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WEEK 28 TIME 11.00-12.00
DATE 12.10.2022 LESSON 99
TOPIC Science
THEME Science and Technology
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Vocabulary related to science
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.3 Use appropriate communication strategies
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking understanding of what a
speaker is saying
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Learn/ revise words related to space, medicine and the environment
2. Ask and answer questions about science
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teacher plays a game of Hangman to introduce the topic. Use
dashes to represent the letters of museum and write them on the
board. Teacher asks students to suggest letters of the alphabet.
Continue until students have guessed the word. Teacher makes
sure they pronounce museum correctly.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity 1 (SB page 52)
1. Students read the museum guide. Teacher plays the CD.
Students listen to the words in blue and repeat them
chorally and individually. Teacher makes sure they
pronounce the words correctly with the correct stress,
especially disease, vaccine and turbine.
Activity 2 (SB page 52)
1. Students work individually and answer the questions.
They compare answers in pairs. Teacher listens to their
ideas as a class.
Activity 3 (SB page 52)
1. Teacher explains the task. Students copy the table into
their notebooks. They sort the words in blue from exercise
1 into 3 categories and write the words in the correct
columns. They compare answers in pairs. Teacher check
answers as a class.
Activity 4(SB page 52)
1. Teacher explains the task. Tecaher gives students a couple
of minutes to think about their questions and to make a
few notes.
POST LESSON Punctuation ( refer to SOW page 153)
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Languange
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.

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