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Quantum Stem School ЖШС

Қарастырылды: Келісілді:
Лингвистикалық пәндер Департаменті Директордың оқу жұмысы бойынша
отырысында орынбасары
Департамент басшысы Хаят Бостан Сауыртаев Ш.А.
_______________________________ ______________
хаттама №1 «____» 09.2021 ж «____» ________ 2021 жыл

2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

_____ағылшын тілі_______ күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

__8__ сынып (аптасына __5__сағат, барлығы __176___ сағат)

Пән мұғалімі: Сисенгалиева A.M.____

№ Сағат Мерзім Бөлім/Раздел/ Сабақтың Оқу

саны/ і Unit тақырыбы/ мақсаты/objective/учебна
number of /Date/ Lesson я цель
lessons/ Дата topic/ Тема
количеств урока
о часов
1 21.08 - Introductory To get to know each other;
lesson To recognize classroom rules.
1 22.08 - Diagnostic test To be evaluated on current
knowledge and mastery of the
English language
1 23.08 Unit 1. In touch with 1A Show your To implement lexical items on
your feelings emotions the topic of ‘emotions’ in a
1 24.08 Unit 1. In touch with 1A Show your To demonstrate general and
your feelings emotions detailed comprehension of a
radio programme about three
National Geographic explorers’
1 25.08 Unit 1. In touch with 1A Show your To demonstrate the ability to
your feelings emotions form subject and object
questions in a dialogue
1 28.08 Unit 1. In touch with 1B Fake it To apply suffixes to form nouns
your feelings until you feel it and implement them to oral
1 29.08 Unit 1. In touch with 1B Fake it To show comprehension of the
your feelings until you feel it general idea and locate
information in the reading
article about smile.
1 31.08 Unit 1. In touch with 1C A breath of To distinguish present simple
your feelings fresh air and present continuous and
show the ability to put them
into practice in a speaking
1 1.09 Unit 1. In touch with 1D This app To decode authentic listening
your feelings knows how speech in the context of an
you feel from authentic talk about an app that
the look on can read facial expressions;
your face To interpret information using
content words.
1 4.09 Unit 1. In touch with 1E The feel- To describe and discuss movies
your feelings good factor in pairs and groups
1 5.09 Unit 1. In touch with 1E The feel- To write a film review;
your feelings good factor To implement emphatic
language to describe movies.
1 6.09 Unit 1. In touch with Consolidation To recycle and revise Unit 1
your feelings
1 7.09 Summative assessment 1
1 8.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride 2A Getting To apply vocabulary items on
from A to B the topic of travel to talk about
1 11.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride 2A Getting To demonstrate general and
from A to B detailed comprehension of a
radio programme about three
unusual journeys to school.
1 12.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride 2A Getting To differentiate adjectives
from A to B ending in –ed and –ing
To apply adjectives ending in –
ed and –ing to talk about

1 13.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride 2B Urban To implement compound nouns

