1ST Constitution of Pakistan 1956

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The first constitution of Pakistan was constituted in 1956 by the untiring

struggle of two constitutional assemblies of Pakistan with the delay of
about 9 year
The 1st constitution of Pakistan was approved on MARCH 23, 1956.at
that time Ch; Muhammad Ali was the prime minister of Pakistan.
Main Features of 1st constitution
Main features of the first constitution of Pakistan are given below.
1, Country Name
According to this constitution country name was Islamic republic of
2, Muslim President;
According to this constitution president of the countries will be Muslim
and forty years of age and 5 year tenure. He was authorized to appoint
governors, judges of Supreme Court.
3, Concept of sovereignty;
According to this, sovereignty over entire universe belongs to Allah.
4, State religion;
By this, Islam was considering given the status of the state religion.

5, Written constitution;
This constitution was written in form and consists of 234 articles and 6
schedules. The objective resolution was included in the constitution as a
6. Federal system
The constitution provided a federal system in the country. The power
was divided among the centre and the provinces. Federation consisted
of two provinces i.e west Pak and east Pak. A system of govt in which
Power is divided in b/w the centre and province. The subject was
divided into three lists [Federal, Provisional and Concurrent lists].
7, Parliamentary form;
In this constitution there will be parliamentary form of govt in Pakistan.
the president was the head of the state and prime minister was the
head of govt. the president had the nominal powers, the real powers
rested with the prime minister.
8. Unicameral Legislature:
According to the constitution of 1956, the unicameral legislature was
introduced in the country. It was named as the National Assembly
through indirect elections for five years. Total member of national
assembly were 300, both the provinces of the country were given
representation in national assembly.
9, Rigid constitution;
This constitution was rigid and amendment was not easy in this
constitution. Under this constitution, a two-third majority of the
parliaments could amendment in the Constitution.
10, National Language;
According to this, Urdu and Bengali were considered as a national
language of Pakistan.
11, Right of Minority;
This constitution gives protection to minority and they became free to
practice their religion.
12, Independent judiciary
The constitution provided for an independent judiciary in the country, a
supreme court was constituted. It was headed by chief justice.
13, Islamic law
According to this constitution No constitution law would be passed
against teaching of quran and sunnah and the existing laws would be
made Islamic law in character.
14, right of citizen;
It will be responsibility of Govt to give basic facilities of life to their

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