Jat Psy

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There are a lot of things that can describe or represent people of how they are as a

person. It may be because of their behavior, culture or by simply talking to others. As I have
read and understand the different philosophical perspective of the philosophers, the outlook
that I have compose on my own about myself changed in a way that it grows deeper. And
from that, I realize that even the philosophers have different theories and perspective about
the self. As I grow older I tend to observe that change is inevitable but my take away is that
every time you see changes about yourself, make sure that you change for good.

We have different views and opinions about life, and so ourselves. But if I have to
make my own theory or philosophy, I think that it is more about the fact of accepting who I
am as a person first. It includes my flaws, insecurities, fears, and external factors that
covers my confidence. My philosophy could be like this, “To grow is to accept who you are
and not what others expects you to be. Therefore, I accept to embrace and to progress.” In
this life full of chaotic pathways, ourselves should be the first to be equipped. Everyday is
anew battle to consider because each day we face challenges or maybe opportunities that
we have to consider for us to grow independently. If people try to accept the fact that they
can’t be the person who perfectly flipped their wings to shine, they would no longer
compare and grow their insecurities.

Just like what Socrates said that one should “know thyself,” it will be helpful to know
and accept who I am first for me to succeed in life without any barriers to set for myself
because of fear. If one will believe on his/her capacity to do work, everything will be light
and fall into place. As a future educator, I need to go out with m comfort one and explore
various things that could help me develop in any facet of life. In line with this, I believe that
our insecurities will only made us surrender to the trials of life, if we don’t know our
capabilities and strengths. So, in order to do so, we have to develop a witty mindset and the
acceptance for our own self to gain the peace of mind that we deserve. Moreover, I tend to
agree with Rene Descartes that we are the masters of our own universe. We have the
power to change for good and control our own life without following the standard that was
set by the society. We differ in so many ways and we unique in our own way.

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