explorers to talk about Ss’ town or city
1 14.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride 2B Urban To predict the content of a
explorers reading text about urban
To show detailed
comprehension of a reading
To select relevant information
1 15.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride 2C Sydney on To narrate event in the past
20 dollars applying past simple, past
continuous, past perfect and
used to;
To raise Ss’ awareness of the
pronunciation of weak forms
of used
1 18.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride 2D Happy To compare different accents;
maps To show comprehension of
authentic speech;
To work out meaning of
unfamiliar lexis from context.
1 19.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride 2E You can’t To apply functional language
miss it for asking for and giving
directions in a role-play
1 20.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride 2E You can’t To write a story about a trip
miss it
1 21.09 Unit 2. Enjoy the ride Consolidation To revise and recycle Unit 2
1 22.09 Summative assessment 2
1 25.09 Unit 3 Active lives 3A Pushing To apply lexis on the topic of
the limits sports to talk about sport events
1 26.09 Unit 3. Active lives 3A Pushing To demonstrate general and
the limits detailed comprehension of a
podcast about Ashima Shiraishi
1 27.09 Unit 3. Active lives 3A Pushing To talk about experiences
the limits applying past simple and
present perfect for actions
completed in the past and
recent events
1 28.09 Unit 3. Active lives 3B To match phrasal verbs and its
Conservation synonyms;
through sport To explain meanings of phrasal
To apply phrasal verbs to oral
1 29.09 Unit 3. Active lives 3B To show general and detailed
Conservation comprehension of an article
through sport about how athletics can protect
Africa’s lions;
To present a balanced view
1 2.10 Unit 3. Active lives 3C Marathon To construct questions about
men and hobbies applying present
women perfect simple and continuous
for emphasizing the result and
duration of an action;
To raise Ss’ awareness of the
pronunciation of weak forms of
1 3.10 Unit 3. Active lives 3D How I To show comprehension of
swam the authentic talk about a swimmer;
North Pole To recognize signpost
1 4.10 Unit 3. Active lives 3E School To express and justify opinions;
sports To discuss and decide on the
best sports.
1 5.10 Unit 3. Active lives 3E School To brainstorm ideas;
sports To plan, organize and edit;
To write an opinion essay on
the topic of sports
1 6.10 Unit 3. Active lives Consolidation To revise and recycle Unit 3
1 9.10 Units 1-3 Consolidation To revise and recycle Units 1-3
1 10.10 Summative assessment 3
1 11.10 Feedback Feedback To work on problematic areas
1 12.10 Unit 4 Food 4A Learning to To implement food vocabulary
cook to describe food in a role-play
1 13.10 Unit 4 Food 4A Learning to To demonstrate overall and
cook detailed comprehension of a
podcast about cooking in
16-20 October Midterm
23-27 Reading Week
1 30.10 Unit 4 Food 4A Learning to To apply will, may/might,
cook present continuous, going to
and present simple to talk about
future plans, intentions and
arrangements in a group
1 31.10 Unit 4 Food 4B Street food T apply compound adjectives to
write about a dish that is
popular where Ss live
1 1.11 Unit 4 Food 4B Street food To demonstrate detailed
comprehension of an article
about the best street food in
1 2.11 Unit 4 Food 4C Feed the To predict, hypothesize and
world with … forecast about the future of
bugs? different food applying will,
going to, may/might, future
continuous and future perfect;
1 3.11 Unit 4 Food 4C Feed the To invent a dish in groups;
world with … To raise Ss’ awareness of
bugs? sentence stress in future
continuous and future perfect
1 6.11 Unit 4 Food 4D Why I am To show comprehension of an
a weekday authentic talk about
vegetarian vegetarians;
To raise Ss’ awareness of
pausing when speaking to an
To put into practice effective
persuasive techniques.
1 7.11 Unit 4 Food 4E Future To identify goals;
Plans To give recommendations on
how to achieve the goals
1 8.11 Unit 4 Food 4E Future To write a social media update
Plans about a trip applying interesting
language specific to social
1 9.11 Unit 4 Food Consolidation To recycle and revise Unit 4
1 10.11 Summative assessment 4
1 13.11 Exam practice Introduction to To recognize sections of PET
1 14.11 Exam practice Reading To skim a reading passage for
general information
1 15.11 (PET) Listening To practise listening skill for
specific information (note-
1 16.11 Exam practice Writing To recognize common spelling
To spell words correctly
1 17.11 (PET) Speaking To speak on common topics in
the frames of speaking part 1
1 20.11 Unit 5 Work 5A New ways To describe work implementing
of working topic-specific vocabulary

