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Introduction 1
Activity 3 1&2
Activity 4 2&3
Conclusion 3
Sources Consulted 3

This assignment is based on the strategic change, and how the strategic change
affects the organisation and the different stages of levels of an organisation, barriers
that implement the corporate communication strategy of an organisation and how to
manage the resistance in the organisation. Factors that are affected during
communication strategy formulation.


According to Ehlers and Lazenby (2010;265)

3.1. Strategic change: Strategic change involves a process to amend the

organisations current affairs for better future opportunities, which may improve its
competitive advantage. Keeping an organisation’s goal and objectives in sight while
adjusting tactics as new challenges arise.

According Ehlers and Lazenby (2010;265)

3.2. Lack of clear definitions in the tasks of employees because of transformation

taking place in the organisation. Lack of direction from the leadership of the
organisation when implementing a corporate communication strategy. Inadequacy of
the reporting instruments, which include communication and information systems of
the organisation on the progress made in relation to the corporate communication
strategy implementation process.

Disorder in the alignment of the corporate communication strategy with the

organisational structure. Employees failure to understand goals set for the
organisation to be achieved through the strategy implementation of corporate
communication. Ineffectiveness in the coordination efforts during the implementation
stage of corporate communication strategy. Exclusion of the corporate
communication strategy authors during the implementation strategy.

According Ehlers and Lazenby (2010:269)

3.3 Formulation of new alliances: A company may enter strategic alliance to expand
into new market, improve its product line or develop an edge over a competitor.

Government regulations: Rules that define bonds of legal behaviour.

Technology and business milieu: External factors in technology that impact business

According Angelopulo & Barker (2013;34)

3.4. Enterprise strategy: Is the broadcast strategy within the business that deals with
the organisation’s mission and role in society and it is developed by top management
and the board of directors.

Corporate strategy: Is a unique plan or framework that is long-term in nature,

designed with an objective to gain competitive advantage over other market
participants while delivering both on customer/client promise.

Business strategy: Is the long-term goal or roadmap for an organisation and how it
plans to reach them, and it also involves organisations competing in market plan.

Functional strategy: Is a business strategy that focuses on the action plans by a

particular functional area to achieve set business objectives.

Operational strategy: The system an organisation implements to achieve its long-

term goals and mission.


According to Thompson (2001;867) as quoted by Ehlers and Lazenby (2010:272)

4.1. Education and communication.

Explicit and implicit coelein.

Facilitation and support.

Participation and involvement.

Giving clear direction.

Manipulation and co-optation.

Negotiation and agreement.

According Ehlers and Lazenby 2010, Steyn & Puth 2000

4.2. Societal environment: Consists of social, economic, political, technological, and

ecological factors, economic factors take place both at international and national

level and include aspects such as whether people qualify for credit and how much
disposable income they must spend.

Operating environment: Is also known as task environment which consists of

suppliers, customers, competitors, and creditors since they all influence the
organisational day-to-day operation, the organisation and its operating environment
interact directly.

Industry environment: Comprises different organisations that produce similar

products or service and involves the threat of new entrants, bargaining power of
suppliers and bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products and


In summary, strategic change was well discussed, how it affects the organisation
and the barriers that implement a corporate communication within the organisation
and the ways to manage the resistance change within the organisation and the
external factors that are important during communication strategy formulation.


Ehlers and Lazenby 2010:269

Steyn and Puth 2000

Thompson 2001;867

Ehlers and Lazenby 2010;272

Angelopulo and Barker 2013;34

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