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Introduction 1
Green paper 1
Reasons on why government 1&2
proposing new policy
Long term goals 2&3
Conclusion 3
Sources Consulted 3&4

This assignment is based on the “green paper” on why the government is proposing
the new policy of the new energy vehicle that will also create lot of job creation and
long-term goal in terms of ensuring that people are working, and it will not have the
effects on our climate change.


A green paper is normally a government policy discussion paper that details specific
issues and then points out possible course of action in terms of policy and
legislation, the main purpose of this new energy vehicle (NEV) paper is to establish a
clear policy foundation that will enable the country to coordinate a long-term strategy
that will also put South Africa at the forefront of advanced vehicle and vehicle
component manufactures and it will also increase our competitiveness in the global


According Studocu 1 month ago, university of a South Africa politics & public policy

1.International commitments: The automotive industry plays a significant role in the

economic life South Africa, approximately one third of value addition within the
domestic manufacturing sector is derived either directly or indirectly from the vehicle
assembly and automotive component manufactures. South Africa has invested in a
world-class automotive manufacturing base with strong government support and on-
going re-investment by a global original equipment manufacturers (OEMS).

The automotive sector and its public sector partners developed the South Africa
automotive masterplan with vision of becoming a globally competitive and
transformed industry that actively contributes to the sustainable developments of
South Africa productive economy.

2. climate changes: It also has been proved that the electric vehicles increase in
CO2 emissions of between 17% and 64%, the actual increase in the emissions by
electric vehicles might be less than this amount because there are always inefficient
cars on the roads in South Africa, small cars are known for their fuel efficiency and
lower C02 emission among the most C02 friendly small cars in South Africa.

3. Job creation and economic growth: The government sees the automotive industry
as a potential driver of job creation and economic growth, by promoting the new
energy vehicle (NEV) South Africa can attract investments in the manufacturing and
assembly of electric vehicles and related components, this can lead to the creation of
new job opportunities and the developments of skilled workforce in the automotive
sector and this will also help to reduce the rate of unemployment in South Africa and
create more opportunities.

4.Technological advancement: The transition to the new energy vehicle requires the
development and adoption of advanced technologies, by prioritizing new energy
vehicle the government aims to stimulate research and developments in the
automotive sector and the fostering technological innovation and competitiveness by
doing this it can position South Africa as the main hub of the electric vehicle
technology and attract investments from the global players in industry.

5. Environmental concerns: The government is proposing a new policy on

automotive policy in South Africa to make sure to prioritize the main transition to the
new energy vehicles due to growing environmental concerns such as the electric
vehicles, produce lower or zero emissions compared to traditional internal
combustion energy vehicle.



According Studco, University of South Africa & the “green paper” on the automotive
advancement of new energy vehicles

1.Economic growth: The sale of new energy vehicle improved significantly in 2022,
driven by a drastic increases in traditional hybrids, as the country largest
manufacturing sector vehicle and automotive component manufacturing accounted
for 18,7% of manufacturing output in 2020 down from the 2.6% in 2019 this was
because we were impacted by the COVID 19 in the industry unlike before, but
through the year 2021 to 2022 we have increased from 12% to 24,5% we also
assure that developments in the region have a direct and measurable impact on
South African automotive industry.

2.Skills development: Is to ensure a skilled workforce for new energy vehicle
industry, the government proposes to invest in training and education programs, this
includes partnership with educational institutions and industry stakeholders to
develop specialized training courses and apprenticeship programs.

3.International collaboration: International collaboration could also accelerate shared

innovation and technology developments, support the agreement of common
intervention standards, electric vehicles (EV) collaborations between global
automotive manufactures have started to gather pace in the new energy vehicle.

4.Industry collaboration: Partnership to explore new energy vehicle conversion in

South Africa and the automotive industry developments centre will also partner on
road mapping sector studies related to new energy vehicles, there may be greater
potential in starting immobility in public transport sector/delivery sector to meet
significant gap in market.

5. Ensuring that research and developments investments is strategically targeted at

activities that are likely to give South Africa competitive advantage and transaction of
South Africa towards cleaner fuel technologies available globally.

Development and investment in new energy vehicle components technology and

expansion of fledging electric supply chain, by increasing support and investment in
set of unique NEV components.


In summary, the green paper provided us with all the information that was needed
and it is also important that we understand that green paper is government policy
discussion paper that details specific issues and then points out possible courses of
action in terms of policy and legislation and also help to create more job


Studco , university of a as South Africa , politics and public policy

Study unit 1

Study unit 2

Study unit 3

Study unit 4

The auto green paper , 21 May 2021

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