1 21.11 Unit 5 Work 5A New ways To demonstrate general

of working comprehension of a podcast
about the world of work;
To recognize individual lexical
items in a natural flow of
1 22.11 Unit 5 Work 5A New ways To apply appropriate verb
of working pattern either verbs +ing or
infinitive with to to talk about
career choices
1 23.11 Unit 5 Work 5B An unusual To distinguish different ways of
job seeing
1 24.11 Unit 5 Work 5B An unusual To demonstrate the ability to
job skim and scan an article about
CCTV cameras.
To identify exaggerated
excerpts and to explain why
they are exaggerated.
1 27.11 Unit 5 Work 5C Job To select appropriate modal
evaluation verbs for expressing obligation,
possibility, ability and advice;
To manipulate the forms of the
present and past modal verbs.
1 28.11 Unit 5 Work 5C Job To apply present and past
evaluation modal verbs to describe a job in
a group discussion
1 29.11 Unit 5 Work 5D Why the To demonstrate detailed
best hire might comprehension of an authentic
not have a talk about odd jobs;
perfect resume To compare and contrast ideas.
1 30.11 Unit 5 Work 5D Why the To apply techniques of working
best hire might with vocabulary in context
not have a
perfect resume
1 1.12 Unit 5 Work 5E Going for To role-play a job interview
the job
1 4.12 Unit 5 Work 5E Going for To write a formal letter of
the job application;
To apply hedging techniques to
avoid sounding arrogant
1 5.12 Unit 5 Work Consolidation To revise and recycle Unit 5
1 6.12 Summative assessment 5
1 7.12 Exam practice Reading To identify if statements about
(PET) a reading passage are True,
False or Not Given
1 8.12 Exam practice Listening To recognize relevant
(PET) information in oral speech to
complete notes
1 11.12 Exam practice Listening To practise test taking skills
(PET) Reading
1 12.12 Exam practice Speaking To produce a short monologue
(PET) in the frames of speaking part 2
1 13.12 Exam practice Writing To recognise writing task 1
(PET) types
1 14.12 Units 1-5 Consolidation To revise and recycle units 1-5
1 15.12 Units 1-5 Consolidation To revise and recycle units 1-5
19-22 Final Exam
25 December- 5 January Winter Break
1 8.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6A Amazing To implement lexis on the topic
bodies of body to discuss interesting
facts about the human body
1 9.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6A Amazing To demonstrate general and
bodies detailed comprehension of a
radio programme about the
human body
1 10.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6A Amazing To apply zero and first
bodies conditional in given situations
1 11.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6A Amazing To apply zero and first
bodies conditional to talk about
emergency situations and first
1 12.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6B More than To demonstrate general and
human detailed understanding of an
article about cyborgs
1 15.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6B More than To implement verbs describing
human ability to illustrate advantages
of smartphones
1 16.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6C First aiders To recognize and manipulate
the form of second conditional
1 17.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6C First aiders To implement second
conditional to talk about
hypothetical situations in small
1 18.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6D Deep sea To demonstrate comprehension
diving … in a of authentic speech about a
wheelchair person with disabilities and her
underwater adventures;
To follow the argument
1 19.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6E Physical To describe a photograph
1 22.01 Unit 6 Superhuman 6E Physical To write an informal e-mail
challenges describing people
To differentiate between formal
and informal registers.
1 23.01 Unit 6 Superhuman Consolidation To revise and recycle Unit 6
1 24.01 Summative assessment 6
1 25.02 IELTS Preparation Reading To identify the main idea of a
paragraph in a reading passage;
1 26.01 IELTS Preparation Listening To complete notes and
sentences based on a listening
1 29.01 IELTS Preparation Speaking To produce extended speech in
the frames of speaking part 2
