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BTVTED-ELT 3 November 6, 2023
TIC 04 Ma’am Reizel Cadavillo


ACTIVITY 1. Synthesize each curriculum guide and complete the table below.
Use your own words.

Curriculum Content Performance Learning

Guide Standard Standard Competencie
- the history and - students must - perform - find career
theories of state the accurately in opportunities in the
carpentry importance of accordance with industry
Carpentry - different aspects carpentry in the the training - demonstrate
of carpentry in the industry regulations of different aspects
industry - the learners are TESDA and in and concepts of
- opportunities you expected to deeply alignment with the Carpentry
can take after you understand the learning materials
graduate theories and and modules in
concepts of Carpentry
- basic concepts - the learners is - learners must - define the
and aspects of expected to deeply perform accurately importance of
Automotive Automotive understand the in accordance to concepts and
Servicing Servicing theories and the training theories in
- importance of concepts of regulations of Automotive
Automotive automotive TESDA and in Servicing
Servicing in the servicing alignment with the - explain the
Industry - clearly defined learning materials relevance of the
- opportunities you how automotive and modules in course in your
can take after you servicing is applied Automotive future
graduate in the industry Servicing
- different aspects - deeply - perform - show the
Electrical and concepts of understand the accurately in importance of
installation EIM concepts and accordance with Electrical
and - theories and application of the training Installation and
history of EIM Ohm’s law regulations of Maintenance
- OHM’s Law and - clearly stated and TESDA and in - discuss the ohm’s
how it is computed understand the alignment with the law in terms of its
-Tools and theories and learning materials application
Equipment history of EIM and modules in - Job opportunities
-the learners Electrical in the Industry
should be able to Installation and - demonstrate the
identify the Maintenance proper use of
different tools and different tools and
equipment in equipment
Installation and

ACTIVITY 2. Let’s say that T-shirt printing is an NC II area. Develop a portion of the
curriculum guide on T-shirt Printing. Complete the table below.

Curriculum Content Performance Learning

Guide Standar Standard Competencie
(1 only)
d (1 only) s
(1 only) (3 only)
Different the learners are each learner discuss the
aspects and layouts expected to must present a basic aspects of T-
in T-shirt Printing understand and layout of their shirt Printing
apply the different choice design but in perform the
aspects of T-shirt alignment with core competencies
T-shirt Printing Printing Training and its application
Regulations and
learning modules diverse your
knowledge on what
career opportunities
you can achieve

ACTIVITY 3. As an educator, how significant is your understanding of the

curriculum guide in this profession?

As an educator, it is valuable to understand and to be able to deliver curriculum

guides to a wide range of diverse students that are implemented in the school and are

typically designed by educational institutions or organizations to provide a structured

framework for teaching and learning a particular subject or skill. These guides are

intended for use by teachers and instructors to ensure that they cover essential topics

and concepts within the scope of the subject. It signifies my understanding of a

curriculum guide for my future endeavors in teaching my profession; it will guide you

in your role as an instructor or student in a relevant educational program. It would

help ensure that the curriculum aligns with industry standards and best practices in t-

shirt printing, which is important for delivering a comprehensive and relevant

educational experience.

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