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Music Video Treatment

Title - Boys Don’t Cry

Logline - “But they should.”

Female lead provokes an argument with the male lead, her romantic partner who
is sat in her living room. She expresses concerns with his seemingly lack of
emotional investment in their relationship, and her feeling like he doesn’t care.
The male lead is unsure of what to say, his responses short. Eventually, the male
lead recognises that he cannot fix the situation and decides to leave. He takes his
guitar with him as he exits the house. The female lead, now alone in the room
clicks play on a Walkman which whirs, and we begin to hear the song ‘Boys Don't’
Cry’ fade in. We see the male lead walking away from the house, emotion
creeping through his face. He hides this with a white mask which he puts on
before continuing his departure.

The male lead rushes away from the house, trying to escape his emotions. He
arrives at a park where we see him travel throughout different areas of the
location. At each location he takes time to reflect on the relationship; he
occasionally will have his guitar in hand, as if he is playing along to the music, or
will have a notebook in which he writes lyrics of the song to represent his

After reflecting on the situation, he realises he needs to win his partner back by
being more open and honest with her about his feelings and become more
emotionally available. He runs down through the park and then back along the
street and up the road to the house.

As the male lead arrives back at the house, he bangs on the door, desperate to
see the person he loves. As the female lead opens the door, he removes his mask
– representing his willingness to be open with her. She recognises this and seems
relieved and sympathetic. The male lead’s face is filled with tears as the two stare
at each other in the driveway and the music fades out.

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