1 30.01 IELTS Preparation Writing To selecting main features in a
1 31.01 Unit 7 Shopping 7A Money and To implement topic-specific
around me vocabulary to talk about
attitudes to money and
shopping in a group discussion
1 1.02 Unit 7 Shopping 7A Money and To show detailed
around me comprehension of a podcast
about alternatives to normal
1 2.02 Unit 7 Shopping 7A Money and To recognize and manipulate
around me passive structures
1 5.02 Unit 7 Shopping 7A Money and To implement passive
around me structures to talk about
shopping experiences in a
group discussion
1 6.02 Unit 7 Shopping 7B Waste not To demonstrate general and
around want not detailed comprehension of a
reading passage spending
To infer meanings hidden
between lines.
1 7.02 Unit 7 Shopping 7B Waste not To form regular and irregular
around want not adverbs of manner to modify
To apply adverbs of manner to
discuss statements about money
and shopping.
1 8.02 Unit 7 Shopping 7C Service in To implement have/get
around my town something done to talk about
services Ss’ families use
1 9.02 Unit 7 Shopping 7D Grow your To show overall comprehension
around own clothes of an authentic listening talk
about biodegradable materials;
To recognize reformulated
To discuss advantages and
disadvantages o Suzanne’s
1 12.02 Unit 7 Shopping 7E Buying and To role-play a conversation in a
around selling shop;
To perform a dialogue
1 13.02 Unit 7 Shopping 7E Buying and To write an announcement
around selling To select relevant information
for an announcement
1 14.02 Unit 7 Shopping Consolidation To revise and recycle Unit 7
1 15.02 Summative assessment 7
1 16.02 Exam practice Reading To recognize style, text
(PET) structure
1 19.02 Exam practice Listening To match lists and classify
(PET) information based on a listening
1 20.02 Exam practice Speaking To justify opinions and give
(PET) reasons in the frames of
speaking part 3
1 21.02 Exam practice Writing To write a letter to a friend
1 22.02 Unit 8 Effective 8A Getting To apply expressions about
communication your message communication to talk about
out effective communication in a
group discussion
1 23.02 Unit 8 Effective 8A Getting To demonstrate general and
communication your message detailed comprehension of a
out reading passage about how
Chris Hadfield communicated
with Earth from the
International Space Station
1 26.02 Unit 8 Effective 8A Getting To demonstrate the ability to
communication your message form reported speech questions
out and statements
1 27.02 Unit 8 Effective 8A Getting To implement reported speech
communication your message to report an imaginary
out interview with Chris Hadfield
1 28.02 Unit 8 Effective 8B To show general and detailed
communication Intercultural comprehension of an article
communicatio about an experiment in
n intercultural communication;
To recognize quotes in an
1 29.02 Unit 8 Effective 8B To form adjectives using
communication Intercultural negative prefixes;
communicatio To compare communication
n styles in Ss’ country
1 1.03 Unit 8 Effective 8C Ask me To recognize verb patterns and
communication anything reporting verbs;
To determine different
meanings of the same sentence
depending on the words
1 4.03 Unit 8 Effective 8C Ask me To apply verb patterns and
communication anything reporting verbs to report a
conversation to a class
1 5.03 Unit 8 Effective 8D 10 ways to To demonstrate comprehension
communication have a better of an authentic speech about
conversation ways to have better
To understand the main idea of
fast connected speech
1 6.03 Unit 8 Effective 8D 10 ways to To investigate opinions;
communication have a better To predict opinions based on
conversation the previously expressed
thoughts/ ideas.
1 7.03 Unit 8 Effective 8E I hear what To recognize sympathetic
communication you are saying intonation;
To respond sympathetically in a
role-play activity
1 11.03 Unit 8 Effective 8E I hear what To implement formal linkers
communication you are saying appropriately;
To wrote an email of complaint
1 12.03 Unit 8 Effective 8E I hear what Writing skill
communication you are saying
1 13.03 Unit 8 Effective Consolidation To review and recycle Unit 8
1 14.03 Units 8 Effective Consolidation To review and recycle Unit 8
1 15.03 Summative assessment 8
18-20 March Midterm
