and emotionally, even in the face of complete destruction.

In conclusion, San Andreas fulfills its commitment to action and spectacle while still being a fun
catastrophe movie. It features dramatic moments and powerful scenes of destruction, outstanding
performances from Dwayne Johnson, and impressive visual effects. San Andreas might be worth seeing
if you're looking for a movie with great images and thrilling effects. Overall, watching this kind of movie
has so much to learn from. As a person who rarely watches this kind of genre, I am now interested in it.
Because I realized that it would somehow teach me the lessons that real life throws at me as a student
and as a citizen.
*What are the concepts or lessons in DRR which mentioned in the movie?

In the movie San Andreas, several disaster risk reductions (DRR) ideas and lessons are
addressed. Even though the movie's main purpose is to entertain viewers with its exciting action and
disaster scenes, it also subtly emphasizes some DRR ideas. These are the following concepts or lessons
found in the movie:

 Importance of having preparedness:

= The importance of preparedness for natural calamities is emphasized all throughout
the movie. It features Ray as he serves as a skilled rescue pilot who is ready to face emergencies
whereas, he was able to maneuver it with his knowledge and readiness. the chopper amid the
chaos and save lives.

 Warning Systems/Signals:
= In the movie it was featured the role of seismologists and early warning signals that
was used in predicting earthquakes. Seismologist Lawrence Hayes, portrayed by Paul Giamatti,
works to alert the people to the approaching earthquake and offers vital information for
preparation and response.

 Response to Emergencies and Search and Rescue:

= The movie San Andreas showcases the work done by teams of rescuers following a
tragedy. It shows the organization dedication and willingness essential to save lives and give
people in need immediate help.

*Identify at least 3 things to do before, during, and after the disaster.

Based on the movie San Andreas, here are three things to think about before, during, and after a


 Familiarize emergency response and procedures just like Ray in the movie who is a skilled
search and rescue pilot who emphasizes the value of being familiar with emergency procedures
and what to do in an emergency. Educate oneself about the possible emergency approach that
could be done in the community.
 Create a communication strategy or establish a communication plan with the family as well as
have a concrete meeting place if ever natural disaster may happen. Because similar practice
was seen in the movie where in the film, Ray's wife and daughter are separated from him during
the earthquake, but they manage to connect through phone calls.

 Follow evacuation orders and also follow the instructions regarding on evacuating to a
designated vicinity as soon as you are told to do so. Characters in the movie are seen run
away to higher ground and gathering in places which they consider to be safer from the
earthquake's devastation. As well as pay attention to instructions from authorities and follow
recommended evacuation routes in order to preserve your safety.


 Examine any injuries after the disaster and make sure that everyone else is free from injuries
and provide first aid immediately if needed In San Andreas, the characters evaluate their
wounds and take care of any critical health problems.

*Explain if these ways are effective for them to be safe.

= After watching the movie, I can say that, the actions of the characters can be seen as effective
in certain situations and contribute to their safety to some extent. Safety measures play a crucial role in
the movie San Andreas, as they are depicted as essential for the characters' survival and well-being
during the disaster. The movie's characters, especially Ray, his wife Emma, and their daughter Blake,
respond to the catastrophe immediately and appropriately. They comply with the directives to evacuate,
look for refuge, and make an effort to find their loved ones. They boost their chances of surviving by
acting quickly and by following safety procedures. Moreover, in such emergencies, people must
establish emergency response procedures and follow the directions of authorities. To increase personal
safety during a disaster, it is advisable to keep well-informed, have an emergency plan, and be familiar
with local emergency procedures.

*Give at least three significant learnings you learned after watching the movie.

After watching the movie San Andreas, here are three significant learnings that I have:

1. Unity and Resilience:

= Unity enables a more coordinated and effective response to a natural disaster. When
communities come together, they can mobilize resources, establish communication networks, and
collaborate with local authorities and relief organizations to provide aid and support. This collective
effort enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of response and recovery operations.
2. Importance of Preparedness and Planning

= Preparedness and planning help mitigate risks and reduce potential losses during a natural
disaster. By understanding the potential hazards in a specific region, individuals and communities can
take proactive measures to minimize vulnerabilities. This may include implementing structural
reinforcements, securing important documents and valuables, or creating evacuation plans.
Preparedness measures reduce the impact of the disaster and contribute to the safety of individuals and
their property.

3. Communication Is Essential

= communication is essential during a natural disaster to ensure the dissemination of emergency

information, issue warnings and alerts, coordinate response efforts, request and provide assistance,
reunite families, and raise public awareness. It enables individuals, communities, and emergency
responders to work together, make informed decisions, and mitigate the impacts of the disaster.

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