26-29 March Reading Week
1 1.04 Review Review To work on problematic areas
To write an action plan
1 2.04 Unit 9 Unexpected 9A Entertain To discuss creative arts
entertainment me implementing lexis on the topic
of ‘arts’
1 3.04 Unit 9 Unexpected 9A Entertain To demonstrate general and
entertainment me detailed comprehension of four
conversations about different
types of entertainment
1 4.04 Unit 9 Unexpected 9A Entertain To formulate defining relative
entertainment me clauses;
To define different objects
applying defining relative
clauses for partners to guess.
1 5.04 Unit 9 Unexpected 9B Fast art, To implement expressions with
entertainment big art make to talk about art
1 8.04 Unit 9 Unexpected 9B Fast art, To demonstrate general and
entertainment big art detailed comprehension of an
article about street art
1 9.04 Unit 9 Unexpected 9C A bit of To differentiate defining and
entertainment culture non-defining relative clauses;
To implement defining and
non-defining relative clause to
write a profile about a famous
1 10.04 Unit 9 Unexpected 9D The To show comprehension of an
entertainment world’s most authentic speech about
boring television;
television… To develop collaborative
and why it’s listening;
hilariously To support your argument
1 11.04 Unit 9 Unexpected 9E Well worth To ask for and make
entertainment seeing recommendations on different
categories of art
1 12.04 Unit 9 Unexpected 9E Well worth To organize an email into
entertainment seeing paragraphs;
To write an email describing a
place and its culture
1 15.04 Unit 9 Unexpected Consolidation To revise and recycle unit 9
1 16.04 Summative assessment 9
1 17.04 Exam practice Reading To read for gist
(PET) To identify key words
1 18.04 Exam practice Listening To listen for details to answer
(PET) multiple- choice questions
1 19.04 Exam practice Speaking To produce extended speech in
(PET) the frames of speaking part 2
1 22.04 Exam practice Writing To describe figures
1 23.04 Unit 10 Time 10A Spend To implement phrasal verbs
your time about time to talk about how
wisely people spend their time
1 24.04 Unit 10 Time 10A Spend To demonstrate general and
your time detailed comprehension of a
wisely programme about eight older
people offering advice
1 25.04 Unit 10 Time 10A Spend To recognize and be able to
your time manipulate the form of third
wisely conditional;
To apply third conditional to
write a letter of advice to one’s
younger self from the future
1 26.04 Unit 10 Time 10B The man To apply expressions of time to
who mastered write sentences about oneself
1 29.04 Unit 10 Time 10B The man To show comprehension of a
who mastered general idea and specific
time information of an article about
the clockmaker who changed
the world;
To draw conclusions based on
an article
1 30.04 Unit 10 Time 10C Plenty of To recognize and manipulate
time modal verbs: past speculation,
deduction and regret
1 2.05 Unit 10 Time 10C Plenty of To apply modal verbs to talk
time about success, failure and
consequences of different
experiences in a group
1 3.05 Unit 10 Time 10D Inside the To demonstrate the ability to
mind of a comprehend authentic listening
master speech about procrastination;
procrastinator To guess the meaning of new
1 6.05 Unit 10 Time 10E To explain causes and reasons
1 8.05 Unit 10 Time 10E To use discourse markers
Milestones appropriately;
To write for and against essay
1 10.05 Unit 10 Time Consolidation To revise and recycle unit 10
1 13.05 Unit 10 Time Consolidation To revise and recycle unit 10
1 14.05 Summative assessment 10
1 15.05 Presentation How to make a To plan and structure a
presentation presentation
1 16.05 Presentation How to make a To implement signposting
presentation language to a presentation
1 17.05 Presentation How to make a To select a topic and relevant
presentation information
1 20.05 Presentation How to make a To present presentations (Day
presentation 1)
1 21.05 Presentation How to make a To present presentations (Day
presentation 2)
1 22.05 Units 1-10 Consolidation To retrieve units 1-10
1 23.05 Units 1-10 Consolidation To retrieve units 1-10
1 24.05 Units 1-10 Consolidation To retrieve units 1-10

27- 31 May End-of-year assessment

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